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Atlas CLI


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CLI tool to manage MongoDB Atlas.

The Atlas CLI is a command line interface built specifically for MongoDB Atlas. You can manage your Atlas database deployments and Atlas Search from the terminal with short, intuitive commands.

Use the --help flag with any command for more info on that command.

-h, --help
help for atlas
-P, --profile
Name of the profile to use from your configuration file. To learn about profiles for the Atlas CLI, see
# Display the help menu for the config command:
atlas config --help
  • atlas accessLists - Manage the list of IP addresses that can access your Atlas project.

  • atlas accessLogs - Return the access logs for a cluster.

  • atlas alerts - Manage alerts for your project.

  • atlas auditing - Returns database auditing settings for MongoDB Cloud projects.

  • atlas auth - Manage the CLI's authentication state.

  • atlas backups - Manage cloud backups for your project.

  • atlas cloudProviders - Manage cloud provider access in Atlas using AWS IAM roles.

  • atlas clusters - Manage clusters for your project.

  • atlas completion - Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell

  • atlas config - Configure and manage your user profiles.

  • atlas customDbRoles - Manage custom database roles for your project.

  • atlas customDns - Manage DNS configuration of Atlas project’s clusters deployed to AWS.

  • atlas dataFederation - Data federation.

  • atlas dataLakePipelines - Data Lake pipelines.

  • atlas dbusers - Manage database users for your project.

  • atlas deployments - Manage cloud and local deployments.

  • atlas events - Manage events for your organization or project.

  • atlas federatedAuthentication - Manage Atlas Federated Authentication.

  • atlas integrations - Configure third-party integrations for your Atlas project.

  • atlas kubernetes - Manage Kubernetes resources.

  • atlas liveMigrations - Manage a Live Migration to Atlas for your organization.

  • atlas logs - Download host logs for your project.

  • atlas maintenanceWindows - Manage Atlas maintenance windows.

  • atlas metrics - Get metrics on the MongoDB process.

  • atlas networking - Manage or configure network peering for your Atlas project.

  • atlas organizations - Manage your Atlas organizations.

  • atlas performanceAdvisor - Learn more about slow queries and get suggestions to improve database performance.

  • atlas privateEndpoints - Manage Atlas private endpoints.

  • atlas processes - Manage MongoDB processes for your project.

  • atlas projects - Manage your Atlas projects.

  • atlas security - Manage security configuration for your project.

  • atlas serverless - Manage serverless instances for your project.

  • atlas setup - Register, authenticate, create, and access an Atlas cluster.

  • atlas streams - Manage your Atlas Stream Processing deployments.

  • atlas teams - Manage your Atlas teams.

  • atlas users - Manage your Atlas users.


Migrate to the Atlas CLI

