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Atlas Flex Limits

On this page

  • Configuration Limits
  • Operational Limits
  • Driver Minimum Requirements

The following table lists the configuration limits of Atlas Flex clusters:

Configuration Option

Cloud Service Provider and Region

You can deploy and Flex clusters only in a subset of regions on AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure. To learn more about supported cloud provider regions for Flex clusters, see:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)

  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

  • Microsoft Azure

MongoDB Version and Storage Engine

Atlas uses MongoDB 8.0 for Flex clusters.

MongoDB Version Upgrade

You can't upgrade the MongoDB version that Flex clusters run. Atlas upgrades Flex clusters to the newest MongoDB version after several patch versions become available for that version. To learn more, see MongoDB Versioning.

Cluster Memory

You can't configure memory for Flex clusters.

Cluster Storage

You can't configure storage size for Flex clusters.

Replica Set Tags

Flex clusters don't have pre-defined replica set tags.

Private Endpoints

Flex clusters don't support Private Endpoints. If your workloads require Private Endpoints, we recommend that you switch to Atlas Dedicated Clusters.

Continuous Backup and Point-in-Time Restore

Flex clusters don't support Continuous Backup and Point-in-Time Restore. If your workloads require Continuous Backup and Point-in-Time Restore, we recommend that you switch to Atlas Dedicated Clusters.

Sharded Clusters

You can't deploy a Flex cluster as a Sharded Cluster.

Test Primary Failovers

You can't perform primary failover testing on Flex clusters.

Simulate Regional Outage

You can't perform regional outage testing on Flex clusters.

Database Auditing

You can't configure database auditing on Flex clusters.

Encryption at Rest using your Key Management

You can't configure encryption at Rest using Customer Key Management Flex clusters.

Network Peering Connections

You can't configure network peering connections on Flex clusters.

Access Tracking

You can't view the database access history for Flex clusters.

The following table lists the operational limits of Atlas Flex clusters:


Flex clusters don't support the allowDiskUse option for the aggregation command, its helper method, or the cursor.allowDiskUse() query cursor method.

On Flex clusters, aggregation pipelines don't support the $currentOp, $listLocalSessions, $listSessions, or $planCacheStats stages.

Flex clusters aggregation pipelines can have a maximum of 50 stages.

Atlas Alerts

Flex clusters can only trigger alerts configured with one of the following alert conditions:

  • Connections

  • Logical Size

  • Network

  • Opscounter

Atlas Monitoring

The Metrics view of a Flex cluster displays only the following metrics:

  • Connections

  • Logical Size

  • Network

  • Opscounter

To learn more, see Real Time Metrics.


Flex clusters support the following authentication methods only:

  • Password (SCRAM-SHA1)

  • X.509 Certificates


Auto-Expand Storage

Flex clusters don't provide automatically scaling storage.

BSON Nested Object Depth

Flex clusters can store documents with a maximum of 50 nested levels.

Build Index with Rolling Build

Flex clusters don't support building indexes with a rolling build.

Change Streams Filtering

For Flex clusters, you can use only strings and regular expressions in filters on database names (namespace ns fields) in change streams. You can't use commands, such as $in, in database namespace filters. This limit doesn't apply to filtering on collection names in change streams.

Command Line Tools

For Flex clusters, you can't run mongorestore or mongodump on the admin database. If you use the --db option to set the destination database to admin, the program returns an error.


Flex clusters have a maximum of 500 connections.


Flex clusters can't use the noTimeout cursor option.

Custom Roles

Changes to custom roles might take up to 30 seconds to deploy in Flex clusters.

Database and Collections

Flex clusters have a maximum of 100 databases and a total of 500 collections.

Access to Collections in local, admin, and config Databases

Flex clusters don't allow:

  • Read access to any collection in the local database with the exception of read access to the oplog.

    You must precede a $regex query on an oplog in an M0``Free cluster, Flex cluster, or ``M2/M5 Shared cluster (deprecated) with a caret (^). Otherwise, the following error occurs:

    MongoServerError: Oplog ns RegEx queries must begin with ^
  • Write access to any collection in the local and config databases.

  • Read or write access to any collection in the admin database.

Atlas issues an error similar to the following if you attempt to read or write to collections in these databases:

command <cmd name> is not allowed in this Atlas tier
(Unauthorized) not authorized on <db name> to execute command <cmd name>

Database Logs

Flex clusters don't allow you to download logs.

Data Recovery

  • Custom policies are not supported for Flex cluster snapshots. Atlas always takes a single daily snapshot at the same time, starting 24 hours after the cluster was created.

    If you require finer-grained backups, consider upgrading to an M10 or larger cluster tier.

  • On-demand snapshots are not supported for Flex clusters.

  • You can't restore Flex cluster snapshots to a sharded cluster. You can only restore Flex cluster snapshots to replica sets.

  • Custom policies are not supported for M2 and M5 cluster snapshots. Atlas always takes a single daily snapshot at the same time, starting 24 hours after the cluster was created.

    If you require finer-grained backups, consider upgrading to an M10 or larger cluster tier.

  • On-demand snapshots are not supported for M2 and M5 clusters.

  • You can't restore M2 and M5 snapshots to a sharded cluster. You can only restore M2 and M5 snapshots to replica sets.

  • You can't restore Serverless instance snapshots to M2 and M5 clusters.

  • Starting with MongoDB 5.0, you can restore snapshots of clusters that run only the two most recent major versions of MongoDB to M2 and M5 clusters.

    For example:

    • You can restore snapshots taken from clusters that run MongoDB 4.4 to an M2 or M5 cluster that runs MongoDB 5.0.

    • You can't restore snapshots taken from clusters that run MongoDB versions earlier than 4.4 to an M2 or M5 cluster that runs MongoDB 5.0.

Data Storage

Flex clusters limit the maximum total data storage space to 5 GB.

Data storage space includes the number of bytes of all uncompressed BSON documents stored in all collections, plus the bytes stored in their associated indexes.


Flex clusters don't support server-side JavaScript. For example, $where and map-reduce are unsupported.

Namespaces and Database Names

Flex cluster namespaces are limited to 95 bytes. Database names are limited to 38 bytes.

Performance Advisor

Flex clusters don't provide access to the Performance Advisor.

Query Utilization

The percentage of time that a query is running over any five minute period must remain under 100% on Flex clusters.

Real-Time Performance Panel

Flex clusters don't provide access to the Real-Time Performance Panel.

Sort in Memory

Flex clusters limits sort in-memory to 32 MB.


Flex clusters limit the number of read and write operations to 500 operations per second.

Atlas handles clusters that exceed the operations per second rate limit as follows:

  • Atlas triggers a sub-second cooldown period before resuming the cluster's operations on a given connection. If the queue is greater than the operations per second limit, operations might wait for more than a second in the queue.

  • If the number of operations per second drops below the rate limit threshold, Atlas resumes processing of the queued operations on each connection before processing any new operations on that connection.


Drivers that use a JRE or JDK'

Due to an issue with TLS 1.3 support in the Java JDK' (JDK-8236039), upgrade the JDK' that supports the driver you use to connect to Atlas.

Minimum versions of the JDK' include:








To learn more about support for TLS 1.3 in Java-based languages, libraries, and drivers, see:


Service Limits