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MongoDB Ops Manager

Ops Manager Application Settings

On this page

  • MongoDB Usage
  • Web Server & Email
  • User Authentication
  • Backup
  • Permissions
  • Backing DBs
  • Miscellaneous
  • Custom

Ops Manager stores configuration settings both globally in the Ops Manager Application Database and locally on each server. Global settings apply to all your Ops Manager servers. Local settings apply to the server on which they are configured. Any local settings on a server override the global settings.

You configure global settings through the Ops Manager interface during installation. You can edit global settings at any time through the Admin interface by clicking the General tab and then clicking Ops Manager Config. If you wish to bypass the Ops Manager interface's initial configuration and use a configuration file, see Bypass Initial Configuration via the User Interface.

You may also include global configuration file settings that do not have a corresponding setting in the Ops Manager interface. To add configuration file settings:

  1. Click the Admin link in the top right corner of Ops Manager to access the settings panels.

  2. From the General tab, go to Ops Manager Config and select the Custom tab.


You configure local settings through a server's file. Each server's must contain the connection string and authentication settings for accessing the Ops Manager Application Database. The file also contains any overrides of global settings specific to that server. For more information, see Ops Manager Configuration Settings.

Default Ops Manager MongoDB Server Type

Type: string

Default: Production Server

Default MongoDB Enterprise server type for all Enterprise processes that this Ops Manager instance manages.

The following table shows the accepted Server Type values and the corresponding number of licenses required for each:

Server Intention
Environment Purpose
License Requirement
Production Server

Hosts your application to your internal or external end users.

If an end user might use an environment, it functions as a Production environment. This applies whether the environment also provides testing, quality assurance, evaluation, or development capabilities.

One license per server
Test/QA Server

This type of environment can be used to:

Exercises your application to verify that it works as designed and expected. The platform configuration might be a less performant version of Production in compute, network, and storage capability.
Assure system quality
Validates your application against a combination of data, hardware, and software configured to simulate Production. The platform configuration should be a smaller scale of Production in compute, network, and storage capability.
Simulates the Production environment including performance testing and release candidate approval. The platform configuration should mirror Production in compute, network, and storage capability.
One license per server
Development Server
Hosts in progress design, code, debugging or some combination thereof for your application. Used to evaluate if the current state of your application can be promoted to another environment.
RAM Pool
Provides any combination of servers for any environment purpose.
One license for any number of servers up to the maximum of the total GB of RAM you purchased across these servers.
Backing Database
Hosts your Ops Manager backing database. Enable Application Database Monitoring to enable this option.

Corresponds to mms.mongoDbUsage.defaultUsageType.

MongoDB Usage UI

Type: boolean

Enables the MongoDB Usage UI in the Ops Manager Admin if set to true.

Corresponds to mms.mongoDbUsage.ui.enabled.

MongoDB Usage Data Collection

Type: boolean

Default: False

Enables the daily collection of MongoDB Usage Data if set to true.

Corresponds to mms.mongoDbUsage.collectData.

Configure global settings through the Admin interface. Ops Manager stores global settings in the Ops Manager Application database.

URL to Access Ops Manager

Type: string

FQDN and port number of the Ops Manager Application.

To use a port other than 8080, see Manage Ops Manager Hostname and Ports.

Corresponds to mms.centralUrl.


If you plan on accessing your Ops Manager Application using its IPv6 address, you must enclose the IPv6 address in square brackets ([ ]) to separate it from its port number.

For example:


Type: string

Absolute path to the PEM file that contains the Ops Manager Application's valid certificate and private key. The PEM file is required if the Ops Manager Application uses HTTPS to encrypt connections between the Ops Manager Application, the agents, and the web interface.

The default port for HTTPS access to the Ops Manager Application is 8443, as set in <install_dir>/conf/mms.conf file. If you change this default, you must also change the port specified in the URL to Access Ops Manager setting.

Corresponds to mms.https.PEMKeyFile.

HTTPS PEM Key File Password

Type: string

Password for the HTTPS PEM key file. You must include this setting if the PEM key file contains an encrypted private key.

Corresponds to mms.https.PEMKeyFilePassword.

Client Certificate Mode

Type: string

Default: None

Specifies if Ops Manager requires clients to present valid TLS/SSL client certificates when connecting to it. Accepted values are:

  • None

  • Required for Agents Only

  • Required for All Requests

Corresponds to mms.https.ClientCertificateMode.

CA File

Type: string

Required if:

  • You are using a private certificate authority.

  • You set Client Certificate Mode to Required for Agents Only or Required for All Requests.

  • You run Ops Manager in hybrid mode with TLS enabled.

Specifies the filesystem location of a private certificate authority file containing the list of acceptable client certificates. The Ops Manager Application authenticates HTTPS requests from clients bearing a certificate described in this file.


Corresponds to mms.https.CAFile.

Load Balancer Remote IP Header

Type: string

If you use a load balancer with the Ops Manager Application, set this to the HTTP header field the load balancer uses to identify the originating client's IP address to the Ops Manager host. When you specify Load Balancer Remote IP Header, do not allow clients to connect directly to any Ops Manager host. A load balancer placed in front of the Ops Manager hosts must not return cached content.

Once Load Balancer Remote IP Header is set, Ops Manager enables the following HTTP headers:

HTTP Header
Forwards to Ops Manager
Original host that the client requested in the Host HTTP request header.
Protocol used to make the HTTP request.
Hostname of the proxy server.
HTTPS status of a request.

To learn more, see Configure a Highly Available Ops Manager Application.

Corresponds to mms.remoteIp.header.

The following email address settings are mandatory. You must define these settings before you can use the Ops Manager Application.

From Email Address

Type: string

Email address used for sending the general emails, such as Ops Manager alerts. You can include an alias with the email address.

Ops Manager Alerts <>

Corresponds to mms.fromEmailAddr.

Reply To Email Address

Type: string

Email address from which to send replies to general emails.

Corresponds to mms.replyToEmailAddr.

Admin Email Address

Type: string

Email address of the Ops Manager admin. This address receives emails related to problems with Ops Manager.

Corresponds to mms.adminEmailAddr.

Email Delivery Method Configuration

Type: string

Default: SMTP Email Server

Email interface to use.

This setting is labeled in different ways for the user interface and the configuration file.

Delivery Method
UI Setting
AWS Simple Email Service


SMTP Email Server

If you set this to SMTP Email Server, you must set:

If you set this to AWS Simple Email Service, you must set:

Corresponds to mms.emailDaoClass.

Conditional. The following settings appear if Email Delivery Method Configuration is SMTP Email Server.


Type: string

Default: smtp

Transfer protocol your email provider specifies:

  • smtp (standard SMTP)

Corresponds to mms.mail.transport.

SMTP Server Hostname

Type: string

Default: localhost

Email hostname your email provider specifies.

Corresponds to mms.mail.hostname.

SMTP Server Port

Type: number

Default: 25

Port number for SMTP your email provider specifies.

Corresponds to mms.mail.port.


Type: string

User name of the email account. If unset, defaults to disabled SMTP authentication.

Corresponds to mms.mail.username.


Type: string

Password for the email account. If left blank, this setting disables SMTP authentication.

Corresponds to mms.mail.password.


Type: boolean

Default: false

Set this to true if the transfer protocol uses TLS/SSL.

Corresponds to mms.mail.tls.

Conditional. The following settings appear if Email Delivery Method Configuration is AWS Simple Email Service.

AWS Endpoint

Type: string


Sets the sending API endpoint for the AWS SES.

Corresponds to

AWS Access Key

Type: string

Access key ID for AWS.

Corresponds to aws.accesskey.

AWS Secret Key

Type: string

Secret access key for AWS.

Corresponds to aws.accesskey.

Username Validation

Type: string

Default: false

Determines if Ops Manager requires usernames to be email addresses.

(Default) Username is not required to be an email address.
Username must contain an @ symbol followed by a period.
Username must adhere to a strict email address validation regular expression.

If set to strict, Ops Manager uses the following regular expression to validate that an email address adheres to the requirements described in Section 3 of RFC-3696:


Example is valid. is not.

To validate usernames, you must add as a custom property on the Custom tab of the Ops Manager Config page in the Admin interface.

Corresponds to

User Authentication Method

Type: string

Default: Application Database

Select whether to store authentication credentials in the Ops Manager Application Database, a SAML IdP, or in an LDAP directory.

Accepted values are:

  • Application Database

  • LDAP

  • SAML

Corresponds to mms.userSvcClass.

The user interface displays different settings depending on whether you store credentials in the Ops Manager Application Database or in an external authentication source.

Password Changes Before Reuse

Type: number

Number of previous passwords to remember. You cannot reuse a remembered password as a new password.

Corresponds to mms.password.minChangesBeforeReuse.

Failed Login Attempts Before Account Lock

Type: number

Number of failed login attempts before an account becomes locked. Only an an Ops Manager Administrator can unlock a locked account.

Corresponds to mms.password.maxFailedAttemptsBeforeAccountLock.

Days Inactive Before Account Lock

Type: number

Maximum number of days with no visits to the Ops Manager website before Ops Manager locks an account.

Corresponds to mms.password.maxDaysInactiveBeforeAccountLock.

Days Before Password Change Required

Type: number

Number of days a password is valid before the password expires.

Corresponds to mms.password.maxDaysBeforeChangeRequired.

Login Attempts Allowed Before Timeout

Type: number

Number of logins a user from a specific IP address can attempt during a timeout period. You must configure this setting alongside Login Attempts Timeout Period.

Corresponds to mms.login.ratelimit.attemptsAllowed.

Login Attempts Timeout Period

Type: number

This setting specifies:

  • The time period (in minutes) used to determine if too many login attempts have been made.

  • The duration that accounts are locked before you can resume login attempts.

You must configure this setting alongside Login Attempts Allowed Before Timeout.


The dropdown menu lists the only possible values for this setting. Attempting to set a value in your file or local database that is not listed in the dropdown causes an error when restarting the Ops Manager instance.

Corresponds to mms.login.ratelimit.lockedPeriodMinutes.

Invitation Only Mode

Type: boolean

If true, new users can register by invitation only. The invitation provides a URL that displays the registration link. If false, new users can register if they have the Ops Manager URL.

Corresponds to mms.user.invitationOnly.

Bypass Invitation Mode

Type: boolean

Default: False

This checkbox appears when you set User Authentication Method to Application Database.

  • You can add existing users to any organization or project without an invitation.

  • Ops Manager deletes and invalidates any pending invitations.

  • New users continue to receive and must accept invitations.

  • All users continue to receive and must accept invitations.

Corresponds to mms.user.bypassInviteForExistingUsers.

These settings configure Ops Manager to use an LDAP server for authentication. If you use LDAP authentication, users must belong to an LDAP group to log into Ops Manager. You must create LDAP groups for each Ops Manager user role.

Settings that begin with assign Ops Manager global roles to the members of the specified LDAP groups. Specify groups using the format used by the LDAP attribute specified in the LDAP User Group setting. You can specify multiple groups using the ;; delimiter. To change the default delimiter, use the setting. Each Ops Manager global role provides its level of access to all the Ops Manager projects in the deployment. To provide access to specific groups, use group-level roles.


Type: string

URI for the LDAP or LDAPS server.


Corresponds to mms.ldap.url.


Type: string

A file containing one or more trusted certificates in PEM format. Use this setting if you are using LDAPS and the server is using a certificate that is not from a well-known Certificate Authority.


Corresponds to mms.ldap.ssl.CAFile.


Type: string

A file containing a client certificate and private key. Use this setting when your TLS/SSL LDAP server requires client certificates.


Corresponds to mms.ldap.ssl.PEMKeyFile.

LDAP SSL PEM Key File Password

Type: string

Password for LDAP SSL PEM Key File. Use this setting if the PEMKeyFile is encrypted.

Corresponds to mms.ldap.ssl.PEMKeyFilePassword.

LDAP Bind Dn

Type: string

LDAP user used to execute searches for other users.

Corresponds to mms.ldap.bindDn.

LDAP Bind Password

Type: string

Password for the search user.

Corresponds to mms.ldap.bindPassword.

LDAP User Base Dn

Type: string

Base Distinguished Name (DN) that Ops Manager uses to search for users.


Corresponds to mms.ldap.user.baseDn.

LDAP Group Base Dn

Default: LDAP User Base Dn value

Base Distinguished Name (DN) that Ops Manager uses to search for groups. If left blank, this setting uses the default value.


Corresponds to

LDAP User Search Attribute

Type: string

LDAP field used for the LDAP search. This is typically a username or an email address. The value of this field is also used as the Ops Manager username.

Corresponds to mms.ldap.user.searchAttribute.

LDAP Group Member Attribute

Field on the group entry containing user Distinguished Names (DN). The groupOfNames or groupOfUniqueNames object classes are commonly used.


Corresponds to

LDAP User Group

Type: string

LDAP user attribute that contains the list of LDAP groups the user belongs to. The LDAP attribute can use any format to list the projects, including Common Name (cn) or Distinguished Name (dn). All Ops Manager settings in this configuration file that specify projects must match the chosen format.


Ops Manager deprecated LDAP User Group. Use LDAP Group Member Attribute.

If you provide values for:


Corresponds to

LDAP Global Role Owner

Type: string

LDAP group that has full privileges for the Ops Manager deployment, including full access to all Ops Manager projects and all administrative permissions. Users in the specified LDAP group receive the global owner role in Ops Manager. Specify the project using the format that is used by the LDAP attribute specified in the LDAP User Group setting.

CN=MMSGlobalOwner,OU=MMS,OU=acme Groups,DC=acme,DC=example,DC=com

Corresponds to

LDAP Referral

Default: ignore

LDAP field used to set how to handle referrals. Accepts two values:

  • ignore: Ignore referrals.

  • follow: Automatically follow any referrals.

Corresponds to mms.ldap.referral.

LDAP User First Name

Type: string

Default: givenName per RFC2256

LDAP user attribute that contains the user's first name. After successful LDAP authentication, Ops Manager synchronizes the specified LDAP attribute with the first name from the Ops Manager user record.


Corresponds to mms.ldap.user.firstName.

LDAP User Last Name

Type: string

Default: surname per RFC2256

LDAP user attribute that contains the user's last name. After successful LDAP authentication, Ops Manager synchronizes the specified LDAP attribute with the last name from the Ops Manager user record.


Corresponds to mms.ldap.user.lastName.

LDAP User Email

Type: string

Default: mail per RFC2256

LDAP user attribute that contains the user's email address. After successful LDAP authentication, Ops Manager synchronizes the specified LDAP attribute with the email address from the Ops Manager user record.


Corresponds to

LDAP Global Role Automation Admin

Type: string

LDAP group whose members have the global automation admin role in Ops Manager. Specify projects using the format used by the LDAP attribute specified in the LDAP User Group setting. You can specify multiple projects using the ;; delimiter. To change the default delimiter, use the mms.ldap.project.separator setting.

CN=MMS-AutomationAdmin,OU=MMS,OU=acme Groups,DC=acme,DC=example,DC=com

Each Ops Manager global role provides its level of access to all the Ops Manager projects in the deployment. To provide access to specific projects, use group-level roles.

Corresponds to

LDAP Global Role Backup Admin

Type: string

LDAP group whose members have the global backup admin role in Ops Manager.

CN=MMS-BackupAdmin,OU=MMS,OU=acme Groups,DC=acme,DC=example,DC=com

Corresponds to

LDAP Global Role Monitoring Admin

Type: string

LDAP group whose members have the global monitoring admin role in Ops Manager.

CN=MMS-MonitoringAdmin,OU=MMS,OU=acme Groups,DC=acme,DC=example,DC=com

Corresponds to

LDAP Global Role User Admin

Type: string

LDAP group whose members have the global user admin role in Ops Manager.

CN=MMS-UserAdmin,OU=MMS,OU=acme Groups,DC=acme,DC=example,DC=com

Corresponds to

LDAP Global Role Read Only

Type: string

LDAP group whose members have the global read-only role in Ops Manager.

CN=MMS-ReadOnly,OU=MMS,OU=acme Groups,DC=acme,DC=example,DC=com

Corresponds to

Identity Provider URI

Type: string

URI of the Identity Provider (IdP) that you use to coordinate your Single Sign-On. This might be referred to as the EntityId or the Identity Provider Issuer.

SSO Endpoint URL

Type: string

URL of the Single Sign-On endpoint that Ops Manager calls when a user attempts to sign in.

SLO Endpoint URL

Type: string

URL of the Single Logout endpoint that Ops Manager calls when a user attempts to log out. If set, when a user attempts to log out of Ops Manager, they log out of your IdP. If left blank, logging out of Ops Manager doesn't log the user out of their IdP session.

Identity Provider X509 certificate

Type: string

Certificate provided by your IdP that Ops Manager uses to verify its validity to the IdP.

Path to SP Certificate PEM Key File

Type: string

Absolute path to the PEM file for the certificate that the SP uses to sign requests, containing both the private and public key. If this is left blank, Ops Manager doesn't sign SAML auth requests to the IdP and you can't encrypt SAML assertions.

Password for SP Certificate PEM Key File

Type: string

Required if the PEM file contains an encrypted private key. Specify the password for PEM file.

Require Encrypted Assertions

Type: boolean

Indicator as to whether or not the IdP encrypts the assertions it sends to Ops Manager.

Identity Provider Signature Algorithm

Type: string

Algorithm to encrypt the signature sent to and from the IdP.

In the Select an Algorithm menu, there are five choices:

  • rsa-sha1

  • dsa-sha1

  • rsa-sha256

  • rsa-sha384

  • rsa-sha512

Global Role Owner Group

Type: string

Group in the SAML Group Member Attribute whose members have full privileges over this deployment, including full access to all groups and all administrative permissions.

Global Automation Admin Role

Type: string

Group in the SAML Group Member Attribute whose members have the Global Automation Admin role.

Global Backup Admin Role

Type: string

Group in the SAML Group Member Attribute whose members have the Global Backup Admin role.

Global Monitoring Admin Role

Type: string

Group in the SAML Group Member Attribute whose members have the Global Monitoring Admin role.

Global User Admin Role

Type: string

Group in the SAML Group Member Attribute whose members have the Global User Admin role.

Global Read Only Role

Type: string

Group in the SAML Group Member Attribute whose members have the Global Read Only role.

SAML Attribute for User First Name

Type: string

SAML User Attribute that contains the user's first name.

SAML Attribute for User Last Name

Type: string

SAML User Attribute that contains the user's last name.

SAML Attribute for User Email

Type: string

SAML User Attribute that contains the user's email address.

SAML Group Member Attribute

Type: string

Default: groups

SAML Attribute that contains the list of groups Ops Manager uses to map roles to Projects and Organizations.

Corresponds to

Multi-factor Auth Level

Type: string

Default: OFF

Configures the two-factor authentication "level":

Disables two-factor authentication. Ops Manager does not use two-factor authentication.
Users can choose to set up two-factor authentication for their Ops Manager account.
Users who possess a global role must set up two-factor authentication. Two factor authentication is optional for all other users.
All users must set up two-factor authentication for their Ops Manager account.

Two-factor authentication is recommended for the security of your Ops Manager deployment.


If enabling mms.multiFactorAuth.level through the configuration file, you must create a user account first before updating the configuration file. Otherwise, you cannot login to Ops Manager.


If you enable Twilio integration (optional), ensure that Ops Manager servers can access the domain.

Corresponds to mms.multiFactorAuth.level.

Multi-factor Auth Allow Reset

Type: boolean

Default: false

When true, Ops Manager allows users to reset their two-factor authentication settings via email in an analogous fashion to resetting their passwords.

To reset two-factor authentication, a user must:

  • be able to receive email at the address associated with the user account.

  • know the user account's password.

  • know the agent API key for each Ops Manager project the user belongs to.

Corresponds to mms.multiFactorAuth.allowReset.

Multi-factor Auth Issuer

Type: string

If Google Authenticator provides two-factor authentication, this string is the issuer in the Google Authenticator app. If left blank, the issuer is the domain name of the Ops Manager installation.

Corresponds to mms.multiFactorAuth.issuer.

ReCaptcha Enabled On Registration

Default: false

Indicator as to you want a new user to validate themselves using reCaptcha validation when they register to use Ops Manager.

Set to true to require reCaptcha validation when a new user registers.

This setting requires a reCaptcha account.

Corresponds to reCaptcha.enabled.registration.

ReCaptcha Enabled On Login

Type: boolean

Default: false

Indicator as to you want a user to validate themselves using reCaptcha validation when they log into Ops Manager.

Set to true to require reCaptcha validation when a user logs in.

This setting requires a reCaptcha account.

Corresponds to reCaptcha.enabled.

Session Max Hours

Type: number

Number of hours before a session on the Ops Manager website expires.


Session Max Hours reflects the total Ops Manager session time, not just idle time. Both active and idle sessions expire when Session Max Hours elapses.

Set this value to 0 to use browser session cookies only.

Corresponds to mms.session.maxHours.

New Device Login Notification

Indicator as to the user should be notified that they have logged in from a new device.

Corresponds to mms.login.newDeviceNotification.enabled.

ReCaptcha Public Key

Type: string

ReCaptcha public key associated with your account.

Corresponds to reCaptcha.public.key.

ReCaptcha Private Key

Type: string

ReCaptcha private key associated with your account.

Corresponds to reCaptcha.private.key.

The following settings determine:

  • How much Ops Manager compresses file system store snapshots.

  • How frequently Ops Manager takes snapshots.

  • How long Ops Manager stores snapshots.

To set these values, click the Admin link, then the General tab, then the Ops Manager Config page, and then the Backup section.


See also:

See Snapshot Frequency and Retention Policy to learn more about how often snapshots are taken and how long they can be retained.

File System Store Gzip Compression Level

Type: integer

Default: 6

Determines how much Ops Manager compresses file system-based snapshots. The level ranges from 0 to 9:

  • 0 provides no compression.

  • 1 to 9 increases the degree of compression at a cost of how fast the snapshot is compressed. Level 1 compresses snapshots the least but at the fastest speed. Level 9 compresses snapshots the most but at the slowest speed.


Changing File System Store Gzip Compression Level affects new snapshots only. It does not affect the compression level of existing snapshots.

Corresponds to backup.fileSystemSnapshotStore.gzip.compressionLevel.

Snapshot Interval (Hours)

Type: integer

Default: 24

Specifies the time, in hours, between two consecutive snapshots.

Accepted values are:

6, 8, 12, or 24

Corresponds to brs.snapshotSchedule.interval.

Base Retention of Snapshots (in Days)

Type: integer

Default: 2

Specifies how many days an interval snapshot is stored. The accepted values vary depending upon the value of Snapshot Interval (Hours):

Accepted Values
< 24
2, 3, 4, or 5.
= 24
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

Corresponds to brs.snapshotSchedule.retention.base.

Daily Retention of Snapshots (in Days)

Type: integer

Default: 0

Specifies how many days a daily snapshot is stored.

Accepted values are:

  • No daily retention

  • One of the following integers: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, or 360

Corresponds to brs.snapshotSchedule.retention.daily.

Weekly Retention of Snapshots (in Weeks)

Type: integer

Default: 2

Specifies how many weeks a weekly snapshot is stored.

Accepted values are:

  • No weekly retention

  • One of the following integers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, and 52

Corresponds to brs.snapshotSchedule.retention.weekly.

Monthly Retention of Snapshots (in Months)

Type: integer

Default: 1

Specifies how many months a monthly snapshot is stored.

Accepted values are:

  • No monthly retention

  • One of the following integers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, or 84

Corresponds to brs.snapshotSchedule.retention.monthly.

Restore Digest Method

Type: string

Default: SHA1

Specifies whether or not to generate a SHA1 checksum for restore archive files.

Accepted values are SHA1 or NONE.

Corresponds to brs.restore.digest.method.

PIT Window (In Hours)

Type: integer

Default: 24

Duration time in hours when you can restore from a specific point-in-time (PIT).

Corresponds to brs.pitWindowInHours.

KMIP Server Host

Type: string

Default: None

Specifies the hostname of a KMIP server.

Starting in MongoDB 4.2.1 (and 4.0.14), you can specify more than one KMIP server in a comma-seperated list.


In MongoDB versions earlier than 4.0.14 or 4.2.1, Ops Manager uses only the first KMIP hostname in a list of KMIP server hostnames.

Corresponds to

KMIP Server Port

Type: integer

Default: 5696

Specifies the port of the KMIP server.

Corresponds to backup.kmip.server.port.

KMIP Server CA File

Type: string

Default: /opt/mongodb-mms/classes/kmip_server_test.pem

Specifies a .PEM-format file that contains one or more certificate authorities.

Corresponds to

Proxy Server Port

Type: integer

Default: 25999

Port for the queryable backup host.


After updating Proxy Server Port, restart the Web Server for the change to take effect.

Corresponds to brs.queryable.proxyPort.

Proxy Server PEM File

Type: string

Default: /etc/mongodb-mms/queryable-backup.pem

Required if using Queryable Snapshot. PEM file that contains the full certificate chain for one or more trusted certificates and the associated private keys.

Proxy Server PEM File has the following restrictions:

  • This PEM file must be different than the one used for HTTPS connections to Ops Manager (HTTPS PEM Key File).

  • This PEM file should use a key length greater than 512-bit. Using a 2048-bit RSA key is recommended.

  • This PEM file should use a message digest stronger than sha1, such as sha256.


After updating Proxy Server PEM File, restart the Web Server for the change to take effect.

Corresponds to brs.queryable.pem.

Proxy Server PEM File Password

Type: string

Required if Proxy Server PEM File is encrypted.


After updating Proxy Server PEM File Password, restart the Web Server for the change to take effect.

Corresponds to brs.queryable.pem.pwd.

Expiration (Hours)

Type: integer

Default: 24

Duration time in hours for a Queryable Snapshop once initiated.

Corresponds to brs.queryable.expiration.

Read Cache Size (MB)

Default: 512

Size (in megabytes) that you allocate from the JVM heap for the global snapshot cache. The global snapshot cache optimizes repeated queries for the same snapshot data to the Queryable Snapshots.


MongoDB does not advise changing this value unless MongoDB support directs you to change it.

Corresponds to brs.queryable.lruCacheCapacityMB.

Queryable Startup Timeout (Seconds)

Default: 60

Number of seconds to wait for the Queryable Snapshot to prepare before timing out.

Corresponds to brs.queryable.mounttimeout.

Mongo Connection Timeout (Seconds)

Default: 30

Number of seconds to wait for a connection to the Queryable Snapshot mongod instance before timing out.

Corresponds to brs.queryable.connecttimeout.

Toggle to On to allow MongoDB, Inc. to collect generic usage information.

This setting allows you to monitor your Ops Manager backing databases through your Ops Manager Application.

Application Database Monitoring

Type: string

Default: false

Flag that indicates that Ops Manager can monitor its application database.

To monitor the application databases, you need to:

  1. Click Enable on this page.

  2. Install the MongoDB Agent on the application database hosts.

  3. Add the application database.


See also:

To follow the full procedure, see Enable Application Database Monitoring.

Proxy Host

Type: string

Specify the hostname of the HTTP or HTTPS proxy to which you wish to connect.

Corresponds to

Proxy Port

Type: integer

Specify the port on which you wish to connect to the host. You must specify both the Proxy Port and Proxy Host to use a proxy.

Corresponds to http.proxy.port.

Non Proxy Hosts

Type: string

Specify a pipe-separated (|) list of internal hosts to bypass the outgoing proxy that you configured.


Corresponds to http.proxy.nonProxyHosts.

Proxy Username

Type: string

If the proxy requires authentication, use this setting to specify the username with which to connect to the proxy.

Corresponds to http.proxy.username.

Proxy Password

Type: string

If the proxy requires authentication, use this setting to specify the password with which to connect to the proxy.

Corresponds to http.proxy.password.

To receive alert notifications via SMS or 2FA code, you must have a Twilio account.

Account SID

Type: string

Twilio account ID.

Corresponds to twilio.account.sid.

Twilio Auth Token

Type: string

Twilio API token.

Corresponds to twilio.auth.token.

Twilio From Number

Type: string

Twilio phone number.

Corresponds to twilio.from.num.

The following settings determine how Ops Manager knows what MongoDB releases exist and how the MongoDB binaries are supplied to the Ops Manager server. The Automations and Backup Daemons use these binaries when deploying MongoDB.

Installer Download Source

Type: string

Default: remote

You need to select the Source for agents to download MongoDB binaries:


All Agents and Ops Manager hosts download MongoDB binaries from a remote source in the background. An internet connection is required on all hosts.

You can specify the remote source for downloading MongoDB binaries with the Base URL field. If you don't, Base URL defaults to and


Agents get MongoDB binaries from Ops Manager, which fetches binaries from a remote source.

You can specify the remote source for downloading MongoDB binaries with the Base URL field. If you don't, Base URL defaults to and


Agents get MongoDB binaries from Ops Manager, which has them on disk.

An Ops Manager administrator must provide installers from the MongoDB Download Center and upload them into the Versions Directory. Ops Manager serves the installers to Agent hosts. The Version Manifest must be updated manually. No hosts in the deployment require an internet connection.

Corresponds to automation.versions.source.

Base URL

Type: string


HTTP(S) endpoint to fetch MongoDB binaries from. If the endpoint is an HTTPS endpoint, the Certificate Authority file specified by httpsCAFile will be used to validate the certificate. If Base URL is unset, the remote URLs for mongodb binaries are and

Corresponds to

Versions Directory

Type: string

Default: /opt/mongodb/mms/mongodb-releases/

Specify the directory on the Ops Manager Application server where Ops Manager stores the MongoDB binaries. The Automation accesses the binaries when installing or changing versions of MongoDB on your deployments. If you set Version Manifest Source to run in Local mode, the Backup Daemons also access the MongoDB binaries from this directory. See Configure Deployment to Have Limited Internet Access for more information.

Corresponds to

Backup Versions Auto Download

Type: boolean

Default: True

Flag indicating whether the Backup Daemons automatically install the versions of MongoDB that the Backup Daemons need.

The daemons retrieve the binaries from MongoDB Inc. over the internet.
Backup Daemons do not have internet access and require that an Ops Manager administrator manually download and extract every archived version of a MongoDB release that the backup daemons need. The administrator must place the extracted binaries into the Versions Directory on the Ops Manager hosts.


Set to false when Ops Manager is running in Local Mode.

Corresponds to mongodb.release.autoDownload.

Backup Versions Auto Download Enterprise Builds

Type: boolean

Flag indicating whether the Backup Daemons automatically install the Enterprise editions of the versions of MongoDB that the Backup Daemons need. Requires Backup Versions Auto Download be set to true.


If you plan on running MongoDB Enterprise on Linux hosts, then you must manually install a set of dependencies to each host before installing MongoDB. The MongoDB manual provides the appropriate command to install the dependencies.

See Configure Deployment to Have Limited Internet Access.

Corresponds to mongodb.release.autoDownload.enterprise.

Required Module For Backup

Type: string

Default: Enterprise Preferred

Specifies whether to use MongoDB Community or Enterprise binaries for backup.

Accepted values are:

  • Enterprise Preferred

  • Enterprise Required

  • Community Required

When Enterprise Required or Community Required is selected, Ops Manager only uses those binaries for backup. When Enterprise Preferred is selected, Ops Manager uses Enterprise binaries if available and Community binaries if they are not.


When Enterprise Required is selected, you must either set Backup Versions Auto Download Enterprise Builds to true or manually place Enterprise binaries in the Versions Directory in Local Mode.


Backup fails when either Enterprise Required or Community Required is selected, but the Versions Directory does not contain the required binary.

Corresponds to mongodb.release.modulePreference.

Ops Manager gathers metric data at a 10-second granularity. The Default Monitoring Data Retention table determines how long Ops Manager stores metric data. For each increasing granularity level, Ops Manager computes the data based on the averages from the previous granularity level.

The table determines the default settings for new groups. If you change the settings, Ops Manager prompts you whether to also apply the settings to existing groups. To change the settings for a specific group without changing the Ops Manager default settings, see Projects.

Increasing the retention period for a granularity requires more storage on the Ops Manager Application Database.


If you decrease the retention period for existing projects, Ops Manager doesn't recover available disk capacity on the file system at that moment. If you change the retention period, Ops Manager can use additional disk capacity in the short term when transitioning to the shorter retention period.

Default Monitoring Data Retention 1 Minute

Type: string

Default: 2 days

Length of time that Ops Manager stores metric data at the minute granularity level. Ops Manager computes the data based on the averages from the hourly granularity level.

The default setting applies to new projects. If you change this settings, Ops Manager prompts you whether to also apply that change to existing projects. To change the settings for a specific project without changing the Ops Manager default settings, see Projects.

Accepted values are:

  • 2 days

  • 14 days

Increasing the retention period for a granularity requires more storage on the Ops Manager Application Database.

Default Monitoring Data Retention 1 Hour

Type: string

Default: 2 months

Length of time that Ops Manager stores metric data at the hourly granularity level. Ops Manager computes the data based on the averages from the daily granularity level.

The default setting applies to new projects. If you change this settings, Ops Manager prompts you whether to also apply that change to existing projects. To change the settings for a specific project without changing the Ops Manager default settings, see Projects.

Accepted values are:

  • 2 months

  • 12 months

Increasing the retention period for a granularity requires more storage on the Ops Manager Application Database.

Default Monitoring Data Retention 1 Day

Type: string

Default: Forever

Length of time that Ops Manager stores metric data at the daily granularity level.

The default setting applies to new projects. If you change this settings, Ops Manager prompts you whether to also apply that change to existing projects. To change the settings for a specific project without changing the Ops Manager default settings, see Projects.

Increasing the retention period for a granularity requires more storage on the Ops Manager Application Database.

Webhook URL

Corresponds to mms.alerts.webhook.adminEndpoint.

Webhook Secret

Corresponds to mms.alerts.webhook.adminSecret.

Kubernetes Secret Setup

Type: string

Path to the YAML file that contains your Programmatic API Key as a Kubernetes secret to create or update Kubernetes objects in your Ops Manager project.

This file must be in YAML format and must be stored under /mongodb-ops-manager/ directory.

Corresponds to kubernetes.templates.credentialsFilePath.

Kubernetes ConfigMap Setup

Type: string

Path to the YAML file that contains the ConfigMap to use to link to your Ops Manager project.

This file must be in YAML format and must be stored under /mongodb-ops-manager/ directory.

Corresponds to kubernetes.templates.projectFilePath.

To configure certain settings, you need to add the setting and value to the Custom page.

These settings include:

To add a custom setting:

  1. Type the setting into the Key box.

  2. Type the desired setting value into the Value box.

  3. Click Save.


Install from Archive with Linux