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Red Mosquitto: Implement a Noise Sensor With an MQTT Client in an ESP32
Learn to write firmware of a noise sensor with an ESP32 from scratch using Rust. We use the neopixel to inform the user about the status of the device.Sep 17, 2024
Me and the Devil BlueZ: Reading BLE Sensors From C++
This article teaches the process of writing a C++ application from scratch that reads from a Bluetooth Low Energy sensor using DBus and BlueZ.Sep 17, 2024
MongoDB Time Series With C++
Learn how to build a C++ console application that uses MongoDB to store time series data, related to the Air Quality Index (AQI) for a given location.Sep 17, 2024
Plans and Hardware Selection for a Hands-on Implementation of IoT with MCUs and MongoDB
In the first of this series, learn the hands-on IoT project we will be delivering, the architecture that will be implemented, and the step-by-step approach we'll take.Aug 28, 2024
Getting Started With MongoDB and C++
Utilize Microsoft Visual Studio to compile/install the MongoDB C/C++ drivers on Windows. Use these to create a console app that interacts with MongoDB data.Aug 14, 2024
Turn BLE: Implementing BLE Sensors with MCU Devkits
After having sketched the plan in our first article, this is the first one where we start coding. In this hands-on article, you will understand how to write firmware for a Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2) board try that implements offering sensor data through Bluetooth Low Energy communication.Apr 02, 2024
Adventures in IoT 5: Me and the Devil Bluez - Part 3
Resources & more episodes → https://mdb.link/iot00005 Jorge completes the first version of the application on this video. He sends DBus messages to connect to the devices, select the characteristic that has to be read, gets the value and transform it into some native type. He uses the producer-consumer concurrency pattern and finally, he writes the code to disconnect from the device and run and test the final result. Subscribe to MongoDB YouTube → https://mdb.link/subscribeJan 03, 2024
Adventures in IoT 4: Me and the Devil Bluez - Part 2
Resources & more episodes → https://mdb.link/iot00004 Time to write some C++ code. Jorge starts by sending simple DBus messages to Bluez to query and set properties. Then, he uses the same technique to start and stop scanning and listens to signals coming from DBus with information about the devices that are discoverable. Subscribe to MongoDB YouTube → https://mdb.link/subscribeDec 20, 2023