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Live Migrate (Pull) a Sharded Cluster into Atlas (MongoDB Before 6.0.13)

On this page

  • Restrictions
  • Required Access
  • Prerequisites
  • Considerations
  • Migrate Your Sharded Cluster
  • Migration Support

Atlas can pull a source sharded cluster to an Atlas cluster using the live migration process. Atlas syncs from the source to the destination cluster until you cut your applications over to the destination Atlas cluster.

Once you reach the cutover step in the following procedure, stop writes to the source cluster by stopping your application instances, pointing them to the Atlas cluster, and restarting them.

  • Don't use the procedure on this page to live migrate your sharded cluster to MongoDB 6.0.13 or later. To learn more, see Live Migrate (Pull) a MongoDB 6.0.13+ or 7.0.8+ Cluster into Atlas.

  • If your source and destination clusters are running MongoDB 6.0.13 or later, you can live migrate to Atlas using this procedure.

  • To live migrate a replica set, see Live Migrate (Pull) a Replica Set into Atlas.

  • You can't use a Global Cluster as the destination for live migration.

  • Live migration doesn't support VPC peering or private endpoints for either the source or destination cluster.

  • During live migration, Atlas disables host alerts.

To live migrate your data, you must have Project Owner access to Atlas.

Users with Organization Owner access must add themselves to the project as a Project Owner.

  • When you migrate from MongoDB 4.4 or earlier to an Atlas cluster that runs MongoDB 5.0 or later, drop any geoHaystack indexes from your collections.

  • If the source cluster runs with authentication, specify a user to Atlas that exists on every shard and the config server replica set. The user must have permissions to:

    • Stop or start the sharded cluster balancer.

    • Read all databases and collections on the host.

    • Read the oplog on the host.

To learn more, see Source Cluster Security.


Source Cluster Readiness

To help ensure a smooth data migration, your source cluster should meet all production cluster recommendations. Check the Operations Checklist and Production Notes before beginning the Live Migration process.

Atlas live migration (pull) supports the following migration paths:

Source Sharded Cluster
MongoDB Version
Destination Atlas Sharded Cluster
MongoDB Version


If your source and destination clusters are running MongoDB 6.0.13 or later, you can live migrate to Atlas using this procedure.

For sharded clusters, the major MongoDB versions on the source and destination clusters must be exactly the same. The major MongoDB version in the full 5.0.x version is 5.0.

Configure network permissions for the following components:

Any firewalls for the source cluster must grant the MongoDB live migration server access to the source cluster.

The Atlas live migration process streams data through a MongoDB-controlled live migration server. Atlas provides the IP ranges of the MongoDB live migration servers during the live migration process. Grant these IP ranges access to your source cluster. This allows the MongoDB live migration server to connect to the source clusters.


If your organization has strict network requirements and you cannot enable the required network access to MongoDB live migration servers, see Live Migrate a Community Deployment to Atlas.

Atlas allows connections to a cluster from hosts added to the project IP access list. Add the IP addresses or CIDR blocks of your application hosts to the project IP access list. Do this before beginning the migration procedure.

Atlas temporarily adds the IP addresses of the MongoDB migration servers to the project IP access list. During the migration procedure, you can't edit or delete this entry. Atlas removes this entry once the procedure completes.

To learn how to add entries to the Atlas IP access list, see Configure IP Access List Entries.

Atlas performs a number of validation checks on the source and destination clusters before starting the live migration procedure.

  • The source cluster must be a sharded cluster.

    If the source is a replica set cluster, use pull-type live migration to migrate the cluster to a Atlas replica set first, then scale your cluster to a sharded cluster.

    If the source is a standalone, convert the standalone to a replica set first before using pull-type live migration. Then scale your cluster to a sharded cluster.

  • The source cluster must use CSRS (Config Server Replica Sets). See Replica Set Config Servers.

  • Atlas must have connectivity to the hostname and port of each node in the source cluster.

  • Atlas must be able to stop and start the Sharded Cluster Balancer on the source cluster.

  • The source cluster has the same feature compatibility version and major MongoDB version as the destination cluster. The major MongoDB version in the full 5.0.x version is 5.0.

    To check the feature compatibility version of a host in the source cluster, run the following command from mongosh:

    db.runCommand( { getParameter : 1, "featureCompatibilityVersion" : 1 } )

    Use the setFeatureCompatibilityVersion database command to set the featureCompatibilityVersion flag as needed.

  • The destination Atlas sharded cluster must have the same number of shards as the source sharded cluster.

Various built-in roles provide sufficient privileges. For example:

  • For source clusters a user must have the readAnyDatabase, clusterMonitor, and backup roles.

    To verify that the database user who will run the live migration process has these roles, run the db.getUser() command on the admin database.

    use admin
    "_id" : "admin.admin",
    "user" : "admin",
    "db" : "admin",
    "roles" : [
    "role" : "backup",
    "db" : "admin"
    "role" : "clusterMonitor",
    "db" : "admin"
    "role" : "readAnyDatabase",
    "db" : "admin"
    } ...

    In addition, the database user from your source cluster must have the role to read the oplog on your admin database. To learn more, see Oplog Access.

  • For source clusters running MongoDB 3.4 a user must have, at a minimum, both clusterMonitor and readAnyDatabase roles. For example:

    use admin
    user: "mySourceUser",
    pwd: "mySourceP@$$word",
    roles: [ "clusterMonitor", "readAnyDatabase" ]
  • For source clusters running MongoDB 3.2 a user must have, at a minimum, both clusterManager and readAnyDatabase roles, as well as read access on the local database. This requires a custom role, which you can create with the following commands:

    use admin
    role: "migrate",
    privileges: [
    { resource: { db: "local", collection: "" }, actions: [ "find" ] }
    roles: ["readAnyDatabase", "clusterManager"]
    user: "mySourceUser",
    pwd: "mySourceP@$$word",
    roles: [ "migrate" ]
  • For source clusters running MongoDB 2.6 or 3.0 a user must have, at a minimum, the readAnyDatabase role. For example:

    use admin
    user: "mySourceUser",
    pwd: "mySourceP@$$word",
    roles: [ "readAnyDatabase" ]

Specify the user name and password to Atlas when prompted by the live migration procedure.

Atlas only supports SCRAM for connecting to source clusters that enforce authentication.

Support for SCRAM authentication began in MongoDB 3.0. If the source cluster is running MongoDB 2.6, you can migrate it using pull live migration without enabling SCRAM authentication.


To conceal credentials when migrating, consider adding a temporary user with the minimum required permissions for migration on the source cluster, and then deleting the user once you complete the migration process.

In any pull-type live migration to Atlas, Atlas manages the server that runs the live migration and sends data from the source to the destination cluster.

MongoDB takes the following measures to protect the integrity and confidentiality of your data in transit to Atlas:

  • MongoDB encrypts data in transit between the Atlas-managed live migration server and the destination cluster. If you require encryption for data in transit between the source cluster and the Atlas-managed migration server, configure TLS on your source cluster.

  • MongoDB protects access to the Atlas-managed migration server instances as it protects access to any other parts of Atlas.

  • In rare cases where intervention is required to investigate and restore critical services, MongoDB adheres to the principle of least privilege and authorizes only a small group of privileged users to access your Atlas clusters for a minimum limited time necessary to repair the critical issue. MongoDB requires MFA for these users to log in to Atlas clusters and to establish an SSH connection via the bastion host. Granting this type of privileged user access requires approval by MongoDB senior management. MongoDB doesn't allow access by any other MongoDB personnel to your MongoDB Atlas clusters.

  • MongoDB allows use of privileged user accounts for privileged activities only. To perform non-privileged activities, privileged users must use a separate account. Privileged user accounts can't use shared credentials. Privileged user accounts must follow the password requirements described in Section 4.3.3 of the Atlas Security whitepaper.

  • You can restrict access to your clusters by all MongoDB personnel, including privileged users, in Atlas. If you choose to restrict such access and MongoDB determines that access is necessary to resolve a support issue, MongoDB must first request your permission and you may then decide whether to temporarily restore privileged user access for up to 24 hours. You can revoke the temporary 24-hour access grant at any time. Enabling this restriction may result in increased time for the response and resolution of support issues and, as a result, may negatively impact the availability of your Atlas clusters.

  • MongoDB reviews privileged user access authorization on a quarterly basis. Additionally, MongoDB revokes a privileged user's access when it is no longer needed, including within 24 hours of that privileged user changing roles or leaving the company. We also log any access by MongoDB personnel to your Atlas clusters, retain audit logs for at least six years, and include a timestamp, actor, action, and output. MongoDB uses a combination of automated and manual reviews to scan those audit logs.

To learn more about Atlas security, see the Atlas Security whitepaper. In particular, review the section "MongoDB Personnel Access to MongoDB Atlas Clusters".

If your MongoDB deployment contains indexes with keys which exceed the Index Key Limit, before you start the live migration procedure, modify indexes so that they do not contain oversized keys.

During pull live migrations, if the source cluster does not use TLS encryption for its data, the traffic from the source cluster to Atlas is not encrypted. Determine if this is acceptable before you start a pull live migration procedure.

Atlas doesn't migrate any user or role data to the destination cluster.

If the source cluster doesn't use authentication, you must create a user in Atlas because Atlas doesn't support running without authentication.

If the source cluster enforces authentication, you must recreate the credentials that your applications use on the destination Atlas cluster. Atlas uses SCRAM for user authentication. To learn how to create database users in Atlas, see Configure Database Users.

Support for SCRAM authentication began in MongoDB 3.0. If the source cluster is running MongoDB 2.6, you can migrate it using pull live migration without enabling SCRAM authentication.

Atlas live migration stops the sharded cluster balancer on the source cluster at the start of the procedure, and starts the balancer at the end of the procedure.

If you cancel live migration, Atlas restarts the balancer on the source cluster.


Under some circumstances Atlas can't restart the balancer on the source cluster at the end of a live migration process. If the balancer fails to restart, the live migration still succeeds, but a warning banner indicates that you must manually restart the source cluster balancer.

When you configure the destination Atlas cluster, consider the following:

  • The live migration process streams data through a MongoDB-managed live migration server. Each server runs on infrastructure hosted in the nearest region to the source cluster. The following regions are available:

    • Frankfurt

    • Ireland

    • London

    • Eastern US

    • Western US

    • Mumbai

    • Singapore

    • Sydney

    • Tokyo

  • Use the cloud region for the destination cluster in Atlas that has the lowest network latency relative to the application servers or to your deployment hosted on the source cluster. Ideally, your application's servers should be running in the cloud in the same region as the destination Atlas cluster's primary region. To learn more, see Cloud Providers.

  • To prevent unbounded growth of the oplog collection, set a fixed oplog size for the duration of the live migration process. To learn more, see Required Access and Atlas Configuration Options.

  • You can't target a Global Cluster as the destination for live migration.


    Once you start the live migration process, you can't modify the destination Atlas cluster. To scale up the destination cluster, cancel the live migration process, scale up the cluster, and restart the live migration process.

During live migration, the mongos processes on the destination cluster are shut down and cluster connectivity via the mongos servers is suspended. The mongos processes restart automatically once the migration is complete.

Avoid running any workloads, including those that might be running on namespaces that don't overlap with the live migration process, on the destination cluster. This action avoids potential locking conflicts and performance degradation during the live migration process.

Don't run multiple migrations to the same destination cluster at the same time.

Don't start the cutover process for your applications to the destination cluster while the live migration process is syncing.

Atlas stops taking on-demand cloud backup snapshots of the target cluster during live migration. Once you complete the cutover step in the live migration procedure on this page, Atlas resumes taking cloud backup snapshots based on your backup policy.

Don't make any namespace changes during the migration process, such as using the renameCollection command or executing an aggregation pipeline that includes the $out aggregation stage.

The live migration process makes a best attempt to continue a migration during temporary network interruptions and elections on the source or destination clusters. However, these events might cause the live migration process to fail. If the live migration process can't recover automatically, restart it from the beginning.

After the migration process completes, your cluster restarts each of its members one at a time. This is called a rolling restart, and as a consequence, a failover will occur on the primary. To ensure a smooth migration, consider running a Test Primary Failover procedure before migrating your data to the destination cluster.

You can cancel the process at any time by clicking Cancel. Atlas displays the Sharded Cluster Live Import in Progress message for the destination cluster until the cluster is ready for normal access.

If you cancel the live migration process before it completes, Atlas doesn't remove any data migrated up to that point. If you restart the live migration process using the same Atlas cluster as the destination cluster, Atlas wipes all data from the cluster.

Consider migrating data to your destination cluster, then stopping the migration process and testing your destination cluster while leaving the source cluster running and serving data to your applications.

To test your destination cluster with production data, follow the migration procedure all the way to the testing step. When you're ready to perform the complete migration process, skip the testing step and proceed to the cutover step.


Staging and Production Migrations

Consider running a partial live migration procedure first to create a staging environment before repeating the procedure to create your production environment. The following procedure includes a callout for the appropriate time to cancel the procedure and create a staging environment.

Use the staging environment to test application behavior and performance using the latest driver version that supports the MongoDB version of the destination Atlas cluster. Then, repeat the live migration procedure in full to transition your applications from your source cluster to the Atlas destination cluster.


Avoid making changes to the source cluster configuration while the live migration procedure runs, such as removing replica set members or modifying mongod runtime settings, such as featureCompatibilityVersion.

Before starting the live migration procedure:

  • If you don't already have a destination cluster, create a new Atlas deployment and configure it as needed. For complete documentation on creating an Atlas cluster, see Create a Cluster.

  • After your Atlas cluster is deployed, ensure that you can connect to it from all client hardware where your applications run. Testing your connection string helps ensure that your data migration process can complete with minimal downtime.

    1. Download and install mongosh on a representative client machine, if you don't already have it.

    2. Connect to your destination cluster using the connection string from the Atlas UI. For more information, see Connect via mongosh.

    Once you have verified your connectivity to your destination cluster, start the live migration procedure.

  1. Select a destination Atlas cluster.

    Navigate to the destination Atlas cluster and click the . On the cluster list, the is beneath the cluster name. When you view cluster details, the is on the right-hand side of the screen, next to the Connect and Configuration buttons.

  2. Click Migrate Data to this Cluster.

  3. Atlas displays a walk-through screen with instructions on how to proceed with the live migration. The process syncs the data from your source cluster to the new destination cluster. After you complete the walk-through, you can point your application to the new cluster.

    Collect the following details for your source cluster to facilitate the migration:

    • Atlas displays the IP address of the MongoDB live migration server responsible for your live migration at the top of the walk-through screen. Configure your source cluster firewall to grant access to the displayed IP address.

    • Enter the hostname and port of any mongos of the source sharded cluster into the provided text box. For example,

    • If the source cluster enforces authentication, enter a username and password into the provided text boxes.

      See Source Cluster Security for guidance on the user permissions required by Atlas live migration.

    • If the source cluster uses TLS/SSL and is not using a public Certificate Authority (CA), toggle the switch Is encryption in transit enabled? and copy the contents of the source cluster CA file into the provided text box.

  4. Click Validate to confirm that Atlas can connect to the source cluster.

    If validation fails, check that:

    • You have granted the Live Migration servers network access on your source cluster firewall.

    • The provided user credentials, if any, exist on the source cluster and have the required permissions.

    • The Is encryption in transit enabled? toggle is enabled only if the source cluster requires it.

    • The CA file provided, if any, is valid and correct.

    • The provided hostnames are valid and reachable over the public internet.

  5. Click Start Migration to start the migration process.

    Atlas displays the live migration progress in the UI. During live migration, you can't view metrics or access data for the destination cluster.

    A lag time value is displayed during the final oplog tailing phase that represents the current lag between the source and destination clusters. This lag time may fluctuate depending on the rate of oplog generation on the source, but should decrease over time as oplog entries are copied to the destination cluster.

    Click View Progress per Shard to view the sync progress and migration time remaining per shard. If the initial sync process for a given shard fails, you can try to restart the sync by clicking Restart.

    When the lag timer and the Prepare to Cutover button turn green, proceed to the next step.


If you wish to skip testing and complete the migration, proceed to step 3.

If you wish to do a dry run of the migration process and test the destination cluster for performance and data integrity, you may click the Cancel button at this point. The source cluster stops syncing data with the destination cluster, but all the transferred data remains, so you can test your applications with the new cluster.

When your testing is complete and you're ready to perform the complete migration process, begin again from step 1. All the databases and collections which were created during the test run will be deleted and rebuilt.


Cutover is a three-step process of directing your application's reads and writes away from your source cluster and to your destination cluster.


Staging Migration

If you are creating a staging environment to test your applications, note the optime gap to identify how far behind your staging environment will be compared with your source cluster.

Press Cancel to cancel the live migration. Atlas terminates the migration at that point in time, leaving migrated data in place. Atlas displays the Sharded Cluster Live Import in Progress message for the destination cluster until the cluster is ready for normal access. To learn more, see Canceling Live Migration. Once the cancellation is complete, you can test your staging application against the partially migrated data.

  1. When Atlas detects that the source and destination clusters are nearly in sync, it starts an extendable 120 hour (5 day) timer to begin the cutover stage of the live migration procedure. If the 120 hour period passes, Atlas stops synchronizing with the source cluster. You can extend the time remaining by 24 hours by clicking Extend time below the <time> left to cut over timer.

    If your migration is about to expire, Atlas sends you an email similar to the following example:

    A migration to your Atlas cluster will expire in <number> hours!
    Navigate to your destination cluster to start the cutover process. If
    you don't take any action within <number> hours, the migration will be
    cancelled and you will need to start again. You can also extend the
    migration process if you need more time.


    The cutover procedure requires stopping your application and all writes to the source cluster. Consider scheduling and announcing a maintenance period to minimize interruption of service on the dependent applications.

  2. Once you are prepared to cut your applications over to the destination Atlas cluster, click Prepare to Cutover. Atlas displays a walk-through screen with instructions on how to proceed with the cutover. The optime gap displays how far behind the destination cluster is compared to the source cluster. You must stop your application and all writes to the source cluster to allow the destination cluster to close the optime gap.

    Atlas displays a series of pages, guiding you through each stage of the cutover process. Some of the items in the following list describe actions that you should do, other items describe the informational messages that Atlas displays.

    1. Stop your application. This ensures that no more writes occur on the source cluster.

    2. Atlas displays a screen with the following message: Almost done! Waiting for Atlas to clean up .... Atlas finalizes the migration. This can take a few hours. While finalizing the migration, Atlas completes metadata changes, removes the MongoDB Application Server subnets from the destination cluster's IP access list, and removes the database user that live migration used to import data to the destination cluster.

      If the cutover process has been in progress for at least 12 hours, Atlas sends you an email that suggests you check on the migration process or contact support.

      Atlas is still finalizing the migration, but the destination cluster is ready to accept writes. You can restart your application and connect to your new Atlas destination cluster now if you want to minimize downtime. Don't delete your source cluster until the migration is fully complete.

      • Click Connect to your new cluster. Atlas redirects you to the Connect to Atlas page, where you can choose a connection method.

      • Resume writes to the destination cluster.

      • Confirm that your application is working with the destination Atlas cluster and verify your data on the destination cluster.

    3. If the migration succeeds, the You have successfully migrated to Atlas page displays.

If your migration fails at any stage of the live migration process, Atlas notifies you via email with a link to explore the migration results.

If you have any questions regarding migration support beyond what is covered in this documentation, or if you encounter an error during migration, please request support through the Atlas UI.

To file a support ticket:

  1. If it's not already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the Organizations menu in the navigation bar.

  2. If it's not already displayed, select your desired project from the Projects menu in the navigation bar.

  3. Next to the Projects menu, expand the Options menu, then click Project Support.

    The Project Support page displays.

  1. Click Request Support.

  2. For Issue Category, select Help with live migration.

  3. For Priority, select the appropriate priority. For questions, please select Medium Priority. If there was a failure in migration, please select High Priority.

  4. For Request Summary, please include Live Migration in your summary.

  5. For More details, please include any other relevant details to your question or migration error.

  6. Click the Request Support button to submit the form.


Replica Set

