7.0 Changelog
On this page
7.0.16 Changelog
SERVER-93433 Lock on concurrent access to LRU cache in ESE keystore
SERVER-84769 Resharding remainingOpTime algorithm doesn't work with low elapsedTime
SERVER-92762 Set default value of numInitialChunks in reshardCollection to 90
SERVER-84089 Bulk operation freezes if used in combination with collation and upsert
SERVER-92904 Reply size exceeds BSONObjMaxInternalSize whilst batch is within BSONObjMaxUserSize
SERVER-95350 Fix possible failure when running an explain over a valid command
Build and Packaging
WT-13560 Deprecate SSH Cloning of Git repositories
SERVER-67816 Time-series bucket rounding for pre-1970 dates behaves unexpectedly
SERVER-76726 max_time_ms_connection_pool.js should be excluded from passthroughs that trigger failovers
SERVER-76928 Account for long-running dbhash test
SERVER-76961 Fix expected attr structure of log in speculative-auth-replset.js
SERVER-78784 Initialize AuthorizationManager prior to creating Client object
SERVER-81109 Fix internal_transactions_sharded_from_mongod.js's handling of causal consistency across sessions
SERVER-83666 Improve clarity of number of CPUs metric reporting in FTDC
SERVER-84143 Improve Windows Debugging capabilities for BSON and core dumps
SERVER-84541 setQuerySettings may fail on stepdown in replica sets
SERVER-85862 make burn_in_tests.py understand multiversion configuration
SERVER-87065 Make validation checks for min/max and embedded timestamp robust against extended range events and changing granularity
SERVER-88284 Upgrade Cyrus SASL to mitigate CVEs
SERVER-88925 Use alternative opCtx in cluster parameter helpers used in onCommit handlers
SERVER-89055 Fix persist_sampled_*_queries.js test cases to not share namespaces
SERVER-89489 Internal change stream stages should not be serialized for query stats
SERVER-89690 query_stats_regex.js is missing diagnostic log messages
SERVER-89918 Add full ident name tracking to backup/restore
SERVER-90302 Complete TODO listed in SERVER-64574
SERVER-90351 Keep numCores field name in hostInfo
SERVER-90643 oplog reference may be invalidated in OplogCapMaintainer loop
SERVER-90672 Investigate potential bug in time-series insert path that allows for multiple buckets to have the same OIDs, across stripes
SERVER-90893 listDatabases inconsistent with concurrent DDL operations
SERVER-90952 Add test to ensure createIndexes prioritizes collectionUUID check
SERVER-91113 Avoid invalidating the catalog cache with a timestamp of a different namespace
SERVER-91203 AutoGetters should establish capped snapshots for secondary namespaces
SERVER-91376 Use std::string instead of StringData for horizonString
SERVER-91415 Remove race on backupCursorKeepAliveFuture in file copy based initial sync shutdown
SERVER-91556 Update burn-in to handle multiple sub-suites in multiversion tasks
SERVER-91669 initialize Baton before exposing new opCtx to client observers
SERVER-91757 Hashed index used to cover nested field can return wrong results
SERVER-92005 Cluster dbStats Can Trigger Invariant with Concurrent removeShard
SERVER-92127 Remove flakiness in watchdog_test SleepyHungCheck
SERVER-92189 Writes to mongos can have different endpoints in the same child batch
SERVER-92254 Fix deadlock in _shardsvrCompactStructuredEncryptionDataCommand
SERVER-92398 [v7.0] Migrate v7.0 to AWS MacOS Fleet
SERVER-92592 Equal ArraySets may have different hash values
SERVER-92645 Allow untimestamped writes for restore
SERVER-92780 Move sys-perf tasks and variants to DSI
SERVER-92958 Increase oplog size for all backup/restore tests
SERVER-93005 Avoid duplicating read preference when running an exhaust query in the shell
SERVER-93130 Fix server crash caused by the OCSP periodic fetcher thread calling join() on itself
SERVER-93181 Reserve binData subtype x09 for vectors
SERVER-93182 Fix edge case in DocumentSourceUnwind
SERVER-93264 Add additional handling of deadlines and sleeps for Topology Observer unit test
SERVER-93333 [v7.0] Pass CollectionUUID in all calls to AutoGetCollection in createIndex
SERVER-93482 Log python version in use
SERVER-93575 Increase the time cursor_server_status_metrics_lifespan_histogram.js waits
SERVER-93673 Mount redhat license keys to ubi7 containers in package_test
SERVER-93690 Mark create_indexes.js test as multiversion incompatible
SERVER-93734 [v7.0] Disable dns_container_tester.js on RHEL 8
SERVER-93844 The 'count' command on a View assumes integer response
SERVER-93848 WiredTigerSessionCache::getSession() can read stale value of shutting-down state
SERVER-93855 Add enterprise "jstests" to the list of CODEOWNERs exclusions
SERVER-94008 Slow down verify_session_expiration_sharded.js
SERVER-94144 [v7.0] $documents inside $lookup fails to parse with QueryStats
SERVER-94149 [test-only] Accept moveChunk failures waiting for the range deleter if refineCollectionShardKey is run concurrently in random_moveChunk_refine_collection_shard_key.js
SERVER-94187 Do not use git ssh in copybara
SERVER-94207 Time-series $match on dates before 1970 can miss documents
SERVER-94211 Pin 10gen/jepsen to the latest jepsen-mongodb-master commit
SERVER-94231 Query should not fail if queryStats fails to compute key
SERVER-94316 Properly catch and handle exceptions in the router service entry point
SERVER-94368 [test-only] Refactor ttl_deletes_not_targeting_orphaned_documents.js and make it deterministic
SERVER-94440 PoC on generate_token
SERVER-94461 Upgrade mongo-c-driver to 1.27.5+
SERVER-94471 Incorrect bucket format for buckets that contain dates pre and post 1970
SERVER-94483 Fix sbe_multiplanner_index_check.js waitForFailPoint
SERVER-94559 Time-series measurement deletes update the minTime of a bucket
SERVER-94592 Check inner arguments for explain
SERVER-94635 Make session refresh parameters configurable
SERVER-94764 Create unit test fixture for testing peer certificate validation
SERVER-94918 [v7.0] Do not pin cryptography module to 2.3 on RHEL 9 PowerPC and ZSeries
SERVER-95019 getElapsed in getRecipientHighEstimateRemainingTimeMillis can incorrectly cast < 1s elapsed durations to 0.
SERVER-95054 Retry HostUnreachable error upon removeShard call for config stepdown suites
SERVER-95067 Time-series inserts can generate multiple batches referencing the same bucket
SERVER-95085 Fix issue in UnwindProcessor
SERVER-95230 JSON.parse will fail if there is more than 1 line
SERVER-95240 Remove PeerID from SSL handshakes
SERVER-95445 SSLManagerOpenSSL should validate entire cert chain against CRL, not just the leaf
SERVER-95669 Remove invalid invariants from processResponseFromRemote()
SERVER-95670 Internal aggregation operations emit stacktraces
SERVER-95688 Evaluate whether BSON errors should log memory context by default
SERVER-95700 Sanitize bad bson type error message returned to the user
SERVER-97260 timeseries_create.js inserts a bucket with incorrect _id timestamp
SERVER-97441 Patch up check for extended range events in validation check for min max
SERVER-97586 [v7.0] Revert SERVER-94735 v7.0 Backport
SERVER-98052 Filter query stats entries on collName in query_stats_regex.js
WT-13409 One ret in __txn_checkpoint is not handled
7.0.15 Changelog
SERVER-95279 Use a new C++ type for BSON field names to ensure validity
SERVER-96419 Improper neutralization of null bytes may lead to buffer over-reads in MongoDB Server
7.0.14 Changelog
SERVER-93205 Expose number of prepareUnique indexes in serverStatus
SERVER-93224 drop_database_before_write_is_targeted.js is not compatible with config stepdown suites
SERVER-93326 Add retries to cloneing jstestfuzz.git
SERVER-93578 [v7.0] Revert "SERVER-92273 ListCollections without filter should include commit pending namespaces (7.0 only)"
SERVER-79766 TransactionRouter ignores atClusterTime setting in the request
SERVER-80315 grouped_match_push_down.js wrong assert on getStageSequence() result
SERVER-80661 Sandbox background test activity
SERVER-82476 Disable diagnostics latches by default
SERVER-82551 Use parallel compressor to speedup binaries archival
SERVER-82814 Support internal expr comparison operators when determining clustered collection scan bounds
SERVER-84045 Ensure that the PlanExecutor remains in scope while accessing the shard key index in AutoSplitVector
SERVER-84531 Inserting mixed-schema buckets through the system.buckets collection doesn't set the timeseriesBucketsMayHaveMixedSchemaData flag
SERVER-84625 Fix data race on MigrationSourceManager
SERVER-84699 Add a check to validation to check for mixed-schema buckets for time-series
SERVER-85384 Remove aliases post branch
SERVER-85892 $merge with pipeline after $documents returns error
SERVER-86669 Invalid authoritative knowledge on secondary node after move primary locally creates the collection on the primary shard
tasks are not running on the UBSan DEBUG build variantSERVER-87760 add an amazon linux x86 variant to mongodb-mongo-master evergreen project
SERVER-87961 Time series $group rewrite may produce incorrect results when a preceding $project stage projects out accessed fields
SERVER-88255 Sys-perf: Replace mongotools compilation with the download of a static artifact
SERVER-88439 Use after free in DocumentSourceLookup::clone
SERVER-88530 BF setup script for C++ unit tests doesn't set up unit test binary/debug symbols
SERVER-88750 Add "bypassEmptyTsReplacement" param to insert, update, findAndModify, and bulkWrite
SERVER-88811 Parsing oplog entries before the stable timestamp can fail
SERVER-89391 Increase timeoutMS in exhaust_hello_topology_changes.js
SERVER-89727 Remove acquisition of database and collection locks in compaction
SERVER-89748 Retry _flushRoutingTableCacheUpdates command if it fails in retry_on_transient_error_basic.js
SERVER-89769 Test is not waiting for journal flusher before checkpointing
SERVER-89844 Make $jsonSchema with dollar fields in all keyword fields reparseable
SERVER-89861 include decoded length in invalid nested bson validation error message
SERVER-89890 Fix assertRetryableCommandWorkedOrFailedWithCodes
SERVER-90147 Upgrade timelib.h to 2022.10 and timezone files to 2024a
SERVER-90330 Creation of DDL coordinator hang indefinetly if executed on secondary node
SERVER-90352 AsioNetworkBaton::detachImpl doesn't clear the _timersById map
SERVER-90391 Clarify headers and readme
SERVER-90625 QueryStats for sum of squares execution time overflows its int64_t
SERVER-90727 Fix analyze_shard_key.js to ignore errors related to readConcern: available
SERVER-90790 Add debugging code for CommonAsioSession constructor
SERVER-90825 Add README explaining compliance for src/third_party
SERVER-90845 update idxEntryBytesWritten check index_build_operation_metrics.js to account for write conflicts
SERVER-90958 $bucketAuto should group documents with same grouping keys in the same bucket
SERVER-90984 Fix exhaust hello stream to process SplitHorizonChange if response is from stale horizon.
SERVER-90995 Shadowing metaField should not be considered as a "computed" meta field
SERVER-91067 Skip setMinVisibleForAllCollectionsToOldestOnStartup code during rollback
SERVER-91108 Log with utf-8 encoding to avoid charmap errors on Windows
SERVER-91159 Delay FTDC-on-arbiter log spam filtering until the node knows it's an arbiter.
SERVER-91195 Provide a generic backportable solution not to miss top-level timeseries collection options
SERVER-91223 $log gives incorrect calculation with Decimal128
SERVER-91247 Ensure that DDLCoordinator creation does not survive node stepDown-stepUp
SERVER-91254 Error when deciding whether documents are inside a window in classic
SERVER-91257 Set build team as owner of linenoise in the sbom
SERVER-91258 Increase oplog size in change_streams_split_event tests
SERVER-91312 Report metrics about temporary record stores and external files used for query spilling
SERVER-91336 Temporary C++ objects in an expression is short lived
SERVER-91339 $redact may corrupt memory if $$ROOT is used in the expression.
SERVER-91352 Do not check for the no-op entry in readConcern_atClusterTime_noop_write.js
SERVER-91366 Fix possible crash in coordinator completion
SERVER-91390 Collection validation memory needed calculation can overflow
SERVER-91406 $changeStreamSplitLargeEvent returns Location7182803 error when used with non-renameable match expression
SERVER-91412 Unowned BSONObj use in splitVector
SERVER-91499 Append "-sysperf" to mongo version in sys-perf.
SERVER-91566 Suppress checkIndexesConsistentAcrossCluster in index_operations_abort_concurrent_outgoing_migrations.js
SERVER-91573 $match pushed before $addFields can lead to incorrect results
SERVER-91625 [v7.0] Enable indexed plans for expressions with $$NOW, $$CLUSTER_TIME and $$USER_ROLES
SERVER-91630 configsvr_remove_chunks.js should use retriable writes when writing to the config server
SERVER-91680 Disable test case on concurrent_drops_and_create.js on v6.0 multiversion
SERVER-91699 Subtracted memory greater than the total memory
SERVER-91701 Robustify max_time_ms_does_not_leak_shard_cursor.js test
SERVER-91703 Disable PeriodicShardedIndexConsistencyChecker during read_committed_lookup.js
SERVER-91728 Fix a bad merge in backport-21214
SERVER-91758 mongos_rs_shard_failure_tolerance.js should retry NetworkInterfaceTimeLimitExceeded for a sharded find command on versions earlier than 8.0
SERVER-91778 Do not close cursor in the shell when cursor reaches limit
SERVER-91781 Wait for replication in merge_let_params_size_estimation.js
SERVER-91784 $project-$addFields on arrays can produce incorrect results
SERVER-91787 Assign Cyrus SASL to "Build" team
SERVER-91793 Exclude backports touching only
files from release codeownershipSERVER-91817 Make analyze_shard_key.js workload more robust
SERVER-91818 resharding_coordinator_recovers_abort_decision.js Should Be More Insistent When Stepping Up New Primary
SERVER-91831 uassert in NetworkInterfaceTL::setTimer can crash the server
SERVER-91859 analyze_shard_key_jscore_passthrough fails when it encounters CommandOnShardedViewNotSupportedOnMongod errors
SERVER-91894 Fix views_basic.js to reference correct database name
SERVER-91919 change_stream_pit_pre_image_deletion_asymmetric.js can use excessive amount of memory
SERVER-91938 Make read_and_write_distribution.js and analyze_shard_key.js in 7.0 not perform updateOne and removeOne without shard key
SERVER-91940 Remove all ignored files from server evergreen.yml
SERVER-91969 Test initial sync with mixed-schema time-series buckets
SERVER-91970 Wait for overlapping range deletion tasks to be cleared up on the donor side before starting a migration
SERVER-91985 Fix race in egress_connection_acquisition_to_wire_metrics.js
SERVER-91993 [v7.0] Fix now_variable.js in classic engine
SERVER-92021 fix mongotmock or write kill_cursors.js with real mongot
SERVER-92030 Upgrade mongo-c-driver (libbson) version in SERVER to 1.27.1
SERVER-92045 Mixed-schema time-series bucket validation check does not set valid flag on error
SERVER-92085 Skip tailable cursor invalidation test for config fuzzer
SERVER-92086 Time-series mixed-schema buckets tests can incorrectly try to validate that no buckets are uncompressed
SERVER-92145 The balancer settings refresh can overwrite newer config
SERVER-92158 Disable hedged_reads.js on windows variants
SERVER-92160 Increase average task setup time constant for timeout calculations
SERVER-92183 Mongod crashes when running aggregation
SERVER-92186 Implement simple API to get/set app_metadata from/to wiredtiger config strings
SERVER-92193 Index Bounds Builder tries to build geo bounds using non-geo index
SERVER-92199 Ban change_stream_lookup_single_shard_cluster.js from stepdown suites
SERVER-92201 currentop_shell.js may not wait long enough for all shards to be ready in sharded collection passthroughs
SERVER-92231 [v7.0] Enable the bucket unpacker to read v3 buckets and treat them as v2 buckets
SERVER-92233 Await replication after collection creation in text_search_index_commands.js
SERVER-92247 Exclude internal elemMatch types from computeWhetherMatchOnAs
SERVER-92273 ListCollections has inconsistent behavior for commit pending namespaces (7.0 only)
SERVER-92298 Remove unused ProjectionPathASTNode argument to speed up $project aggregation requests
SERVER-92375 Remove minor version from rhel8.x variant names
SERVER-92376 update suse15 package test container to sp5
SERVER-92377 Clean up the system_perf.yml configuration
SERVER-92379 Reuse the mongodb-mongo-master compile for the mongocrypt library
SERVER-92381 Ensure MigrationSourceManager fulfills its promise when aborting in early stages
SERVER-92382 Updating a prepareUnique index does not check whether constraints are being enforced
SERVER-92389 Make a new shared_ptr to avoid use after free
SERVER-92395 Do not push down group to SBE if it has SBE incompatible expressions
SERVER-92402 read_and_write_distribution.js is racy
SERVER-92414 [v7.0] Tag enterprise-rhel-83-s390x with --excludeWithAnyTags=resource_intensive
SERVER-92415 Bump db-contrib-tool version to v0.8.3
SERVER-92426 Adapt tests to rely on new timeseriesBucketsMayHaveMixedSchemaData catalog option format
SERVER-92516 Remove openssl111 buildvariants
SERVER-92547 Use the old rhel80 variant name on v4.2 and v4.4 multiversion tests
SERVER-92556 fsync.js is non-deterministic due to ticket exhaustion
SERVER-92562 Update sbom version to its branch
SERVER-92601 Remove the package_new_compile task
SERVER-92603 Or-to-in rewrite does not always avoid rewriting parameterized expressions
SERVER-92612 set cache dir for pip installs in evergreen
SERVER-92623 Pin the version of v5.0 to 5.0.28 in timeseries_collection_mixed_type.js
SERVER-92660 Ensure consistent validations in all_collection_stats.js by eventually comparing $collStats and $_internalAllCollectionStats
SERVER-92663 Temporary disable lint_sbom
SERVER-92682 change sbom_linter to use local schema
SERVER-92694 restart_during_downgrading_fcv.js isn't waiting for the shards to agree on a primary
SERVER-92736 Update symbol mapper to use the original executed task
SERVER-92777 Fix the URL components for the RHEL8 artifact
SERVER-92812 Get rid of gCollModTimeseriesBucketsMayHaveMixedSchemaData feature flag
SERVER-92842 Suppress assertion in store_historical_placement_data.js
SERVER-92899 [7.0] Fix indexbg_killop_secondary.js error code
SERVER-92902 Fix overflow issue when casting numInitialChunks from size_t to int
SERVER-92927 Add rhel8 key to package_test.py docker dict
SERVER-92939 Route tools download to the newest rhel version
SERVER-92974 Ensure that valid THP parameter modes don't trip a startup warning.
SERVER-92986 Make resharding_coordinator_recovers_abort_decision.js wait for election
SERVER-93014 Setting locally timeseriesBucketsMayHaveMixedSchemaData during MultiIndexBlock::commit might generate catalog inconsistencies
SERVER-93099 Allow collMod with timeseriesBucketsMayHaveMixedSchemaData=false
SERVER-93139 Ensure causal consistency between read_committed test operations
SERVER-93174 Do not elect secondaries in mongos_rs_shard_failure_tolerance test
SERVER-93212 Get mongod version and git version information without spinning up a mongod process
SERVER-93318 [v7.0] Revert SERVER-86904
WT-11391 Add a stat to track when we abort reconciliation because we cannot make progress
SERVER-69234 Make txn_recover_decision_using_recovery_router.js robust to spurious shard version refreshes
SERVER-82281 ShardingTest.js Does Not Merge Multiple SetParameters Properly
SERVER-89529 Retryable writes during resharding may execute more than once if chunk migration follows the reshard operation
SERVER-37164 Incorrect query results on $gte null with sparse index
SERVER-92668 Wrong result with SBE, hash index, $lookup
WT-9607 Fix timing of compact progress messages
WT-10619 Update Clang-Format to 12.0.1
WT-10689 Fix number of expected keys in test-prepare-hs03
WT-10720 Increase slope threshold in test_sweep04.test_big_run in unit-test-long
WT-12139 Fix memory leak in system backup recovery
WT-12302 Fix compact progress time message
WT-12560 Application thread is stuck in forced eviction because of uncommitted updates
WT-12643 Fix Eviction Server walk logic so that it's able to evict all pages
WT-13091 Make cursor_copy debug mode more precise
WT-13109 Fix test_scrub_eviction_prepare.py to evict the page with release_evict cursor
WT-11669 Create new log record for backup ids
7.0.12 Changelog
SERVER-89344 Fix explain output for '$unionWith' queries
WT-10994 Make sweep server respect WT_DHANDLES_DROPPED flag plus prevent user creating a bulk cursor when a transaction is running
WT-11194 Fixing format load when reverse is enabled
WT-11273 Prevent hs_search stress point with pareto and predictable replay
WT-11941 Incorrect timing statistics for eviction and reconciliation
WT-12110 Disable timestamp_abort backup tests in the compatibility mode
WT-12736 Mark the page clean after re-instantiating the page with prepared updates.
SERVER-58300 Generalize the concept of a shard-local collection
SERVER-64574 Upgrade MozJS/Spidermonkey to the latest ESR
SERVER-72019 Upgrade Mongo C Driver and mitigate CVE
SERVER-72090 system.users can be renamed to regular collections and vice versa
SERVER-81331 Spilling in SBE may lead to read on destroyed catalog object
SERVER-81596 Fix Race in index_operations_abort_concurrent_outgoing_migrations.js
SERVER-82205 Make shell dbHash comparison to exclude encryption options
SERVER-82668 Remove fsync_deadlock.js from the sharding_csrs_continuous_config_stepdown suite
SERVER-83377 Make timeseries_dynamic_bucket_sizing.js more robust
SERVER-83712 Do not add $in length to plan cache key if there is no sort
SERVER-84009 [7.0] Clean up query stats perf testing
SERVER-84011 [7.0] Enable feature flag
SERVER-84054 create default attribute for ENABLE_ENTERPRISE_TESTS
SERVER-84315 Introduce new flag to control spilling strategy in $group
SERVER-86674 Primary catch-up may believe it is caught up when it is not
SERVER-87267 Increase bucket_catalog memory usage threshold for timeseries_dynamic_bucket_sizing.js
SERVER-87343 Add awaitReplication() before stepping up secondary in range_deletions_has_index.js
SERVER-87817 The mongo instance returns an error (MongoCommandException, Location50811) in version 7.0.6, but works fine in version 6.0.12.
SERVER-87818 The mongo instance crashes in version 7.0.6, but works fine in version 6.0.12
SERVER-88172 Config can be used as primary shard even in cluster with dedicated config server
SERVER-88264 Add an option to enable warnings for direct connections on single shard clusters
SERVER-88417 processReshardingFieldsForRecipientCollection can use stale db info and incorrectly creates a recipient
SERVER-88832 Periodically check for interrupt in dbStats
SERVER-89466 Update MozJS ASANHandles to support tracking multithreaded memory allocations
SERVER-89496 Collect change stream queries using $_passthroughToShard for query stats
SERVER-89499 Remove shard-lite, standalone, 1-node replica set and m60-like variants
SERVER-89723 Adapt validation for authorization_endpoint, token_endpoint, device_authorization_endpoint
SERVER-89812 Fix C1001 Internal Compiler Error when compiling mozjs on MSVC
SERVER-89970 Reduce flakiness of hedged_reads.js
SERVER-89994 Allow direct shard operations which acquire locks only on non-user collections
SERVER-90086 Fix direct_shard_connection_auth checks for directConnectionChecksWithSingleShard
SERVER-90100 Suppress false-positive leak from libresolv
SERVER-90122 Construct a CycloneDX document for 7.0
SERVER-90164 Prevent tests that hang while collecting minidumps from running on Windows
SERVER-90168 Disable LTO buildvariants that are incompatible with Bazel
SERVER-90173 Serialize ObjectId SBE type to key string correctly
SERVER-90184 Only load included SASL plugins on Windows
SERVER-90311 Update README.third_party.md mozjs with latest version
SERVER-90394 Make the test update_node_clustertime_replset.js more resilient to $$NOW
SERVER-90427 Remove the (without diagnostic latches) variant
SERVER-90438 Coverity analysis defect 155571: Using a moved object
SERVER-90485 $sort does not work as expected when used in conjunction with includeArrayIndex
SERVER-90513 Check whether SSL_get0_verified_chain returns null before consuming it
SERVER-90543 Transaction participant should hold client lock when configuring opCtx
SERVER-90599 Remove unused link to liblzma (work ticket)
SERVER-90657 [v7.0] Fix ignore_dbcheck_in_startup_recovery.js on 7.0
SERVER-90678 Tag sharded incremental backups tests as resource intensive and skip running on smaller variants
SERVER-90681 Fix data race over the chunk jumbo flag
SERVER-90747 Handle $elemMatch with empty path in plan enumerator correctly
SERVER-90770 On 6.0 and 7.0, $unionWith $search queries error for unsharded collections on a sharded cluster.
SERVER-90777 Revert SERVER-71520
SERVER-90830 Add retries to cloneing QA.git
SERVER-90833 Fix incorrect bounded sort optimization when time field is renamed by $addFields
SERVER-90853 Implement a linter for the sbom (for v7.0)
SERVER-90866 [v7.0] Fix DeleteStage swallowing NEED_YIELD
SERVER-90869 Disallow dotted full-path renames for '$elemMatch' expressions
SERVER-90870 Update mongotmock and fix any tests
SERVER-90891 uassert any attempt to add Decimal to V0 key string
SERVER-90928 Make copybara prune out extra lines on commit messages
SERVER-90985 AddToSetNode::init() should uassert if argument to $each is invalid BSON
SERVER-90988 PrepareExecutionHelper destructor should use the cached value of CanonicalQuery::toStringShort that I specifically added just for that destructor to use
SERVER-90991 Bump timeout on compile_and_run_unittests_*_quarter
SERVER-91066 Set migrationCommitVersionError failpoint on all configsvr nodes in migration_coordinator_failover_include.js
SERVER-91068 Remove read_ticket_exhaustion_with_stepdown test
SERVER-91094 Make backports require codeowners
SERVER-91166 Transactions in retryable_write_error_labels.js should update different documents
SERVER-91176 Call awaitNodesAgreeOnAppliedOpTime in ignore_dbcheck_in_startup_recovery.js
SERVER-91178 Handle a snapshot read performed at a timestamp before collection drop
SERVER-91179 Skip jstests directory in codeowners for v7.0, v6.0, and v5.0
SERVER-91182 Make schedule_global_auto_tasks and related "patch only"
SERVER-91186 Move sys-perf to running on RHEL 9.4 machines.
SERVER-91222 Make cluster_time_across_add_shard.js temporarily retry on KeyNotFound error after restarting the replica set
SERVER-91256 Fix v7.0 sbom format and activate linter
SERVER-91275 fix AL2023-arm64-cron-only-mongot-integration variant
SERVER-91291 Skip etc/backports_required_for_multiversion_tests.yml in codeowners
SERVER-91322 set evergreen config options in the multiversion-config subcommand
SERVER-91324 Pin jepsen clones to a specific tag
SERVER-91362 Performance: Do not copy JS "scope" object if a cached JsExecution exists
SERVER-91407 Create SBOM for crypt_shared library for 7.0
SERVER-91423 [v7.0] add detect_evergreen_config function
SERVER-91435 Regenerate test certs with legacy flag
SERVER-91494 Avoid past-the-end access of group by field in DocumentSourceBucket
SERVER-91507 Update the sbom with mozjs new version on 7.0
SERVER-91531 index_drop_before_running.js should wait for replication before asserting index drop on secondary
SERVER-91558 Make HedgeCancellationTest resilient to operation interruption
SERVER-91679 [v7.0] Pin puremagic library to 1.23
WT-11092 Update s_clang_format to automatically download aarch64 binaries
WT-11109 wt_wrap_open_cursor returns WT_NOTFOUND in test/format for a checkpoint cursor
WT-12708 Evaluation/Revision of eviction random traversal
WT-12863 Update the eviction target page check for selection of tree in eviction walk
7.0.11 Changelog
SERVER-90297 Empty field match expression causes change stream optimization rewrite failure
WT-12900 Upload test/format failing CONFIG to Evergreen
SERVER-76231 Validate should not fail immediately when it detects out-of-order keys
SERVER-76232 Do not crash when index inconsistencies are detected in WiredTiger
SERVER-77561 Rollout resmoke file system logging
SERVER-79014 Update the hasKilledSessionError() helper to also check the writeError key for an Interrupt code
SERVER-81454 Timeseries $geoNear throws unexpected error with lookup
SERVER-82305 Have dbCheck ignore prepare conflicts on secondaries
SERVER-82764 Make "planningTimeMicros" incorporate time from the multi-planner trial period
SERVER-85279 Don't run the FTDC collection stats collector on arbiters
SERVER-85446 Retry on network error in multiversionconstants.py
SERVER-86280 Reclassify some collection validation warnings/errors
SERVER-86904 Conflict between initial sync setting the oldest timestamp and resharding pinning the oldest timestamp
SERVER-87059 Setting the cluster cardinality parameter may cause setFCV to fail on retry
SERVER-87087 Validate unique index ordering check does not work for clustered collections
SERVER-87373 prepareUnique index option FCV compatibility check shouldn't be performed during startup
SERVER-87661 create LAST_GREEN binary for mongot
SERVER-88072 Timeseries query errors instead of producing a correct response
SERVER-88098 Add try/catch to notablescan.js to reduce testnoise
SERVER-88263 Move direct connection warnings to the collection acquisition (and AutoGetCollection)
SERVER-88318 Fail dbcheck if one batch failed waiting for write concern
SERVER-88518 Re-evaluate the number and size of partitions in the query stats store.
SERVER-88651 Ensure resharding metrics object still exists when reporting currentOp info
SERVER-88694 Do not emit error logs for self-recovering scenarios in BalancerStatsRegistry
SERVER-88978 Resharding coordinator should ensure participants have seen kAbort before dropping temp collection metadata
SERVER-89418 CursorManager loses track of registered cursors for queries with multiple executors
SERVER-89490 Return ErrorCodes::NetworkTimeout in LDAP connection pool
SERVER-89495 Disable test parameters even when no setParameters are specified
SERVER-89625 Handle directoryPerDb and wiredTigerDirectoryForIndexes correctly when reporting namespaces and UUIDs during a backup
SERVER-89859 Make move_chunk_deferred_lookup.js more robust to slower variants
SERVER-89904 Update Jepsen version for "jepsen-docker" tests
SERVER-89930 Validates the $densify stage properly if 'partitionByFields' contains the densifying field
SERVER-89933 Remove shard split performance test
SERVER-89939 Limit logs used for direct connection log ingestion to be once per hour
SERVER-89943 Feature flag util must retry upon errors in suites with stepdowns and kill primary
SERVER-89989 Extend sharded_backup_restore.js to perform incremental backups
SERVER-90020 Explicitly use 1 config server for mongos_api_params_util tests
SERVER-90053 [v7.0] Add SERVER-89921 TODOs to uncomment parts of the tests once relevant tickets are backported
SERVER-90054 Make scoped_db_connection_test not flaky
SERVER-90069 run_restore.js and run_restore_unsharded.js shouldn't enforce fast count
SERVER-90090 Update Amazon 2 distros to the latest
SERVER-90091 Robustify change stream split event tests against identical events
SERVER-90112 Do not call FeatureFlag::isEnabled in audit::log*ClusterParameter
SERVER-90116 Backup file cursors should require system authorization
SERVER-90135 Ensure the Windows system CA stores are in a clean state at the start of ssl_linear tests
SERVER-90170 Do not use jsTestName() in explain_skip.js
SERVER-90187 Cleanup multiversion binaries before running resmoke tests
SERVER-90199 Tag that index_startup_prepareunique.js tests requires replication.
SERVER-90232 Modify multiversion suites to not run jstests that depend on building mongod with diagnostic latches
SERVER-90238 [7.0] Enable query stats in the query stats passthroughs
SERVER-90248 Insert _id field into audit config cluster parameter
SERVER-90264 Remove slow step from compile
SERVER-90288 Bitwise query operators should interpret lowest addressable byte in BinData as least significant byte
SERVER-90320 Log connection statistics in WiredTigerStatsTest::EmptySession
SERVER-90443 Update testing for enterprise aggregate stage
SERVER-90630 Make packager aware of sbom json file
WT-10802 Handle EBUSY error when checkpointing in test/format
WT-11972 Refresh application thread snapshot if eviction didn't make progress
WT-12609 Improve checkpoint cleanup and page eviction logic
7.0.9 Changelog
SERVER-89134 Test wrongly assumes multi writes outside of transactions are atomic
Write Operations
SERVER-88200 Time-series writes on manually-created buckets may misbehave
SERVER-30832 Fix dbCheck behavior on rollback
SERVER-65974 Replace HistoricalIdentTracker with checkpoint cursors
SERVER-74931 Add AtomicWord::storeRelaxed
SERVER-76001 Add serverStatus metrics for PeriodicThreadToAbortExpiredTransactions
SERVER-76534 Fix reporting the namespace and UUID in a backup cursor when the changes have not yet been checkpointed
SERVER-77427 Avoid going through the network when a shard is targeting only itself for a $lookup subpipeline
SERVER-77530 Join the mirroring executor on shutdown
SERVER-79049 Server returns unexpected CollectionUUIDMismatch with actual collection name equal to expected collection name
SERVER-79637 Incorrect query results in $lookup with TS foreign collection using a correlated predicate
SERVER-79774 Emit warning when balancing disabled for collections with chunks on draining shard
SERVER-80194 In sharded_agg_helpers.cpp we retrieve CollectionRoutingInfo without checking for transaction
SERVER-80340 Handle and test dbCheck during initial sync
SERVER-80341 sharded_agg_helpers::attachCursorToPipeline should not attach dbVersion when targeting local shard by routing table
SERVER-81807 Cached SBE plans have let-bound constants baked in
SERVER-82349 Mongo 7 crashes on applyOps index delete/drops without a collection UUID
SERVER-82571 insert_with_data_size_aware_balancing.js may occasionally fail when run against slow machine/variants
SERVER-82717 QueryPlannerIXSelect::stripInvalidAssignments tries to strip non-existent index assignment from $_internalSchemaAllElemMatchFromIndex
SERVER-83193 Replace deprecated BatchedCommandRequest getters/setters for WC with the ones provided by OperationContext
SERVER-83370 PrepareUnique:true for time-series collections should error
SERVER-83984 WiredTiger verbosity level is suppressed
SERVER-84440 Expose the number of replication waiters in serverStatus
SERVER-84653 Make the auto_safe_reconfig_helper tests wait for newly added removal
SERVER-84717 [SBE] Fix buildGroup() to tolerate multiple output fields with the same name
SERVER-85681 Fix for negative value being passed to BasicBufBuilder::grow()
SERVER-85694 $searchMeta aggregation pipeline stage not passing correct query to mongot after PlanShardedSearch
SERVER-85969 Documentation Updates
SERVER-86201 Cluster upserts performed through the ShardServerProcessInterface should use the operation context to configure their write concern
SERVER-86253 Add serverstatus to record how many users use retryable writes
SERVER-86327 Time-series single schema per bucket column is not maintained in some cases
SERVER-86375 Make index_build_memory_tracking.js less strict
SERVER-86380 Allow for multiple IdP configurations with the same issuer but unique issuer-audience pair