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MongoDB Cloud Services Support Policy

Last updated: January 19, 2024. To see what has changed in this policy, click here.

This MongoDB Cloud Support Policy (“Policy”) is incorporated into and forms a part of your agreement with MongoDB with respect to your use of the Cloud Services (“Agreement”). This Policy describes MongoDB’s support policies applicable to Customer reported Issues and Errors in the Cloud Services.

This Policy applies to you if you are using MongoDB Atlas with a version of the MongoDB Server that is 5.0 or higher. The Support Policy for MongoDB Atlas using MongoDB Server versions lower than 5.0 can be found on Legacy Support Policy.

1. Definitions. The following terms have the following meanings when used in this Policy. Any capitalized terms that are not defined in this Policy have the meaning provided in your Agreement.

    1.1. "Error" means a reproducible failure of the Cloud Services to perform in substantial conformity with the Documentation.

    1.2. "Issue'' means a question or concern that is not a result of an Error.

    1.3. “MongoDB Server" means the MongoDB database server.

    1.4. “Production Environment" means an environment serving your end users or customers.

    1.5. “Release Date" means the generally available (“GA”) release date.

    1.6. Severity Levels:

    Severity Level 1 refers to an Error that impacts Customer’s Production Environment, where the Cloud Services are down or seriously impaired or Customer’s production data is lost or destroyed, and there is no workaround currently available.

    Severity Level 2 refers to an Error where the Cloud Services are moderately impaired. The Customer’s system is functioning but in a reduced capacity, and there is no workaround currently available or the workaround is cumbersome to use.

    Severity Level 3 refers to an Error or Issue that has been identified but does not prevent normal operation of the Customer’s system, or where the situation may be temporarily circumvented using an available workaround. A Severity 3 case does not need to be related to a Production system. No data has been lost and the system has not failed.

    Severity Level 4 refers to non-critical Errors or Issues, including general questions and requests for enhancements to the Cloud Services.

    1.7. Versioning Scheme:

    “Major Release” means a version of the MongoDB Server identified by a change in the number to the left of the first decimal point (X.x.x).

    “Rapid Release” means a version of the MongoDB Server identified by a change in the middle number in between the two decimal points (x.X.x).

    "Patch Release" means a version of the MongoDB Server identified by a change in the number to the right of the second decimal point (x.x.X).

2. Support for MongoDB Atlas.

    2.1. Support for MongoDB Atlas is tied to the version of the MongoDB Server that you run with MongoDB Atlas.

    2.2. MongoDB will provide Support for MongoDB Atlas running with each GA Major Release of the MongoDB Server. Support will begin on the Release Date of the Major Release and end 30 months later.

    2.3. MongoDB will also provide Support for MongoDB Atlas running with each GA Rapid Release of the MongoDB Server. Support will begin on the Release Date of the Rapid Release and end on the Release Date of the next Rapid Release.

    2.4. All GA Patch Releases within a Major Release series or a Rapid Release series will be supported in the same timeframe as the leading Major Release or Rapid Release.

    2.5. The lifecycle schedule for MongoDB Atlas corresponds to the lifecycle schedule for the MongoDB Server, which can be found here.

    2.6. MongoDB will also support any other GA Cloud Service that is included in your Subscription.

3. Our Initial Response Goals. The hours, support channels, and initial response goals for each of our Cloud Services subscriptions are defined below:

    MongoDB Atlas Platinum

    Hours: 24 x 7 for Severity Levels 1 and 2
    M - F, 9am - 6pm Local Time* for Severity Levels 3 and 4
    Channels: phone or web

    SeverityInitial Response Goal
    Level 115 minutes
    Level 21 hour
    Level 34 hours
    Level 424 hours

    * Local Time is a primary time zone specified by you.

    MongoDB Atlas Enterprise

    Hours: 24 x 7 for Severity Levels 1 and 2
    M - F, 9am - 6pm Local Time* for Severity Levels 3 and 4
    Channels: phone or web

    SeverityInitial Response Goal
    Level 130 minutes
    Level 22 hours
    Level 34 hours
    Level 424 hours

    * Local Time is a primary time zone specified by you.

    MongoDB Atlas Pro

    Hours: 24 x 7 for Severity Levels 1 and 2
    M - F, 9am - 6pm Local Time* for Severity Levels 3 and 4
    Channels: phone or web

    SeverityInitial Response Goal
    Level 12 hours
    Level 24 hours
    Level 38 hours
    Level 424 hours

    * Local Time is a primary time zone specified by you.

    MongoDB Atlas Developer

    Hours: 24 x 7 for Severity Levels 1 and 2
    M - F, 9am - 6pm Local Time* for Severity Levels 3 and 4
    Channels: web only

    SeverityInitial Response Goal
    Level 18 hours
    Level 210 hours
    Level 312 hours
    Level 424 hours

    * Local Time is a primary time zone specified by you.

4. Customer Obligations.

    4.1. To enable MongoDB to provide Support, you agree to: (i) provide MongoDB with reasonable detail of the nature of and circumstances surrounding the Issue or Error; (ii) provide MongoDB with reasonable access to your environment as necessary; and (iii) provide MongoDB with reasonable cooperation in the diagnosis and resolution of any Issues and Errors. With your consent, MongoDB may share information related to a particular support case with your other relevant service providers that are MongoDB partners in order to troubleshoot and resolve the support case.

    4.2. You must contact MongoDB Technical Support by phone (at the phone numbers listed in the MongoDB Support Portal) immediately after opening a Severity Level 1 or Severity Level 2 support case to ensure the applicable Initial Response Goal is met.

5. Support Limitations. Support is only available in English. MongoDB has no obligation to provide any Support to Customer: (i) for any software, hardware or other element of the Customer environment not provided by MongoDB; (ii) if Customer or a third party has altered or modified any portion of the Cloud Services; (iii) if Customer has not used the Cloud Services in accordance with Documentation or instructions provided by MongoDB, including failure to follow implementation procedures; (iv) if Customer is running a version of the Cloud Services that has passed its end of life date; or (v) for Beta Offerings.