Atlas Vector Search 快速入门
本快速入门介绍了如何将包含向量嵌入的示例文档加载到Atlas 集群或本地 Atlas 部署中,在这些嵌入上创建 Atlas Vector Search 索引,然后执行语义搜索以返回与查询相似的文档。
所需时间:15 分钟
字段包含使用 OpenAI 的text-embedding-ada-002
衡量相似性。运行 Atlas Vector Search 查询,搜索示例
字段,其中包含使用 OpenAI 的text-embedding-ada-002
字段中的字符串 time travel。它最多考虑150
创建 Vector Search 索引
➤ 要设置用于运行此页面上的示例的客户端,请使用右侧导航窗格中的选择语言下拉菜单。
在本部分中,您将在加载到 Atlas 集群或本地计算机托管部署中的示例数据上,创建 Atlas Vector Search 索引:
设置您的 Atlas 集群。
如果您还没有 Atlas 集群,可以免费创建一个 M0 集群。要了解有关创建 Atlas 集群的更多信息,请参阅创建集群。
如果使用现有集群,则您必须拥有 Atlas 项目的
Project Data Access Admin
免费集群。在左侧边栏,单击Atlas Search。从 Select data source 菜单中选择您的集群,然后单击 Go to Atlas Search。
如果尚未将样本数据集加载到集群,请单击 Load a Sample Dataset。在 Load Sample Dataset(加载样本数据集)对话框中,单击 Load Sample Dataset (确认)进行确认。
创建 Vector Search 索引。
命令或驾驶员助手方法在所有AtlasAtlas Search Atlas集群层上创建Atlas Search索引。有关支持的驾驶员版本的列表,请参阅支持的客户端。
示例数据加载完成后,单击 Create Search Index。
在 Atlas Vector Search 部分中,选择 JSON Editor 并点击 Next。
在 Database and Collection 部分中,展开
集合。此集合中的每个文档 都包含有关电影的信息,包括以字符串形式显示的电影情节摘要,该摘要也已转换为嵌入到文档的
字段中的矢量并存储为矢量。在 Index Name 字段中指定
。将以下向量搜索索引定义复制并粘贴到 JSON 编辑器中。
1 { 2 "fields": [{ 3 "type": "vector", 4 "path": "plot_embedding", 5 "numDimensions": 1536, 6 "similarity": "dotProduct" 7 }] 8 } 此索引定义:
单击 Next(连接)。
单击 Create Search Index(连接)。
构建索引大约需要一分钟时间。当向量索引构建完成后,Status 列显示 Active。
连接到 Atlas 集群。在终端窗口中打开
并连接到 Atlas 集群。有关连接的详细说明,请参阅通过 mongosh 连接。切换到包含要创建索引的集合的数据库。
use sample_mflix switched to db sample_mflix 运行
方法。1 db.embedded_movies.createSearchIndex( 2 "vector_index", 3 "vectorSearch", 4 { 5 "fields": [ 6 { 7 "type": "vector", 8 "path": "plot_embedding", 9 "numDimensions": 1536, 10 "similarity": "euclidean" 11 } 12 ] 13 } 14 ); 此索引定义:
安装 MongoDB C 驱动程序。
有关详细安装说明,请参阅 MongoDB C 驱动程序文档。
的新目录。mkdir query-quick-start 进入目录,创建
文件。cd query-quick-start touch CMakeLists.txt 将以下行复制并粘贴到
文件:cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.30) project(atlas-vector-search-quick-start) # Specify the minimum version for creating a vector index. find_package (mongoc-1.0 1.28.0 REQUIRED) add_executable(atlas-vector-search-quick-start vector_index.c ) target_link_libraries (atlas-vector-search-quick-start PRIVATE mongo::mongoc_shared) 定义索引。
的文件。将以下代码复制并粘贴到文件中。vector_index.c1 2 3 4 5 int main(void) { 6 mongoc_client_t *client; 7 mongoc_collection_t *collection; 8 bson_error_t error; 9 char database_name[] = "sample_mflix"; 10 char collection_name[] = "embedded_movies"; 11 char index_name[] = "vector_index"; 12 13 mongoc_init(); 14 15 // Replace the placeholder with your Atlas connection string 16 client = mongoc_client_new("<connection-string>"); 17 18 // Connect to your Atlas cluster 19 collection = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, database_name, collection_name); 20 21 bson_t cmd; 22 // Create search index command. 23 { 24 char *cmd_str = bson_strdup_printf ( 25 BSON_STR ({ 26 "createSearchIndexes" : "%s", 27 "indexes" : [{ 28 "definition": { 29 "fields": [{ 30 "type": "vector", 31 "path": "plot_embedding", 32 "numDimensions": 1536, 33 "similarity": "dotProduct" 34 }] 35 }, 36 "name": "%s", 37 "type": "vectorSearch" 38 }] 39 }), 40 collection_name, index_name); 41 if (!bson_init_from_json(&cmd, cmd_str, -1, &error)) { 42 printf("Failed to initialize BSON: %s\n", error.message); 43 bson_free(cmd_str); 44 return 1; 45 } 46 bson_free (cmd_str); 47 } 48 if (!mongoc_collection_command_simple (collection, &cmd, NULL /* read_prefs */, NULL /* reply */, &error)) { 49 bson_destroy (&cmd); 50 printf ("Failed to run createSearchIndexes: %s", error.message); 51 return 1; 52 } else { 53 printf ("New search index named %s is building.\n", index_name); 54 bson_destroy (&cmd); 55 } 56 57 // Polling for index status 58 printf("Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute.\n"); 59 int queryable = 0; 60 while (!queryable) { 61 const char *pipeline_str = "{\"pipeline\": [{\"$listSearchIndexes\": {}}]}"; 62 bson_t pipeline; 63 if (!bson_init_from_json(&pipeline, pipeline_str, -1, &error)) { 64 printf("Failed to initialize pipeline BSON: %s\n", error.message); 65 break; // Exit the loop on error 66 } 67 mongoc_cursor_t *cursor = mongoc_collection_aggregate(collection, MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, &pipeline, NULL, NULL); 68 const bson_t *got; 69 // Check if the cursor returns any documents 70 int found_index = 0; 71 while (mongoc_cursor_next(cursor, &got)) { 72 bson_iter_t iter; 73 if (bson_iter_init(&iter, got) && bson_iter_find(&iter, "name")) { 74 const char *name = bson_iter_utf8(&iter, NULL); 75 if (strcmp(name, index_name) == 0) { 76 found_index = 1; // Index found 77 bson_iter_find(&iter, "queryable"); 78 queryable = bson_iter_bool(&iter); 79 break; // Exit the loop since we found the index 80 } 81 } 82 } 83 if (mongoc_cursor_error(cursor, &error)) { 84 printf("Failed to run $listSearchIndexes: %s\n", error.message); 85 break; // Exit the loop on error 86 } 87 if (!found_index) { 88 printf("Index %s not found yet. Retrying...\n", index_name); 89 } 90 bson_destroy(&pipeline); 91 mongoc_cursor_destroy(cursor); 92 sleep(5); // Sleep for 5 seconds before checking again 93 } 94 if (queryable) { 95 printf("%s is ready for querying.\n", index_name); 96 } else { 97 printf("Error occurred or index not found.\n"); 98 } 99 100 // Cleanup 101 mongoc_collection_destroy(collection); 102 mongoc_client_destroy(client); 103 mongoc_cleanup(); 104 105 return 0; 106 } 此索引定义:
替换为 Atlas 集群或本地部署的连接字符串,然后保存文件。连接字符串应使用以下格式:
mongodb+srv://<db_username>:<db_password>@<clusterName>.<hostname> 注意
mongodb://localhost:<port-number>/?directConnection=true 创建并进入
目录:mkdir build && cd build 请准备项目。
cmake ../ 构建应用程序。
cmake --build . 执行应用以创建索引。
./atlas-vector-search-quick-start 1 New search index named vector_index is building. 2 Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute. 3 vector_index is ready for querying.
安装MongoDB C++驱动程序。
有关详细安装说明,请参阅 MongoDB C++ 驱动程序文档。
的新目录。mkdir query-quick-start 进入目录,创建
文件。cd query-quick-start touch CMakeLists.txt 将以下行复制并粘贴到
文件:cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.30) project(query_quick_start) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) # Specify the minimum version for creating a vector index. find_package(mongocxx 3.11.0 REQUIRED) find_package(bsoncxx REQUIRED) add_executable(query_quick_start vector_index.cpp ) target_link_libraries(query_quick_start PRIVATE mongo::mongocxx_shared) target_link_libraries(query_quick_start PRIVATE mongo::bsoncxx_shared) 定义索引。
的文件。将以下代码复制并粘贴到文件中。vector_index.cpp1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 using bsoncxx::builder::basic::kvp; 10 using bsoncxx::builder::basic::make_array; 11 using bsoncxx::builder::basic::make_document; 12 13 int main() { 14 try { 15 mongocxx::instance inst{}; 16 17 // Replace the placeholder with your Atlas connection string 18 const auto uri = mongocxx::uri{"<connection-string>"}; 19 20 // Connect to your Atlas cluster 21 mongocxx::client conn{uri}; 22 auto db = conn["sample_mflix"]; 23 auto collection = db["embedded_movies"]; 24 25 auto siv = collection.search_indexes(); 26 std::string name = "vector_index"; 27 auto type = "vectorSearch"; 28 auto definition = make_document( 29 kvp("fields", 30 make_array(make_document( 31 kvp("type", "vector"), kvp("path", "plot_embedding"), 32 kvp("numDimensions", 1536), kvp("similarity", "dotProduct"))))); 33 auto model = 34 mongocxx::search_index_model(name, definition.view()).type(type); 35 siv.create_one(model); 36 std::cout << "New search index named " << name << " is building." 37 << std::endl; 38 39 // Polling for index status 40 std::cout << "Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to " 41 "a minute." 42 << std::endl; 43 bool queryable = false; 44 while (!queryable) { 45 auto indexes = siv.list(); 46 for (const auto& index : indexes) { 47 if (index["name"].get_value() == name) { 48 queryable = index["queryable"].get_bool(); 49 } 50 } 51 if (!queryable) { 52 std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(5)); 53 } 54 } 55 std::cout << name << " is ready for querying." << std::endl; 56 } catch (const std::exception& e) { 57 std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; 58 } 59 return 0; 60 } 此索引定义:
替换为 Atlas 集群或本地部署的连接字符串,然后保存文件。连接字符串应使用以下格式:
mongodb+srv://<db_username>:<db_password>@<clusterName>.<hostname> 注意
mongodb://localhost:<port-number>/?directConnection=true 创建并进入
目录:mkdir build && cd build 请准备项目。
cmake ../ 构建应用程序。
cmake --build . 执行应用以创建索引。
./query_quick_start 1 New search index named vector_index is building. 2 Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute. 3 vector_index is ready for querying.
示例数据加载完成后,单击 Create Search Index。
在 Atlas Vector Search 部分中,选择 JSON Editor 并点击 Next。
在 Database and Collection 部分中,展开
集合。此集合中的每个文档 都包含有关电影的信息,包括以字符串形式显示的电影情节摘要,该摘要也已转换为嵌入到文档的
字段中的矢量并存储为矢量。在 Index Name 字段中指定
。将以下向量搜索索引定义复制并粘贴到 JSON 编辑器中。
1 { 2 "fields": [{ 3 "type": "vector", 4 "path": "plot_embedding", 5 "numDimensions": 1536, 6 "similarity": "dotProduct" 7 }] 8 } 此索引定义:
单击 Next(连接)。
单击 Create Search Index(连接)。
构建索引大约需要一分钟时间。当向量索引构建完成后,Status 列显示 Active。
初始化您的 Go 模块:
mkdir go-vector-quickstart && cd go-vector-quickstart go mod init go-vector-quickstart 将 Go 驱动程序作为依赖项添加到项目中:
go get 有关更详细的安装说明,请参阅 MongoDB Go 驱动程序文档。
的文件。将以下代码复制并粘贴到文件中。vector-index.go1 package main 2 3 import ( 4 "context" 5 "fmt" 6 "log" 7 "time" 8 9 "" 10 "" 11 "" 12 ) 13 14 func main() { 15 ctx := context.Background() 16 17 // Replace the placeholder with your Atlas connection string 18 const uri = "<connectionString>" 19 20 // Connect to your Atlas cluster 21 clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI(uri) 22 client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, clientOptions) 23 if err != nil { 24 log.Fatalf("failed to connect to the server: %v", err) 25 } 26 defer func() { _ = client.Disconnect(ctx) }() 27 28 // Set the namespace 29 coll := client.Database("sample_mflix").Collection("embedded_movies") 30 31 // Define the index details 32 type vectorDefinitionField struct { 33 Type string `bson:"type"` 34 Path string `bson:"path"` 35 NumDimensions int `bson:"numDimensions"` 36 Similarity string `bson:"similarity"` 37 } 38 39 type vectorDefinition struct { 40 Fields []vectorDefinitionField `bson:"fields"` 41 } 42 43 indexName := "vector_index" 44 opts := options.SearchIndexes().SetName(indexName).SetType("vectorSearch") 45 46 indexModel := mongo.SearchIndexModel{ 47 Definition: vectorDefinition{ 48 Fields: []vectorDefinitionField{{ 49 Type: "vector", 50 Path: "plot_embedding", 51 NumDimensions: 1536, 52 Similarity: "euclidean"}}, 53 }, 54 Options: opts, 55 } 56 57 // Create the index 58 searchIndexName, err := coll.SearchIndexes().CreateOne(ctx, indexModel) 59 if err != nil { 60 log.Fatalf("failed to create the search index: %v", err) 61 } 62 log.Println("New search index named " + searchIndexName + " is building.") 63 64 // Await the creation of the index. 65 log.Println("Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute.") 66 searchIndexes := coll.SearchIndexes() 67 var doc bson.Raw 68 for doc == nil { 69 cursor, err := searchIndexes.List(ctx, options.SearchIndexes().SetName(searchIndexName)) 70 if err != nil { 71 fmt.Errorf("failed to list search indexes: %w", err) 72 } 73 74 if !cursor.Next(ctx) { 75 break 76 } 77 78 name := cursor.Current.Lookup("name").StringValue() 79 queryable := cursor.Current.Lookup("queryable").Boolean() 80 if name == searchIndexName && queryable { 81 doc = cursor.Current 82 } else { 83 time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) 84 } 85 } 86 87 log.Println(searchIndexName + " is ready for querying.") 88 } 此索引定义:
替换为 Atlas 集群或本地部署的连接字符串,然后保存文件。连接字符串应使用以下格式:
mongodb+srv://<db_username>:<db_password>@<clusterName>.<hostname> 注意
mongodb://localhost:<port-number>/?directConnection=true 运行以下命令以创建索引。
go run vector-index.go 2024/10/17 09:38:21 New search index named vector_index is building. 2024/10/17 09:38:22 Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute. 2024/10/17 09:38:48 vector_index is ready for querying.
将 Java 驱动程序版本 5.2 或更高版本作为依赖项添加到项目中:
如果您使用 Maven,请将以下依赖项添加到
依赖项列表中:<dependency> <groupId>org.mongodb</groupId> <artifactId>mongodb-driver-sync</artifactId> <version>[5.2.0,)</version> </dependency> 如果您使用 Gradle,请将以下依赖项添加到
依赖项列表中:dependencies { implementation 'org.mongodb:mongodb-driver-sync:[5.2.0,)' }
将 Java 驱动程序的 JAR 文件添加到您的
中。有关更详细的安装说明和版本兼容性信息,请参阅 MongoDB Java 驱动程序文档。
的文件。将以下代码复制并粘贴到文件中。VectorIndex.java1 import com.mongodb.client.ListSearchIndexesIterable; 2 import com.mongodb.client.MongoClient; 3 import com.mongodb.client.MongoClients; 4 import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; 5 import com.mongodb.client.MongoCursor; 6 import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase; 7 import com.mongodb.client.model.SearchIndexModel; 8 import com.mongodb.client.model.SearchIndexType; 9 import org.bson.Document; 10 import org.bson.conversions.Bson; 11 12 import java.util.Collections; 13 import java.util.List; 14 15 public class VectorIndex { 16 17 public static void main(String[] args) { 18 19 // Replace the placeholder with your Atlas connection string 20 String uri = "<connectionString>"; 21 22 // Connect to your Atlas cluster 23 try (MongoClient mongoClient = MongoClients.create(uri)) { 24 25 // Set the namespace 26 MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("sample_mflix"); 27 MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("embedded_movies"); 28 29 // Define the index details 30 String indexName = "vector_index"; 31 Bson definition = new Document( 32 "fields", 33 Collections.singletonList( 34 new Document("type", "vector") 35 .append("path", "plot_embedding") 36 .append("numDimensions", 1536) 37 .append("similarity", "euclidean"))); 38 39 // Define the index model 40 SearchIndexModel indexModel = new SearchIndexModel( 41 indexName, 42 definition, 43 SearchIndexType.vectorSearch()); 44 45 // Create the index 46 try { 47 List<String> result = collection.createSearchIndexes(Collections.singletonList(indexModel)); 48 System.out.println("New search index named " + result.get(0) + " is building."); 49 } catch (Exception e) { 50 throw new RuntimeException("Error creating index: " + e); 51 } 52 53 // Wait for Atlas to build the index 54 System.out.println("Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute."); 55 56 ListSearchIndexesIterable<Document> searchIndexes = collection.listSearchIndexes(); 57 Document doc = null; 58 while (doc == null) { 59 try (MongoCursor<Document> cursor = searchIndexes.iterator()) { 60 if (!cursor.hasNext()) { 61 break; 62 } 63 Document current =; 64 String name = current.getString("name"); 65 // When the index completes building, it becomes `queryable` 66 boolean queryable = current.getBoolean("queryable"); 67 if (name.equals(indexName) && queryable) { 68 doc = current; 69 } else { 70 Thread.sleep(500); 71 } 72 } catch (Exception e) { 73 throw new RuntimeException("Failed to list search indexes: " + e); 74 } 75 } 76 System.out.println(indexName + " is ready for querying."); 77 78 } catch (Exception e) { 79 throw new RuntimeException("Error connecting to MongoDB: " + e); 80 } 81 } 82 } 此索引定义:
替换为 Atlas 集群或本地部署的连接字符串,然后保存文件。连接字符串应使用以下格式:
mongodb+srv://<db_username>:<db_password>@<clusterName>.<hostname> 注意
mongodb://localhost:<port-number>/?directConnection=true 在 IDE 中运行该文件,或从命令行执行命令来运行代码。
javac java VectorIndex New search index named vector_index is building. Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute. vector_index is ready for querying.
安装 MongoDB Kotlin 协程驱动程序。
有关更详细的安装说明和版本兼容性信息,请参阅 MongoDB Kotlin 协程驱动程序文档。
的文件。将以下代码复制并粘贴到文件中。VectorIndex.kt1 import com.mongodb.MongoException 2 import com.mongodb.client.model.SearchIndexModel 3 import com.mongodb.client.model.SearchIndexType 4 import com.mongodb.kotlin.client.coroutine.MongoClient 5 import kotlinx.coroutines.delay 6 import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.toList 7 import org.bson.Document 8 import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking 9 10 fun main() { 11 // Replace the placeholder with your MongoDB deployment's connection string 12 val uri = "<connection-string>" 13 val mongoClient = MongoClient.create(uri) 14 val database = mongoClient.getDatabase("sample_mflix") 15 val collection = database.getCollection<Document>("embedded_movies") 16 val indexName = "vector_index" 17 val searchIndexModel = SearchIndexModel( 18 indexName, 19 Document( 20 "fields", 21 listOf( 22 Document("type", "vector") 23 .append("path", "plot_embedding") 24 .append("numDimensions", 1536) 25 .append("similarity", "dotProduct") 26 ) 27 ), 28 SearchIndexType.vectorSearch() 29 ) 30 31 runBlocking { 32 try { 33 collection.createSearchIndexes(listOf(searchIndexModel)) 34 .collect { result -> 35 println("New search index named $result is building.") 36 } 37 38 // Polling to check if the index is queryable 39 println("Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute.") 40 var isQueryable = false 41 while (!isQueryable) { 42 delay(5000L) // Poll every 5 seconds 43 44 val indexes = collection.listSearchIndexes().toList() 45 isQueryable = indexes.any { index -> 46 index.getString("name") == indexName && index.getBoolean("queryable") 47 } 48 if (isQueryable) { 49 println("$indexName is ready for querying.") 50 } 51 } 52 } catch (me: MongoException) { 53 System.err.println("An error occurred: $me") 54 } 55 } 56 mongoClient.close() 57 } 此索引定义:
替换为 Atlas 集群或本地部署的连接字符串,然后保存文件。连接字符串应使用以下格式:
mongodb+srv://<db_username>:<db_password>@<clusterName>.<hostname> 注意
mongodb://localhost:<port-number>/?directConnection=true 在 IDE 中运行
文件。输出应类似于以下内容:New search index named vector_index is building. Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute. vector_index is ready for querying.
安装 MongoDB Kotlin 同步驱动程序。
有关更详细的安装说明和版本兼容性,请参阅 MongoDB Kotlin Sync 驱动程序文档。
的文件。将以下代码复制并粘贴到文件中。VectorIndex.kt1 import com.mongodb.MongoException 2 import com.mongodb.client.model.SearchIndexModel 3 import com.mongodb.client.model.SearchIndexType 4 import com.mongodb.kotlin.client.MongoClient 5 import org.bson.Document 6 7 fun main() { 8 // Replace the placeholder with your MongoDB deployment's connection string 9 val uri = "<connection-string>" 10 val mongoClient = MongoClient.create(uri) 11 val database = mongoClient.getDatabase("sample_mflix") 12 val collection = database.getCollection<Document>("embedded_movies") 13 val indexName = "vector_index" 14 val searchIndexModel = SearchIndexModel( 15 indexName, 16 Document( 17 "fields", 18 listOf( 19 Document("type", "vector") 20 .append("path", "plot_embedding") 21 .append("numDimensions", 1536) 22 .append("similarity", "dotProduct") 23 ) 24 ), 25 SearchIndexType.vectorSearch() 26 ) 27 28 try { 29 val result = collection.createSearchIndexes( 30 listOf(searchIndexModel) 31 ) 32 println("New search index named ${result.get(0)} is building.") 33 34 // Polling to check if the index is queryable 35 println("Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute.") 36 var isQueryable = false 37 while (!isQueryable) { 38 val results = collection.listSearchIndexes() 39 results.forEach { result -> 40 if (result.getString("name") == indexName && result.getBoolean("queryable")) { 41 println("$indexName is ready for querying.") 42 isQueryable = true 43 } else { 44 Thread.sleep(5000) // Poll every 5 seconds 45 } 46 } 47 } 48 } catch (me: MongoException) { 49 System.err.println("An error occurred: $me") 50 } 51 mongoClient.close() 52 } 此索引定义:
替换为 Atlas 集群或本地部署的连接字符串,然后保存文件。连接字符串应使用以下格式:
mongodb+srv://<db_username>:<db_password>@<clusterName>.<hostname> 注意
mongodb://localhost:<port-number>/?directConnection=true 在 IDE 中运行
文件。输出应类似于以下内容:New search index named vector_index is building. Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute. vector_index is ready for querying.
将 MongoDB Node 驱动程序作为依赖项添加到项目中:
npm install mongodb 提示
本页上的示例假设您的项目将模块作为 CommonJS 模块进行管理。而如果您使用的是 ES 模块,则必须修改导入语法。
的文件。将以下代码复制并粘贴到文件中。vector-index.js1 const { MongoClient } = require("mongodb"); 2 3 // connect to your Atlas deployment 4 const uri = "<connectionString>"; 5 6 const client = new MongoClient(uri); 7 8 async function run() { 9 try { 10 const database = client.db("sample_mflix"); 11 const collection = database.collection("embedded_movies"); 12 13 // define your Atlas Vector Search index 14 const index = { 15 name: "vector_index", 16 type: "vectorSearch", 17 definition: { 18 "fields": [ 19 { 20 "type": "vector", 21 "numDimensions": 1536, 22 "path": "plot_embedding", 23 "similarity": "euclidean" 24 } 25 ] 26 } 27 } 28 29 // run the helper method 30 const result = await collection.createSearchIndex(index); 31 console.log(`New search index named ${result} is building.`); 32 33 // wait for the index to be ready to query 34 console.log("Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute.") 35 let isQueryable = false; 36 while (!isQueryable) { 37 const cursor = collection.listSearchIndexes(); 38 for await (const index of cursor) { 39 if ( === result) { 40 if (index.queryable) { 41 console.log(`${result} is ready for querying.`); 42 isQueryable = true; 43 } else { 44 await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5000)); 45 } 46 } 47 } 48 } 49 } finally { 50 await client.close(); 51 } 52 } 53 run().catch(console.dir); 此索引定义:
替换为 Atlas 集群或本地部署的连接字符串,然后保存文件。连接字符串应使用以下格式:
mongodb+srv://<db_username>:<db_password>@<clusterName>.<hostname> 注意
mongodb://localhost:<port-number>/?directConnection=true 运行以下命令以创建索引。
node vector-index.js New search index named vector_index is building. Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute. vector_index is ready for querying.
安装 MongoDB PHP 驱动程序。
有关详细安装说明,请参阅MongoDB PHP 库文档。
的文件。将以下代码复制并粘贴到文件中。vector-index.php1 2 3 require 'vendor/autoload.php'; 4 5 // Replace the placeholder with your Atlas connection string 6 $uri = "<connection-string>"; 7 $client = new MongoDB\Client($uri); 8 $collection = $client->sample_mflix->embedded_movies; 9 $indexName = "vector_index"; 10 try { 11 $result = $collection->createSearchIndexes( 12 [[ 13 'name' => $indexName, 14 'type' => 'vectorSearch', 15 'definition' => [ 16 'fields' => [[ 17 'type' => 'vector', 18 'path' => 'plot_embedding', 19 'numDimensions' => 1536, 20 'similarity' => 'dotProduct' 21 ]] 22 ], 23 ]] 24 ); 25 echo "New search index named $result[0] is building." .PHP_EOL; 26 27 // Polling for the index to become queryable 28 echo "Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute." .PHP_EOL; 29 $isIndexQueryable = false; 30 while (!$isIndexQueryable) { 31 // List the search indexes 32 $searchIndexes = $collection->listSearchIndexes(); 33 // Check if the index is present and queryable 34 foreach ($searchIndexes as $index) { 35 if ($index->name === $indexName) { 36 $isIndexQueryable = $index->queryable; 37 } 38 } 39 if (!$isIndexQueryable) { 40 sleep(5); // Wait for 5 seconds before polling again 41 } 42 } 43 echo "$indexName is ready for querying." .PHP_EOL; 44 } 45 catch (MongoDB\Driver\Exception\Exception $e) { 46 print 'Error creating the index: ' .$e->getMessage() .PHP_EOL; 47 } 此索引定义:
替换为 Atlas 集群或本地部署的连接字符串,然后保存文件。连接字符串应使用以下格式:
mongodb+srv://<db_username>:<db_password>@<clusterName>.<hostname> 注意
mongodb://localhost:<port-number>/?directConnection=true 运行以下命令以创建索引。
php vector-index.php New search index named vector_index is building. Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute. vector_index is ready for querying.
将 PyMongo 驱动程序作为依赖项添加到项目中:
pip install pymongo 有关更详细的安装说明,请参阅 MongoDB Python 驱动程序文档。
的文件。将以下代码复制并粘贴到文件中。vector-index.py1 from pymongo.mongo_client import MongoClient 2 from pymongo.operations import SearchIndexModel 3 import time 4 5 # Connect to your Atlas deployment 6 uri = "<connectionString>" 7 client = MongoClient(uri) 8 9 # Access your database and collection 10 database = client["sample_mflix"] 11 collection = database["embedded_movies"] 12 13 # Create your index model, then create the search index 14 search_index_model = SearchIndexModel( 15 definition={ 16 "fields": [ 17 { 18 "type": "vector", 19 "path": "plot_embedding", 20 "numDimensions": 1536, 21 "similarity": "euclidean" 22 } 23 ] 24 }, 25 name="vector_index", 26 type="vectorSearch", 27 ) 28 29 result = collection.create_search_index(model=search_index_model) 30 print("New search index named " + result + " is building.") 31 # Wait for initial sync to complete 32 print("Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute.") 33 predicate=None 34 if predicate is None: 35 predicate = lambda index: index.get("queryable") is True 36 37 while True: 38 indices = list(collection.list_search_indexes(name)) 39 if len(indices) and predicate(indices[0]): 40 break 41 time.sleep(5) 42 print(result + " is ready for querying.") 43 44 client.close() 此索引定义:
替换为 Atlas 集群或本地部署的连接字符串,然后保存文件。连接字符串应使用以下格式:
mongodb+srv://<db_username>:<db_password>@<clusterName>.<hostname> 注意
mongodb://localhost:<port-number>/?directConnection=true 运行以下命令以创建索引。
python New search index named vector_index is building. Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute. vector_index is ready for querying.
示例数据加载完成后,单击 Create Search Index。
在 Atlas Vector Search 部分中,选择 JSON Editor 并点击 Next。
在 Database and Collection 部分中,展开
集合。此集合中的每个文档 都包含有关电影的信息,包括以字符串形式显示的电影情节摘要,该摘要也已转换为嵌入到文档的
字段中的矢量并存储为矢量。在 Index Name 字段中指定
。将以下向量搜索索引定义复制并粘贴到 JSON 编辑器中。
1 { 2 "fields": [{ 3 "type": "vector", 4 "path": "plot_embedding", 5 "numDimensions": 1536, 6 "similarity": "dotProduct" 7 }] 8 } 此索引定义:
单击 Next(连接)。
单击 Create Search Index(连接)。
构建索引大约需要一分钟时间。当向量索引构建完成后,Status 列显示 Active。
安装适用于 MongoDB 的 Rust 驱动程序。
有关更详细的安装说明,请参阅MongoDB Rust 驱动程序文档。
的文件。将以下代码复制并粘贴到该文件中。vector_index.rs1 use std::ops::Index; 2 use std::time::Duration; 3 use futures::{TryStreamExt}; 4 use mongodb::{bson::{Document, doc}, Client, Collection, SearchIndexModel}; 5 use mongodb::SearchIndexType::VectorSearch; 6 use tokio::time::sleep; 7 8 9 pub(crate) async fn vector_index() { 10 // Replace the placeholder with your Atlas connection string 11 let uri = "<connection_string>"; 12 13 // Create a new client and connect to the server 14 let client = Client::with_uri_str(uri).await.unwrap(); 15 16 // Get a handle on the movies collection 17 let database = client.database("sample_mflix"); 18 let my_coll: Collection<Document> = database.collection("embedded_movies"); 19 20 let index_name = "vector_index"; 21 let search_index_def = SearchIndexModel::builder() 22 .definition(doc! { 23 "fields": vec! {doc! { 24 "type": "vector", 25 "path": "plot_embedding", 26 "numDimensions": 1536, 27 "similarity": "dotProduct" 28 }} 29 }) 30 .name(index_name.to_string()) 31 .index_type(VectorSearch) 32 .build(); 33 34 let models = vec![search_index_def]; 35 let result = my_coll.create_search_indexes(models).await; 36 if let Err(e) = result { 37 eprintln!("There was an error creating the search index: {}", e); 38 std::process::exit(1) 39 } else { 40 println!("New search index named {} is building.", result.unwrap().index(0)); 41 } 42 43 // Polling for the index to become queryable 44 println!("Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute."); 45 let mut is_index_queryable = false; 46 while !is_index_queryable { 47 // List the search indexes 48 let mut search_indexes = my_coll.list_search_indexes().await.unwrap(); 49 // Check if the index is present and queryable 50 while let Some(index) = search_indexes.try_next().await.unwrap() { 51 let retrieved_name = index.get_str("name"); 52 if retrieved_name.unwrap().to_string() == index_name { 53 is_index_queryable = index.get_bool("queryable").unwrap(); 54 } 55 } 56 if !is_index_queryable { 57 sleep(Duration::from_secs(5)).await; // Wait for 5 seconds before polling again 58 } 59 } 60 println!("{} is ready for querying.", index_name); 61 } vector_index.rs1 use std::ops::Index; 2 use std::time::Duration; 3 use std::thread::sleep; 4 use mongodb::{ 5 bson::{doc, Document}, 6 Client, Collection, SearchIndexModel, 7 }; 8 use mongodb::options::ClientOptions; 9 use mongodb::SearchIndexType::VectorSearch; 10 11 pub(crate) fn vector_index() { 12 // Replace the placeholder with your Atlas connection string 13 let uri = "<connection_string>"; 14 15 // Create a new client and connect to the server 16 let options = ClientOptions::parse(uri).run().unwrap(); 17 let client = Client::with_options(options).unwrap(); 18 19 // Get a handle on the movies collection 20 let database = client.database("sample_mflix"); 21 let my_coll: Collection<Document> = database.collection("embedded_movies"); 22 23 let index_name = "vector_index"; 24 let search_index_def = SearchIndexModel::builder() 25 .definition(doc! { 26 "fields": vec! {doc! { 27 "type": "vector", 28 "path": "plot_embedding", 29 "numDimensions": 1536, 30 "similarity": "dotProduct" 31 }} 32 }) 33 .name(index_name.to_string()) 34 .index_type(VectorSearch) 35 .build(); 36 37 let models = vec![search_index_def]; 38 let result = my_coll.create_search_indexes(models).run(); 39 if let Err(e) = result { 40 eprintln!("There was an error creating the search index: {}", e); 41 std::process::exit(1) 42 } else { 43 println!("New search index named {} is building.", result.unwrap().index(0)); 44 } 45 46 // Polling for the index to become queryable 47 println!("Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute."); 48 let mut is_index_queryable = false; 49 while !is_index_queryable { 50 // List the search indexes 51 let search_indexes = my_coll.list_search_indexes().run().unwrap(); 52 53 // Check if the index is present and queryable 54 for index in search_indexes { 55 let unwrapped_index = index.unwrap(); 56 let retrieved_name = unwrapped_index.get_str("name").unwrap(); 57 if retrieved_name == index_name { 58 is_index_queryable = unwrapped_index.get_bool("queryable").unwrap_or(false); 59 } 60 } 61 62 if !is_index_queryable { 63 sleep(Duration::from_secs(5)); // Wait for 5 seconds before polling again 64 } 65 } 66 println!("{} is ready for querying.", index_name); 67 } 此索引定义:
替换为 Atlas 集群或本地部署的连接字符串,然后保存文件。连接字符串应使用以下格式:
mongodb+srv://<db_username>:<db_password>@<clusterName>.<hostname> 注意
mongodb://localhost:<port-number>/?directConnection=true 从
中调用该函数。mod vector_index; fn main() { vector_index::vector_index(); } 在 IDE 中运行该文件,或从命令行执行命令来运行代码。
cargo run New search index named vector_index is building. Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute. vector_index is ready for querying.
安装 MongoDB Scala 驱动程序。
有关基于环境和所使用的 Scala 版本的安装说明,请参阅 MongoDB Scala 驱动程序文档。
sbt 创建一个名为 的项目。sbt new scala/hello-world.g8 出现提示时,将应用程序命名为
的文件。将以下代码复制并粘贴到该文件中。VectorIndex.scala1 import org.mongodb.scala._ 2 import org.mongodb.scala.model._ 3 import com.mongodb.client.model.SearchIndexType 4 5 class VectorIndex { 6 def createIndex(): Unit = { 7 val collection = 8 MongoClient("<connection-string>") 9 .getDatabase("sample_mflix") 10 .getCollection("embedded_movies") 11 val indexName = "vector_index" 12 val indexNameAsOption = Option(indexName) 13 val indexDefinition = Document( 14 "fields" -> List( 15 Document( 16 "type" -> "vector", 17 "path" -> "plot_embedding", 18 "numDimensions" -> 1536, 19 "similarity" -> "dotProduct" 20 ) 21 ) 22 ) 23 val indexType = Option(SearchIndexType.vectorSearch()) 24 val indexModel: SearchIndexModel = SearchIndexModel( 25 indexNameAsOption, indexDefinition, indexType 26 ) 27 collection.createSearchIndexes(List(indexModel)).foreach { doc => println(s"New search index named $doc is building.") } 28 Thread.sleep(2000) 29 println("Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute.") 30 var indexReady = false 31 while (!indexReady) { 32 val searchIndexes = collection.listSearchIndexes() 33 searchIndexes.foreach { current => 34 val document = current.toBsonDocument() 35 val name = document.get("name").asString().getValue 36 val queryable = document.get("queryable").asBoolean().getValue 37 if (name == indexName && queryable) { 38 indexReady = true 39 } 40 } 41 if (!indexReady) { 42 Thread.sleep(5000) 43 } 44 } 45 println(s"$indexName is ready for querying.") 46 } 47 } 此索引定义:
替换为 Atlas 集群或本地部署的连接字符串,然后保存文件。连接字符串应使用以下格式:
mongodb+srv://<db_username>:<db_password>@<clusterName>.<hostname> 注意
mongodb://localhost:<port-number>/?directConnection=true 创建一个类实例并调用项目的
文件中的函数。object Main extends App { private val indexInstance = new VectorIndex indexInstance.createIndex() } 在 IDE 中运行该文件,或从命令行执行命令来运行代码。
Scala 可以在多种工具和环境中运行。在此示例中,我们通过使用
命令启动 sbt 服务器,然后键入~run
来运行新的 Scala 项目。sbt:quick-start> ~run New search index named vector_index is building. Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute. vector_index is ready for querying.
如果使用 Homebrew ,则可以在终端中运行以下命令:
brew install mongodb-atlas-cli 安装 Docker。
对于 macOS 或 Windows,请安装 Docker 桌面 v4.31+。
对于 Linux,请安装 Docker Engine v27.0+。
对于 RHEL,您还可以使用 Podman v5.0 +。
设置本地 Atlas 部署。
如果没有 Atlas 账户,请在终端运行
atlas setup
atlas deployments setup
。有关详细说明,请参阅创建本地 Atlas 部署。
创建 Vector Search 索引。
将以下索引定义复制并粘贴到 JSON 文件中。
{ "database": "sample_mflix", "collectionName": "embedded_movies", "type": "vectorSearch", "name": "vector_index", "fields": [ { "type": "vector", "path": "plot_embedding", "numDimensions": 1536, "similarity": "dotProduct" } ] } 此索引定义:
文件的路径。atlas deployments search indexes create --file <path-to-file>
连接到 Atlas 集群。在终端窗口中,运行
atlas deployments connect
连接到本地 Atlas 部署。有关连接的详细说明,请参阅管理本地 Atlas 部署。切换到包含要创建索引的集合的数据库。
use sample_mflix switched to db sample_mflix 运行
方法。1 db.embedded_movies.createSearchIndex( 2 "vector_index", 3 "vectorSearch", 4 { 5 "fields": [ 6 { 7 "type": "vector", 8 "path": "plot_embedding", 9 "numDimensions": 1536, 10 "similarity": "euclidean" 11 } 12 ] 13 } 14 ); 此索引定义:
安装 MongoDB C 驱动程序。
有关详细安装说明,请参阅 MongoDB C 驱动程序文档。
的新目录。mkdir query-quick-start 进入目录,创建
文件。cd query-quick-start touch CMakeLists.txt 将以下行复制并粘贴到
文件:cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.30) project(atlas-vector-search-quick-start) # Specify the minimum version for creating a vector index. find_package (mongoc-1.0 1.28.0 REQUIRED) add_executable(atlas-vector-search-quick-start vector_index.c ) target_link_libraries (atlas-vector-search-quick-start PRIVATE mongo::mongoc_shared) 定义索引。
的文件。将以下代码复制并粘贴到文件中。vector_index.c1 2 3 4 5 int main(void) { 6 mongoc_client_t *client; 7 mongoc_collection_t *collection; 8 bson_error_t error; 9 char database_name[] = "sample_mflix"; 10 char collection_name[] = "embedded_movies"; 11 char index_name[] = "vector_index"; 12 13 mongoc_init(); 14 15 // Replace the placeholder with your Atlas connection string 16 client = mongoc_client_new("<connection-string>"); 17 18 // Connect to your Atlas cluster 19 collection = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, database_name, collection_name); 20 21 bson_t cmd; 22 // Create search index command. 23 { 24 char *cmd_str = bson_strdup_printf ( 25 BSON_STR ({ 26 "createSearchIndexes" : "%s", 27 "indexes" : [{ 28 "definition": { 29 "fields": [{ 30 "type": "vector", 31 "path": "plot_embedding", 32 "numDimensions": 1536, 33 "similarity": "dotProduct" 34 }] 35 }, 36 "name": "%s", 37 "type": "vectorSearch" 38 }] 39 }), 40 collection_name, index_name); 41 if (!bson_init_from_json(&cmd, cmd_str, -1, &error)) { 42 printf("Failed to initialize BSON: %s\n", error.message); 43 bson_free(cmd_str); 44 return 1; 45 } 46 bson_free (cmd_str); 47 } 48 if (!mongoc_collection_command_simple (collection, &cmd, NULL /* read_prefs */, NULL /* reply */, &error)) { 49 bson_destroy (&cmd); 50 printf ("Failed to run createSearchIndexes: %s", error.message); 51 return 1; 52 } else { 53 printf ("New search index named %s is building.\n", index_name); 54 bson_destroy (&cmd); 55 } 56 57 // Polling for index status 58 printf("Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute.\n"); 59 int queryable = 0; 60 while (!queryable) { 61 const char *pipeline_str = "{\"pipeline\": [{\"$listSearchIndexes\": {}}]}"; 62 bson_t pipeline; 63 if (!bson_init_from_json(&pipeline, pipeline_str, -1, &error)) { 64 printf("Failed to initialize pipeline BSON: %s\n", error.message); 65 break; // Exit the loop on error 66 } 67 mongoc_cursor_t *cursor = mongoc_collection_aggregate(collection, MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, &pipeline, NULL, NULL); 68 const bson_t *got; 69 // Check if the cursor returns any documents 70 int found_index = 0; 71 while (mongoc_cursor_next(cursor, &got)) { 72 bson_iter_t iter; 73 if (bson_iter_init(&iter, got) && bson_iter_find(&iter, "name")) { 74 const char *name = bson_iter_utf8(&iter, NULL); 75 if (strcmp(name, index_name) == 0) { 76 found_index = 1; // Index found 77 bson_iter_find(&iter, "queryable"); 78 queryable = bson_iter_bool(&iter); 79 break; // Exit the loop since we found the index 80 } 81 } 82 } 83 if (mongoc_cursor_error(cursor, &error)) { 84 printf("Failed to run $listSearchIndexes: %s\n", error.message); 85 break; // Exit the loop on error 86 } 87 if (!found_index) { 88 printf("Index %s not found yet. Retrying...\n", index_name); 89 } 90 bson_destroy(&pipeline); 91 mongoc_cursor_destroy(cursor); 92 sleep(5); // Sleep for 5 seconds before checking again 93 } 94 if (queryable) { 95 printf("%s is ready for querying.\n", index_name); 96 } else { 97 printf("Error occurred or index not found.\n"); 98 } 99 100 // Cleanup 101 mongoc_collection_destroy(collection); 102 mongoc_client_destroy(client); 103 mongoc_cleanup(); 104 105 return 0; 106 } 此索引定义:
替换为 Atlas 集群或本地部署的连接字符串,然后保存文件。连接字符串应使用以下格式:
mongodb+srv://<db_username>:<db_password>@<clusterName>.<hostname> 注意
mongodb://localhost:<port-number>/?directConnection=true 创建并进入
目录:mkdir build && cd build 请准备项目。
cmake ../ 构建应用程序。
cmake --build . 执行应用以创建索引。
./atlas-vector-search-quick-start 1 New search index named vector_index is building. 2 Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute. 3 vector_index is ready for querying.
安装MongoDB C++驱动程序。
有关详细安装说明,请参阅 MongoDB C++ 驱动程序文档。
的新目录。mkdir query-quick-start 进入目录,创建
文件。cd query-quick-start touch CMakeLists.txt 将以下行复制并粘贴到
文件:cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.30) project(query_quick_start) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) # Specify the minimum version for creating a vector index. find_package(mongocxx 3.11.0 REQUIRED) find_package(bsoncxx REQUIRED) add_executable(query_quick_start vector_index.cpp ) target_link_libraries(query_quick_start PRIVATE mongo::mongocxx_shared) target_link_libraries(query_quick_start PRIVATE mongo::bsoncxx_shared) 定义索引。
的文件。将以下代码复制并粘贴到文件中。vector_index.cpp1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 using bsoncxx::builder::basic::kvp; 10 using bsoncxx::builder::basic::make_array; 11 using bsoncxx::builder::basic::make_document; 12 13 int main() { 14 try { 15 mongocxx::instance inst{}; 16 17 // Replace the placeholder with your Atlas connection string 18 const auto uri = mongocxx::uri{"<connection-string>"}; 19 20 // Connect to your Atlas cluster 21 mongocxx::client conn{uri}; 22 auto db = conn["sample_mflix"]; 23 auto collection = db["embedded_movies"]; 24 25 auto siv = collection.search_indexes(); 26 std::string name = "vector_index"; 27 auto type = "vectorSearch"; 28 auto definition = make_document( 29 kvp("fields", 30 make_array(make_document( 31 kvp("type", "vector"), kvp("path", "plot_embedding"), 32 kvp("numDimensions", 1536), kvp("similarity", "dotProduct"))))); 33 auto model = 34 mongocxx::search_index_model(name, definition.view()).type(type); 35 siv.create_one(model); 36 std::cout << "New search index named " << name << " is building." 37 << std::endl; 38 39 // Polling for index status 40 std::cout << "Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to " 41 "a minute." 42 << std::endl; 43 bool queryable = false; 44 while (!queryable) { 45 auto indexes = siv.list(); 46 for (const auto& index : indexes) { 47 if (index["name"].get_value() == name) { 48 queryable = index["queryable"].get_bool(); 49 } 50 } 51 if (!queryable) { 52 std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(5)); 53 } 54 } 55 std::cout << name << " is ready for querying." << std::endl; 56 } catch (const std::exception& e) { 57 std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; 58 } 59 return 0; 60 } 此索引定义:
替换为 Atlas 集群或本地部署的连接字符串,然后保存文件。连接字符串应使用以下格式:
mongodb+srv://<db_username>:<db_password>@<clusterName>.<hostname> 注意
mongodb://localhost:<port-number>/?directConnection=true 创建并进入
目录:mkdir build && cd build 请准备项目。
cmake ../ 构建应用程序。
cmake --build . 执行应用以创建索引。
./query_quick_start 1 New search index named vector_index is building. 2 Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute. 3 vector_index is ready for querying.
将以下索引定义复制并粘贴到 JSON 文件中。
{ "database": "sample_mflix", "collectionName": "embedded_movies", "type": "vectorSearch", "name": "vector_index", "fields": [ { "type": "vector", "path": "plot_embedding", "numDimensions": 1536, "similarity": "dotProduct" } ] } 此索引定义:
文件的路径。atlas deployments search indexes create --file <path-to-file>
初始化您的 Go 模块:
mkdir go-vector-quickstart && cd go-vector-quickstart go mod init go-vector-quickstart 将 Go 驱动程序作为依赖项添加到项目中:
go get 有关更详细的安装说明,请参阅 MongoDB Go 驱动程序文档。
的文件。将以下代码复制并粘贴到文件中。vector-index.go1 package main 2 3 import ( 4 "context" 5 "fmt" 6 "log" 7 "time" 8 9 "" 10 "" 11 "" 12 ) 13 14 func main() { 15 ctx := context.Background() 16 17 // Replace the placeholder with your Atlas connection string 18 const uri = "<connectionString>" 19 20 // Connect to your Atlas cluster 21 clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI(uri) 22 client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, clientOptions) 23 if err != nil { 24 log.Fatalf("failed to connect to the server: %v", err) 25 } 26 defer func() { _ = client.Disconnect(ctx) }() 27 28 // Set the namespace 29 coll := client.Database("sample_mflix").Collection("embedded_movies") 30 31 // Define the index details 32 type vectorDefinitionField struct { 33 Type string `bson:"type"` 34 Path string `bson:"path"` 35 NumDimensions int `bson:"numDimensions"` 36 Similarity string `bson:"similarity"` 37 } 38 39 type vectorDefinition struct { 40 Fields []vectorDefinitionField `bson:"fields"` 41 } 42 43 indexName := "vector_index" 44 opts := options.SearchIndexes().SetName(indexName).SetType("vectorSearch") 45 46 indexModel := mongo.SearchIndexModel{ 47 Definition: vectorDefinition{ 48 Fields: []vectorDefinitionField{{ 49 Type: "vector", 50 Path: "plot_embedding", 51 NumDimensions: 1536, 52 Similarity: "euclidean"}}, 53 }, 54 Options: opts, 55 } 56 57 // Create the index 58 searchIndexName, err := coll.SearchIndexes().CreateOne(ctx, indexModel) 59 if err != nil { 60 log.Fatalf("failed to create the search index: %v", err) 61 } 62 log.Println("New search index named " + searchIndexName + " is building.") 63 64 // Await the creation of the index. 65 log.Println("Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute.") 66 searchIndexes := coll.SearchIndexes() 67 var doc bson.Raw 68 for doc == nil { 69 cursor, err := searchIndexes.List(ctx, options.SearchIndexes().SetName(searchIndexName)) 70 if err != nil { 71 fmt.Errorf("failed to list search indexes: %w", err) 72 } 73 74 if !cursor.Next(ctx) { 75 break 76 } 77 78 name := cursor.Current.Lookup("name").StringValue() 79 queryable := cursor.Current.Lookup("queryable").Boolean() 80 if name == searchIndexName && queryable { 81 doc = cursor.Current 82 } else { 83 time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) 84 } 85 } 86 87 log.Println(searchIndexName + " is ready for querying.") 88 } 此索引定义:
替换为 Atlas 集群或本地部署的连接字符串,然后保存文件。连接字符串应使用以下格式:
mongodb+srv://<db_username>:<db_password>@<clusterName>.<hostname> 注意
mongodb://localhost:<port-number>/?directConnection=true 运行以下命令以创建索引。
go run vector-index.go 2024/10/17 09:38:21 New search index named vector_index is building. 2024/10/17 09:38:22 Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute. 2024/10/17 09:38:48 vector_index is ready for querying.
将 Java 驱动程序版本 5.2 或更高版本作为依赖项添加到项目中:
如果您使用 Maven,请将以下依赖项添加到
依赖项列表中:<dependency> <groupId>org.mongodb</groupId> <artifactId>mongodb-driver-sync</artifactId> <version>[5.2.0,)</version> </dependency> 如果您使用 Gradle,请将以下依赖项添加到
依赖项列表中:dependencies { implementation 'org.mongodb:mongodb-driver-sync:[5.2.0,)' }
将 Java 驱动程序的 JAR 文件添加到您的
中。有关更详细的安装说明和版本兼容性信息,请参阅 MongoDB Java 驱动程序文档。
的文件。将以下代码复制并粘贴到文件中。VectorIndex.java1 import com.mongodb.client.ListSearchIndexesIterable; 2 import com.mongodb.client.MongoClient; 3 import com.mongodb.client.MongoClients; 4 import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; 5 import com.mongodb.client.MongoCursor; 6 import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase; 7 import com.mongodb.client.model.SearchIndexModel; 8 import com.mongodb.client.model.SearchIndexType; 9 import org.bson.Document; 10 import org.bson.conversions.Bson; 11 12 import java.util.Collections; 13 import java.util.List; 14 15 public class VectorIndex { 16 17 public static void main(String[] args) { 18 19 // Replace the placeholder with your Atlas connection string 20 String uri = "<connectionString>"; 21 22 // Connect to your Atlas cluster 23 try (MongoClient mongoClient = MongoClients.create(uri)) { 24 25 // Set the namespace 26 MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("sample_mflix"); 27 MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("embedded_movies"); 28 29 // Define the index details 30 String indexName = "vector_index"; 31 Bson definition = new Document( 32 "fields", 33 Collections.singletonList( 34 new Document("type", "vector") 35 .append("path", "plot_embedding") 36 .append("numDimensions", 1536) 37 .append("similarity", "euclidean"))); 38 39 // Define the index model 40 SearchIndexModel indexModel = new SearchIndexModel( 41 indexName, 42 definition, 43 SearchIndexType.vectorSearch()); 44 45 // Create the index 46 try { 47 List<String> result = collection.createSearchIndexes(Collections.singletonList(indexModel)); 48 System.out.println("New search index named " + result.get(0) + " is building."); 49 } catch (Exception e) { 50 throw new RuntimeException("Error creating index: " + e); 51 } 52 53 // Wait for Atlas to build the index 54 System.out.println("Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute."); 55 56 ListSearchIndexesIterable<Document> searchIndexes = collection.listSearchIndexes(); 57 Document doc = null; 58 while (doc == null) { 59 try (MongoCursor<Document> cursor = searchIndexes.iterator()) { 60 if (!cursor.hasNext()) { 61 break; 62 } 63 Document current =; 64 String name = current.getString("name"); 65 // When the index completes building, it becomes `queryable` 66 boolean queryable = current.getBoolean("queryable"); 67 if (name.equals(indexName) && queryable) { 68 doc = current; 69 } else { 70 Thread.sleep(500); 71 } 72 } catch (Exception e) { 73 throw new RuntimeException("Failed to list search indexes: " + e); 74 } 75 } 76 System.out.println(indexName + " is ready for querying."); 77 78 } catch (Exception e) { 79 throw new RuntimeException("Error connecting to MongoDB: " + e); 80 } 81 } 82 } 此索引定义:
替换为 Atlas 集群或本地部署的连接字符串,然后保存文件。连接字符串应使用以下格式:
mongodb+srv://<db_username>:<db_password>@<clusterName>.<hostname> 注意
mongodb://localhost:<port-number>/?directConnection=true 在 IDE 中运行该文件,或从命令行执行命令来运行代码。
javac java VectorIndex New search index named vector_index is building. Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute. vector_index is ready for querying.
安装 MongoDB Kotlin 协程驱动程序。
有关更详细的安装说明和版本兼容性信息,请参阅 MongoDB Kotlin 协程驱动程序文档。
的文件。将以下代码复制并粘贴到文件中。VectorIndex.kt1 import com.mongodb.MongoException 2 import com.mongodb.client.model.SearchIndexModel 3 import com.mongodb.client.model.SearchIndexType 4 import com.mongodb.kotlin.client.coroutine.MongoClient 5 import kotlinx.coroutines.delay 6 import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.toList 7 import org.bson.Document 8 import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking 9 10 fun main() { 11 // Replace the placeholder with your MongoDB deployment's connection string 12 val uri = "<connection-string>" 13 val mongoClient = MongoClient.create(uri) 14 val database = mongoClient.getDatabase("sample_mflix") 15 val collection = database.getCollection<Document>("embedded_movies") 16 val indexName = "vector_index" 17 val searchIndexModel = SearchIndexModel( 18 indexName, 19 Document( 20 "fields", 21 listOf( 22 Document("type", "vector") 23 .append("path", "plot_embedding") 24 .append("numDimensions", 1536) 25 .append("similarity", "dotProduct") 26 ) 27 ), 28 SearchIndexType.vectorSearch() 29 ) 30 31 runBlocking { 32 try { 33 collection.createSearchIndexes(listOf(searchIndexModel)) 34 .collect { result -> 35 println("New search index named $result is building.") 36 } 37 38 // Polling to check if the index is queryable 39 println("Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute.") 40 var isQueryable = false 41 while (!isQueryable) { 42 delay(5000L) // Poll every 5 seconds 43 44 val indexes = collection.listSearchIndexes().toList() 45 isQueryable = indexes.any { index -> 46 index.getString("name") == indexName && index.getBoolean("queryable") 47 } 48 if (isQueryable) { 49 println("$indexName is ready for querying.") 50 } 51 } 52 } catch (me: MongoException) { 53 System.err.println("An error occurred: $me") 54 } 55 } 56 mongoClient.close() 57 } 此索引定义:
替换为 Atlas 集群或本地部署的连接字符串,然后保存文件。连接字符串应使用以下格式:
mongodb+srv://<db_username>:<db_password>@<clusterName>.<hostname> 注意
mongodb://localhost:<port-number>/?directConnection=true 在 IDE 中运行
文件。输出应类似于以下内容:New search index named vector_index is building. Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute. vector_index is ready for querying.
安装 MongoDB Kotlin 同步驱动程序。
有关更详细的安装说明和版本兼容性,请参阅 MongoDB Kotlin Sync 驱动程序文档。
的文件。将以下代码复制并粘贴到文件中。VectorIndex.kt1 import com.mongodb.MongoException 2 import com.mongodb.client.model.SearchIndexModel 3 import com.mongodb.client.model.SearchIndexType 4 import com.mongodb.kotlin.client.MongoClient 5 import org.bson.Document 6 7 fun main() { 8 // Replace the placeholder with your MongoDB deployment's connection string 9 val uri = "<connection-string>" 10 val mongoClient = MongoClient.create(uri) 11 val database = mongoClient.getDatabase("sample_mflix") 12 val collection = database.getCollection<Document>("embedded_movies") 13 val indexName = "vector_index" 14 val searchIndexModel = SearchIndexModel( 15 indexName, 16 Document( 17 "fields", 18 listOf( 19 Document("type", "vector") 20 .append("path", "plot_embedding") 21 .append("numDimensions", 1536) 22 .append("similarity", "dotProduct") 23 ) 24 ), 25 SearchIndexType.vectorSearch() 26 ) 27 28 try { 29 val result = collection.createSearchIndexes( 30 listOf(searchIndexModel) 31 ) 32 println("New search index named ${result.get(0)} is building.") 33 34 // Polling to check if the index is queryable 35 println("Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute.") 36 var isQueryable = false 37 while (!isQueryable) { 38 val results = collection.listSearchIndexes() 39 results.forEach { result -> 40 if (result.getString("name") == indexName && result.getBoolean("queryable")) { 41 println("$indexName is ready for querying.") 42 isQueryable = true 43 } else { 44 Thread.sleep(5000) // Poll every 5 seconds 45 } 46 } 47 } 48 } catch (me: MongoException) { 49 System.err.println("An error occurred: $me") 50 } 51 mongoClient.close() 52 } 此索引定义:
替换为 Atlas 集群或本地部署的连接字符串,然后保存文件。连接字符串应使用以下格式:
mongodb+srv://<db_username>:<db_password>@<clusterName>.<hostname> 注意
mongodb://localhost:<port-number>/?directConnection=true 在 IDE 中运行
文件。输出应类似于以下内容:New search index named vector_index is building. Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute. vector_index is ready for querying.
将 MongoDB Node 驱动程序作为依赖项添加到项目中:
npm install mongodb 提示
本页上的示例假设您的项目将模块作为 CommonJS 模块进行管理。而如果您使用的是 ES 模块,则必须修改导入语法。
的文件。将以下代码复制并粘贴到文件中。vector-index.js1 const { MongoClient } = require("mongodb"); 2 3 // connect to your Atlas deployment 4 const uri = "<connectionString>"; 5 6 const client = new MongoClient(uri); 7 8 async function run() { 9 try { 10 const database = client.db("sample_mflix"); 11 const collection = database.collection("embedded_movies"); 12 13 // define your Atlas Vector Search index 14 const index = { 15 name: "vector_index", 16 type: "vectorSearch", 17 definition: { 18 "fields": [ 19 { 20 "type": "vector", 21 "numDimensions": 1536, 22 "path": "plot_embedding", 23 "similarity": "euclidean" 24 } 25 ] 26 } 27 } 28 29 // run the helper method 30 const result = await collection.createSearchIndex(index); 31 console.log(`New search index named ${result} is building.`); 32 33 // wait for the index to be ready to query 34 console.log("Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute.") 35 let isQueryable = false; 36 while (!isQueryable) { 37 const cursor = collection.listSearchIndexes(); 38 for await (const index of cursor) { 39 if ( === result) { 40 if (index.queryable) { 41 console.log(`${result} is ready for querying.`); 42 isQueryable = true; 43 } else { 44 await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5000)); 45 } 46 } 47 } 48 } 49 } finally { 50 await client.close(); 51 } 52 } 53 run().catch(console.dir); 此索引定义:
替换为 Atlas 集群或本地部署的连接字符串,然后保存文件。连接字符串应使用以下格式:
mongodb+srv://<db_username>:<db_password>@<clusterName>.<hostname> 注意
mongodb://localhost:<port-number>/?directConnection=true 运行以下命令以创建索引。
node vector-index.js New search index named vector_index is building. Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute. vector_index is ready for querying.
安装 MongoDB PHP 驱动程序。
有关详细安装说明,请参阅MongoDB PHP 库文档。
的文件。将以下代码复制并粘贴到文件中。vector-index.php1 2 3 require 'vendor/autoload.php'; 4 5 // Replace the placeholder with your Atlas connection string 6 $uri = "<connection-string>"; 7 $client = new MongoDB\Client($uri); 8 $collection = $client->sample_mflix->embedded_movies; 9 $indexName = "vector_index"; 10 try { 11 $result = $collection->createSearchIndexes( 12 [[ 13 'name' => $indexName, 14 'type' => 'vectorSearch', 15 'definition' => [ 16 'fields' => [[ 17 'type' => 'vector', 18 'path' => 'plot_embedding', 19 'numDimensions' => 1536, 20 'similarity' => 'dotProduct' 21 ]] 22 ], 23 ]] 24 ); 25 echo "New search index named $result[0] is building." .PHP_EOL; 26 27 // Polling for the index to become queryable 28 echo "Polling to check if the index is ready. This may take up to a minute." .PHP_EOL; 29 $isIndexQueryable = false; 30 while (!$isIndexQueryable) { 31 // List the search indexes 32 $searchIndexes = $collection->listSearchIndexes(); 33 // Check if the index is present and queryable 34 foreach ($searchIndexes as $index) { 35 if ($index->name === $indexName) { 36 $isIndexQueryable = $index->queryable; 37 } 38 } 39 if (!$isIndexQueryable) { 40 sleep(5); // Wait for 5 seconds before polling again 41 } 42 } 43 echo "$indexName is ready for querying." .PHP_EOL; 44 } 45 catch (MongoDB\Driver\Exception\Exception $e) { 46 print 'Error creating the index: ' .$e->getMessage() .PHP_EOL; 47 } 此索引定义:
替换为 Atlas 集群或本地部署的连接字符串,然后保存文件。连接字符串应使用以下格式:
mongodb+srv://<db_username>:<db_password>@<clusterName>.<hostname> 注意