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white paper


SolidFire’s all-flash, distributed storage architecture combines dynamic Quality of Service (QoS) performance control with the simplicity and scalability delivered in a MongoDB environment. Running MongoDB on SolidFire enables the architectural flexibility of MongoDB. Admins are no longer shackled to the limitations imposed by traditional storage architectures by having the flexibility to match their MongoDB infrastructure to business needs, rather than the other way around. Ideal for MongoDB’s document database, providing high performance, high availability and easy scalability, SolidFire enables you to:

  • Dynamically adjust storage performance for optimal throughput and latency

  • Flexibly align storage resources to MongoDB infrastructure in support of application needs

  • Horizontally scale storage resources to meet the demands of rapid application data growth

  • Drastically simplify and speed replica set management with instant cloning

  • Guarantee IOPS to each shard in a MongoDB cluster with on-the-fly adjustments as workloads dictate

For MongoDB workloads, SolidFire unmatched performance predictability, management simplicity and scale, helping speed the adoption and optimization of MongoDB deployments in enterprises worldwide.

Fill out the form on this page to download our joint solutions brief.

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