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Class RealmQuery

On this page

  • io.realm
  • Method Summary
  • Inherited Methods
  • Method Detail
  • alwaysFalse
  • alwaysTrue
  • and
  • average
  • averageDecimal128
  • averageRealmAny
  • beginGroup
  • beginsWith
  • between
  • contains
  • containsEntry
  • containsKey
  • containsValue
  • count
  • distinct
  • endGroup
  • endsWith
  • equalTo
  • findAll
  • findAllAsync
  • findFirst
  • findFirstAsync
  • getDescription
  • getQueryPointer
  • getRealm
  • getTypeQueried
  • greaterThan
  • greaterThanOrEqualTo
  • in
  • isEmpty
  • isNotEmpty
  • isNotNull
  • isNull
  • isValid
  • lessThan
  • lessThanOrEqualTo
  • like
  • limit
  • max
  • maxRealmAny
  • maximumDate
  • min
  • minRealmAny
  • minimumDate
  • not
  • notEqualTo
  • or
  • rawPredicate
  • sort
  • sum

A RealmQuery encapsulates a query on a io.realm.Realm or a io.realm.RealmResults using the Builder pattern. The query is executed using either findAll() or findFirst() .

The input to many of the query functions take a field name as String. Note that this is not type safe. If a RealmObject class is refactored care has to be taken to not break any queries.

A io.realm.Realm is unordered, which means that there is no guarantee that querying a Realm will return the objects in the order they where inserted. Use sort(String) (String)} and similar methods if a specific order is required.

A RealmQuery cannot be passed between different threads.

Results are obtained quickly most of the times. However, launching heavy queries from the UI thread may result in a drop of frames or even ANRs. If you want to prevent these behaviors, you can instantiate a Realm using a RealmConfiguration that explicitly sets RealmConfiguration.Builder.allowQueriesOnUiThread(boolean) to false . This way queries will be forced to be launched from a non-UI thread. Alternatively, you can also use findAllAsync() or findFirstAsync() .


See also:

Modifier and Type
Method and Description
public RealmQuery

This predicate will never match, resulting in the query always returning 0 results.

public RealmQuery

This predicate will always match.

public RealmQuery
and ()

Logical-and two conditions Realm automatically applies logical-and between all query statements, so this is intended only as a mean to increase readability.

public double
String fieldName

Returns the average of a given field.

public Decimal128

Returns the average of a given field.

public Decimal128

Returns the average of a given field.

public RealmQuery

Begin grouping of conditions ("left parenthesis").

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
RealmAny value,
Case casing

Condition that the value of field begins with the specified substring.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
String value,
Case casing

Condition that the value of field begins with the specified substring.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
RealmAny value

Condition that the value of field begins with the specified string.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
String value

Condition that the value of field begins with the specified string.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
Decimal128 from,
Decimal128 to

Between condition.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
RealmAny from,

Between condition.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
Date from,
Date to

Between condition.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
float from,
float to

Between condition.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
double from,
double to

Between condition.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
long from,
long to

Between condition.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
int from,
int to

Between condition.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
RealmAny value,
Case casing

Condition that value of field contains the specified substring.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
String value,
Case casing

Condition that value of field contains the specified substring.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
RealmAny value

Condition that value of field contains the specified substring.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
String value

Condition that value of field contains the specified substring.

public RealmQuery

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified entry.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
String key

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified key.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
ObjectId value

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified value.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
Decimal128 value

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified value.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
Date value

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified value.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
byte[] value

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified value.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
String value

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified value.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
Float value

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified value.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
Double value

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified value.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
Long value

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified value.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
Integer value

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified value.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
Short value

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified value.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
Byte value

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified value.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
Boolean value

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified value.

public long

Counts the number of objects that fulfill the query conditions.

public RealmQuery
String firstFieldName,
java.lang.String[] remainingFieldNames

Selects a distinct set of objects of a specific class.

public RealmQuery

End grouping of conditions ("right parenthesis") which was opened by a call to beginGroup() .

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
RealmAny value,
Case casing

Condition that the value of field ends with the specified substring.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
String value,
Case casing

Condition that the value of field ends with the specified substring.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
RealmAny value

Condition that the value of field ends with the specified string.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
String value

Condition that the value of field ends with the specified string.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
ObjectId value

Equal-to comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
Decimal128 value

Equal-to comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
RealmAny value,
Case casing

Equal-to comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
String value,
Case casing

Equal-to comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
String value

Equal-to comparison.

Finds all objects that fulfill the query conditions.

Finds all objects that fulfill the query conditions.

public E

Finds the first object that fulfills the query conditions.

public E

Similar to findFirst() but runs asynchronously on a worker thread.

public String

Returns a textual description of this query.

public long

Returns the pointer to the underlying C++ query.

public Realm

Returns the Realm instance to which this query belongs.

public String

Returns the internal Realm name of the type being queried.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
ObjectId value

Greater-than comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
Decimal128 value

Greater-than comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
RealmAny value

Greater-than comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
Date value

Greater-than comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
float value

Greater-than comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
double value

Greater-than comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
long value

Greater-than comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
int value

Greater-than comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
ObjectId value

Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
Decimal128 value

Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
Date value

Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
float value

Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
double value

Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
long value

Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
int value

Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison.

public RealmQuery
in (
String fieldName,

In comparison.

public RealmQuery
in (
String fieldName,

In comparison.

public RealmQuery
in (
String fieldName,

In comparison.

public RealmQuery
in (
String fieldName,

In comparison.

public RealmQuery
in (
String fieldName,

In comparison.

public RealmQuery
in (
String fieldName,

In comparison.

public RealmQuery
in (
String fieldName,

In comparison.

public RealmQuery
in (
String fieldName,

In comparison.

public RealmQuery
in (
String fieldName,

In comparison.

public RealmQuery
in (
String fieldName,
Case casing

In comparison.

public RealmQuery
in (
String fieldName,

In comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName

Condition that finds values that are considered "empty" i.e., an empty list, the 0-length string or byte array.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName

Condition that finds values that are considered "Not-empty" i.e., a list, a string or a byte array with not-empty values.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName

Tests if a field is not null .

public RealmQuery
String fieldName

Tests if a field is null .

public boolean

Checks if io.realm.RealmQuery is still valid to use i.e., the io.realm.Realm instance hasn't been closed and any parent io.realm.RealmResults is still valid.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
ObjectId value

Less-than comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
Decimal128 value

Less-than comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
long value

Less-than comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
int value

Less-than comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
ObjectId value

Less-than-or-equal-to comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
Decimal128 value

Less-than-or-equal-to comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
long value

Less-than-or-equal-to comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
int value

Less-than-or-equal-to comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
RealmAny value,
Case casing

Condition that the value of field matches with the specified substring, with wildcards:

  • '*' matches [0, n] unicode chars

  • '?' matches a single unicode char.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
String value,
Case casing

Condition that the value of field matches with the specified substring, with wildcards:

  • '*' matches [0, n] unicode chars

  • '?' matches a single unicode char.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
RealmAny value

Condition that the value of field matches with the specified substring, with wildcards:

  • '*' matches [0, n] unicode chars

  • '?' matches a single unicode char.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
String value

Condition that the value of field matches with the specified substring, with wildcards:

  • '*' matches [0, n] unicode chars

  • '?' matches a single unicode char.

public RealmQuery
long limit

Limits the number of objects returned in case the query matched more objects.

public Number
max (
String fieldName

Finds the maximum value of a field.

public RealmAny
String fieldName

Finds the maximum value of a RealmAny field.

public Date
String fieldName

Finds the maximum value of a field.

public Number
min (
String fieldName

Finds the minimum value of a field.

public RealmAny
String fieldName

Finds the minimum value of a RealmAny field.

public Date
String fieldName

Finds the minimum value of a field.

public RealmQuery
not ()

Negate condition.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
ObjectId value

Not-equal-to comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
Decimal128 value

Not-equal-to comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
RealmAny value,
Case casing

Not-equal-to comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
String value,
Case casing

Not-equal-to comparison.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
String value

Not-equal-to comparison.

public RealmQuery
or ()

Logical-or two conditions.

public RealmQuery
String predicate,

Create a text-based predicate using the Realm Query Language.

public RealmQuery
java.lang.String[] fieldNames,
io.realm.Sort[] sortOrders

Sorts the query result by the specific field names in the provided orders.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName1,
Sort sortOrder1,
String fieldName2,
Sort sortOrder2

Sorts the query result by the specific field names in the provided orders.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName,
Sort sortOrder

Sorts the query result by the specified field name and order.

public RealmQuery
String fieldName

Sorts the query result by the specific field name in ascending order.

public Number
sum (
String fieldName

Calculates the sum of a given field.

  • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object : getClass , hashCode , equals , clone , toString , notify , notifyAll , wait , wait , wait , finalize

This predicate will never match, resulting in the query always returning 0 results.
This predicate will always match.
public RealmQuery and ()

Logical-and two conditions Realm automatically applies logical-and between all query statements, so this is intended only as a mean to increase readability.


the query object

public double average (
String fieldName

Returns the average of a given field. Does not support dotted field notation.


  • fieldName - the field to calculate average on. Only number fields are supported.


the average for the given field amongst objects in query results. This will be of type double for all types of number fields. If no objects exist or they all have null as the value for the given field, 0 will be returned. When computing the average, objects with null values are ignored.


public Decimal128 averageDecimal128 (
String fieldName

Returns the average of a given field. Does not support dotted field notation.


  • fieldName - the field to calculate average on. Only Decimal128 fields is supported. For other number types consider using average(String) .


the average for the given field amongst objects in query results. This will be of type Decimal128. If no objects exist or they all have null as the value for the given field 0 will be returned. When computing the average, objects with null values are ignored.


public Decimal128 averageRealmAny (
String fieldName

Returns the average of a given field. Does not support dotted field notation.


  • fieldName - the field to calculate average on. Only RealmAny fields are supported. For other types consider using average(String) .


the average for the given field amongst objects in query results. This will be of type Decimal128. If no objects exist or they all have null as the value for the given field 0 will be returned. When computing the average, objects with null values are ignored.


Begin grouping of conditions ("left parenthesis"). A group must be closed with a call to endGroup() .


the query object.


See also:

String fieldName,
RealmAny value,
Case casing

Condition that the value of field begins with the specified substring.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the substring.

  • casing - how to handle casing. Setting this to Case.INSENSITIVE only works for Latin-1 characters.


the query object


String fieldName,
String value,
Case casing

Condition that the value of field begins with the specified substring.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the substring.

  • casing - how to handle casing. Setting this to Case.INSENSITIVE only works for Latin-1 characters.


the query object


String fieldName,
RealmAny value

Condition that the value of field begins with the specified string.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the string.


the query object.


String fieldName,
String value

Condition that the value of field begins with the specified string.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the string.


the query object.


String fieldName,
Decimal128 from,
Decimal128 to

Between condition.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • from - lowest value (inclusive).

  • to - highest value (inclusive).


the query object.


String fieldName,
RealmAny from,

Between condition.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • from - lowest value (inclusive).

  • to - highest value (inclusive).


the query object.


String fieldName,
Date from,
Date to

Between condition.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • from - lowest value (inclusive).

  • to - highest value (inclusive).


the query object.


String fieldName,
float from,
float to

Between condition.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • from - lowest value (inclusive).

  • to - highest value (inclusive).


the query object.


String fieldName,
double from,
double to

Between condition.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • from - lowest value (inclusive).

  • to - highest value (inclusive).


the query object.


String fieldName,
long from,
long to

Between condition.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • from - lowest value (inclusive).

  • to - highest value (inclusive).


the query object.


String fieldName,
int from,
int to

Between condition.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • from - lowest value (inclusive).

  • to - highest value (inclusive).


the query object.


String fieldName,
RealmAny value,
Case casing

Condition that value of field contains the specified substring.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the substring.

  • casing - how to handle casing. Setting this to Case.INSENSITIVE only works for Latin-1 characters.


The query object.


String fieldName,
String value,
Case casing

Condition that value of field contains the specified substring.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the substring.

  • casing - how to handle casing. Setting this to Case.INSENSITIVE only works for Latin-1 characters.


The query object.


String fieldName,
RealmAny value

Condition that value of field contains the specified substring.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the substring.


the query object.


String fieldName,
String value

Condition that value of field contains the specified substring.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the substring.


the query object.


Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified entry.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • entry - the entry to search for.


the query object.


String fieldName,
String key

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified key.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • key - the key to search for.


the query object.


String fieldName,
ObjectId value

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified value.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the value to search for.


the query object.


String fieldName,
Decimal128 value

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified value.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the value to search for.


the query object.


String fieldName,
Date value

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified value.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the value to search for.


the query object.


String fieldName,
byte[] value

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified value.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the value to search for.


the query object.


String fieldName,
String value

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified value.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the value to search for.


the query object.


String fieldName,
Float value

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified value.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the value to search for.


the query object.


String fieldName,
Double value

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified value.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the value to search for.


the query object.


String fieldName,
Long value

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified value.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the value to search for.


the query object.


String fieldName,
Integer value

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified value.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the value to search for


the query object.


String fieldName,
Short value

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified value.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the value to search for.


the query object.


String fieldName,
Byte value

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified value.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the value to search for.


the query object.


String fieldName,
Boolean value

Condition that value, if a dictionary field, contains the specified value.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the value to search for.


the query object.


public long count ()

Counts the number of objects that fulfill the query conditions.


the number of matching objects.


String firstFieldName,
java.lang.String[] remainingFieldNames

Selects a distinct set of objects of a specific class. When multiple distinct fields are given, all unique combinations of values in the fields will be returned. In case of multiple matches, it is undefined which object is returned. Unless the result is sorted, then the first object will be returned.


  • firstFieldName - first field name to use when finding distinct objects.

  • remainingFieldNames - remaining field names when determining all unique combinations of field values.


End grouping of conditions ("right parenthesis") which was opened by a call to beginGroup() .


the query object.


See also:

String fieldName,
RealmAny value,
Case casing

Condition that the value of field ends with the specified substring.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the substring.

  • casing - how to handle casing. Setting this to Case.INSENSITIVE only works for Latin-1 characters.


the query object.


String fieldName,
String value,
Case casing

Condition that the value of field ends with the specified substring.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the substring.

  • casing - how to handle casing. Setting this to Case.INSENSITIVE only works for Latin-1 characters.


the query object.


String fieldName,
RealmAny value

Condition that the value of field ends with the specified string.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the string.


the query object.


String fieldName,
String value

Condition that the value of field ends with the specified string.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the string.


the query object.


String fieldName,
ObjectId value

Equal-to comparison.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the value to compare with.


the query object.


String fieldName,
Decimal128 value

Equal-to comparison.


  • fieldName - the field to compare.

  • value - the value to compare with.


the query object.
