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Create a Compound Index

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Compound indexes are indexes that contain references to multiple fields. Compound indexes improve performance for queries on exactly the fields in the index or fields in the index prefix. Indexing commonly queried fields increases the chances of covering those queries, meaning MongoDB can satisfy the query entirely with the index, without examining documents.

To create a compound index, use the db.collection.createIndex() method:

db.<collection>.createIndex( {
<field1>: <sortOrder>,
<field2>: <sortOrder>,
<fieldN>: <sortOrder>
} )

You can specify up to 32 fields in a single compound index.

Create a students collection that contains these documents:

"name": "Alice",
"gpa": 3.6,
"location": { city: "Sacramento", state: "California" }
"name": "Bob",
"gpa": 3.2,
"location": { city: "Albany", state: "New York" }

The following operation creates a compound index containing the name and gpa fields:

db.students.createIndex( {
name: 1,
gpa: -1
} )

In this example:

  • The index on name is ascending (1).

  • The index on gpa is descending (-1).

The created index supports queries that select on:

  • Both name and gpa fields.

  • Only the name field, because name is a prefix of the compound index.

For example, the index supports these queries:

db.students.find( { name: "Alice", gpa: 3.6 } )
db.students.find( { name: "Bob" } )

The index does not support queries on only the gpa field, because gpa is not part of the index prefix. For example, the index does not support this query:

db.students.find( { gpa: { $gt: 3.5 } } )




Sort Order