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  • Definition
  • Compatibility
  • Syntax
  • Behavior
  • Examples

Changed in version 5.0.


Allows the use of aggregation expressions within the query language.

You can use $expr for deployments hosted in the following environments:

  • MongoDB Atlas: The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud

$expr has the following syntax:

{ $expr: { <expression> } }

The arguments can be any valid aggregation expression. For more information, see Expressions.

$expr can build query expressions that compare fields from the same document in a $match stage.

If the $match stage is part of a $lookup stage, $expr can compare fields using let variables. See Perform Multiple Joins and a Correlated Subquery with $lookup for an example.

The $eq, $lt, $lte, $gt, and $gte comparison operators placed in an $expr operator can use an index on the from collection referenced in a $lookup stage. Limitations:

  • Indexes can only be used for comparisons between fields and constants, so the let operand must resolve to a constant.

    For example, a comparison between $a and a constant value can use an index, but a comparison between $a and $b cannot.

  • Indexes are not used for comparisons where the let operand resolves to an empty or missing value.

  • Multikey indexes are not used.

Consider a monthlyBudget collection with the following documents:

db.monthlyBudget.insertMany( [
{ _id : 1, category : "food", budget : 400, spent : 450 },
{ _id : 2, category : "drinks", budget : 100, spent : 150 },
{ _id : 3, category : "clothes", budget : 100, spent : 50 },
{ _id : 4, category : "misc", budget : 500, spent : 300 },
{ _id : 5, category : "travel", budget : 200, spent : 650 }
] )

The following operation uses $expr to find documents where the spent amount exceeds the budget:

db.monthlyBudget.find( { $expr: { $gt: [ $spent , $budget ] } } )

The operation returns the following results:

{ _id : 1, category : "food", budget : 400, spent : 450 }
{ _id : 2, category : "drinks", budget : 100, spent : 150 }
{ _id : 5, category : "travel", budget : 200, spent : 650 }

Some queries require the ability to execute conditional logic when defining a query filter. The aggregation pipeline provides the $cond operator to express conditional statements. By using $expr with the $cond operator, you can specify a conditional filter for your query statement.

Create a sample supplies collection with the following documents: [
{ _id : 1, item : "binder", qty : NumberInt("100"), price : NumberDecimal("12") },
{ _id : 2, item : "notebook", qty : NumberInt("200"), price : NumberDecimal("8") },
{ _id : 3, item : "pencil", qty : NumberInt("50"), price : NumberDecimal("6") },
{ _id : 4, item : "eraser", qty : NumberInt("150"), price : NumberDecimal("3") },
{ _id : 5, item : "legal pad", qty : NumberInt("42"), price : NumberDecimal("10") }
] )

Assume that for an upcoming sale next month, you want to discount the prices such that:

  • If qty is greater than or equal to 100, the discounted price will be 0.5 of the price.

  • If qty is less than 100, the discounted price is 0.75 of the price.

Before applying the discounts, you would like to know which items in the supplies collection have a discounted price of less than 5.

The following example uses $expr with $cond to calculate the discounted price based on the qty and $lt to return documents whose calculated discount price is less than NumberDecimal("5"):

// Aggregation expression to calculate discounted price
let discountedPrice = {
$cond: {
if: { $gte: ["$qty", 100] },
then: { $multiply: ["$price", NumberDecimal("0.50")] },
else: { $multiply: ["$price", NumberDecimal("0.75")] }
// Query the supplies collection using the aggregation expression { $expr: { $lt:[ discountedPrice, NumberDecimal("5") ] } });

The following table shows the discounted price for each document and whether discounted price is less than NumberDecimal("5") (i.e. whether the document meets the query condition).

Discounted Price
< NumberDecimal("5")
{"_id": 1, "item": "binder", "qty": 100, "price": NumberDecimal("12") }
{"_id": 2, "item": "noteboook", "qty": 200, "price": NumberDecimal("8") }
{"_id": 3, "item": "pencil", "qty": 50, "price": NumberDecimal("6") }
{"_id": 4, "item": "eraser", "qty": 150, "price": NumberDecimal("3") }
{"_id": 5, "item": "legal pad", "qty": 42, "price": NumberDecimal("10") }

The db.collection.find() operation returns the documents whose calculated discount price is less than NumberDecimal("5"):

{ _id : 2, item : "notebook", qty : 200 , price : NumberDecimal("8") }
{ _id : 3, item : "pencil", qty : 50 , price : NumberDecimal("6") }
{ _id : 4, item : "eraser", qty : 150 , price : NumberDecimal("3") }

Even though $cond calculates an effective discounted price, that price is not reflected in the returned documents. Instead, the returned documents represent the matching documents in their original state. The find operation did not return the binder or legal pad documents, as their discounted price was greater than 5.


Evaluation Query