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Embed Charts with the Embedding SDK

You can embed a chart into a web application with the Embedding SDK, which allows you to make more flexible adjustments to chart settings and rendering.

You can use the embedding SDK to do the following tasks:

  • Add pre-filters before building charts

  • Add filters dynamically

  • Change the size, style, and axes of the chart

  • Change the legend position and legend angle

  • Change the chart elements, table options and general customization options

  • Refresh on demand

  • Save a chart as an image

  • View chart channels

  • Override the number formatting options

  • Retrieve the values of your options prior to an override

To embed a chart with the SDK, you need to:

  1. Enable embedding for the chart.

  2. Allow embedded chart filtering on certain fields by specifying filterable fields. Don't include fields that may reveal sensitive data.

  3. Have the chart ID and base URL strings.

To learn more, see Get Started with the Embedding SDK.


Embed Charts with an iframe


Embedded Chart Options