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Toggle $queryStats Log Output

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MongoDB records $queryStats operations in the deployment logs. By default, MongoDB only logs the invocation of $queryStats operations, not the operation's output. For $queryStats operations that include the transformIdentifiers option, you can specify whether the transformed output is included in the log entry.

Including $queryStats output in the logs provides more information on specific $queryStats operations, but can negatively impact cluster performance as log updates take more time and resources.

When MongoDB logs $queryStats output, the results are redacted and anonymized. $queryStats output does not contain literals or field values.

For an example of transformed $queryStats output, see Transformed Example.


The following examples show the differences in log messages when $queryStats output is included.


The example log entries are reformatted for readability.

"t":{"$date":"2023-11-27T20:58:59.212+00:00"},"s":"D1", "c":"QRYSTATS",
"id":7808300, "ctx":"conn31","msg":"Logging invocation
"t":{"$date":"2023-11-27T20:58:59.212+00:00"},"s":"D1", "c":"QRYSTATS",
"id":7808300, "ctx":"conn31","msg":"Logging invocation
"t":{"$date":"2023-11-27T20:58:59.212+00:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"QRYSTATS",
"id":7808301, "ctx":"conn31","msg":"Logging all outputs of
$queryStats","attr":{"thisOutput":"{key: {queryShape: {cmdNs: {db:
\"hYt+nW/sr1/Zc3YR8nlGWFoesJdvywkw+cR9rMGzXU4=\", coll:
\"TRx6R3rvstYgX96gNmeOi5E3QVsOqzRbv7A9j3q7OvM=\"}, command: \"find\",
filter: {Wb/Uu22DzKZ/Os+ZvLgPKFKGZPV4cIMZ3Ybv1HfYih4=: {$lt:
\"?date\"}}, projection: {r5zQZllsGoqQuQp4Jm0eH2M6RrMqH84KHowcFaiverg=:
true}, sort: {r5zQZllsGoqQuQp4Jm0eH2M6RrMqH84KHowcFaiverg=: 1}},
readConcern: {}, collectionType: \"nonExistent\"}, metrics:
{lastExecutionMicros: 208, execCount: 21, totalExecMicros: {sum: 6079,
max: 1875, min: 198, sumOfSquares: 4401645}, firstResponseExecMicros:
{sum: 6079, max: 1875, min: 198, sumOfSquares: 4401645}, docsReturned:
{sum: 0, max: 0, min: 0, sumOfSquares: 0}, firstSeenTimestamp:
2023-11-27T19:15:51.317Z, latestSeenTimestamp:
2023-11-27T20:55:51.309Z}, asOf: 2023-11-27T20:58:59.212Z}"}
"t":{"$date":"2023-11-27T20:58:59.213+00:00"},"s":"D3", "c":"QRYSTATS",
"id":7808301, "ctx":"conn31","msg":"Logging all outputs of
$queryStats","attr":{"thisOutput":"{key: {queryShape: {cmdNs: {db:
\"j+Caz+gxt7vl++gmeCAWrvyhDL17WaNrSIDi6Au7VI0=\", coll:
\"f/LCkK/kVEbt4fk2NNbyDPhxas+kzCLLcVbjeNBbhyg=\"}, let:
{pUZAyEEImSXcu8deG05tfIf6F/H92YsFnkZXIeRQtgc=: \"?number\"}, command:
\"aggregate\", pipeline: [{$group: {_id: \"?number\",
5E6FSc5VxCvIZK0jrqkY3k3aX51jSc73hQwO/8kH0lo=: {$sum: \"?number\"}}}],
explain: true, allowDiskUse: false}, client: {driver: {name:
\"nodejs|mongosh\", version: \"5.1.0\"}, os: {type: \"Darwin\", name:
\"darwin\", architecture: \"arm64\", version: \"22.6.0\"}, platform:
\"Node.js v16.19.1, LE (unified)\", version: \"5.1.0|1.8.0\",
application: {name: \"mongosh 1.8.0\"}}, collectionType: \"collection\",
cursor: {batchSize: \"?number\"}}, metrics: {lastExecutionMicros: 0,
execCount: 1, totalExecMicros: {sum: 0, max: 0, min: 0, sumOfSquares:
0}, firstResponseExecMicros: {sum: 0, max: 0, min: 0, sumOfSquares: 0},
docsReturned: {sum: 0, max: 0, min: 0, sumOfSquares: 0},
firstSeenTimestamp: 2023-11-27T19:31:36.463Z, latestSeenTimestamp:
2023-11-27T19:31:36.463Z}, asOf: 2023-11-27T20:58:59.213Z}"}
// Additional $queryStats output...



