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Atlas Charts

Data Sources

On this page

  • Connect or Disconnect Data Sources and Deployments
  • Manage Data Sources
  • Manage Deployments
  • Edit a Chart's Data Source
  • Try Out Charts with the Sample Data Source

A data source in Atlas Charts references one of the following:

  • A collection or database view in your MongoDB deployment.

  • A charts view that you create using a collection.

You can use the fields in the data source to construct a chart. When you build a chart, you must specify the data source that the chart uses.

Deployments in Atlas Charts reference Atlas deployments that contain valid Charts data sources, including:

An Atlas Project Owner can connect or disconnect data sources and deployments. To learn more, see Manage Data Sources.


Charts connects to all deployments and data sources in your project by default.

To manage settings for a data source, see Manage Data Sources. To manage pipelines, see Create and Manage Charts Views.


To apply a pipeline, use a charts view. You can't apply pipelines to an entire collection.

To manage settings for the Atlas deployments that contain your data sources, see Manage Deployments.

To edit the data source for an existing chart:


From the Dashboards page, select the dashboard that contains the chart.


The button says Select if you have not selected a data source, or it says the name of the currently selected data source.


All of your connected deployments appear.


A deployment and its data sources won't display on the Select Data Source modal unless they are connected to Charts. Only a Project Owner can connect or disconnect deployments and data sources. All deployments and data sources in the project connect to Charts by default.


The database's data sources appear. You can click on a data source's name to view a preview of its data.


To learn how to set the data source for a new chart, see Build Charts.

Charts automatically includes the Sample Data: Movies data source in all Charts tenants. The Sample Dashboard uses this data source to show the charts you can create. You can access the sample data source from all dashboards.

You can't:

  • Add, edit, or delete the data in the Sample Data: Movies data source.

  • Remove the sample data source.

  • Externally share or embed charts that use the sample data.


Schedule Dashboard Reports


Manage Data Sources