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Ian Ward

Product, SDKs & Sync-San Francisco, CaliforniaIan joined MongoDB through the Realm acquisition in May 2019. Prior to that he was the first field engineer for startups, Meraki, Mesosphere, and Realm, and has several years of experience building and designing mobile application architectures. Now he does product for MongoDB, focusing on the SDKs and sync technologies under the Realm umbrella. In his spare time, Ian likes to sail, ski, and mountaineer through the Sierras.
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Content by Ian Ward

Realm Meetup - SwiftUI Testing and Realm With Projections

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Apr 23, 2024 | 32 min read

Announcing the Realm C++ SDK Alpha

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Apr 03, 2024 | 5 min read

Realm JavaScript v11: A Step Forward for React Native — Hermes Support, Realm React, Flipper, and Much More


Apr 02, 2024 | 6 min read

A Preview of Flexible Sync

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Jun 14, 2023 | 5 min read

Announcing the GA of the Realm Flutter SDK

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Jun 14, 2023 | 6 min read
News & Announcements

Introducing the Realm Flutter SDK

Jun 14, 2023 | 4 min read

Realm Meetup - Realm Kotlin Multiplatform for Modern Mobile Apps

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Mar 21, 2023 | 23 min read

Realm Meetup - Realm JavaScript for React Native Applications

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Mar 21, 2023 | 32 min read
News & Announcements

New Realm Data Types: Dictionaries/Maps, Sets, Mixed, and UUIDs

Oct 19, 2022 | 18 min read
News & Announcements

Realm Core Database 6.0: A New Architecture and Frozen Objects

Oct 19, 2022 | 3 min read
News & Announcements

Introducing Flexible Sync (Preview) – The Next Iteration of Realm Sync

Oct 19, 2022 | 7 min read
News & Announcements

Realm SDKs 10.0: Cascading Deletes, ObjectIds, Decimal128, and more

Oct 19, 2022 | 9 min read

Realm SwiftUI Property wrappers and MVI architecture Meetup

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Oct 19, 2022 | 41 min read

Announcing the Realm Kotlin Beta: A Database for Multiplatform Apps

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Oct 19, 2022 | 4 min read