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部分一致 Atlas 検索クエリの実行方法


  • Atlas Search インデックスの作成
  • 大文字と小文字を区別する部分一致クエリを実行する

このチュートリアルでは、sample_mflix.movies コレクションにインデックスを作成し、plot フィールドに対して部分的な文字列を用いたクエリを実行する方法について説明します。部分的な文字列を用いたクエリに一致するものを返すには、以下の演算子のいずれかを使用します。

  • オートコンプリート演算子。指定したフィールドから、クエリで指定した文字のシーケンスを含む単語またはフレーズを検索することができます。

  • フレーズ演算子。指定したフィールドから、単語間の距離を指定してクエリ文字列内の単語を含むドキュメントを検索することができます。

  • 正規表現演算子。正規表現を使用して、指定したフィールドから文字列を検索することができます。

  • ワイルドカード演算子。クエリ内に特殊文字を使用して、指定したフィールドから任意の文字と一致するものを検索することができます。

部分一致をより細かく制御するには、 テキスト演算子 をカスタムアナライザで使用することもできます。詳細については、「 カスタムアナライザの例 」を参照してください。


  1. sample_mflix.movies コレクションの plot フィールドに Atlas Search インデックスを設定します。

  2. オートコンプリートフレーズ正規表現ワイルドカード演算子を使用して、sample_mflix.movies コレクションの plot フィールドに対して部分的な文字列を用いて Atlas Search クエリを実行します。

開始する前に、Atlas クラスターが前提条件 に記載されている要件を満たしていることを確認してください。

Atlas Search インデックスを作成するには、プロジェクトに対するProject Data Access Admin以上のアクセス権が必要です。

このセクションでは、sample_mflix.movies コレクションの plot フィールドに Atlas Search インデックスを作成し、それらのフィールドに対して部分一致クエリを実行します。

  1. まだ表示されていない場合は、希望するプロジェクトを含む組織を選択しますナビゲーション バーのOrganizationsメニュー

  2. まだ表示されていない場合は、ナビゲーション バーのProjectsメニューから目的のプロジェクトを選択します。

  3. まだ表示されていない場合は、サイドバーの [Clusters] をクリックします。

    [ クラスター]ページが表示されます。


GoAtlas Searchページには、サイドバー、Data Explorer 、またはクラスターの詳細ページから できます。

  1. サイドバーで、 Services見出しの下のAtlas Searchをクリックします。


    クラスターがない場合は、Create cluster をクリックしてクラスターを作成します。詳細については、「 クラスターの作成 」を参照してください。

  2. [ Select data sourceドロップダウンからクラスターを選択し、[ Go to Atlas Search ] をクリックします。

    Atlas Searchページが表示されます。

  1. クラスターの [Browse Collections] ボタンをクリックします。

  2. データベースを展開し、コレクションを選択します。

  3. コレクションのSearch Indexesタブをクリックします。

    Atlas Searchページが表示されます。

  1. クラスタの名前をクリックします。

  2. [Atlas Search] タブをクリックします。

    Atlas Searchページが表示されます。


ページで次の選択を行い、[]Next をクリックします。

Search Type

Atlas Searchインデックスタイプを選択します。

Index Name and Data Source


  • Index Name: partial-match-tutorial

  • Database and Collection:

    • sample_mflix database

    • movies コレクション

Configuration Method

For a guided experience, select Visual Editor.

To edit the raw index definition, select JSON Editor.

インデックスを作成するには、 インターフェースで または を使用できます。Atlas SearchVisual EditorAtlas SearchJSON EditorAtlas user

  1. [Refine Your Index] をクリックします。

  2. Index Configurationsセクションで、Dynamic Mapping を無効に切り替える。

  3. Field Mappingsセクションで、

  4. Add Field Add Field Mapping ウィンドウを表示します。

    1. [Quick Start for Text Fields] をクリックします。

    2. ドロップダウンからSearch-as-you-typeテンプレートを選択し、デフォルト設定を確認します。


    1. [Quick Start for Text Fields] をクリックします。

    2. ドロップダウンからFull Text Searchテンプレートを選択し、デフォルト設定を確認します。


    1. ドロップダウンから [Customized Configuration] を選択します。

    2. [ Data Type ] ドロップダウンから [ String ] を選択し、ワイルドカード演算子を使用してクエリを実行します。

    3. データタイプのデフォルト設定を次のように変更します。

      UI フィールド名

      Index Analyzer


      Search Analyzer


      Index Options




      Ignore Above





    1. ドロップダウンから [Customized Configuration] を選択します。

    2. [ Data Type ] ドロップダウンから [ String ] を選択し、ワイルドカード演算子を使用してクエリを実行します。

    3. データタイプのデフォルト設定を次のように変更します。

      UI フィールド名

      Index Analyzer


      Search Analyzer


      Index Options




      Ignore Above





  5. Field Nameドロップダウンからplotを選択します。

  6. Addをクリックすると、 Field Mappingsセクションのリストにフィールドが追加されます。

  7. [Save Changes] をクリックします。

  1. クエリの実行に使用する演算子に対して、デフォルトのインデックス定義を、次の例のインデックス定義に置き換えます。

    "mappings": {
    "dynamic": false,
    "fields": {
    "plot": [
    "type": "autocomplete",
    "tokenization": "edgeGram",
    "minGrams": 2,
    "maxGrams": 15,
    "foldDiacritics": true
    "mappings": {
    "fields": {
    "plot": {
    "analyzer": "lucene.standard",
    "type": "string"
    "mappings": {
    "fields": {
    "plot": {
    "analyzer": "lucene.keyword",
    "type": "string"
    "mappings": {
    "fields": {
    "plot": {
    "analyzer": "lucene.keyword",
    "type": "string"
  2. [Next] をクリックします。


インデックスが作成中であることを知らせるモーダル ウィンドウが表示されます。Close ボタンをクリックします。


インデックスの構築には約 1 分かかります。 作成している間、 Status列にはBuild in Progressと表示されます。 作成が完了すると、 Status列にはActiveと表示されます。

➤ このページの [言語の選択] ドロップダウンメニューを使用して、このセクションの例の言語を設定します。


このセクションでは、Atlas クラスターに接続し、sample_mflix.movies コレクションの plot フィールドに対して演算子を使用してサンプル クエリを実行します。

  1. まだ表示されていない場合は、希望するプロジェクトを含む組織を選択しますナビゲーション バーのOrganizationsメニュー

  2. まだ表示されていない場合は、ナビゲーション バーのProjectsメニューから目的のプロジェクトを選択します。

  3. まだ表示されていない場合は、サイドバーの [Clusters] をクリックします。

    [ Clusters (クラスター) ] ページが表示されます。


GoAtlas Searchページには、サイドバー、Data Explorer 、またはクラスターの詳細ページから できます。

  1. サイドバーで、 Services見出しの下のAtlas Searchをクリックします。


    クラスターがない場合は、Create cluster をクリックしてクラスターを作成します。詳細については、「 クラスターの作成 」を参照してください。

  2. [ Select data sourceドロップダウンからクラスターを選択し、[ Go to Atlas Search ] をクリックします。

    Atlas Searchページが表示されます。

  1. クラスターの [Browse Collections] ボタンをクリックします。

  2. データベースを展開し、コレクションを選択します。

  3. コレクションのSearch Indexesタブをクリックします。

    Atlas Searchページが表示されます。

  1. クラスタの名前をクリックします。

  2. [Atlas Search] タブをクリックします。

    Atlas Searchページが表示されます。


クエリするインデックスの右側にある [ Query ] ボタンをクリックします。


Edit Queryをクリックすると、 JSON形式のデフォルトのクエリ構文サンプルが表示されます。


次のクエリは、オペレーターを使用して sample_mflix.movies コレクションの plot フィールドをクエリします。

次のクエリをコピーして、 Query Editorに貼り付け、 Query EditorSearchボタンをクリックします。

このクエリでは、クエリ文字列new purchase をフィールド内の単語と照合するために、次の操作が実行されます。

  • newpurchaseという単語をplotフィールドのどこにでも表示できます。

  • クエリをフィールド内の単語と一致させるためにクエリ文字列に 2 文字のバリエーションを含めることはできますが、クエリ文字列の最初の文字は変更できません。

  • 最大 256 語の類似タームを検討できます。

2 {
3 "$search": {
4 "index": "partial-match-tutorial",
5 "autocomplete": {
6 "path": "plot",
7 "query": "new purchase",
8 "tokenOrder": "any",
9 "fuzzy": {
10 "maxEdits": 2,
11 "prefixLength": 1,
12 "maxExpansions": 256
13 }
14 },
15 "highlight": {
16 "path": "plot"
17 }
18 }
19 }
SCORE: 3 _id: "573a13a4f29313caabd112f0"
A divorced woman and her diabetic daughter take refuge in their newly-purchased house's safe room, when three men break-in, searching for a missing fortune.
Matching fields: plot
SCORE: 3 _id: "573a13d1f29313caabd8e209"
A lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with his newly purchased operating system that's designed to meet his every need.
Matching fields: plot
SCORE: 2 _id: "573a13bef29313caabd5b62d"
Set in the near future when artificial organs can be bought on credit, it revolves around a man who struggles to make the payments on a heart he has purchased. He must
Matching fields: plot
SCORE: 2 _id: "573a13b3f29313caabd3c91e"
He is "purchased" by a wealthy television producer and taken to a desolate island where he must fight to the death against nine other condemned killers from all corners of the world, with freedom going to the sole survivor.
Matching fields: plot
SCORE: 2 _id: "573a1398f29313caabceb931"
A country boy becomes the head of a gang through the purchase of some lucky roses from an old lady.
Matching fields: plot, plot
SCORE: 1 _id: "573a13a7f29313caabd1b5ab"
An illegal Nigerian immigrant discovers the unpalatable side of London life.
Matching fields: plot
SCORE: 1 _id: "573a13a7f29313caabd1b5c0"
A young dropout falls in love with a nightclub dancer...
Matching fields: plot
SCORE: 1 _id: "573a13a7f29313caabd1b62f"
In 1990, to protect his fragile mother from a fatal shock after a long coma, a young man must keep her from learning that her beloved nation of East Germany as she knew it has disappeared.
Matching fields: plot
SCORE: 1 _id: "573a13a7f29313caabd1b6af"
Gadget once again has to fight his arch nemesis, Claw.
Matching fields: plot

クエリは newpurpose の位置的距離が最大 5 語とする、 new purpose というクエリ文字列を指定します。

2 {
3 "$search": {
4 "index": "partial-match-tutorial",
5 "phrase": {
6 "path": "plot",
7 "query": "new purpose",
8 "slop": 5
9 },
10 "highlight": {
11 "path": "plot"
12 }
13 }
14 }
SCORE: 3.7209534645080566 _id: "573a13b1f29313caabd37ae6"
The true story of Richard Pimentel, a brilliant public speaker with a troubled past, who returns from Vietnam severely hearing -impaired and finds a new purpose in his landmark efforts on the behalf of Americans with disabilities.
Matching fields: plot
SCORE: 1.1507558822631836 _id: "573a13bdf29313caabd58a26"
But without a hero, he loses all purpose and must find new meaning to his life.
Matching fields: plot
SCORE: 1.0041160583496094 _id: "573a1396f29313caabce5197"
An aging Pat Garrett is hired as a lawman on behalf of a group of wealthy New Mexico cattle barons--his sole purpose being to bring down his old friend Billy the Kid.
Matching fields: plot

クエリでは (.*) 正規表現を使用して、任意の数の文字を部分クエリ文字列と照合します。

2 {
3 "$search": {
4 "index": "partial-match-tutorial",
5 "regex": {
6 "path": "plot",
7 "query": "(.*)new(.*) pur(.*)"
8 }
9 }
10 }
SCORE: 1 _id: "573a1397f29313caabce77d9"
fullplot: "After the Rebel base on the icy planet Hoth is taken over by the empir…"
imdb: Object
year: 1980
SCORE: 1 _id: "573a1398f29313caabceb893"
plot: "The new owner of the Cleveland Indians puts together a purposely horri…"
genres: Array
runtime: 107
SCORE: 1 _id: "573a13b1f29313caabd37ae6"
plot: "The true story of Richard Pimentel, a brilliant public speaker with a …"
genres: Array
runtime: 94
SCORE: 1 _id: "573a13d1f29313caabd8e209"
fullplot: "Theodore is a lonely man in the final stages of his divorce. When he's…"
imdb: Object
year: 2013
SCORE: 1 _id: "573a13dcf29313caabdb107a"
plot: "An adrenaline junkie walks away from a whirlwind romance and embraces …"
genres: Array
runtime: 146

クエリは、クエリ文字列の*を使用して、部分クエリ文字列内の指定された単語の前後の 0 文字以上を照合します。

2 {
3 "$search": {
4 "index": "partial-match-tutorial",
5 "wildcard": {
6 "path": "plot",
7 "query": "*new* pur*"
8 }
9 }
10 }
SCORE: 1 _id: "573a1397f29313caabce77d9"
fullplot: "After the Rebel base on the icy planet Hoth is taken over by the empir…"
imdb: Object
year: 1980
SCORE: 1 _id: "573a1398f29313caabceb893"
plot: "The new owner of the Cleveland Indians puts together a purposely horri…"
genres: Array
runtime: 107
SCORE: 1 _id: "573a13b1f29313caabd37ae6"
plot: "The true story of Richard Pimentel, a brilliant public speaker with a …"
genres: Array
runtime: 94
SCORE: 1 _id: "573a13d1f29313caabd8e209"
fullplot: "Theodore is a lonely man in the final stages of his divorce. When he's…"
imdb: Object
year: 2013
SCORE: 1 _id: "573a13dcf29313caabdb107a"
plot: "An adrenaline junkie walks away from a whirlwind romance and embraces …"
genres: Array
runtime: 146

Search Testerでは、返されるドキュメント内のすべてのフィールドが表示されない場合があります。 クエリパスで指定したフィールドを含むすべてのフィールドを表示するには、結果内のドキュメントを展開します。


ターミナル ウィンドウでmongoshを開き、クラスターに接続します。 接続の詳細な手順については、「 mongosh経由での接続 」を参照してください。



use sample_mflix

次のクエリは、オペレーターを使用して sample_mflix.movies コレクションの plot フィールドをクエリします。クエリには以下が含まれます。

  • $limit ステージを使用して、出力結果を5つに制限します。

  • $project ステージでは、titleplot を除くすべてのフィールドを除外します。

このクエリでは、クエリ文字列new purchase をフィールド内の単語と照合するために、次の操作が実行されます。

  • newpurchaseという単語をplotフィールドのどこにでも表示できます。

  • クエリをフィールド内の単語と一致させるためにクエリ文字列に 2 文字のバリエーションを含めることはできますが、クエリ文字列の最初の文字は変更できません。

  • 最大 256 語の類似タームを検討できます。

2 {
3 "$search": {
4 "index": "partial-match-tutorial",
5 "autocomplete": {
6 "path": "plot",
7 "query": "new purchase",
8 "tokenOrder": "any",
9 "fuzzy": {
10 "maxEdits": 2,
11 "prefixLength": 1,
12 "maxExpansions": 256
13 }
14 },
15 "highlight": {
16 "path": "plot"
17 }
18 }
19 },
20 {
21 "$limit": 5
22 },
23 {
24 "$project": {
25 "_id": 0,
26 "title": 1,
27 "plot": 1,
28 "highlights": { "$meta": "searchHighlights" }
29 }
30 }
plot: "A divorced woman and her diabetic daughter take refuge in their newly-purchased house's safe room, when three men break-in, searching for a missing fortune.",
title: 'Panic Room',
highlights: [
score: 4.364492893218994,
path: 'plot',
texts: [
value: 'A divorced woman and her diabetic daughter take refuge in their ',
type: 'text'
{ value: "newly-purchased house's safe", type: 'hit' },
value: ' room, when three men break-in, searching for a missing fortune.',
type: 'text'
plot: "A lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with his newly purchased operating system that's designed to meet his every need.",
title: 'Her',
highlights: [
score: 4.198050022125244,
path: 'plot',
texts: [
value: 'A lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with his ',
type: 'text'
{ value: 'newly purchased operating system', type: 'hit' },
value: " that's designed to meet his every ",
type: 'text'
{ value: 'need', type: 'hit' },
{ value: '.', type: 'text' }
plot: "Set in the near future when artificial organs can be bought on credit, it revolves around a man who struggles to make the payments on a heart he has purchased. He must therefore go on the run before said ticker is repossessed.",
title: 'Repo Men',
highlights: [
score: 2.6448397636413574,
path: 'plot',
texts: [
{ value: 'Set in the ', type: 'text' },
{ value: 'near future when', type: 'hit' },
{ value: ' artificial organs can be bought on credit, it revolves around a man who struggles to make the payments on a heart he has ', type: 'text' },
{ value: 'purchased. He must', type: 'hit' }
plot: 'A psychologically troubled novelty supplier is nudged towards a romance with an English woman, all the while being extorted by a phone-sex line run by a crooked mattress salesman, and purchasing stunning amounts of pudding.',
title: 'Punch-Drunk Love',
highlights: [
score: 1.2451990842819214,
path: 'plot',
texts: [
{ value: 'A psychologically troubled ', type: 'text' },
{ value: 'novelty supplier is', type: 'hit' },
{ value: ' ', type: 'text' },
{ value: 'nudged towards a', type: 'hit' },
value: ' romance with an English woman, all the while being extorted by a phone-sex line run by a crooked mattress salesman, and ',
type: 'text'
{ value: 'purchasing stunning amounts', type: 'hit' },
{ value: ' of pudding.', type: 'text' }
plot: 'Jack Conrad is awaiting the death penalty in a corrupt Central American prison. He is "purchased" by a wealthy television producer and taken to a desolate island where he must fight to the death against nine other condemned killers from all corners of the world, with freedom going to the sole survivor.',
title: 'The Condemned',
highlights: [
score: 2.94378924369812,
path: 'plot',
texts: [
{ value: 'He is "', type: 'text' },
{ value: 'purchased" by a', type: 'hit' },
value: ' wealthy television producer and taken to a desolate island where he must fight to the death against ',
type: 'text'
{ value: 'nine other condemned', type: 'hit' },
value: ' killers from all corners of the world, with freedom going to the sole survivor.',
type: 'text'

クエリは newpurpose の位置的距離が最大 5 語とする、 new purpose というクエリ文字列を指定します。

2 {
3 "$search": {
4 "index": "partial-match-tutorial",
5 "phrase": {
6 "path": "plot",
7 "query": "new purpose",
8 "slop": 5
9 },
10 "highlight": {
11 "path": "plot"
12 }
13 }
14 },
15 {
16 "$limit": 5
17 },
18 {
19 "$project": {
20 "_id": 0,
21 "plot": 1,
22 "title": 1,
23 "highlights": { "$meta": "searchHighlights" }
24 }
25 }
plot: 'The true story of Richard Pimentel, a brilliant public speaker with a troubled past, who returns from Vietnam severely hearing -impaired and finds a new purpose in his landmark efforts on the behalf of Americans with disabilities.',
title: 'Music Within',
highlights: [
score: 1.9394469261169434,
path: 'plot',
texts: [
{ value: 'The true story of Richard Pimentel, a brilliant public speaker with a troubled past, who returns from Vietnam severely hearing -impaired and finds a ', type: 'text' },
{ value: 'new', type: 'hit' },
{ value: ' ', type: 'text' },
{ value: 'purpose', type: 'hit' },
{ value: ' in his landmark efforts on the behalf of Americans with disabilities.', type: 'text' }
plot: 'The supervillain Megamind finally defeats his nemesis, the superhero Metro Man. But without a hero, he loses all purpose and must find new meaning to his life.',
title: 'Megamind',
highlights: [
score: 2.90376877784729,
path: 'plot',
texts: [
{ value: 'But without a hero, he loses all ', type: 'text' },
{ value: 'purpose', type: 'hit' },
{ value: ' and must find ', type: 'text' },
{ value: 'new', type: 'hit' },
{ value: ' meaning to his life.', type: 'text' }
plot: 'An aging Pat Garrett is hired as a lawman on behalf of a group of wealthy New Mexico cattle barons--his sole purpose being to bring down his old friend Billy the Kid.',
title: 'Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid',
highlights: [
score: 2.115748405456543,
path: 'plot',
texts: [
{ value: 'An aging Pat Garrett is hired as a lawman on behalf of a group of wealthy ', type: 'text' },
{ value: 'New', type: 'hit' },
{ value: ' Mexico cattle barons--his sole ', type: 'text' },
{ value: 'purpose', type: 'hit' },
{ value: ' being to bring down his old friend Billy the Kid.', type: 'text' }

クエリでは (.*) 正規表現を使用して、任意の数の文字を部分クエリ文字列と照合します。

2 {
3 "$search": {
4 "index": "partial-match-tutorial",
5 "regex": {
6 "path": "plot",
7 "query": "(.*)new(.*) pur(.*)"
8 }
9 }
10 },
11 {
12 $limit: 5
13 },
14 {
15 $project: {
16 "_id": 0,
17 "plot": 1,
18 "title": 1
19 }
20 }
plot: 'After the rebels have been brutally overpowered by the Empire on their newly established base, Luke Skywalker takes advanced Jedi training with Master Yoda, while his friends are pursued by Darth Vader as part of his plan to capture Luke.',
title: 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back'
plot: "The new owner of the Cleveland Indians puts together a purposely horrible team so they'll lose and she can move the team. But when the plot is uncovered, they start winning just to spite her.",
title: 'Major League'
plot: 'The true story of Richard Pimentel, a brilliant public speaker with a troubled past, who returns from Vietnam severely hearing -impaired and finds a new purpose in his landmark efforts on the behalf of Americans with disabilities.',
title: 'Music Within'
plot: "A lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with his newly purchased operating system that's designed to meet his every need.",
title: 'Her'
plot: 'An adrenaline junkie walks away from a whirlwind romance and embraces a new life as a thief, though he soon finds himself pursued by veteran police officer and engaged in a turf war with a local gangster.',
title: 'Kick'

クエリは、クエリ文字列の*を使用して、部分クエリ文字列内の指定された単語の前後の 0 文字以上を照合します。

2 {
3 "$search": {
4 "index": "partial-match-tutorial",
5 "wildcard": {
6 "path": "plot",
7 "query": "*new* pur*"
8 }
9 }
10 },
11 {
12 "$limit": 5
13 },
14 {
15 "$project": {
16 "_id": 0,
17 "plot": 1
18 }
19 }
plot: 'After the rebels have been brutally overpowered by the Empire on their newly established base, Luke Skywalker takes advanced Jedi training with Master Yoda, while his friends are pursued by Darth Vader as part of his plan to capture Luke.',
title: 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back'
plot: "The new owner of the Cleveland Indians puts together a purposely horrible team so they'll lose and she can move the team. But when the plot is uncovered, they start winning just to spite her.",
title: 'Major League'
plot: 'The true story of Richard Pimentel, a brilliant public speaker with a troubled past, who returns from Vietnam severely hearing -impaired and finds a new purpose in his landmark efforts on the behalf of Americans with disabilities.',
title: 'Music Within'
plot: "A lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with his newly purchased operating system that's designed to meet his every need.",
title: 'Her'
plot: 'An adrenaline junkie walks away from a whirlwind romance and embraces a new life as a thief, though he soon finds himself pursued by veteran police officer and engaged in a turf war with a local gangster.',
title: 'Kick'

MongoDB Compass を開き、クラスターに接続します。 接続の詳細な手順については、「 Compass 経由での接続 」を参照してください。


Database画面で、 sample_mflixデータベースをクリックし、 moviesコレクションをクリックします。


次のクエリは、オペレーターを使用して sample_mflix.movies コレクションの plot フィールドをクエリします。クエリには以下が含まれます。

  • $limit ステージを使用して、出力結果を5つに制限します。

  • $project ステージでは、titleplot を除くすべてのフィールドを除外します。

MongoDB Compass でこのクエリを実行するには:

  1. [Aggregations] タブをクリックします。

  2. Select...をクリックし、ドロップダウンからステージを選択し、そのステージのクエリを追加して、次の各パイプライン ステージを構成します。 ステージを追加するには、 Add Stageをクリックします。

    このクエリでは、クエリ文字列new purchase をフィールド内の単語と照合するために、次の操作が実行されます。

    • newpurchaseという単語をplotフィールドのどこにでも表示できます。

    • クエリをフィールド内の単語と一致させるためにクエリ文字列に 2 文字のバリエーションを含めることはできますが、クエリ文字列の最初の文字は変更できません。

    • 最大 256 語の類似タームを検討できます。



    "index": "partial-match-tutorial",
    "autocomplete": {
    "path": "plot",
    "query": "new purchase",
    "tokenOrder": "any",
    "fuzzy": {
    "maxEdits": 2,
    "prefixLength": 1,
    "maxExpansions": 256
    "highlight": {
    "path": "plot"




    "_id": 0,
    "title": 1,
    "plot": 1,
    "highlights": { "$meta": "searchHighlights" }

    クエリは newpurpose の位置的距離が最大 5 語とする、 new purpose というクエリ文字列を指定します。



    "index": "partial-match-tutorial",
    "phrase": {
    "path": "plot",
    "query": "new purpose",
    "slop": 5
    "highlight": {
    "path": "plot"




    "_id": 0,
    "title": 1,
    "plot": 1,
    "highlights": { "$meta": "searchHighlights" }

    クエリでは (.*) 正規表現を使用して、任意の数の文字を部分クエリ文字列と照合します。



    "index": "partial-match-tutorial",
    "regex": {
    "path": "plot",
    "query": "(.*)new(.*) pur(.*)"




    "_id": 0,
    "title": 1,
    "plot": 1

    クエリは、クエリ文字列の*を使用して、部分クエリ文字列内の指定された単語の前後の 0 文字以上を照合します。



    "index": "partial-match-tutorial",
    "wildcard": {
    "path": "plot",
    "query": "*new* pur*"




    "_id": 0,
    "title": 1,
    "plot": 1

Auto Previewを有効にした場合、MongoDB Compass は$projectパイプライン ステージの横に次のドキュメントを表示します。

2 {
3 plot: "A divorced woman and her diabetic daughter take refuge in their newly-purchased house's safe room, when three men break-in, searching for a missing fortune.",
4 title: 'Panic Room',
5 highlights: [
6 {
7 score: 4.364492893218994,
8 path: 'plot',
9 texts: [
10 {
11 value: 'A divorced woman and her diabetic daughter take refuge in their ',
12 type: 'text'
13 },
14 { value: "newly-purchased house's safe", type: 'hit' },
15 {
16 value: ' room, when three men break-in, searching for a missing fortune.',
17 type: 'text'
18 }
19 ]
20 }
21 ]
22 },
23 {
24 plot: "A lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with his newly purchased operating system that's designed to meet his every need.",
25 title: 'Her',
26 highlights: [
27 {
28 score: 4.198050022125244,
29 path: 'plot',
30 texts: [
31 {
32 value: 'A lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with his ',
33 type: 'text'
34 },
35 { value: 'newly purchased operating system', type: 'hit' },
36 {
37 value: " that's designed to meet his every ",
38 type: 'text'
39 },
40 { value: 'need', type: 'hit' },
41 { value: '.', type: 'text' }
42 ]
43 }
44 ]
45 },
46 {
47 plot: "Set in the near future when artificial organs can be bought on credit, it revolves around a man who struggles to make the payments on a heart he has purchased. He must therefore go on the run before said ticker is repossessed.",
48 title: 'Repo Men',
49 highlights: [
50 {
51 score: 2.6448397636413574,
52 path: 'plot',
53 texts: [
54 { value: 'Set in the ', type: 'text' },
55 { value: 'near future when', type: 'hit' },
56 { value: ' artificial organs can be bought on credit, it revolves around a man who struggles to make the payments on a heart he has ', type: 'text' },
57 { value: 'purchased. He must', type: 'hit' }
58 ]
59 }
60 ]
61 },
62 {
63 plot: 'A psychologically troubled novelty supplier is nudged towards a romance with an English woman, all the while being extorted by a phone-sex line run by a crooked mattress salesman, and purchasing stunning amounts of pudding.',
64 title: 'Punch-Drunk Love',
65 highlights: [
66 {
67 score: 1.2451990842819214,
68 path: 'plot',
69 texts: [
70 { value: 'A psychologically troubled ', type: 'text' },
71 { value: 'novelty supplier is', type: 'hit' },
72 { value: ' ', type: 'text' },
73 { value: 'nudged towards a', type: 'hit' },
74 {
75 value: ' romance with an English woman, all the while being extorted by a phone-sex line run by a crooked mattress salesman, and ',
76 type: 'text'
77 },
78 { value: 'purchasing stunning amounts', type: 'hit' },
79 { value: ' of pudding.', type: 'text' }
80 ]
81 }
82 ]
83 },
84 {
85 plot: 'Jack Conrad is awaiting the death penalty in a corrupt Central American prison. He is "purchased" by a wealthy television producer and taken to a desolate island where he must fight to the death against nine other condemned killers from all corners of the world, with freedom going to the sole survivor.',
86 title: 'The Condemned',
87 highlights: [
88 {
89 score: 2.94378924369812,
90 path: 'plot',
91 texts: [
92 { value: 'He is "', type: 'text' },
93 { value: 'purchased" by a', type: 'hit' },
94 {
95 value: ' wealthy television producer and taken to a desolate island where he must fight to the death against ',
96 type: 'text'
97 },
98 { value: 'nine other condemned', type: 'hit' },
99 {
100 value: ' killers from all corners of the world, with freedom going to the sole survivor.',
101 type: 'text'
102 }
103 ]
104 }
105 ]
106 }
2 {
3 plot: 'The true story of Richard Pimentel, a brilliant public speaker with a troubled past, who returns from Vietnam severely hearing -impaired and finds a new purpose in his landmark efforts on the behalf of Americans with disabilities.',
4 title: 'Music Within',
5 highlights: [
6 {
7 score: 1.9394469261169434,
8 path: 'plot',
9 texts: [
10 { value: 'The true story of Richard Pimentel, a brilliant public speaker with a troubled past, who returns from Vietnam severely hearing -impaired and finds a ', type: 'text' },
11 { value: 'new', type: 'hit' },
12 { value: ' ', type: 'text' },
13 { value: 'purpose', type: 'hit' },
14 { value: ' in his landmark efforts on the behalf of Americans with disabilities.', type: 'text' }
15 ]
16 }
17 ]
18 },
19 {
20 plot: 'The supervillain Megamind finally defeats his nemesis, the superhero Metro Man. But without a hero, he loses all purpose and must find new meaning to his life.',
21 title: 'Megamind',
22 highlights: [
23 {
24 score: 2.90376877784729,
25 path: 'plot',
26 texts: [
27 { value: 'But without a hero, he loses all ', type: 'text' },
28 { value: 'purpose', type: 'hit' },
29 { value: ' and must find ', type: 'text' },
30 { value: 'new', type: 'hit' },
31 { value: ' meaning to his life.', type: 'text' }
32 ]
33 }
34 ]
35 },
36 {
37 plot: 'An aging Pat Garrett is hired as a lawman on behalf of a group of wealthy New Mexico cattle barons--his sole purpose being to bring down his old friend Billy the Kid.',
38 title: 'Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid',
39 highlights: [
40 {
41 score: 2.115748405456543,
42 path: 'plot',
43 texts: [
44 { value: 'An aging Pat Garrett is hired as a lawman on behalf of a group of wealthy ', type: 'text' },
45 { value: 'New', type: 'hit' },
46 { value: ' Mexico cattle barons--his sole ', type: 'text' },
47 { value: 'purpose', type: 'hit' },
48 { value: ' being to bring down his old friend Billy the Kid.', type: 'text' }
49 ]
50 }
51 ]
52 }
2 {
3 plot: 'After the rebels have been brutally overpowered by the Empire on their newly established base, Luke Skywalker takes advanced Jedi training with Master Yoda, while his friends are pursued by Darth Vader as part of his plan to capture Luke.',
4 title: 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back'
5 },
6 {
7 plot: "The new owner of the Cleveland Indians puts together a purposely horrible team so they'll lose and she can move the team. But when the plot is uncovered, they start winning just to spite her.",
8 title: 'Major League'
9 },
10 {
11 plot: 'The true story of Richard Pimentel, a brilliant public speaker with a troubled past, who returns from Vietnam severely hearing -impaired and finds a new purpose in his landmark efforts on the behalf of Americans with disabilities.',
12 title: 'Music Within'
13 },
14 {
15 plot: "A lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with his newly purchased operating system that's designed to meet his every need.",
16 title: 'Her'
17 },
18 {
19 plot: 'An adrenaline junkie walks away from a whirlwind romance and embraces a new life as a thief, though he soon finds himself pursued by veteran police officer and engaged in a turf war with a local gangster.',
20 title: 'Kick'
21 }
2 {
3 plot: 'After the rebels have been brutally overpowered by the Empire on their newly established base, Luke Skywalker takes advanced Jedi training with Master Yoda, while his friends are pursued by Darth Vader as part of his plan to capture Luke.',
4 title: 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back'
5 },
6 {
7 plot: "The new owner of the Cleveland Indians puts together a purposely horrible team so they'll lose and she can move the team. But when the plot is uncovered, they start winning just to spite her.",
8 title: 'Major League'
9 },
10 {
11 plot: 'The true story of Richard Pimentel, a brilliant public speaker with a troubled past, who returns from Vietnam severely hearing -impaired and finds a new purpose in his landmark efforts on the behalf of Americans with disabilities.',
12 title: 'Music Within'
13 },
14 {
15 plot: "A lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with his newly purchased operating system that's designed to meet his every need.",
16 title: 'Her'
17 },
18 {
19 plot: 'An adrenaline junkie walks away from a whirlwind romance and embraces a new life as a thief, though he soon finds himself pursued by veteran police officer and engaged in a turf war with a local gangster.',
20 title: 'Kick'
21 }
  1. partial-match-example という新しいディレクトリを作成し、dotnet new コマンドでプロジェクトを初期化します。

    mkdir partial-match-example
    cd partial-match-example
    dotnet new console
  2. .NET/C# ドライバーを依存関係としてプロジェクトに追加します。

    dotnet add package MongoDB.Driver
  1. Program.cs ファイルの内容を、次のコードで置き換えます。


    • mongodb パッケージと依存関係をインポートします。

    • Atlas クラスターへの接続を確立します。

    • 以下を使用するクエリを実行します。

      • $search タームを検索するステージ

      • $limit ステージを使用して、出力結果を5つに制限します。

      • $project すべてのフィールドで以下のステージ以外を除外します title
        および plot
    • カーソルを反復処理して、クエリに一致するドキュメントを出力します。

    このクエリでは、クエリ文字列new purchase をフィールド内の単語と照合するために、次の操作が実行されます。

    • newpurchaseという単語をplotフィールドのどこにでも表示できます。

    • クエリをフィールド内の単語と一致させるためにクエリ文字列に 2 文字のバリエーションを含めることはできますが、クエリ文字列の最初の文字は変更できません。

    • 最大 256 語の類似タームを検討できます。

    1using MongoDB.Bson;
    2using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Attributes;
    3using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Conventions;
    4using MongoDB.Driver;
    5using MongoDB.Driver.Search;
    7public class PartialAutocomplete
    9 private const string MongoConnectionString = "<connection-string>";
    11 public static void Main(string[] args) {
    12 // allow automapping of the camelCase database fields to our MovieDocument
    13 var camelCaseConvention = new ConventionPack { new CamelCaseElementNameConvention() };
    14 ConventionRegistry.Register("CamelCase", camelCaseConvention, type => true);
    16 // connect to your Atlas cluster
    17 var mongoClient = new MongoClient(MongoConnectionString);
    18 var mflixDatabase = mongoClient.GetDatabase("sample_mflix");
    19 var moviesCollection = mflixDatabase.GetCollection<MovieDocument>("movies");
    21 // define fuzzy options
    22 SearchFuzzyOptions fuzzyOptions = new SearchFuzzyOptions()
    23 {
    24 MaxEdits = 2,
    25 PrefixLength = 1,
    26 MaxExpansions = 256
    27 };
    29 // define and run pipeline
    30 var results = moviesCollection.Aggregate()
    31 .Search(Builders<MovieDocument>.Search.Autocomplete(movie => movie.Plot, "new purchase", SearchAutocompleteTokenOrder.Any, fuzzy: fuzzyOptions), new SearchHighlightOptions<MovieDocument>(movie => movie.Plot),
    32 indexName: "partial-match-tutorial")
    33 .Project<MovieDocument>(Builders<MovieDocument>.Projection
    34 .Include(movie => movie.Plot)
    35 .Include(movie => movie.Title)
    36 .Exclude(movie => movie.Id)
    37 .MetaSearchHighlights("highlights"))
    38 .Limit(5)
    39 .ToList();
    41 // print results
    42 foreach (var movie in results) {
    43 Console.WriteLine(movie.ToJson());
    44 }
    45 }
    49public class MovieDocument {
    50 [BsonIgnoreIfDefault]
    51 public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
    52 public string Plot { get; set; }
    53 public string Title { get; set; }
    54 [BsonElement("highlights")]
    55 public List<SearchHighlight> Highlights { get; set; }

    クエリは newpurpose の位置的距離が最大 5 語とする、 new purpose というクエリ文字列を指定します。

    1using MongoDB.Bson;
    2using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Attributes;
    3using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Conventions;
    4using MongoDB.Driver;
    5using MongoDB.Driver.Search;
    7public class PartialPhrase
    9 private const string MongoConnectionString = "<connection-string>";
    11 public static void Main(string[] args) {
    12 // allow automapping of the camelCase database fields to our MovieDocument
    13 var camelCaseConvention = new ConventionPack { new CamelCaseElementNameConvention() };
    14 ConventionRegistry.Register("CamelCase", camelCaseConvention, type => true);
    16 // connect to your Atlas cluster
    17 var mongoClient = new MongoClient(MongoConnectionString);
    18 var mflixDatabase = mongoClient.GetDatabase("sample_mflix");
    19 var moviesCollection = mflixDatabase.GetCollection<MovieDocument>("movies");
    21 // define and run pipeline
    22 var results = moviesCollection.Aggregate()
    23 .Search(Builders<MovieDocument>.Search.Phrase(movie => movie.Plot, "new purpose", 5), new SearchHighlightOptions<MovieDocument>(movie => movie.Plot),
    24 indexName: "partial-match-tutorial")
    25 .Project<MovieDocument>(Builders<MovieDocument>.Projection
    26 .Include(movie => movie.Plot)
    27 .Include(movie => movie.Title)
    28 .Exclude(movie => movie.Id)
    29 .MetaSearchHighlights("highlights"))
    30 .Limit(5)
    31 .ToList();
    33 // print results
    34 foreach (var movie in results) {
    35 Console.WriteLine(movie.ToJson());
    36 }
    37 }
    41public class MovieDocument {
    42 [BsonIgnoreIfDefault]
    43 public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
    44 public string Plot { get; set; }
    45 public string Title { get; set; }
    46 [BsonElement("highlights")]
    47 public List<SearchHighlight> Highlights { get; set; }

    クエリでは (.*) 正規表現を使用して、任意の数の文字を部分クエリ文字列と照合します。

    1using MongoDB.Bson;
    2using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Attributes;
    3using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Conventions;
    4using MongoDB.Driver;
    5using MongoDB.Driver.Search;
    7public class PartialRegex
    9 private const string MongoConnectionString = "<connection-string>";
    11 public static void Main(string[] args) {
    12 // allow automapping of the camelCase database fields to our MovieDocument
    13 var camelCaseConvention = new ConventionPack { new CamelCaseElementNameConvention() };
    14 ConventionRegistry.Register("CamelCase", camelCaseConvention, type => true);
    16 // connect to your Atlas cluster
    17 var mongoClient = new MongoClient(MongoConnectionString);
    18 var mflixDatabase = mongoClient.GetDatabase("sample_mflix");
    19 var moviesCollection = mflixDatabase.GetCollection<MovieDocument>("movies");
    21 // define and run pipeline
    22 var results = moviesCollection.Aggregate()
    23 .Search(Builders<MovieDocument>.Search.Regex(movie => movie.Plot, "(.*)new(.*) pur(.*)"),
    24 indexName: "partial-match-tutorial")
    25 .Project<MovieDocument>(Builders<MovieDocument>.Projection
    26 .Include(movie => movie.Plot)
    27 .Include(movie => movie.Title)
    28 .Exclude(movie => movie.Id))
    29 .Limit(5)
    30 .ToList();
    32 // print results
    33 foreach (var movie in results) {
    34 Console.WriteLine(movie.ToJson());
    35 }
    36 }
    40public class MovieDocument {
    41 [BsonIgnoreIfDefault]
    42 public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
    43 public string Plot { get; set; }
    44 public string Title { get; set; }

    クエリは、クエリ文字列の*を使用して、部分クエリ文字列内の指定された単語の前後の 0 文字以上を照合します。

    1using MongoDB.Bson;
    2using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Attributes;
    3using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Conventions;
    4using MongoDB.Driver;
    5using MongoDB.Driver.Search;
    7public class PartialWildcard
    9 private const string MongoConnectionString = "<connection-string>";
    11 public static void Main(string[] args) {
    12 // allow automapping of the camelCase database fields to our MovieDocument
    13 var camelCaseConvention = new ConventionPack { new CamelCaseElementNameConvention() };
    14 ConventionRegistry.Register("CamelCase", camelCaseConvention, type => true);
    16 // connect to your Atlas cluster
    17 var mongoClient = new MongoClient(MongoConnectionString);
    18 var mflixDatabase = mongoClient.GetDatabase("sample_mflix");
    19 var moviesCollection = mflixDatabase.GetCollection<MovieDocument>("movies");
    21 // define and run pipeline
    22 var results = moviesCollection.Aggregate()
    23 .Search(Builders<MovieDocument>.Search.Wildcard(movie => movie.Plot, "*new* pur*"),
    24 indexName: "partial-match-tutorial")
    25 .Project<MovieDocument>(Builders<MovieDocument>.Projection
    26 .Include(movie => movie.Plot)
    27 .Include(movie => movie.Title)
    28 .Exclude(movie => movie.Id))
    29 .Limit(5)
    30 .ToList();
    32 // print results
    33 foreach (var movie in results) {
    34 Console.WriteLine(movie.ToJson());
    35 }
    36 }
    40public class MovieDocument {
    41 [BsonIgnoreIfDefault]
    42 public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
    43 public string Plot { get; set; }
    44 public string Title { get; set; }
  2. サンプルを実行する前に、<connection-string> をAtlas接続stringに置き換えます。 接続stringにデータベースユーザーの認証情報が含まれていることを確認します。 詳しくは、「ドライバーによる接続 」を参照してください。

dotnet run partial-match-example.csproj
"plot" : "A divorced woman and her diabetic daughter take refuge in
their newly-purchased house's safe room, when three men break-in,
searching for a missing fortune.",
"title" : "Panic Room",
"highlights" : [{
"path" : "plot",
"score" : 4.3644928932189941,
"texts" : [
{ "type" : "Text", "value" : "A divorced woman and her diabetic daughter take refuge in their " },
{ "type" : "Hit", "value" : "newly-purchased house's safe" },
{ "type" : "Text", "value" : " room, when three men break-in, searching for a missing fortune." }]
"plot" : "A lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with his
newly purchased operating system that's designed to meet his every
"title" : "Her",
"highlights" : [{
"path" : "plot",
"score" : 4.1980500221252441,
"texts" : [
{ "type" : "Text", "value" : "A lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with his " },
{ "type" : "Hit", "value" : "newly purchased operating system" },
{ "type" : "Text", "value" : " that's designed to meet his every " },
{ "type" : "Hit", "value" : "need" },
{ "type" : "Text", "value" : "." }]
"plot" : "Set in the near future when artificial organs can be
bought on credit, it revolves around a man who struggles to make the
payments on a heart he has purchased. He must therefore go on the
run before said ticker is repossessed.",
"title" : "Repo Men",
"highlights" : [{
"path" : "plot",
"score" : 2.6448397636413574,
"texts" : [
{ "type" : "Text", "value" : "Set in the " },
{ "type" : "Hit", "value" : "near future when" },
{ "type" : "Text", "value" : " artificial organs can be bought on credit, it revolves around a man who struggles to make the payments on a heart he has " },
{ "type" : "Hit", "value" : "purchased. He must" }]
"plot" : "A psychologically troubled novelty supplier is nudged
towards a romance with an English woman, all the while being
extorted by a phone-sex line run by a crooked mattress salesman, and
purchasing stunning amounts of pudding.",
"title" : "Punch-Drunk Love",
"highlights" : [{
"path" : "plot",
"score" : 1.2451990842819214,
"texts" : [
{ "type" : "Text", "value" : "A psychologically troubled " },
{ "type" : "Hit", "value" : "novelty supplier is" },
{ "type" : "Text", "value" : " " },
{ "type" : "Hit", "value" : "nudged towards a" },
{ "type" : "Text", "value" : " romance with an English woman, all the while being extorted by a phone-sex line run by a crooked mattress salesman, and " },
{ "type" : "Hit", "value" : "purchasing stunning amounts" },
{ "type" : "Text", "value" : " of pudding." }]
"plot" : "Jack Conrad is awaiting the death penalty in a corrupt
Central American prison. He is \"purchased\" by a wealthy television
producer and taken to a desolate island where he must fight to the
death against nine other condemned killers from all corners of the
world, with freedom going to the sole survivor.",
"title" : "The Condemned",
"highlights" : [{
"path" : "plot",
"score" : 2.9437892436981201,
"texts" : [
{ "type" : "Text", "value" : "He is \"" },
{ "type" : "Hit", "value" : "purchased\" by a" },
{ "type" : "Text", "value" : " wealthy television producer and taken to a desolate island where he must fight to the death against " },
{ "type" : "Hit", "value" : "nine other condemned" },
{ "type" : "Text", "value" : " killers from all corners of the world, with freedom going to the sole survivor." }]
dotnet run partial-match-example.csproj
"plot" : "The true story of Richard Pimentel, a brilliant public
speaker with a troubled past, who returns from Vietnam severely
hearing -impaired and finds a new purpose in his landmark efforts on
the behalf of Americans with disabilities.",
"title" : "Music Within",
"highlights" : [{
"path" : "plot",
"score" : 1.9394469261169434,
"texts" : [
{ "type" : "Text", "value" : "The true story of Richard Pimentel, a brilliant public speaker with a troubled past, who returns from Vietnam severely hearing -impaired and finds a " },
{ "type" : "Hit", "value" : "new" },
{ "type" : "Text", "value" : " " },
{ "type" : "Hit", "value" : "purpose" },
{ "type" : "Text", "value" : " in his landmark efforts on the behalf of Americans with disabilities." }]
"plot" : "The supervillain Megamind finally defeats his nemesis, the
superhero Metro Man. But without a hero, he loses all purpose and
must find new meaning to his life.",
"title" : "Megamind",
"highlights" : [{
"path" : "plot",
"score" : 2.90376877784729,
"texts" : [
{ "type" : "Text", "value" : "But without a hero, he loses all " },
{ "type" : "Hit", "value" : "purpose" },
{ "type" : "Text", "value" : " and must find " },
{ "type" : "Hit", "value" : "new" },
{ "type" : "Text", "value" : " meaning to his life." }]
"plot" : "An aging Pat Garrett is hired as a lawman on behalf of a
group of wealthy New Mexico cattle barons--his sole purpose being to
bring down his old friend Billy the Kid.",
"title" : "Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid",
"highlights" : [{
"path" : "plot",
"score" : 2.115748405456543,
"texts" : [
{ "type" : "Text", "value" : "An aging Pat Garrett is hired as a lawman on behalf of a group of wealthy " },
{ "type" : "Hit", "value" : "New" },
{ "type" : "Text", "value" : " Mexico cattle barons--his sole " },
{ "type" : "Hit", "value" : "purpose" },
{ "type" : "Text", "value" : " being to bring down his old friend Billy the Kid." }]
dotnet run partial-match-example.csproj
"plot" : "After the rebels have been brutally overpowered by the
Empire on their newly established base, Luke Skywalker takes
advanced Jedi training with Master Yoda, while his friends are
pursued by Darth Vader as part of his plan to capture Luke.",
"title" : "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back"
"plot" : "The new owner of the Cleveland Indians puts together a
purposely horrible team so they'll lose and she can move the team.
But when the plot is uncovered, they start winning just to spite
"title" : "Major League"
"plot" : "The true story of Richard Pimentel, a brilliant public
speaker with a troubled past, who returns from Vietnam severely
hearing -impaired and finds a new purpose in his landmark efforts on
the behalf of Americans with disabilities.",
"title" : "Music Within"
"plot" : "A lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with his
newly purchased operating system that's designed to meet his every
"title" : "Her"
"plot" : "An adrenaline junkie walks away from a whirlwind romance
and embraces a new life as a thief, though he soon finds himself
pursued by veteran police officer and engaged in a turf war with a
local gangster.",
"title" : "Kick"
dotnet run partial-match-example.csproj
"plot" : "After the rebels have been brutally overpowered by the
Empire on their newly established base, Luke Skywalker takes
advanced Jedi training with Master Yoda, while his friends are
pursued by Darth Vader as part of his plan to capture Luke.",
"title" : "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back"
"plot" : "The new owner of the Cleveland Indians puts together a
purposely horrible team so they'll lose and she can move the team.
But when the plot is uncovered, they start winning just to spite
"title" : "Major League"
"plot" : "The true story of Richard Pimentel, a brilliant public
speaker with a troubled past, who returns from Vietnam severely
hearing -impaired and finds a new purpose in his landmark efforts on
the behalf of Americans with disabilities.",
"title" : "Music Within"
"plot" : "A lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with his
newly purchased operating system that's designed to meet his every
"title" : "Her"
"plot" : "An adrenaline junkie walks away from a whirlwind romance
and embraces a new life as a thief, though he soon finds himself
pursued by veteran police officer and engaged in a turf war with a
local gangster.",
"title" : "Kick"

次のクエリは、オペレーターを使用して sample_mflix.movies コレクションの plot フィールドをクエリします。クエリには以下が含まれます。

  • $limit ステージを使用して、出力結果を5つに制限します。

  • $project ステージでは、titleplot を除くすべてのフィールドを除外します。

このクエリでは、クエリ文字列new purchase をフィールド内の単語と照合するために、次の操作が実行されます。

  • newpurchaseという単語をplotフィールドのどこにでも表示できます。

  • クエリをフィールド内の単語と一致させるためにクエリ文字列に 2 文字のバリエーションを含めることはできますが、クエリ文字列の最初の文字は変更できません。

  • 最大 256 語の類似タームを検討できます。

1package main
3import (
4 "context"
5 "fmt"
6 "time"
8 ""
9 ""
10 ""
13// define structure of movies collection
14type MovieCollection struct {
15 title string `bson:"Title,omitempty"`
16 plot string `bson:"Plot,omitempty"`
19func main() {
20 var err error
21 // connect to the Atlas cluster
22 ctx := context.Background()
23 client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, options.Client().ApplyURI("<connection-string>"))
24 if err != nil {
25 panic(err)
26 }
27 defer client.Disconnect(ctx)
28 // set namespace
29 collection := client.Database("sample_mflix").Collection("movies")
30 // define pipeline
31 searchStage := bson.D{{"$search", bson.M{
32 "index": "partial-match-tutorial",
33 "autocomplete": bson.M{
34 "path": "plot", "query": "new purchase", "tokenOrder": "any", "fuzzy": bson.M{
35 "maxEdits": 2, "prefixLength": 1, "maxExpansions": 256},
36 },
37 "highlight": bson.D{
38 {"path", "plot"},
39 },
40 }}}
41 limitStage := bson.D{{"$limit", 5}}
42 projectStage := bson.D{{"$project", bson.D{{"title", 1}, {"plot", 1}, {"_id", 0}, {"highlights", bson.D{{"$meta", "searchHighlights"}}}}}}
43 // specify the amount of time the operation can run on the server
44 opts := options.Aggregate().SetMaxTime(5 * time.Second)
45 // run pipeline
46 cursor, err := collection.Aggregate(ctx, mongo.Pipeline{searchStage, limitStage, projectStage}, opts)
47 if err != nil {
48 panic(err)
49 }
50 // print results
51 var results []bson.D
52 if err = cursor.All(context.TODO(), &results); err != nil {
53 panic(err)
54 }
55 for _, result := range results {
56 fmt.Println(result)
57 }

クエリは newpurpose の位置的距離が最大 5 語とする、 new purpose というクエリ文字列を指定します。

1package main
3import (
4 "context"
5 "fmt"
6 "time"
8 ""
9 ""
10 ""
13// define structure of movies collection
14type MovieCollection struct {
15 title string `bson:"Title,omitempty"`
16 plot string `bson:"Plot,omitempty"`
19func main() {
20 var err error
21 // connect to the Atlas cluster
22 ctx := context.Background()
23 client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, options.Client().ApplyURI("<connection-string>"))
24 if err != nil {
25 panic(err)
26 }
27 defer client.Disconnect(ctx)
28 // set namespace
29 collection := client.Database("sample_mflix").Collection("movies")
30 // define pipeline
31 searchStage := bson.D{{"$search", bson.M{
32 "index": "partial-match-tutorial",
33 "phrase": bson.D{{"path", "plot"}, {"query", "new purpose"}, {"slop", 5}},
34 "highlight": bson.D{{"path", "plot"}},
35 }}}
36 limitStage := bson.D{{"$limit", 5}}
37 projectStage := bson.D{{"$project", bson.D{{"title", 1}, {"plot", 1}, {"_id", 0}, {"highlights", bson.D{{"$meta", "searchHighlights"}}}}}}
38 // specify the amount of time the operation can run on the server
39 opts := options.Aggregate().SetMaxTime(5 * time.Second)
40 // run pipeline
41 cursor, err := collection.Aggregate(ctx, mongo.Pipeline{searchStage, limitStage, projectStage}, opts)
42 if err != nil {
43 panic(err)
44 }
45 // print results
46 var results []bson.D
47 if err = cursor.All(context.TODO(), &results); err != nil {
48 panic(err)
49 }
50 for _, result := range results {
51 fmt.Println(result)
52 }

クエリでは (.*) 正規表現を使用して、任意の数の文字を部分クエリ文字列と照合します。

1package main
3import (
4 "context"
5 "fmt"
6 "time"
8 ""
9 ""
10 ""
13// define structure of movies collection
14type MovieCollection struct {
15 title string `bson:"Title,omitempty"`
16 plot string `bson:"Plot,omitempty"`
19func main() {
20 var err error
21 // connect to the Atlas cluster
22 ctx := context.Background()
23 client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, options.Client().ApplyURI("<connection-string>"))
24 if err != nil {
25 panic(err)
26 }
27 defer client.Disconnect(ctx)
28 // set namespace
29 collection := client.Database("sample_mflix").Collection("movies")
30 // define pipeline
31 searchStage := bson.D{{"$search", bson.M{
32 "index": "partial-match-tutorial",
33 "regex": bson.D{{"path", "plot"}, {"query", "(.*)new(.*) pur(.*)"}},
34 }}}
35 limitStage := bson.D{{"$limit", 5}}
36 projectStage := bson.D{{"$project", bson.D{{"title", 1}, {"plot", 1}, {"_id", 0}}}}
37 // specify the amount of time the operation can run on the server
38 opts := options.Aggregate().SetMaxTime(5 * time.Second)
39 // run pipeline
40 cursor, err := collection.Aggregate(ctx, mongo.Pipeline{searchStage, limitStage, projectStage}, opts)
41 if err != nil {
42 panic(err)
43 }
44 // print results
45 var results []bson.D
46 if err = cursor.All(context.TODO(), &results); err != nil {
47 panic(err)
48 }
49 for _, result := range results {
50 fmt.Println(result)
51 }

クエリは、クエリ文字列の*を使用して、部分クエリ文字列内の指定された単語の前後の 0 文字以上を照合します。

1package main
3import (
4 "context"
5 "fmt"
6 "time"
8 ""
9 ""
10 ""
13// define structure of movies collection
14type MovieCollection struct {
15 title string `bson:"Title,omitempty"`
16 plot string `bson:"Plot,omitempty"`
19func main() {
20 var err error
21 // connect to the Atlas cluster
22 ctx := context.Background()
23 client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, options.Client().ApplyURI("<connection-string>"))
24 if err != nil {
25 panic(err)
26 }
27 defer client.Disconnect(ctx)
28 // set namespace
29 collection := client.Database("sample_mflix").Collection("movies")
30 // define pipeline
31 searchStage := bson.D{{"$search", bson.M{
32 "index": "partial-match-tutorial",
33 "wildcard": bson.D{{"path", "plot"}, {"query", "*new* pur*"}},
34 }}}
35 limitStage := bson.D{{"$limit", 5}}
36 projectStage := bson.D{{"$project", bson.D{{"title", 1}, {"plot", 1}, {"_id", 0}}}}
37 // specify the amount of time the operation can run on the server
38 opts := options.Aggregate().SetMaxTime(5 * time.Second)
39 // run pipeline
40 cursor, err := collection.Aggregate(ctx, mongo.Pipeline{searchStage, limitStage, projectStage}, opts)
41 if err != nil {
42 panic(err)
43 }
44 // print results
45 var results []bson.D
46 if err = cursor.All(context.TODO(), &results); err != nil {
47 panic(err)
48 }
49 for _, result := range results {
50 fmt.Println(result)
51 }


サンプルを実行する前に、<connection-string> をAtlas接続stringに置き換えます。 接続stringにデータベースユーザーの認証情報が含まれていることを確認します。 詳しくは、「ドライバーによる接続 」を参照してください。

go run partial-match-query.go
{plot A divorced woman and her diabetic daughter take refuge in their newly-purchased house's safe room, when three men break-in, searching for a missing fortune.}
{title Panic Room}
{highlights [
{score 4.364492893218994}
{path plot}
{texts [
[{value A divorced woman and her diabetic daughter take refuge in their } {type text}]
[{value newly-purchased house's safe} {type hit}]
[{value room, when three men break-in, searching for a missing fortune.} {type text}]
{plot A lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with his newly purchased operating system that's designed to meet his every need.}
{title Her}
{highlights [
{score 4.198050022125244}
{path plot}
{texts [
[{value A lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with his } {type text}]
[{value newly purchased operating system} {type hit}]
[{value that's designed to meet his every } {type text}]
[{value need} {type hit}]
[{value .} {type text}]
{plot Set in the near future when artificial organs can be bought on credit, it revolves around a man who struggles to make the payments on a heart he has purchased. He must therefore go on the run before said ticker is repossessed.}
{title Repo Men}
{highlights [
{score 2.6448397636413574}
{path plot}
{texts [
[{value Set in the } {type text}]
[{value near future when} {type hit}]
[{value artificial organs can be bought on credit, it revolves around a man who struggles to make the payments on a heart he has } {type text}]
[{value purchased. He must} {type hit}]
{plot A psychologically troubled novelty supplier is nudged towards a romance with an English woman, all the while being extorted by a phone-sex line run by a crooked mattress salesman, and purchasing stunning amounts of pudding.}
{title Punch-Drunk Love}
{highlights [
{score 1.2451990842819214}
{path plot}
{texts [
[{value A psychologically troubled } {type text}]
[{value novelty supplier is} {type hit}]
[{value } {type text}]
[{value nudged towards a} {type hit}]
[{value romance with an English woman, all the while being extorted by a phone-sex line run by a crooked mattress salesman, and } {type text}]
[{value purchasing stunning amounts} {type hit}]
[{value of pudding.} {type text}]
{plot Jack Conrad is awaiting the death penalty in a corrupt Central American prison. He is "purchased" by a wealthy television producer and taken to a desolate island where he must fight to the death against nine other condemned killers from all corners of the world, with freedom going to the sole survivor.}
{title The Condemned}
{highlights [
{score 2.94378924369812}
{path plot}
{texts [
[{value He is "} {type text}]
[{value purchased" by a} {type hit}]
[{value wealthy television producer and taken to a desolate island where he must fight to the death against } {type text}]
[{value nine other condemned} {type hit}]
[{value killers from all corners of the world, with freedom going to the sole survivor.} {type text}]
go run partial-match-query.go
{plot The true story of Richard Pimentel, a brilliant public speaker with a troubled past, who returns from Vietnam severely hearing -impaired and finds a new purpose in his landmark efforts on the behalf of Americans with disabilities.}
{title Music Within}
{highlights [[
{score 1.9394469261169434}
{path plot}
{texts [
[{value The true story of Richard Pimentel, a brilliant public speaker with a troubled past, who returns from Vietnam severely hearing -impaired and finds a } {type text}]
[{value new} {type hit}]
[{value } {type text}]
[{value purpose} {type hit}]
[{value in his landmark efforts on the behalf of Americans with disabilities.} {type text}
{plot The supervillain Megamind finally defeats his nemesis, the superhero Metro Man. But without a hero, he loses all purpose and must find new meaning to his life.}
{title Megamind}
{highlights [[
{score 2.90376877784729}
{path plot}
{texts [
[{value But without a hero, he loses all } {type text}]
[{value purpose} {type hit}]
[{value and must find } {type text}]
[{value new} {type hit}]
[{value meaning to his life.} {type text}]
{plot An aging Pat Garrett is hired as a lawman on behalf of a group of wealthy New Mexico cattle barons--his sole purpose being to bring down his old friend Billy the Kid.}
{title Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid}
{highlights [[
{score 2.115748405456543}
{path plot}
{texts [
[{value An aging Pat Garrett is hired as a lawman on behalf of a group of wealthy } {type text}]
[{value New} {type hit}]
[{value Mexico cattle barons--his sole } {type text}]
[{value purpose} {type hit}]
[{value being to bring down his old friend Billy the Kid.} {type text}]
go run partial-match-query.go
{plot After the rebels have been brutally overpowered by the Empire on their newly established base, Luke Skywalker takes advanced Jedi training with Master Yoda, while his friends are pursued by Darth Vader as part of his plan to capture Luke.}
{title Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back}
{plot The new owner of the Cleveland Indians puts together a purposely horrible team so they'll lose and she can move the team. But when the plot is uncovered, they start winning just to spite her.}
{title Major League}
{plot The true story of Richard Pimentel, a brilliant public speaker with a troubled past, who returns from Vietnam severely hearing -impaired and finds a new purpose in his landmark efforts on the behalf of Americans with disabilities.}
{title Music Within}
{plot A lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with his newly purchased operating system that's designed to meet his every need.}
{title Her}
{plot An adrenaline junkie walks away from a whirlwind romance and embraces a new life as a thief, though he soon finds himself pursued by veteran police officer and engaged in a turf war with a local gangster.}
{title Kick}
go run partial-match-query.go
{plot After the rebels have been brutally overpowered by the Empire on their newly established base, Luke Skywalker takes advanced Jedi training with Master Yoda, while his friends are pursued by Darth Vader as part of his plan to capture Luke.}
{title Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back}
{plot The new owner of the Cleveland Indians puts together a purposely horrible team so they'll lose and she can move the team. But when the plot is uncovered, they start winning just to spite her.}
{title Major League}
{plot The true story of Richard Pimentel, a brilliant public speaker with a troubled past, who returns from Vietnam severely hearing -impaired and finds a new purpose in his landmark efforts on the behalf of Americans with disabilities.}
{title Music Within}
{plot A lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with his newly purchased operating system that's designed to meet his every need.}
{title Her}
{plot An adrenaline junkie walks away from a whirlwind romance and embraces a new life as a thief, though he soon finds himself pursued by veteran police officer and engaged in a turf war with a local gangster.}
{title Kick}









  • mongodb パッケージと依存関係をインポートします。

  • Atlas クラスターへの接続を確立します。

  • 以下を使用するクエリを実行します。

    • $search タームを検索するステージ

    • $limit ステージを使用して、出力結果を5つに制限します。

    • $project ステージでは、titleplot を除くすべてのフィールドを除外します。

  • カーソルを反復処理して、クエリに一致するドキュメントを出力します。

このクエリでは、クエリ文字列new purchase をフィールド内の単語と照合するために、次の操作が実行されます。

  • newpurchaseという単語をplotフィールドのどこにでも表示できます。

  • クエリをフィールド内の単語と一致させるためにクエリ文字列に 2 文字のバリエーションを含めることはできますが、クエリ文字列の最初の文字は変更できません。

  • 最大 256 語の類似タームを検討できます。

1import java.util.Arrays;
2import static com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates.limit;
3import static com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates.project;
4import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.excludeId;
5import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.fields;
6import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.include;
7import com.mongodb.client.MongoClient;
8import com.mongodb.client.MongoClients;
9import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;
10import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
11import org.bson.Document;
13public class PartialMatchQuery {
14 public static void main( String[] args ) {
16 // define query
17 Document agg = new Document("$search",
18 new Document ("index", "partial-match-tutorial")
19 .append("autocomplete",
20 new Document("path", "plot")
21 .append("query", "new purchase")
22 .append("tokenOrder", "any")
23 .append("fuzzy",
24 new Document("maxEdits", 2)
25 .append("prefixLength", 1)
26 .append("maxExpansions", 256))));
28 // specify connection
29 String uri = "<connection-string>";
31 // establish connection and set namespace
32 try (MongoClient mongoClient = MongoClients.create(uri)) {
33 MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("sample_mflix");
34 MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("movies");
35 // run query and print results
36 collection.aggregate(Arrays.asList(agg,
37 limit(5),
38 project(fields(excludeId(), include("title", "plot")))))
39 .forEach(doc -> System.out.println(doc.toJson()));
40 }
41 }

クエリは newpurpose の位置的距離が最大 5 語とする、 new purpose というクエリ文字列を指定します。

1import java.util.Arrays;
3import static com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates.limit;
4import static com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates.project;
5import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.excludeId;
6import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.fields;
7import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.include;
8import com.mongodb.client.MongoClient;
9import com.mongodb.client.MongoClients;
10import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;
11import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
12import org.bson.Document;
14public class PartialMatchQuery {
15 public static void main( String[] args ) {
16 // define query
17 Document agg = new Document("$search",
18 new Document("index", "partial-match-tutorial")
19 .append("phrase",
20 new Document("path", "plot")
21 .append("query", "new purpose")
22 .append("slop", 5)));
24 // specify connection
25 String uri = "<connection-string>";
27 // establish connection and set namespace
28 try (MongoClient mongoClient = MongoClients.create(uri)) {
29 MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("sample_mflix");
30 MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("movies");
32 // run query and print results
33 collection.aggregate(Arrays.asList(agg,
34 limit(5),
35 project(fields(excludeId(), include("title", "plot")))))
36 .forEach(doc -> System.out.println(doc.toJson()));
37 }
38 }

クエリでは (.*) 正規表現を使用して、任意の数の文字を部分クエリ文字列と照合します。

1import java.util.Arrays;
3import static com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates.limit;
4import static com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates.project;
5import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.excludeId;
6import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.fields;
7import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.include;
8import com.mongodb.client.MongoClient;
9import com.mongodb.client.MongoClients;
10import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;
11import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
12import org.bson.Document;
14public class PartialMatchQuery {
15 public static void main( String[] args ) {
16 // define query
17 Document agg = new Document("$search",
18 new Document ("index", "partial-match-tutorial")
19 .append("regex",
20 new Document("path", "plot")
21 .append("query", "(.*)new(.*) pur(.*)")));
22 // specify connection
23 String uri = "<connection-string>";
24 // establish connection and set namespace
25 try (MongoClient mongoClient = MongoClients.create(uri)) {
26 MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("sample_mflix");
27 MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("movies");
28 // run query and print results
29 collection.aggregate(Arrays.asList(agg,
30 limit(5),
31 project(fields(excludeId(), include("title", "plot")))))
32 .forEach(doc -> System.out.println(doc.toJson()));
33 }
34 }

クエリは、クエリ文字列の*を使用して、部分クエリ文字列内の指定された単語の前後の 0 文字以上を照合します。

1import java.util.Arrays;
3import static com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates.limit;
4import static com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates.project;
5import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.excludeId;
6import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.fields;
7import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.include;
8import com.mongodb.client.MongoClient;
9import com.mongodb.client.MongoClients;
10import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;
11import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
12import org.bson.Document;
14public class PartialMatchQuery {
15 public static void main( String[] args ) {
16 // define query
17 Document agg = new Document("$search",
18 new Document ("index", "partial-match-tutorial")
19 .append("wildcard",
20 new Document("path", "plot")
21 .append("query", "*new* pur*")));
22 // specify connection
23 String uri = "<connection-string>";
24 // establish connection and set namespace
25 try (MongoClient mongoClient = MongoClients.create(uri)) {
26 MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("sample_mflix");
27 MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("movies");
28 // run query and print results
29 collection.aggregate(Arrays.asList(agg,
30 limit(5),
31 project(fields(excludeId(), include("title", "plot")))))
32 .forEach(doc -> System.out.println(doc.toJson()));
33 }
34 }


Maven 環境でサンプル コードを実行するには、 ファイルのインポート ステートメントの上に以下を追加します。

package com.mongodb.drivers;

サンプルを実行する前に、<connection-string> をAtlas接続stringに置き換えます。 接続stringにデータベースユーザーの認証情報が含まれていることを確認します。 詳しくは、「ドライバーによる接続 」を参照してください。

java PartialMatchQuery
"plot": "A divorced woman and her diabetic daughter take refuge in their newly-purchased house's safe room, when three men break-in, searching for a missing fortune.",
"title": "Panic Room"
"plot": "A lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with his newly purchased operating system that's designed to meet his every need.",
"title": "Her"
"plot": "Set in the near future when artificial organs can be bought on credit, it revolves around a man who struggles to make the payments on a heart he has purchased. He must therefore go on the run before said ticker is repossessed.",
"title": "Repo Men"
"plot": "A psychologically troubled novelty supplier is nudged towards a romance with an English woman, all the while being extorted by a phone-sex line run by a crooked mattress salesman, and purchasing stunning amounts of pudding.",
"title": "Punch-Drunk Love"
"plot": "Jack Conrad is awaiting the death penalty in a corrupt Central American prison. He is \"purchased\" by a wealthy television producer and taken to a desolate island where he must fight to the death against nine other condemned killers from all corners of the world, with freedom going to the sole survivor.",
"title": "The Condemned"
java PartialMatchQuery
"plot": "The true story of Richard Pimentel, a brilliant public speaker with a troubled past, who returns from Vietnam severely hearing -impaired and finds a new purpose in his landmark efforts on the behalf of Americans with disabilities.",
"title": "Music Within"
"plot": "The supervillain Megamind finally defeats his nemesis, the superhero Metro Man. But without a hero, he loses all purpose and must find new meaning to his life.",
"title": "Megamind"
"plot": "An aging Pat Garrett is hired as a lawman on behalf of a group of wealthy New Mexico cattle barons--his sole purpose being to bring down his old friend Billy the Kid.",
"title": "Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid"
java PartialMatchQuery
"plot": "After the rebels have been brutally overpowered by the Empire on their newly established base, Luke Skywalker takes advanced Jedi training with Master Yoda, while his friends are pursued by Darth Vader as part of his plan to capture Luke.",
"title": "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back"
"plot": "The new owner of the Cleveland Indians puts together a purposely horrible team so they'll lose and she can move the team. But when the plot is uncovered, they start winning just to spite her.",
"title": "Major League"
"plot": "The true story of Richard Pimentel, a brilliant public speaker with a troubled past, who returns from Vietnam severely hearing -impaired and finds a new purpose in his landmark efforts on the behalf of Americans with disabilities.",
"title": "Music Within"
"plot": "A lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with his newly purchased operating system that's designed to meet his every need.",
"title": "Her"
"plot": "An adrenaline junkie walks away from a whirlwind romance and embraces a new life as a thief, though he soon finds himself pursued by veteran police officer and engaged in a turf war with a local gangster.",
"title": "Kick"
java PartialMatchQuery
"plot": "After the rebels have been brutally overpowered by the Empire on their newly established base, Luke Skywalker takes advanced Jedi training with Master Yoda, while his friends are pursued by Darth Vader as part of his plan to capture Luke.",
"title": "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back"
"plot": "The new owner of the Cleveland Indians puts together a purposely horrible team so they'll lose and she can move the team. But when the plot is uncovered, they start winning just to spite her.",
"title": "Major League"
"plot": "The true story of Richard Pimentel, a brilliant public speaker with a troubled past, who returns from Vietnam severely hearing -impaired and finds a new purpose in his landmark efforts on the behalf of Americans with disabilities.",
"title": "Music Within"
"plot": "A lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with his newly purchased operating system that's designed to meet his every need.",
"title": "Her"
"plot": "An adrenaline junkie walks away from a whirlwind romance and embraces a new life as a thief, though he soon finds himself pursued by veteran police officer and engaged in a turf war with a local gangster.",
"title": "Kick"