
Class representing the common functionality for the Realm.App.Sync.SubscriptionSet and Realm.App.Sync.SubscriptionSet classes

SubscriptionSets can only be modified inside a SubscriptionSet.update callback.

The SubscriptionSet is an iterable; thus, the contained Subscriptions can be accessed in for-of loops or spread into an Array for access to the ECMAScript Array API, e.g. [...realm.subscriptions][0]. Directly accessing the SubscriptionSet as if it was an array is deprecated.


If state is Realm.App.Sync.SubscriptionsState.Error, this will return a string representing why the SubscriptionSet is in an error state. null is returned if there is no error.

string or null

Returns true if there are no subscriptions in the set, false otherwise.


The number of subscriptions in the set.


The state of the SubscriptionSet.


The version of the SubscriptionSet. This is incremented every time a Realm.App.Sync.SubscriptionSet#update is applied.

every(callback, thisArg)boolean
Deprecated: Will be removed in v12.0.0.
  • callback
    • Type: function
    • Function to execute on each object in the SubscriptionSet. If this function returns true for every object, then this method will return true. This function takes three arguments:

      • object – The current object being processed in the SubscriptionSet.
      • index – The index of the object being processed in the SubscriptionSet.
      • subscriptionSet – The SubscriptionSet itself.
  • thisArg optional
    • Type: object
    • The value of this when callback is called.

Returns: boolean representing if callback returned true for every object in the SubscriptionSet.
findByName(name)Realm.App.Sync.Subscription or null

Find a subscription by name.

  • name
    • Type: string
    • The name to search for.

Returns: Realm.App.Sync.Subscription or null The named subscription, or null if the subscription is not found.
findByQuery(query)Realm.App.Sync.Subscription or null

Find a subscription by query. Will match both named and unnamed subscriptions.

  • query
    • Type: Realm.Results
    • The query to search for, represented as a Realm.Results instance, e.g. Realm.objects("Cat").filtered("age > 10").

Returns: Realm.App.Sync.Subscription or null The subscription with the specified query, or null if the subscription is not found.
forEach(callback, thisArg)
Deprecated: Will be removed in v12.0.0.
  • callback
    • Type: function
    • Function to execute on each object in the SubscriptionSet. This function takes three arguments:

      • object – The current object being processed in the SubscriptionSet.
      • index – The index of the object being processed in the SubscriptionSet.
      • subscriptionSet – The SubscriptionSet itself.
  • thisArg optional
    • Type: object
    • The value of this when callback is called.

map(callback, thisArg)[any, ...]
Deprecated: Will be removed in v12.0.0.
  • callback
    • Type: function
    • Function to execute on each object in the SubscriptionSet. This function takes three arguments:

      • object – The current object being processed in the SubscriptionSet.
      • index – The index of the object being processed in the SubscriptionSet.
      • subscriptionSet – The SubscriptionSet itself.
  • thisArg optional
    • Type: object
    • The value of this when callback is called.

Returns: [any, ...] – the return values of callback after being called on every object in the SubscriptionSet.
reduce(callback, initialValue)any
Deprecated: Will be removed in v12.0.0.
  • callback
    • Type: function
    • Function to execute on each object in the SubscriptionSet. This function takes four arguments:

      • previousValue – The value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback, or initialValue, if supplied.
      • object – The current object being processed in the SubscriptionSet.
      • index – The index of the object being processed in the SubscriptionSet.
      • subscriptionSet – The SubscriptionSet itself.
  • initialValue optional
    • Type: object
    • The value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback.

  • TypeError
    • If the SubscriptionSet is empty and no initialValue was supplied.

Returns: any – the value returned by the final invocation of callback, except for the following special cases:
  • If SubscriptionSet consists of a single object, and no initalValue was supplied, then that object will be returned.
  • If the SubscriptionSet is empty, then initialValue must be supplied and will be returned.
reduceRight(callback, initialValue)any
Deprecated: Will be removed in v12.0.0.
  • callback
    • Type: function
    • Function to execute on each object, from right to left, in the SubscriptionSet. This function takes four arguments:

      • previousValue – The value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback, or initialValue, if supplied.
      • object – The current object being processed in the SubscriptionSet.
      • index – The index of the object being processed in the SubscriptionSet.
      • subscriptionSet – The SubscriptionSet itself.
  • initialValue optional
    • Type: object
    • The value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback.

  • TypeError
    • If the SubscriptionSet is empty and no initialValue was supplied.

Returns: any – the value returned by the final invocation of callback, except for the following special cases:
  • If SubscriptionSet consists of a single object, and no initalValue was supplied, then that object will be returned.
  • If the SubscriptionSet is empty, then initialValue must be supplied and will be returned.
some(callback, thisArg)boolean
Deprecated: Will be removed in v12.0.0.
  • callback
    • Type: function
    • Function to execute on each object in the SubscriptionSet. If this function ever returns true, then this method will return true. This function takes three arguments:

      • object – The current object being processed in the SubscriptionSet.
      • index – The index of the object being processed in the SubscriptionSet.
      • subscriptionSet – The SubscriptionSet itself.
  • thisArg optional
    • Type: object
    • The value of this when callback is called.

Returns: booleantrue when callback returns true for an object in the SubscriptionSet, otherwise false.