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Create and Manage Billing Dashboards

On this page

  • Billing Dashboards
  • Required Access
  • Limitations
  • Create a Billing Dashboard
  • Apply Dashboard Filters
  • Manage Atlas Billing Ingestions

You can visualize your Atlas billing data in Atlas Charts by creating a billing dashboard. Billing dashboards are dashboards with prebuilt charts that help you monitor your Atlas usage. After you ingest your billing data, you can add a billing dashboard and customize it to suit your specific billing needs.

To learn more about how Atlas bills your deployments, see Manage Billing.

Billing dashboards provide metrics and detailed charts about the usage in an organization across different categories and periods of time. The insights from your dashboard can help you optimize your Atlas spending.

Atlas Billing Dashboard example.
click to enlarge

By default, billing dashboards include the following metrics and charts:

  • Total spending across the organization

  • Biggest spenders in the organization

  • Total spending by instance size, project, cluster, product category, or SKU

  • Total cost by product category

You can also customize your billing dashboard by applying dashboard filters and adding new charts, including any charts that use tags that you've applied to your billing data.

To create a billing dashboard, you must have at least Project Data Access Read/Write permissions.

At any given time, billing dashboards use the last twelve months of the specified organization's billing data.

If you enable linked invoices on an existing ingestion, the billing dashboard uses the last three months of each linked organization's billing data. If you enable linked invoices on a new ingestion, it uses the last twelve months of data.

If you change an existing invoice, Atlas updates the billing data in your ingestion only if you've incurred the invoice within the last three months. Any invoice changes reflect in your dashboard after the next scheduled ingestion.

If you've created an ingestion previously and want to create a new ingestion, you must specify a new database to store the billing data for the ingestion or delete the old database if you want to use the same database name.

To ingest your billing data and add a billing dashboard:


Click Ingestions under the Deployments heading in the sidebar.


The New Configuration dialog box displays.

Configuration box for the Atlas Billing Ingestion.
click to enlarge
  1. Specify the organization for which to create the billing dashboard. By default, Charts selects the current organization.

    To use a different organization, select Another and specify the Organization ID. You can find the Organization ID in the specified organization's settings.


    If you use cross-organization billing, specify the Organization ID for the paying organization.

  2. Enable or disable ingesting invoices from linked organizations.

  3. Enter the Public API key and Private API key for the specified organization.

    Your key pair must have at least Organization Billing Admin and Organization Billing Viewer access.

    To learn how to create and view an API key for an organization, see Grant Programmatic Access to Atlas.

  4. From the dropdown, select the Target deployment to store your billing data.

  5. (Optional) Change the Database name.


Charts uses the Invoices API to ingest the last twelve months of the specified organization's billing data into the specified deployment and database. After you create the initial ingestion, Atlas ingests billing data daily.


Charts generates the billing dashboard and saves it to the Dashboards page. All dashboard and chart features, such as dashboard filters and interactive filtering, apply to billing dashboards and its prebuilt charts.

To learn more about filtering billing dashboards, see Apply Dashboard Filters.

You can use dashboard filters to refine the charts across your billing dashboard. By default, billing dashboards include filters on the following fields from your billing data:

  • name

  • cluster

  • category

  • sku

To view active filters, click the filter icon in the top-right corner of your dashboard to expand the Dashboard Filters pane.

In the Dashboard Filters pane, you can manage your active filters or click Edit to add and apply new filters. When you apply a filter, the charts in your dashboard update to display only data that matches the field values that you filtered on.

To learn more, see The Dashboard Filters Pane.

Consider a sample billing dashboard that uses the following filters:

  • A filter on the category field to include only invoices related to the Charts and Private Endpoint categories.

  • A filter on the date field to include only invoices incurred within the past 6 months.

Once the filters are applied, the charts in the billing dashboard highlight only the values specified in these filters. For example:

A sample Billing Dashboard with filters on the category
and date fields.
click to enlarge

To edit an existing billing ingestion:


Click Ingestions under the Deployments heading in the sidebar.


To delete an existing billing ingestion:


Click Ingestions under the Deployments heading in the sidebar.



Manage Existing Dashboards


Import and Export a Dashboard