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MongoDB Atlas

View Activity Feed

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  • View the Activity Feed

The Atlas Organization Activity Feed displays select events that occurred for a given Atlas organization, such as billing or access events.

The Atlas Project Activity Feed provide more granular detail about the state of your cluster and database. The Project Activity Feed displays select events that occurred for a given Atlas project, such as auto-scaling changes to a minimum or maximum cluster tier.

To view the Organization Activity Feed, you must have Organization Member access or higher to the organization.

To view the Project Activity Feed, you must have Project Read Only access or higher to the project.

You can access events at the organization or project level. You can use the Atlas UI, Atlas CLI, or the Atlas Administration API. Select the following tabs based on how you would like to access events.


The Organization Activity Feed provides records of all activity at the organization level from the organization's creation to its deletion.

To return all events for an organization using the Atlas CLI, run the following command:

atlas events organizations list [options]

To learn more about the command syntax and parameters, see the Atlas CLI documentation for atlas events organizations list.


See: Related Links

You can retrieve events for an organization using the get all API resource.

To view and filter the Organization Activity Feed in the Atlas UI:

  1. If it's not already displayed, select your desired organization from the Organizations menu in the navigation bar.

  2. Click the Organization Settings icon next to the Organizations menu.


Click Activity Feed in the sidebar.


You can filter the organization activity feed by event type and time range. You can combine filtering methods together for greater control over the activity feed output.

Filter by time range
Select a Start Date and End Date to view events from within a specified time range. Once you have configured a time range, click Apply Dates to update the activity feed with the specified range.
Filter by event

Select the event categories or specific events you want to see from the activity feed. To exclude specific categories or events from the activity feed, click Select all categories and events, then deselect the categories and events you want to exclude.

You can filter events based on the following categories:


Events related to Atlas users. The following filters are available:

  • A new API key has been created

  • A Role Mapping was created

  • A Role Mapping was deleted

  • A Role Mapping was updated

  • All organization users have MFA enabled

  • An API Key has been deleted

  • An organizational policy was cloned

  • An organizational policy was created

  • An organizational policy was deleted

  • An organizational policy was edited

  • API Key Access List Entry Added

  • API Key Access List Entry Deleted

  • API Key added to Group

  • API Key Description Changed

  • API Key removed from Group

  • API Key Roles Changed

  • API Key Whitelist Entry Added

  • API Key Whitelist Entry Deleted

  • Domain was created

  • Domain was deleted

  • Domain was verified

  • Domains were associated with the Identity Provider

  • Failed purchasing Flex Consulting

  • Federation settings have been created

  • Federation settings have been deleted

  • Federation settings have been updated

  • Flex Consulting purchase made

  • Identity Provider was activated

  • Identity Provider was created

  • Identity Provider was deleted

  • Identity Provider was updated

  • MongoDB Support restricted from accessing Atlas backend infrastructure for all clusters in this organization

  • MongoDB Support unrestricted from accessing Atlas backend infrastructure for all clusters in this organization

  • Multi-factor Authentication Optional

  • Multi-factor Authentication Required

  • Organization Federation settings were deleted

  • Organization Federation settings were updated

  • Organization membership restriction was disabled

  • Organization membership restriction was enabled

  • Organization settings were configured

  • Organization's identity provider certificate is about to expire

  • Organization's identity provider certificate is current

  • Require IP Access List for Public API Enabled

  • Require IP Whitelist for Public API Enabled

  • Team added to project

  • Team created

  • Team deleted

  • Team name changed

  • Team removed from project

  • Team roles modified in project

  • Team updated

  • User had their role changed

  • User joined the organization

  • User joined the team

  • User left the organization

  • User left the team

  • User was invited to organization


Events related to alert configuration and monitoring. The following filters are available:

  • Alert acknowledged

  • Alert configuration added

  • Alert configuration changed

  • Alert configuration deleted

  • Alert configuration disabled

  • Alert configuration enabled

  • Alert unacknowledged

  • Organization users do not have MFA enabled


Events related to payments and payment methods. The following filters are available:

  • A new organization has been linked to this paying organization

  • Account downgraded

  • Account modified

  • Account upgraded

  • Active Invoicing Period initiated

  • Active Invoicing Period stopped

  • Admin Override payment method added

  • AWS Usage Reported

  • Credit Amount Modified

  • Credit card charge has failed

  • Credit card information was updated

  • Credit card is about to expire

  • Credit card is current

  • Credit card was added

  • Credit card was successfully charged

  • Credit End Date Modified

  • Credit issued

  • Credit issued

  • Credit issued

  • Credit SFOLI modified

  • Credit Start Date pulled forward

  • Current bill for organization is over the limit you set

  • Current bill is below the limit you set

  • Discount applied

  • GCP Usage Reported

  • Invoice address added

  • Invoice address changed

  • Invoice closed

  • Invoice has been paid by check

  • Invoice has been paid by wire transfer

  • Organization has become a paying organization

  • Organization has been linked to a paying organization

  • Organization locked due to unpaid charges over 60 days

  • Organization suspended due to unpaid charges over 30 days

  • Organization sync with SFSC initiated

  • Payment forgiven

  • Payment was modified by private API endpoint

  • PayPal account is linked

  • PayPal account is updated

  • PayPal billing agreement has been cancelled

  • PayPal charge has failed

  • Prepaid plan added

  • Promo Credit issued

  • Refund issued

  • Support plan activated

  • Support plan cancellation scheduled

  • Support plan cancelled

  • Terminate all paid services for organization


Events related to the organization. The following filters are available:

  • Amount billed yesterday is above the limit you set

  • Clusters deleted for projects in this organization

  • Clusters paused for projects in this organization

  • Current bill for any single project is above the limit you set

  • Daily amount billed is below the limit you set

  • IP Access List for Public API Not Required

  • IP Whitelist for Public API Not Required

  • Organization has been created

  • Organization has been granted temporary access

  • Organization has been reactivated

  • Organization has been renamed

  • Organization has been suspended by an administrator

  • Organization limit updated

  • Project charges ($) are below threshold

  • The SalesForce account ID was changed


Miscellaneous events, including log retrieval and BI Connector events. The following filters are available:

  • Atlas support plan updated

  • Database users imported to project from mLab deployment

  • IP whitelist imported to project from mLab deployment

  • Migration configuration from mLab initiated

  • Migration database renamed

  • Migration dump/restore started

  • Migration dump/restore test skipped

  • Migration dump/restore test started

  • Migration from mLab cancelled

  • Migration from mLab completed

  • Migration live import cancelled

  • Migration live import cutover complete

  • Migration live import error

  • Migration live import ready for cutover

  • Migration live import started

  • Migration prerequisites acknowledged

  • Migration target cluster created

  • Migration target cluster set

  • Migration target project set

  • mLab Migration: Opted out of support plan

  • Organization connected to mLab account

  • Organization disconnected from mLab account

  • Support email sent


Events related to Atlas projects. The following filters are available:

  • Project moved

  • Project was created

  • Project was deleted


The Project Activity Feed provides records of all activity from the project's creation to its deletion.

To return all events for a project using the Atlas CLI, run the following command:

atlas events projects list [options]

To learn more about the command syntax and parameters, see the Atlas CLI documentation for atlas events projects list.

You can retrieve events for a project using the get all API resource.

To view and filter the Project Activity Feed in the Atlas UI:

  1. If it's not already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the Organizations menu in the navigation bar.

  2. If it's not already displayed, select your desired project from the Projects menu in the navigation bar.

  3. Do one of the following steps:

    • Click the Project Activity Feed icon in the right side of the navigation bar.

    • Next to the Projects menu, expand the Options menu, click Project Settings, and click Activity Feed in the sidebar.


You can filter the project activity feed by event type, cluster, and time range. You can combine filtering methods together for greater control over the activity feed output.

Filter by event

Select the event categories or specific events you want to see from the activity feed. To exclude specific categories or events from the activity feed, click Select all categories and events, then deselect the categories and events you want to exclude.

You can filter events based on the following categories:


Events related to Atlas users. The following filters are available:

  • A new API key has been created

  • A third party integration has been configured

  • A third party integration has been removed

  • All users have multi-factor authentication enabled

  • An API Key has been deleted

  • API Key Access List Entry Added

  • API Key Access List Entry Deleted

  • API Key added to Group

  • API Key Description Changed

  • API Key removed from Group

  • API Key Roles Changed

  • API Key Whitelist Entry Added

  • API Key Whitelist Entry Deleted

  • M0 clusters per project limit exceeded

  • No pending user requests to join project

  • Number of M0 clusters per project within limit

  • Request to join project was approved

  • Request to join project was denied

  • Security checkup alerts updated

  • Team added to project

  • Team removed from project

  • Team roles modified in project

  • User had their role changed

  • User joined the project

  • User left the project

  • User requested to join project

  • User security settings updated

  • User was invited to project

  • Users awaiting approval to join project

  • Users do not have multi-factor authentication enabled


Events related to the MongoDB agent. The following filters are available:

  • Automation is down

  • Automation is up

  • Backup does not have the latest version

  • Backup has the latest version

  • Backup is down

  • Backup is up

  • Monitoring does not have the latest version

  • Monitoring has the latest version

  • Monitoring is down

  • Monitoring is up

  • New agent


Events related to alert configuration and monitoring. The following filters are available:

  • A collection was created for a cluster

  • A list of database collections requested for a cluster

  • A list of database namespaces requested for a cluster

  • A list of databases requested for a cluster

  • Alert acknowledged

  • Alert configuration added

  • Alert configuration changed

  • Alert configuration deleted

  • Alert configuration disabled

  • Alert configuration enabled

  • Alert unacknowledged

  • Cluster feature compatibility version was fixed

  • Cluster feature compatibility version was unfixed

  • Cluster version was fixed

  • Cluster version was unfixed

  • Inside metric threshold

  • Outside metric threshold

  • Run aggregation

  • Serverless metric inside threshold

  • Serverless metric outside threshold


Events related to Atlas. The following filters are available:

  • Auto-created index build completed

  • Auto-created index build failed

  • Auto-healing system took action

  • Auto-indexing disabled

  • Auto-indexing enabled

  • Cloud Provider Access AWS IAM Role added

  • Cloud Provider Access AWS IAM Role deleted

  • Cloud Provider Access AWS IAM Role updated

  • Compute auto-scale initiated

  • Disk auto-scale initiated

  • Online Archive active

  • Online Archive created

  • Online Archive deleted

  • Online Archive orphaned

  • Online Archive pause requested

  • Online Archive paused

  • Online Archive updated

  • Online Archive, Insufficient Indexes Alert

  • Online Archive, Insufficient Indexes Alert Resolved

  • Pending indexes deleted

  • Process restart requested

  • Query logs downloaded for Online Archive

  • Rolling index build failed

  • Slow index build detected for auto-created index

  • Stalled index build detected for auto-created index

  • Submitted auto-created index build

Atlas Network and Security

Events related to authentication and MongoDB users. The following filters are available:

  • Audit log configuration updated

  • AWS encryption key needs rotation

  • AWS Encryption key rotation no longer due

  • AWS VPC peer created

  • AWS VPC peer deleted

  • AWS VPC peer updated

  • Azure encryption key needs rotation

  • AZURE Encryption key rotation no longer due

  • Azure Virtual Network peering connection active

  • Azure Virtual Network peering deleted

  • Azure Virtual Network peering initiated

  • Azure Virtual Network peering updated

  • Customer key management service encryption at rest key is no longer accessible

  • Encryption at Rest configuration updated

  • GCP encryption key needs rotation

  • GCP Encryption key rotation no longer due

  • GCP VPC peer created

  • GCP VPC peer deleted

  • GCP VPC peering connection active

  • GCP VPC peering connection inactive

  • GCP VPC peering updated

  • MongoDB custom role added

  • MongoDB custom role deleted

  • MongoDB custom role updated

  • MongoDB user added

  • MongoDB user deleted

  • MongoDB user updated

  • MongoDB user X509 certificate created

  • MongoDB user X509 certificate revoked

  • Network permission entry added

  • Network permission entry removed

  • Network permission entry updated

  • Private endpoint created

  • Private endpoint deleted

  • Private endpoint patched

  • Private endpoint service created

  • Private endpoint service deleted

  • Private network endpoint entry added

  • Private network endpoint entry removed

  • Private network endpoint entry updated

  • Self-managed X509 CRL updated

  • X.509 User Authentication, Client Certificates Expiration Alert

  • X.509 User Authentication, Client Certificates Expiration Alert Resolved

  • X.509 User Authentication, Self-Managed CA Expiration Alert

  • X.509 User Authentication, Self-Managed CA Expiration Alert Resolved

  • X.509 User Authentication, Self-Managed CRL Expiration Alert

  • X.509 User Authentication, Self-Managed CRL Expiration Alert Resolved


Events related to stopping operations and modifying cluster data. The following filters are available:

  • Attempted to kill operation

  • Attempted to kill session

  • Error when user attempted to perform a Data Explorer CRUD operation, data could have been modified

  • Granted temporary infrastructure access to MongoDB Support for 24 hours

  • Revoked temporary infrastructure access to MongoDB Support

  • Sample dataset load requested

  • Unprovisioned target group deletion requested

  • User attempted to perform a Data Explorer CRUD operation, which could modify data

  • User disabled auto defer

  • User enabled auto defer

  • User performed a Data Explorer CRUD operation, which modifies data

  • User performed a Data Explorer read only operation

  • User requested immediate start of project maintenance

  • User requested maintenance for the next window without 72-hours notice


Events related to Atlas cluster backups. The following filters are available:

  • A Cloud Backup restore has been requested

  • A export bucket has been deleted

  • A fallback snapshot failed

  • A master key rotation has been requested for a replica set.

  • A new export bucket has been added

  • A regular backup failed, but Atlas was able to take a fallback snapshot

  • A restore failed

  • A restore has been requested

  • A restore succeeded

  • A snapshot was taken successfully

  • A tenant restore has been requested

  • A tenant restore has completed

  • A tenant snapshot download has been requested

  • A tenant snapshot has been deleted

  • A tenant snapshot has completed

  • A tenant snapshot has started

  • An on-demand snapshot has been requested

  • Backup authentication credentials updated for cluster

  • Backup authentication credentials updated for replica set

  • Backup configuration is consistent

  • Backup has a good clustershot

  • Backup has been resynced

  • Backup has possibly inconsistent cluster snapshots

  • Backup initial sync finished

  • Backup initial sync started

  • Backup oplog is behind

  • Backup oplog is current

  • Backup requires a resync

  • Backup sync has been initiated

  • Backup sync is pending

  • Checkpoint interval updated for cluster

  • Cloud Backup schedule updated for cluster

  • Cluster backup state is now

  • Cluster snapshot has been deleted

  • Cluster storage engine has been updated

  • Clustershot expiry has been updated.

  • Disabling Backup Compliance Policy has been completed.

  • Disabling Backup Compliance Policy has been requested.

  • Enabling Backup Compliance Policy has been completed.

  • Enabling Backup Compliance Policy has been requested.

  • Excluded namespaces were modified for cluster

  • Excluded namespaces were modified for replica set

  • Export snapshot failed

  • Export snapshot succeeded

  • Inconsistent backup configuration has been detected

  • No snapshot taken over configured period

  • Replica set backup state is now

  • Replica set storage engine has been updated

  • Snapshot expiry has been updated.

  • Snapshot has been deleted

  • Snapshot has been deleted

  • Snapshot has completed

  • Snapshot has started

  • Snapshot schedule updated for cluster

  • Snapshot schedule updated for replica set

  • Snapshot's retention has been edited

  • Tenant snapshot failed

  • Updating Backup Compliance Policy has been completed.

  • Updating Backup Compliance Policy has been requested.

  • Your snapshot download request failed because of a temporary error in provisioning resources. Please try again.


Events related to payments and payment methods. The following filters are available:

  • Account closure initiated

  • Account downgraded

  • Account modified

  • Account upgraded

  • Active Invoicing Period initiated

  • Active Invoicing Period stopped

  • Credit card charge has failed

  • Credit card information was updated

  • Credit card is about to expire

  • Credit card is current

  • Credit card was added

  • Credit card was successfully charged

  • Credit End Date Modified

  • Credit issued

  • Credit Start Date pulled forward

  • Daily amount billed ($) is above threshold

  • Daily amount billed ($) is below threshold

  • Discount applied

  • Invoice address added

  • Invoice address changed

  • Invoice closed

  • Invoice has been paid by check

  • Invoice has been paid by wire transfer

  • Monthly bill has exceeded the limit you set

  • Monthly pending invoice ($) total is below threshold

  • Organization sync with SFSC initiated

  • Payment forgiven

  • PayPal charge has failed

  • Prepaid plan added

  • Project has been granted temporary access

  • Project has been reactivated

  • Project locked due to unpaid invoices over 60 days

  • Project suspended due to unpaid invoices over 30 days

  • Promo Credit issued

  • Refund issued

  • Service restored because all invoices are paid in full

  • Service suspended due to unpaid invoice(s) more than 30 days old

  • Support plan activated

  • Support plan cancellation scheduled

  • Support plan cancelled

  • Terminate all paid services for organization


Events related to MongoDB Charts tenants. The following filters are available:

  • Charts activated

  • Charts activation requested

  • Charts reset

  • Charts upgraded


Events related to clusters and shard management, such as mongos events. This includes events for both replica sets and sharded clusters. The following filters are available:

  • A cluster had its SSL certificate manually rotated

  • A Live Migration failed because the cutover time window expired

  • An admin backup snapshot for an instance in the cluster requested

  • An instance in the cluster had its config manually updated

  • An instance in the cluster had its SSL certificate manually revoked

  • An instance in the cluster had its SSL certificate manually rotated

  • An instance in the cluster was manually replaced

  • An instance in the cluster was manually restarted

  • An instance in the cluster was manually stopped and started

  • An instance replacement in the cluster was manually cleared

  • An instance resync in the cluster was manually cleared

  • An instance resync in the cluster was manually requested

  • An instance update in the cluster was manually requested

  • Cluster data migration cancelled

  • Cluster data migration completed

  • Cluster data migration restart requested

  • Cluster data migration started

  • Cluster delete submitted

  • Cluster deleted

  • Cluster has an active mongos

  • Cluster has been automatically paused due to inactivity

  • Cluster is missing an active mongos

  • Cluster Mongot process arguments update submitted

  • Cluster oplog size was changed

  • Cluster server parameters update submitted

  • Cluster startup parameters update submitted

  • Cluster update completed

  • Cluster update started

  • Cluster update submitted

  • Completed a plan

  • Container subnets update requested

  • Database profiling disabled

  • Database profiling enabled

  • Deployment configuration published

  • Host added

  • Host added to replica set

  • Host does not have the latest version

  • Host experienced a rollback

  • Host has been downgraded

  • Host has been upgraded

  • Host has index suggestions

  • Host has recovered

  • Host has restarted

  • Host has security recommendations

  • Host has the latest version

  • Host IP address changed

  • Host is configured in accordance with security best practices

  • Host is down

  • Host is exposed to the public Internet

  • Host is locked down

  • Host is new

  • Host is now a standalone

  • Host is now primary

  • Host is now secondary

  • Host is recovering

  • Host is up

  • Host removed

  • Host removed from replica set

  • Host undeleted

  • Host version changed

  • Host's SSL certificate is current

  • Host's SSL certificate will expire within 21 days

  • Index Build Completed

  • Index Build Failed

  • Logs downloaded for Atlas host

  • Logs downloaded for BI Connector

  • Mongot no longer crashing due to out of memory error

  • Monitoring for host disabled

  • Monitoring for host disabled and hidden

  • Monitoring for host hidden

  • Monitoring for host paused

  • Monitoring for host resumed

  • Move in progress was skipped

  • New cluster created

  • New cluster ready to use

  • Plan was manually abandoned

  • Proxy has panicked

  • Proxy was restarted

  • Replica set elected a new primary

  • Replica set elected multiple primaries

  • Replica set elected one primary

  • Replica set has an updated configuration

  • Replica set has enough healthy members

  • Replica set has no primary

  • Replica set has too few healthy members

  • Replica set has too many election events

  • Replica set has too many unhealthy members

  • Replica set member added

  • Replica set member removed

  • Replication Oplog Window

  • Replication oplog window is healthy

  • Rolling Index Build Succeeded

  • Scheduled maintenance will occur

  • Search process ran out of memory

  • Secondary Index automatically created

  • Shard added

  • Shard removed

  • Shared cluster upgrade started

  • Started a plan

  • Tenant cluster upgrade from MTM

  • Tenant restore failed

  • Test of primary failover requested

  • Value is no longer anomalous

Data Federation

Events related to Atlas Data Federation:

  • Data Federation tenant removed

  • Data Federation tenant updated

  • New Data Federation tenant created

  • Query logs downloaded for Data Federation Tenant


Events related to maintenance windows and maintenance requests. The following filters are available:

  • Agent version was fixed

  • Agent version was unfixed

  • Chef tarball URI override has been set

  • Image override JSON has been set

  • Instance force replaced for OS maintenance

  • Instance Reboot for OS maintenance requested

  • Maintenance Is Scheduled

  • Maintenance is Scheduled

  • Maintenance No Longer Needed

  • Maintenance Started

  • Maintenance window configuration added

  • Maintenance window configuration changed

  • Maintenance window configuration deleted


Miscellaneous events, including log retrieval and BI Connector events. The following filters are available:

  • BI Connector is down

  • BI Connector is up

  • Case created.

  • Log collection has been requested.

  • Logs archive download has started.

  • Support email sent

App Services

Events related to Atlas App Services. The following filters are available:

  • A Custom URL has been confirmed for static hosting

  • A Sync process has failed and cannot be restarted

  • A Trigger has failed and cannot be restarted

  • A user (or Code Deployment) attempted to deploy changes but encountered an error

  • A user (or Code Deployment) has deployed changes successfully to an App Services application

  • An overall request rate limit has been hit


Events related to Atlas projects. The following filters are available:

  • Admin requested immediate planning for project

  • Agent API key was created

  • Agent API key was deleted

  • Failure count for all plans in project was reset

  • License accepted

  • Project has been flushed

  • Project limit updated

  • Project maintenance deferred by one week

  • Project maintenance window created

  • Project maintenance window modified

  • Project maintenance window removed

  • Project moved

  • Project name changed

  • Project scheduled maintenance will occur

  • Project was created

  • Project was deleted

Resource Tags

Events related to Atlas resource tags. The following filter is available:

  • Tag(s) were added/modified.


Events related to Atlas Search Indexes. The following filters are available:

  • Failed to delete Atlas Search indexes

  • Search Index Build Complete

  • Search Index Build Failed

  • Search Index Created

  • Search Index Deleted

  • Search Index Updated


Events related to Atlas Serverless. The following filters are available:

  • New serverless instance created

  • New serverless instance ready to use

  • Serverless auto-scale initiated

  • Serverless Deployment created

  • Serverless Deployment deleted

  • Serverless Deployment Instance rebooted

  • Serverless Deployment Instance replaced

  • Serverless Deployment updated

  • Serverless horizontal scale initiated

  • Serverless instance delete submitted

  • Serverless instance deleted

  • Serverless instance update completed

  • Serverless instance update started

  • Serverless instance update submitted

  • Serverless vertical scale initiated

Filter by deployments
Select the cluster or clusters to view events. You can view events from active clusters and deleted clusters.
Filter by time range
Select a Start Date and End Date to view events from within a specified time range. Once you have configured a time range, click Apply Dates to update the activity feed with the specified range.




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