On this page
db.collection.aggregate(pipeline, options)
MongoDB with drivers
This page documents a
method. To see the equivalent method in a MongoDB driver, see the corresponding page for your programming language:Calculates aggregate values for the data in a collection or a view.
Returns: - A cursor for the documents produced by the final stage of the aggregation pipeline.
- If the pipeline includes the
option, the query returns a document that provides details on the processing of the aggregation operation. - If the pipeline includes the
operators, the query returns an empty cursor.
You can use db.collection.aggregate()
for deployments hosted in the following
MongoDB Atlas: The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud
MongoDB Enterprise: The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB
MongoDB Community: The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB
The aggregate()
method has the following
db.collection.aggregate( <pipeline>, <options> )
The aggregate()
method takes the following
Parameter | Type | Description |
pipeline | array | A sequence of data aggregation operations or stages. See the aggregation pipeline operators for details. The method can still accept the pipeline stages as separate
arguments instead of as elements in an array; however, if you do
not specify the |
options | document | Optional. Additional options that aggregate() passes
to the aggregate command. Available only if you
specify the pipeline as an array. |
The options
document can contain the following fields and values:
Changed in version 5.0.
Field | Type | Description | ||||||||||
explain | boolean | Optional. Specifies to return the information on the processing of the pipeline. See Return Information on Aggregation Pipeline Operation for an example. Not available in multi-document transactions. | ||||||||||
allowDiskUse | boolean | Optional. Enables writing to temporary files. When set to The profiler log messages and diagnostic log
messages includes a | ||||||||||
cursor | document | Optional. Specifies the initial batch size for the cursor. The value of the cursor
field is a document with the field batchSize . See
Specify an Initial Batch Size for syntax and example. | ||||||||||
maxTimeMS | non-negative integer | Optional. Specifies a time limit in milliseconds for processing
operations on a cursor. If you do not specify a value for maxTimeMS,
operations will not time out. A value of MongoDB terminates operations that exceed their allotted time limit
using the same mechanism as | ||||||||||
bypassDocumentValidation | boolean | Optional. Applicable only if you specify the Enables New in version 3.2. | ||||||||||
readConcern | document | Optional. Specifies the read concern. The Possible read concern levels are:
For more formation on the read concern levels, see Read Concern Levels. The The | ||||||||||
document | Optional. Specifies the collation to use for the operation. Collation allows users to specify language-specific rules for string comparison, such as rules for lettercase and accent marks. The collation option has the following syntax:
When specifying collation, the If the collation is unspecified but the collection has a
default collation (see If no collation is specified for the collection or for the operations, MongoDB uses the simple binary comparison used in prior versions for string comparisons. You cannot specify multiple collations for an operation. For example, you cannot specify different collations per field, or if performing a find with a sort, you cannot use one collation for the find and another for the sort. New in version 3.4. | |||||||||||
hint | string or document | Optional. The index to use for the aggregation. The index is on the initial collection/view against which the aggregation is run. Specify the index either by the index name or by the index specification document. NoteThe New in version 3.6. | ||||||||||
comment | string | Optional. Users can specify an arbitrary string to help trace the operation through the database profiler, currentOp, and logs. New in version 3.6. | ||||||||||
writeConcern | document | Optional. A document that expresses the write concern
to use with the Omit to use the default write concern with the | ||||||||||
let | document | Optional. Specifies a document with a list of variables. This allows you to improve command readability by separating the variables from the query text. The document syntax is:
The variable is set to the value returned by the expression, and cannot be changed afterwards. To access the value of a variable in the command, use the double
dollar sign prefix ( NoteFor a complete example using New in version 5.0. |
Error Handling
If an error occurs, the aggregate()
throws an exception.
Cursor Behavior
In mongosh
, if the cursor returned from the
is not assigned to a variable using
the var
keyword, then mongosh
iterates the cursor up to 20 times. See
Iterate a Cursor in mongosh
for handling cursors in
Cursors returned from aggregation only supports cursor methods that operate on evaluated cursors (i.e. cursors whose first batch has been retrieved), such as the following methods:
See also:
For more information, see
Aggregation Pipeline, Aggregation Reference,
Aggregation Pipeline Limits, and aggregate
For cursors created inside a session, you cannot call
outside the session.
Similarly, for cursors created outside of a session, you cannot call
inside a session.
Session Idle Timeout
MongoDB drivers and mongosh
associate all operations with a server session, with the exception of unacknowledged
write operations. For operations not explicitly associated with a
session (i.e. using Mongo.startSession()
), MongoDB drivers
and mongosh
create an implicit session and associate it
with the operation.
If a session is idle for longer than 30 minutes, the MongoDB server
marks that session as expired and may close it at any time. When the
MongoDB server closes the session, it also kills any in-progress
operations and open cursors associated with the session. This
includes cursors configured with noCursorTimeout()
a maxTimeMS()
greater than 30 minutes.
For operations that return a cursor, if the cursor may be idle for
longer than 30 minutes, issue the operation within an explicit session
using Mongo.startSession()
and periodically refresh the
session using the refreshSessions
command. See
Session Idle Timeout for more information.
can be used inside distributed transactions.
However, the following stages are not allowed within transactions:
You also cannot specify the explain
For cursors created outside of a transaction, you cannot call
inside the transaction.For cursors created in a transaction, you cannot call
outside the transaction.
In most cases, a distributed transaction incurs a greater performance cost over single document writes, and the availability of distributed transactions should not be a replacement for effective schema design. For many scenarios, the denormalized data model (embedded documents and arrays) will continue to be optimal for your data and use cases. That is, for many scenarios, modeling your data appropriately will minimize the need for distributed transactions.
For additional transactions usage considerations (such as runtime limit and oplog size limit), see also Production Considerations.
Client Disconnection
For db.collection.aggregate()
operation that do not include
the $out
or $merge
Starting in MongoDB 4.2, if the client that issued db.collection.aggregate()
disconnects before the operation completes, MongoDB marks db.collection.aggregate()
for termination using killOp
The following examples use the collection orders
that contains the
following documents:
db.orders.insertMany( [ { _id: 1, cust_id: "abc1", ord_date: ISODate("2012-11-02T17:04:11.102Z"), status: "A", amount: 50 }, { _id: 2, cust_id: "xyz1", ord_date: ISODate("2013-10-01T17:04:11.102Z"), status: "A", amount: 100 }, { _id: 3, cust_id: "xyz1", ord_date: ISODate("2013-10-12T17:04:11.102Z"), status: "D", amount: 25 }, { _id: 4, cust_id: "xyz1", ord_date: ISODate("2013-10-11T17:04:11.102Z"), status: "D", amount: 125 }, { _id: 5, cust_id: "abc1", ord_date: ISODate("2013-11-12T17:04:11.102Z"), status: "A", amount: 25 } ] )
Group by and Calculate a Sum
The following aggregation operation selects documents with status equal
to "A"
, groups the matching documents by the cust_id
field and
calculates the total
for each cust_id
field from the sum of the
field, and sorts the results by the total
field in
descending order:
db.orders.aggregate( [ { $match: { status: "A" } }, { $group: { _id: "$cust_id", total: { $sum: "$amount" } } }, { $sort: { total: -1 } } ] )
The operation returns a cursor with the following documents:
[ { _id: "xyz1", total: 100 }, { _id: "abc1", total: 75 } ]
iterates the returned cursor automatically
to print the results. See Iterate a Cursor in mongosh
handling cursors manually in mongosh
Return Information on Aggregation Pipeline Operation
The following example uses db.collection.explain()
to view
detailed information regarding the execution plan of the aggregation
db.orders.explain().aggregate( [ { $match: { status: "A" } }, { $group: { _id: "$cust_id", total: { $sum: "$amount" } } }, { $sort: { total: -1 } } ] )
The operation returns a document that details the processing of the
aggregation pipeline. For example, the document may show, among other
details, which index, if any, the operation used. [1]
If the orders
collection is a sharded collection, the document
would also show the division of labor between the shards and the merge
operation, and for targeted queries, the targeted shards.
The intended readers of the explain
output document are humans, and
not machines, and the output format is subject to change between
You can view more verbose explain output by passing the
or allPlansExecution
explain modes to the
[1] | Index Filters can affect the choice of index used. See Index Filters for details. |
Perform Large Sort Operation with External Sort
Each individual pipeline stage has a limit of 100 megabytes of RAM. By default, if a stage exceeds this limit,
MongoDB produces an error. To allow pipeline processing to take up
more space, set the allowDiskUse
option to true
to enable writing data to temporary files, as in the
following example:
var results = db.stocks.aggregate( [ { $sort : { cusip : 1, date: 1 } } ], { allowDiskUse: true } )
The profiler log messages and diagnostic log
messages includes a usedDisk
indicator if any aggregation stage wrote data to temporary files due
to memory restrictions.
Specify an Initial Batch Size
To specify an initial batch size for the cursor, use the following
syntax for the cursor
cursor: { batchSize: <int> }
For example, the following aggregation operation specifies the
initial batch size of 0
for the cursor:
db.orders.aggregate( [ { $match: { status: "A" } }, { $group: { _id: "$cust_id", total: { $sum: "$amount" } } }, { $sort: { total: -1 } }, { $limit: 2 } ], { cursor: { batchSize: 0 } } )
The { cursor: { batchSize: 0 } }
document, which specifies the size of the
initial batch size, indicates an empty first batch. This batch size is useful
for quickly returning a cursor or failure message without doing significant
server-side work.
To specify batch size for subsequent getMore
(after the initial batch), use the batchSize
field when running the
iterates the returned cursor automatically
to print the results. See Iterate a Cursor in mongosh
handling cursors manually in mongosh
Specify a Collation
New in version 3.4.
Collation allows users to specify language-specific rules for string comparison, such as rules for lettercase and accent marks.
A collection restaurants
has the following documents:
db.restaurants.insertMany( [ { _id: 1, category: "café", status: "A" }, { _id: 2, category: "cafe", status: "a" }, { _id: 3, category: "cafE", status: "a" } ] )
The following aggregation operation includes the collation option:
db.restaurants.aggregate( [ { $match: { status: "A" } }, { $group: { _id: "$category", count: { $sum: 1 } } } ], { collation: { locale: "fr", strength: 1 } } );
If performing an aggregation that involves multiple views, such as
with $lookup
or $graphLookup
, the views must
have the same collation.
For descriptions on the collation fields, see Collation Document.
Hint an Index
Create a collection food
with the following documents:
db.food.insertMany( [ { _id: 1, category: "cake", type: "chocolate", qty: 10 }, { _id: 2, category: "cake", type: "ice cream", qty: 25 }, { _id: 3, category: "pie", type: "boston cream", qty: 20 }, { _id: 4, category: "pie", type: "blueberry", qty: 15 } ] )
Create the following indexes:
db.food.createIndex( { qty: 1, type: 1 } ); db.food.createIndex( { qty: 1, category: 1 } );
The following aggregation operation includes the hint
option to
force the usage of the specified index:
db.food.aggregate( [ { $sort: { qty: 1 }}, { $match: { category: "cake", qty: 10 } }, { $sort: { type: -1 } } ], { hint: { qty: 1, category: 1 } } )
Override readConcern
Use the readConcern
option to specify the read concern for
the operation.
You cannot use the $out
or the $merge
in conjunction with read concern "linearizable"
. That
is, if you specify "linearizable"
read concern for
, you cannot include either
stages in the pipeline.
The following operation on a replica set specifies a
Read Concern of "majority"
to read the
most recent copy of the data confirmed as having been written to a
majority of the nodes.
To ensure that a single thread can read its own writes, use
read concern and"majority"
write concern against the primary of the replica set.You can specify read concern level
for an aggregation that includes an$out
stage.Regardless of the read concern level, the most recent data on a node may not reflect the most recent version of the data in the system.
db.restaurants.aggregate( [ { $match: { rating: { $lt: 5 } } } ], { readConcern: { level: "majority" } } )
Specify a Comment
A collection named movies
contains documents formatted as such:
db.movies.insertOne( { _id: ObjectId("599b3b54b8ffff5d1cd323d8"), title: "Jaws", year: 1975, imdb: "tt0073195" } )
The following aggregation operation finds movies created in 1995 and includes
the comment
option to provide tracking information in the logs
the db.system.profile
collection, and db.currentOp
db.movies.aggregate( [ { $match: { year : 1995 } } ], { comment : "match_all_movies_from_1995" } ).pretty()
On a system with profiling enabled, you can then query the system.profile
collection to see all recent similar aggregations, as shown below:
db.system.profile.find( { "command.aggregate": "movies", "command.comment" : "match_all_movies_from_1995" } ).sort( { ts : -1 } ).pretty()
This will return a set of profiler results in the following format:
{ "op" : "command", "ns" : "video.movies", "command" : { "aggregate" : "movies", "pipeline" : [ { "$match" : { "year" : 1995 } } ], "comment" : "match_all_movies_from_1995", "cursor" : { }, "$db" : "video" }, ... }
An application can encode any arbitrary information in the comment in order to more easily trace or identify specific operations through the system. For instance, an application might attach a string comment incorporating its process ID, thread ID, client hostname, and the user who issued the command.
Use Variables in let
New in version 5.0.
To define variables that you can access elsewhere in the command, use the let option.
Create a collection cakeSales
containing sales for cake flavors:
db.cakeSales.insertMany( [ { _id: 1, flavor: "chocolate", salesTotal: 1580 }, { _id: 2, flavor: "strawberry", salesTotal: 4350 }, { _id: 3, flavor: "cherry", salesTotal: 2150 } ] )
The following example:
retrieves the cake that has a
greater than 3000, which is the cake with an_id
of 2defines a
variable inlet
, which is referenced in$gt
db.cakeSales.aggregate( [ { $match: { $expr: { $gt: [ "$salesTotal", "$$targetTotal" ] } } } ], { let: { targetTotal: 3000 } } )