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Your Voice Matters

We're improving our products and services every day thanks to real users like you. Join our panel and be the first to see new features, provide feedback, and help make MongoDB better for millions of users around the world.

It's easy, fun, and rewarding!

Join the User Panel

We'll ask a few questions to help match you to the right research studies.

Share Your Thoughts

You'll be invited to participate in virtual or in-person studies that work for your schedule.

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Receive a cash gift card as our way of saying thank you!


What is user experience research?

User Experience (UX) research helps us understand real people's needs, goals, expectations, and pain points by getting direct feedback on specific products and features.

What is a user panel?

A user panel is a database of people we can reach out to when we need to test out new products or services. The information is secure, and never shared outside MongoDB.

Who should sign up?

You! We're looking for all types of current, past, or prospective MongoDB users to join our panel so we can get a broad range of perspectives.

What is my time commitment?

You can participate in as many or as few studies you're invited to as you like. Most studies take about 30-60 minutes, and typically take place during business hours (EST), though we will work with you to find a time that works with your schedule.

How will I know if I'm matched for a research study?

We'll reach out to you when a study matches your profile, and invite you to participate. This could be within weeks, or further into the future, depending on need.

What can I expect during a research study?

Research studies vary, but typically we'll ask about your experiences with a product, have you test out a new design, and understand more about your workflow. Whether the study is in person at our New York City office, remote, or simply a survey, we'll let you know what to expect and how to prepare when you're invited to participate.

How do I give feedback on the tools I use today?

You can suggest improvements and new features for all of our products and services at the MongoDB Feedback Engine.

Who will have access to my information?

All information in your panel profile will be confidential, shared only among the user research team. Your opinions and feedback during the study will be anonymized to protect your privacy.

If you have any questions you can view our privacy policy at the link here. https://www.mongodb.com/legal/privacy-policy

How do I update the information in my profile?

Simply fill out our update form for changes to your name, address, phone number, email, or other information.

Can I opt out of future studies once I sign up?

Yes! You can always choose to decline an invitation to participate. If you'd like to be removed entirely, you can opt out of our user panel by emailing uxresearch@mongodb.com with the subject line: Opt Out

Ready to Join?