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MongoDB Atlas

Atlas SQL Changelog

Released August 15, 2024

  • Releases version 2.2.0 of the JDBC driver.

  • Introduces driver support for jBoss Log Manager for logging.

  • Updates UUID string representation to the extended json uuid format {$uuid : "val"} instead of the generic base64 binary data format { "$binary":{"base64": "base64val", "subType": "xx"}. For subType 03, you can use the uuidRepresentation connection option.

Released July 8, 2024

  • Introduces OIDC authentication for the ODBC driver.

  • Updates the ODBC driver to version 1.4.1.

  • Adds conversion support for wlongvarchar and wvarcchar in the ODBC driver.

  • Addresses the low and medium static code analysis findings for the ODBC driver.

Released June 27, 2024

  • Updates the JDBC driver to version 2.1.4.

  • Updates the ODBC driver to version 1.3.4.

  • Publishes checksum for validating the signed msi for ODBC.

Released June 24, 2024

  • Updates the Tableau custom connector (for the MongoDB JDBC driver) to version 1.3.0.

  • Adds the ability to choose between two authentication types:

    • Certificate / Token

    • Username and Password

    If you choose Certificate / Token, the username and password are not required.

Released June 21, 2024

  • Updates the JDBC driver to version 2.1.3.

  • Introduces OIDC authentication for the JDBC driver.

  • Adds caching of MongoClient instances.

Released May 22, 2024

  • Updates the ODBC driver to version 1.3.3.

  • Adds a checkbox on the ODBC driver DSN configuration UI to indicate whether to limit the maximum string length to 4000 characters. To work with BI tools, like Microsoft SQL Server Linked Server, which can't handle variable length string data with no known maximum length, you must enable this option.

Released April 24, 2024

  • Updates the JDBC driver to version 2.1.2, which now ignores both "true" and "false" setAutoCommit values instead of returning an exception when "true".

Released April 22, 2024

  • Updates the ODBC driver to version 1.3.0.

  • Adds support for result set data column-wise binding.

  • Adds support for SQLCancel.

  • Changes the non-standard data type (such as document and oid) default mapping from SQL_UNKNOWN_TYPE to SQL_WVARCHAR. This change affects only programmatic integrations relying on SQL type names; it doesn't affect Power BI.

Released March 4, 2024

  • Updates the Power BI connector to version 1.2.0.

  • Adds support for Direct Query. Direct Query capabilities require ODBC driver version 1.2.0 or later.

Released March 1, 2024

  • Updates the ODBC driver to version 1.2.0.

  • Adds support for ODBC clients requesting the driver to exhibit ODBC 2.0 behavior.

  • Adds support for SQLFreeStatement.

  • Adds support for SQLFetchScroll.

  • The column order in result sets now adheres to the SQL-92 specification. Result set columns appear in the order they are listed in the SELECT query. For SELECT *, the result set column order is unchanged.

  • Updates the information returned by SQLGetInfo to report all supported date functions, time functions, and join capabilities.

  • Removes log level configuration at the DSN and connection level. The log level can now only be set as a driver property.

  • Changes the BSON-to-SQL mapping of Decimal128 from SQL_DECIMAL to SQL_UNKNOWN due to incompatibilities between Decimal128 and SQL_DECIMAL.

Released February 23, 2024

  • Updates the JDBC driver to version 2.1.1, which removes the SnakeYaml dependency and fixes an issue introduced in version 2.1.0 where data retrieved by column name was pointing to the incorrect index. The driver now retrieves the data under the correct index or reports an error if there are duplicate column names.

Released January 22, 2024

  • Updates the JDBC driver to version 2.1.0, which returns result set columns in the same order as the one provided in the select list instead of the alphabetical order.

  • Fixes the logger to only apply the logging configuration to the driver handlers and not other applications handlers.

Released October 20, 2023

  • Updates the Power BI connector to version 1.1.1, which fixes a bug where JSON values displayed as binary instead of JSON strings.

Released October 17, 2023

  • Updates the Power BI connector to version 1.1.0, which adds the ability to pass a native query when you connect. To learn more, see Connect to Atlas SQL from Power BI.

  • Removes the log-level selector to comply with the Microsoft logging policy for Power BI.

Released August 17, 2023

  • Updates the Power BI connector to version 1.0.1, which adds a log-level selector to allow setting the logging level for each connection.

Released June 16, 2023

  • Updates the Power BI connector to version 1.0.0.

Released October 24, 2022

  • Updates the Tableau custom connector (for the MongoDB JDBC driver) to version 1.2.0.

Released September 19, 2022

  • Updates the Tableau custom connector (for the MongoDB JDBC driver) to version 1.1.0.

Released June 7, 2022

  • Preview availability.



