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Embed an Unauthenticated Chart

On this page

  • Prerequisites
  • Procedures
  • Enable Unauthenticated Embedding for a Chart
  • Create a Web App to Display Your Chart
  • Customize the Node.js App

You can embed a chart in a web application and not require authentication to view chart data. To restrict access to your embedded chart, see the authenticated embedded chart tutorials.

Enable unauthenticated embedding to generate a chart ID and Charts Base URL. You will need your chart ID and Charts Base URL to display your chart on a web page.


From your dashboard page, select the dashboard containing the chart you wish to make embeddable.


From the dashboard, click at the top-right of the chart to access its embedding information. Select Embed chart from the dropdown menu.


If a chart is on a dashboard that has embedding enabled, the Embed Chart option is automatically enabled. Therefore, you can't select the Embed chart option for charts within dashboards that have embedding enabled.


If you have already enabled external sharing on the data source this chart uses, skip this step. If you haven't yet enabled embedding on the data source, you can do so now. Click the Configure external sharing link.

Embed unauthenticated chart
click to enlarge

Specify the fields on which chart viewers can filter data. By default, no fields are specified, meaning the chart cannot be filtered until you explicitly allow at least one field.

Alternatively, you can specify all the fields in your chart by selecting Allow all fields in the data source used in this chart.

To learn more about filterable fields, see Specify Filterable Fields.


You'll need the Charts Base URl and Chart ID values in your web application code.

If you already have an app in which to display your chart, you're ready to add an unauthenticated embedded chart. If not, proceed with the remaining steps to create a new app.

MongoDB offers a pre-built example app in the GitHub repository that shows how to use the Embedding SDK to display an unauthenticated embedded chart.

Clone the GitHub repository to get all the example apps. Instructions for running the unauthenticated example are in the Readme file in the unauthenticated directory. You can run the app as-is, or you can customize it to use a chart of your own.

All the lines you need to edit are marked with a comment containing ~REPLACE~.


The file index.js is located in the src directory.


Replace the existing Charts Base URL with the Base URL of the chart you want to display. Your Charts Base URL is visible in the embedding options modal window. See Embedding SDK for detailed instructions on enabling embedding for a chart.

const sdk = new ChartsEmbedSDK({
baseUrl: "" // Optional: ~REPLACE~ with the Base URL from your Embed Chart dialog

You can also include the Embedding SDK with inline Javascript in an HTML page, as shown in the following code snippet:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Replace the existing chart ID with the ID of the chart you want to display. Your chart ID is visible in the embedding options modal window. See Embedding SDK for detailed instructions on enabling embedding for a chart.

const chart = sdk.createChart({
chartId: "735cfa75-15b8-483a-bc2e-7c6659511c7c", // Optional: ~REPLACE~ with the Chart ID from your Embed Chart dialog
height: "700px"
// Additional options go here

After you finish customizing the app, it's ready to run.


Embed an Authenticated Chart using a Custom JWT Provider


Manage Embedded Items