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Configure the MongoDB Analyzer

On this page

  • Overview
  • Configuration
  • Options
  • Telemetry

Learn how to configure the MongoDB Analyzer in your .NET project and what configuration options are available.

To configure the MongoDB Analyzer, perform the following actions:

  1. Install the MongoDB Analyzer as described in the installation guide.

  2. Create a file specifying your configuration for the MongoDB Analyzer named mongodb.analyzer.json.



    You must name your configuration file mongodb.analyzer.json.

  3. Add your configuration to your mongodb.analyzer.json file.

    The following sample configuration makes the MongoDB Analyzer use the LINQ3 provider.

    { "DefaultLinqVersion": "V3" }
  4. Add the following to the .csproj file for your .NET application within the Project tag:

    <AdditionalFiles Include="<path to your mongodb.analyzer.json file>" />


Configuration is Optional

If you do not specify a configuration file, the MongoDB Analyzer uses the default value for all configuration options.

To learn more about .NET project files, see Understanding the Project File from Microsoft.

To learn more about the AdditionalFiles tag, see Using Additional Files in the Roslyn documentation.

The following is a description of all configuration options supported by the MongoDB Analyzer:

Type: string

Description: The LINQ provider the MongoDB Analyzer uses.


To learn more about LINQ, see the Analyze Your Code page.

Accepted Values: "V2" or "V3"
Default: "V2"
Type: boolean

Description: Specifies if the MongoDB Analyzer tracks and composes builder expression variables.


To learn more about builder expressions, see the Analyze Your Code page.

Accepted Values: true or false
Default: true
Type: string

Description: Specifies the path to which the MongoDB Analyzer writes its internal logs.


To output logs, you must specify both a logfile and the OutputInternalLogsToFile option.

Use the following sample configuration to make the MongoDB Analyzer output information to a logfile:

"OutputInternalLogsToFile": true,
"LogFileName": "<path to your logfile>"
Accepted Values: A valid file path
Default: ""
Type: boolean

Description: Specifies if the MongoDB Analyzer includes your .NET/C# driver version in diagnostic messages.

Accepted Values: true or false
Default: false
Type: boolean

Description: Specifies if the MongoDB Analyzer includes internal exceptions in diagnostic messages.

Accepted Values: true or false
Default: false
Type: boolean

Description: Specifies if the MongoDB Analyzer writes its internal logs to a file.


To output logs, you must specify both a logfile and the OutputInternalLogsToFile option.

Use the following sample configuration to make the MongoDB Analyzer output information to a logfile:

"OutputInternalLogsToFile": true,
"LogFileName": "<path to your logfile>"
Accepted Values: true or false
Default: false
Type: string

Description: Specifies which POCOs the MongoDB Analyzer previews as JSON. You can set this option to one of the following values:
  • "All": Preview all POCOs

  • "Medium": Preview only POCOs that are part of a LINQ or builders expression or have BSON attributes

  • "None": Do not preview POCOs

Accepted Values: "All", "Medium", or "None"
Default: "Medium"
Type: boolean

Description: Specifies if the MongoDB Analyzer collects and sends anonymized information to MongoDB Inc. to improve products.


To learn more about telemetry in the MongoDB Analyzer, see the Telemetry section of this guide.

Accepted Values: true or false
Default: true

To learn more about the configuration options the MongoDB Analyzer supports, see the MongoDB Analyzer source code.

When the MongoDB Analyzer analyzes your source code, the tool by default collects and sends anonymized information to MongoDB Inc. to improve products.

To disable this feature, specify the following option in your configuration file:

"SendTelemetry": false

To view a complete list of all information collected by the MongoDB Analyzer when you have enabled telemetry, see the FAQ page.

To learn more about how MongoDB Inc. uses collected data, see the Privacy Policy.

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