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MongoDB Atlas for Government


On this page

  • Support Guarantees
  • Request Support
  • Required Roles

Your MongoDB Atlas for Government subscription entitles you to a premium support plan.

The same support guarantees that apply to Atlas apply to MongoDB Atlas for Government, including a 99.995% uptime Service Level Agreement (SLA). To learn more about commercial Atlas support, see Support.

If your project is designated as a GovCloud regions-only project, you are guaranteed support from US persons on US soil.


  1. Select your organization from the Organizations menu in the navigation bar.

  2. Click Support in the sidebar.

  1. Select your organization from the Organizations menu in the navigation bar.

  2. Select your project from the Projects menu in the navigation bar.

  3. Next to the Projects menu, expand the Options menu, then click Project Support.

To raise and view support cases, you must have the appropriate role:


AtlasGov user roles are the same as Atlas User Roles.

Support Cases
Can View
Any user with any role in the project
Can Raise
All user with any project role except the Project Read Only role
Can View and Raise
Organization and Project
Any user with the Organization Owner for the organization


Subscriptions and Billing