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Everything You Know About MongoDB is Wrong!

Mark Smith11 min read • Published Jan 27, 2022 • Updated Sep 23, 2022
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I joined MongoDB less than a year ago, and I've learned a lot in the time since. Until I started working towards my interviews at the company, I'd never actually used MongoDB, although I had seen some talks about it and been impressed by how simple it seemed to use.
But like many other people, I'd also heard the scary stories. "It doesn't do relationships!" people would say. "It's fine if you want to store documents, but what if you want to do aggregation later? You'll be trapped in the wrong database! And anyway! Transactions! It doesn't have transactions!"
It wasn't until I started to go looking for the sources of this information that I started to realise two things: First, most of those posts are from a decade ago, so they referred to a three-year-old product, rather than the mature, battle-tested version we have today. Second, almost everything they say is no longer true - and in some cases has never been true.
So I decided to give a talk (and now write this blog post) about the misinformation that's available online, and counter each myth, one by one.

Myth 0: MongoDB is Web Scale

There's a YouTube video with a couple of dogs in it (dogs? I think they're dogs). You've probably seen it - one of them is that kind of blind follower of new technology who's totally bought into MongoDB, without really understanding what they've bought into. The other dog is more rational and gets frustrated by the first dog's refusal to come down to Earth.
MongoDB is Web Scale,
MongoDB is Web Scale, apparently
I was sent a link to this video by a friend of mine on my first day at MongoDB, just in case I hadn't seen it. (I had seen it.) Check out the date at the bottom! This video's been circulating for over a decade. It was really funny at the time, but these days? Almost everything that's in there is outdated.
We're not upset. In fact, many people at MongoDB have the character on a T-shirt or a sticker on their laptop. He's kind of an unofficial mascot at MongoDB. Just don't watch the video looking for facts. And stop sending us links to the video - we've all seen it!
Max is cool, and he's seen the YouTube
Max is cool, and he's seen the YouTube video

What Exactly



Before launching into some things that MongoDB isn't, let's just summarize what MongoDB actually is.
MongoDB is a distributed document database. Clusters (we call them replica sets) are mostly self-managing - once you've told each of the machines which other servers are in the cluster, then they'll handle it if one of the nodes goes down or there are problems with the network. If one of the machines gets shut off or crashes, the others will take over. You need a minimum of 3 nodes in a cluster, to achieve quorum. Each server in the cluster holds a complete copy of all of the data in the database.
A cluster, or replica
A cluster, or replica set
Clusters are for redundancy, not scalability. All the clients are generally connected to only one server - the elected primary, which is responsible for executing queries and updates, and transmitting data changes to the secondary machines, which are there in case of server failure.
There are some interesting things you can do by connecting directly to the secondaries, like running analytics queries, because the machines are under less read load. But in general, forcing a connection to a secondary means you could be working with slightly stale data, so you shouldn't connect to a secondary node unless you're prepared to make some compromises.
So I've covered "distributed." What do I mean by "document database?"
The thing that makes MongoDB different from traditional relational databases is that instead of being able to store atoms of data in flat rows, stored in tables in the database, MongoDB allows you to store hierarchical structured data in a document - which is (mostly) analogous to a JSON object. Documents are stored in a collection, which is really just a bucket of documents. Each document can have a different structure, or schema, from all the other documents in the collection. You can (and should!) also index documents in collections, based on the kind of queries you're going to be running and the data that you're storing. And if you want validation to ensure that all the documents in a collection do follow a set structure, you can apply a JSON schema to the collection as a validator.
2 '_id': ObjectId('573a1390f29313caabcd4135'),
3 'title': 'Blacksmith Scene',
4 'fullplot': 'A stationary camera looks at a large anvil with a
5 blacksmith behind it and one on either side.',
6 'cast': ['Charles Kayser', 'John Ott'],
7 'countries': ['USA'],
8 'directors': ['William K.L. Dickson'],
9 'genres': ['Short'],
10 'imdb': {'id': 5, 'rating': 6.2, 'votes': 1189},
11 'released': datetime.datetime(1893, 5, 9, 0, 0),
12 'runtime': 1,
13 'year': 1893
The above document is an example, showing a movie from 1893! This document was retrieved using the PyMongo driver.
Note that some of the values are arrays, like 'countries' and 'cast'. Some of the values are objects (we call them subdocuments). This demonstrates the hierarchical nature of MongoDB documents - they're not flat like a table row in a relational database.
Note also that it contains a native Python datetime type for the 'released' value, and a special ObjectId type for the first value. Maybe these aren't actually JSON documents? I'll come back to that later...

Myth 1: MongoDB is on v3.2

If you install MongoDB on Debian Stretch, with apt get mongodb, it will install version 3.2. Unfortunately, this version is five years old! There have been five major annual releases since then, containing a whole host of new features, as well as security, performance, and scalability improvements.
The current version of MongoDB is v4.4 (as of late 2020). If you want to install it, you should install MongoDB Community Server, but first make sure you've read about MongoDB Atlas, our hosted database-as-a-service product!

Myth 2: MongoDB is a JSON Database

You'll almost certainly have heard that MongoDB is a JSON database, especially if you've read the MongoDB.com homepage recently!
The MongoDB website calls MongoDB a JSON
The MongoDB website calls MongoDB a JSON database.
As I implied before, though, MongoDB isn't a JSON database. It supports extra data types, such as ObjectIds, native date objects, more numeric types, geographic primitives, and an efficient binary type, among others!
This is because MongoDB is a BSON database.
This may seem like a trivial distinction, but it's important. As well as being more efficient to store, transfer, and traverse than using a text-based format for structured data, as well as supporting more data types than JSON, it's also everywhere in MongoDB.
  • MongoDB stores BSON documents.
  • Queries to look up documents are BSON documents.
  • Results are provided as BSON documents.
  • BSON is even used for the wire protocol used by MongoDB!
If you're used to working with JSON when doing web development, it's a useful shortcut to think of MongoDB as a JSON database. That's why we sometimes describe it that way! But once you've been working with MongoDB for a little while, you'll come to appreciate the advantages that BSON has to offer.

Myth 3: MongoDB Doesn't Support Transactions

When reading third-party descriptions of MongoDB, you may come across blog posts describing it as a BASE database. BASE is an acronym for "Basic Availability; Soft-state; Eventual consistency."
But this is not true, and never has been! MongoDB has never been "eventually consistent." Reads and writes to the primary are guaranteed to be strongly consistent, and updates to a single document are always atomic. Soft-state apparently describes the need to continually update data or it will expire, which is also not the case.
And finally, MongoDB will go into a read-only state (reducing availability) if so many nodes are unavailable that a quorum cannot be achieved. This is by design. It ensures that consistency is maintained when everything else goes wrong.
MongoDB is an ACID database. It supports atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability.
Updates to multiple parts of individual documents have always been atomic; but since v4.0, MongoDB has supported transactions across multiple documents and collections. Since v4.2, this is even supported across shards in a sharded cluster.
Despite supporting transactions, they should be used with care. They have a performance cost, and because MongoDB supports rich, hierarchical documents, if your schema is designed correctly, you should not often have to update across multiple documents.

Myth 4: MongoDB Doesn't Support Relationships

Another out-of-date myth about MongoDB is that you can't have relationships between collections or documents. You can do joins with queries that we call aggregation pipelines. They're super-powerful, allowing you to query and transform your data from multiple collections using an intuitive query model that consists of a series of pipeline stages applied to data moving through the pipeline.
MongoDB has supported lookups (joins) since v2.2.
The example document below shows how, after a query joining an orders collection and an inventory collection, a returned order document contains the related inventory documents, embedded in an array.
After a lookup, related documents are embedded in the documents
After a lookup, related documents are embedded in the documents returned.
My opinion is that being able to embed related documents within the primary documents being returned is more intuitive than duplicating rows for every relationship found in a relational join.

Myth 5: MongoDB is All About Sharding

You may hear people talk about sharding as a cool feature of MongoDB. And it is - it's definitely a cool, and core, feature of MongoDB.
Sharding is when you divide your data and put each piece in a different replica set or cluster. It's a technique for dealing with huge data sets. MongoDB supports automatically ensuring data and requests are sent to the correct replica sets, and merging results from multiple shards.
But there's a fundamental issue with sharding.
I mentioned earlier in this post that the minimum number of nodes in a replica set is three, to allow quorum. As soon as you need sharding, you have at least two replica sets, so that's a minimum of six servers. On top of that, you need to run multiple instances of a server called mongos. Mongos is a proxy for the sharded cluster which handles the routing of requests and responses. For high availability, you need at least two instances of mongos.
A minimum sharded
A minimum sharded cluster
So, this means a minimum sharded cluster is eight servers, and it goes up by at least three servers, with each shard added.
Sharded clusters also make your data harder to manage, and they add some limitations to the types of queries you can conduct. Sharding is useful if you need it, but it's often cheaper and easier to simply upgrade your hardware!
Scaling data is mostly about RAM, so if you can, buy more RAM. If CPU is your bottleneck, upgrade your CPU, or buy a bigger disk, if that's your issue.
MongoDB's sharding features are still there for you once you scale beyond the amount of RAM that can be put into a single computer. You can also do some neat things with shards, like geo-pinning, where you can store user data geographically closer to the user's location, to reduce latency.
If you're attempting to scale by sharding, you should at least consider whether hardware upgrades would be a more efficient alternative, first.
And before you consider that, you should look at MongoDB Atlas, MongoDB's hosted database-as-a-service product. (Yes, I know I've already mentioned it!) As well as hosting your database for you, on the cloud (or clouds) of your choice, MongoDB Atlas will also scale your database up and down as required, keeping you available, while keeping costs low. It'll handle backups and redundancy, and also includes extra features, such as charts, text search, serverless functions, and more.

Myth 6: MongoDB is Insecure

A rather persistent myth about MongoDB is that it's fundamentally insecure. My personal feeling is that this is one of the more unfair myths about MongoDB, but it can't be denied that there are many insecure instances of MongoDB available on the Internet, and there have been several high-profile data breaches involving MongoDB.
This is historically due to the way MongoDB has been distributed. Some Linux distributions used to ship MongoDB with authentication disabled, and with networking enabled.
So, if you didn't have a firewall, or if you opened up the MongoDB port on your firewall so that it could be accessed by your web server... then your data would be stolen. Nowadays, it's just as likely that a bot will find your data, encrypt it within your database, and then add a document telling you where to send Bitcoin to get the key to decrypt it again.
I would argue that if you put an unprotected database server on the internet, then that's your fault - but it's definitely the case that this has happened many times, and there were ways to make it more difficult to mess this up.
We fixed the defaults in MongoDB 3.6. MongoDB will not connect to the network unless authentication is enabled or you provide a specific flag to the server to override this behaviour. So, you can still be insecure, but now you have to at least read the manual first!
Other than this, MongoDB uses industry standards for security, such as TLS to encrypt the data in-transit, and SCRAM-SHA-256 to authenticate users securely.
MongoDB also features client-side field-level encryption (FLE), which allows you to store data in MongoDB so that it is encrypted both in-transit and at-rest. This means that if a third-party was to gain access to your database server, they would be unable to read the encrypted data without also gaining access to the client.

Myth 7: MongoDB Loses Data

This myth is a classic Hacker News trope. Someone posts an example of how they successfully built something with MongoDB, and there's an immediate comment saying, "I know this guy who once lost all his data in MongoDB. It just threw it away. Avoid."
If you follow up asking these users to get in touch and file a ticket describing the incident, they never turn up!
MongoDB is used in a range of industries who care deeply about keeping their data. These range from banks such as Morgan Stanley, Barclays, and HSBC to massive publishing brands, like Forbes. We've never had a report of large-scale data loss. If you do have a first-hand story to tell of data loss, please file a ticket. We'll take it seriously whether you're a paying enterprise customer or an open-source user.

Myth 8: MongoDB is Just a Toy

If you've read up until this point, you can already see that this one's a myth!
MongoDB is a general purpose database for storing documents, that can be updated securely and atomically, with joins to other documents and a rich, powerful and intuitive query language for finding and aggregating those documents in the form that you need. When your data gets too big for a single machine, it supports sharding out of the box, and it supports advanced features such as client-side field level encryption for securing sensitive data, and change streams, to allow your applications to respond immediately to changes to your data, using whatever language, framework and set of libraries you prefer to develop with.
If you want to protect yourself from myths in the future, your best bet is to...

Become a MongoDB Expert

MongoDB is a database that is easy to get started with, but to build production applications requires that you master the complexities of interacting with a distributed database. MongoDB Atlas simplifies many of those challenges, but you will get the most out of MongoDB if you invest time in learning things like the aggregation framework, read concerns, and write concerns. Nothing hard is easy, but the hard stuff is easier with MongoDB. You're not going to become an expert overnight. The good news is that there are lots of resources for learning MongoDB, and it's fun!
The MongoDB documentation is thorough and readable. There are many free courses at MongoDB University
On the MongoDB Developer Blog, we have detailed some MongoDB Patterns for schema design and development, and my awesome colleague Lauren Schaefer has been producing a series of posts describing MongoDB Anti-Patterns to help you recognise when you may not be doing things optimally.
MongoDB has an active Community Forum where you can ask questions or show off your projects.
So, MongoDB is big and powerful, and there's a lot to learn. I hope this article has gone some way to explaining what MongoDB is, what it isn't, and how you might go about learning to use it effectively.

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