Execute Database Commands
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The MongoDB PHP Library provides helper methods across the Client
, Database
, and
classes for common
database commands. In addition, the
method may be used to run database
commands that do not have a helper method.
The MongoDB\Database::command()
method always returns a
MongoDB\Driver\Cursor object, since it must
support execution of commands that return single result documents and multiple
results via a command cursor.
Commands That Return a Single Result Document
Most database commands return a single result document, which can be obtained by converting the returned cursor to an array and accessing its first element. The following example executes a ping command and prints its result document:
$database = (new MongoDB\Client)->test; $cursor = $database->command(['ping' => 1]); var_dump($cursor->toArray()[0]);
The output would resemble:
object(MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument)#11 (1) { ["storage":"ArrayObject":private]=> array(1) { ["ok"]=> float(1) } }
Commands That Yield Multiple Results
Some database commands return a cursor with multiple results. The following
example executes listCollections,
which returns a cursor containing a result document for each collection in the
database, and iterates through the results using a foreach
Note that this example is illustrative; applications would generally use
in practice.
$database = (new MongoDB\Client)->test; $cursor = $database->command(['listCollections' => 1]); foreach ($cursor as $collection) { echo $collection['name'], "\n"; }
The output might resemble the following:
persons posts zips
At the protocol level, commands that yield multiple results via a cursor will return a single result document with the essential ingredients for constructing the cursor (i.e. the cursor's ID, namespace, and an optional first batch of results). If the MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeCommand() method in the extension detects such a response, it will construct an iterable command cursor and return it instead of the raw result document. If necessary, raw result documents can still be observed using command monitoring.
Specifying a Custom Read Preference
Write commands, such as createUser,
can only be executed on a writable server (e.g. primary replica set
member). Command helper methods in the MongoDB PHP Library, such as
, know to apply their own read preference if necessary. However, the MongoDB\Database::command()
method is a generic method and defaults to the read preference of the Database
object on which it is invoked. When necessary, the readPreference
option may
be used to override the default read preference.
The following example connects to a cluster and specifies secondaryPreferred
as the Client's default read preference. It then specifies a primary
preference when executing the createUser
command on the test
$client = new MongoDB\Client( 'mongodb+srv://cluster0.example.com', ['readPreference' => 'secondaryPreferred'] ); $client->test; $cursor = $db->command( [ 'createUser' => 'username', 'pwd' => 'password', 'roles' => ['readWrite'], ], [ 'readPreference' => new MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference('primary'), ] ); var_dump($cursor->toArray()[0]);
The output would then resemble:
object(MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument)#8 (1) { ["storage":"ArrayObject":private]=> array(1) { ["ok"]=> float(1) } }