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Live Migrate: Push Your Data from Cloud Manager or Ops Manager to Atlas (MongoDB Before 6.0)

On this page

  • Go to Live Migration (Push)
  • Live Migration (Push) Methods


Live Migration (push) Deprecated or Not Supported for Deployments Managed or Monitored by Ops Manager

  • For source deployments running MongoDB 6.0.13 or later, where the deployments are managed or monitored by Ops Manager, live migration (push) is not supported.

  • For source deployments running any MongoDB before 6.0.13, where the deployments are managed or monitored by Ops Manager, live migration (push) is deprecated.

    Use the following alternative ways to migrate your source deployments that are managed or monitored by Ops Manager into Atlas:

    • Add your deployment to monitoring in Cloud Manager and use live migrate (push). See Live Migrate (Push) a MongoDB 6.0.13+ or 7.0.8+ Cluster Monitored by Cloud Manager into Atlas for MongoDB 6.0.13 or later, or the procedures in this section for MongoDB before 6.0.13.

    • Use live migration (pull). See Live Migrate (Pull) a MongoDB 6.0.13+ or 7.0.8+ Cluster into Atlas for MongoDB 6.0.13 or later, and Live Migrate: Pull Your Data into Atlas (MongoDB Before 6.0.13) for MongoDB before 6.0.13.

    • Use standalone mongosync.

If your source deployment runs MongoDB before 6.0.13 and is monitored by Cloud Manager or Ops Manager, you can use the procedures linked from this section to live migrate data into Atlas using the live migration service through the Atlas UI.

To locate live migration (push) in the Atlas UI:

  1. If it's not already displayed, select your desired organization from the Organizations menu in the navigation bar.

  2. Click the Organization Settings icon next to the Organizations menu.


Click Live Migration in the sidebar.

Cloud Manager or Ops Manager pushes data from the source replica set running MongoDB before 6.0.13 to a destination replica set in Atlas.
Cloud Manager or Ops Manager pushes data from the source sharded cluster running MongoDB before 6.0.13 to a destination sharded cluster in Atlas.
Live migrate a standalone MongoDB node running MongoDB before 6.0.13
Convert the standalone MongoDB node in Ops Manager, or convert the standalone MongoDB node in Cloud Manager to a single-node replica set and then live migrate (push) it to Atlas.




Replica Set (MongoDB Before 6.0.13)