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MongoDB Ops Manager


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The Ops Manager Administration API exposes REST endpoints that allow programmatic access and management of Ops Manager. API requests accept JSON as body parameters, and the API responses are also JSON.

Learn about how the Ops Manager's Public REST API exposes programmatic access to Ops Manager's features in this section.

Learn about each endpoint that the Ops Manager API exposes, including the path to send your request to, any optional and required parameters, and the values that the Ops Manager Administration API returns.

Learn about the various error codes that the Ops Manager Administration API might send in this section.

Learn about Ops Manager Administration API configuration details for generating an Ops Manager Administration API key in this section.

Learn how you can perform varioius Ops Manager Administration API actions, such as deploying a cluster, rotating a key file and more in this section.


Update Version Manifest Manually


Ops Manager Administration API Principles

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