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How to Run $unionWith with an Atlas Search $search Query

On this page

  • Create the Atlas Search Indexes
  • Run $unionWith with $search to Search the Collections

Starting in v6.0, the MongoDB $unionWith aggregation stage supports $search inside the $unionWith pipeline option. Using $unionWith, you can combine $search results from multiple collections in the same database in the result set.

This tutorial demonstrates how to run a $unionWith query with $search against the companies and inspections collections in the sample_training database. It takes you through the following steps:

  1. Set up an Atlas Search index with dynamic mappings for the companies and inspections collections in the sample_training database.

  2. Run $unionWith query with $search to perform a union of companies with mobile in their name from the companies collection with companies with same or similar business name in the inspections collection.

Before you begin, ensure that your Atlas cluster meets the requirements described in the Prerequisites.


To run a $unionWith query with $search, your cluster must run MongoDB v6.0 or higher.

To create an Atlas Search index, you must have Project Data Access Admin or higher access to the project.

In this section, you will create an Atlas Search index named default on all the fields in the companies collection in the sample_training database. You will create another Atlas Search index named default on all the fields in the inspections collection in the sample_training database. You must perform the following steps for each collection.

  1. If it's not already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the Organizations menu in the navigation bar.

  2. If it's not already displayed, select your desired project from the Projects menu in the navigation bar.

  3. If it's not already displayed, click Clusters in the sidebar.

    The Clusters page displays.


You can go the Atlas Search page from the sidebar, the Data Explorer, or your cluster details page.

  1. In the sidebar, click Atlas Search under the Services heading.


    If you have no clusters, click Create cluster to create one. To learn more, see Create a Cluster.

  2. From the Select data source dropdown, select your cluster and click Go to Atlas Search.

    The Atlas Search page displays.

  1. Click the Browse Collections button for your cluster.

  2. Expand the database and select the collection.

  3. Click the Search Indexes tab for the collection.

    The Atlas Search page displays.

  1. Click the cluster's name.

  2. Click the Atlas Search tab.

    The Atlas Search page displays.


Make the following selections on the page and then click Next.

Search Type

Select the Atlas Search index type.

Index Name and Data Source

Specify the following information:

  • Index Name: default

  • Database and Collection:

    • sample_training database

    • companies or inspections collection

Configuration Method

For a guided experience, select Visual Editor.

To edit the raw index definition, select JSON Editor.

The following index definition dynamically indexes the fields of supported types in the collection. You can use the Atlas Search Visual Editor or the Atlas Search JSON Editor in the Atlas user interface to create the index.

Review the "default" index definition for the collection.

  1. Review the index definition.

    Your index definition should look similar to the following example:

    "mappings": {
    "dynamic": true

A modal window displays to let you know your index is building. Click the Close button.


The index should take about one minute to build. While it is building, the Status column reads Build in Progress. When it is finished building, the Status column reads Active.

➤ Use the Select your language drop-down menu to set the language of the example in this section.

In this section, you will connect to your Atlas cluster and run the sample query against the indexed collections in the sample_training database.


Open mongosh in a terminal window and connect to your cluster. For detailed instructions on connecting, see Connect via mongosh.


Run the following command at mongosh prompt:

use sample_training
switched to db sample_training

The following query searches both the companies and inspections collections for the term mobile in the name and business_name fields respectively.

This query uses the following stages:

  • $search to search for companies that include mobile in the name.

  • $unionWith to do the following:

    • Use $search stage in the sub-pipeline to search for inspections of companies that include mobile in the name.

    • Perform a union of documents from the companies and documents from the inspections collections.

  • $set stage to add a new field named source that identifies the collection of the output documents.

    • $limit stage to limit the output to 3 results from each collection.

    • $project stage to:

      • Include only the specified fields in the results.

      • Add a field named score.

"$search": {
"text": {
"query": "Mobile",
"path": "name"
}, {
"$project": {
"score": {
"$meta": "searchScore"
"_id": 0,
"number_of_employees": 1,
"founded_year": 1,
"name": 1
}, {
"$set": {
"source": "companies"
}, {
"$limit": 3
}, {
"$unionWith": {
"coll": "inspections",
"pipeline": [
"$search": {
"text": {
"query": "Mobile",
"path": "business_name"
}, {
"$set": {
"source": "inspections"
}, {
"$project": {
"score": {
"$meta": "searchScore"
"source": 1,
"_id": 0,
"business_name": 1,
"address": 1
}, {
"$limit": 3
}, {
"$sort": {
"score": -1
name: 'XLR8 Mobile',
number_of_employees: 21,
founded_year: 2006,
score: 2.0815043449401855,
source: 'companies'
name: 'Pulse Mobile',
number_of_employees: null,
founded_year: null,
score: 2.0815043449401855,
source: 'companies'
name: 'T-Mobile',
number_of_employees: null,
founded_year: null,
score: 2.0815043449401855,
source: 'companies'
business_name: 'T. MOBILE',
address: { city: 'BROOKLYN', zip: 11209, street: '86TH ST', number: 440 },
score: 2.900916337966919,
source: 'inspections'
business_name: 'BOOST MOBILE',
address: { city: 'BRONX', zip: 10458, street: 'E FORDHAM RD', number: 261 },
score: 2.900916337966919,
source: 'inspections'
business_name: 'SPRING MOBILE',
address: {
zip: 11419,
street: 'LIBERTY AVE',
number: 12207
score: 2.900916337966919,
source: 'inspections'

This query uses the following stages:

  • $search to search for companies that include mobile in the name.

  • $project stage to:

    • Include only the specified fields in the results.

    • Add a field named score.

  • $addFields stage to add the following new fields:

    • A new field named source that identifies the collection of the output documents.

    • A field name source_count that shows a count of the output documents.

  • $unionWith to do the following:

    • Use $search stage in the sub-pipeline to search for inspections of companies that include mobile in the name.

    • Perform a union of documents from the companies and documents from the inspections collections.

  • $project stage to:

    • Include only the specified fields in the results.

    • Add a field named score.

  • $limit stage to limit the output to 3 results from each collection.

  • $set stage to add the following new fields:

    • A new field named source that identifies the collection of the output documents.

    • A new field named source_count that shows a count of the output documents.

"$search": {
"text": {
"query": "mobile",
"path": "name",
"score": {
"boost": {
"value": 1.6
}, {
"$project": {
"score": {
"$meta": "searchScore"
"_id": 0,
"number_of_employees": 1,
"founded_year": 1,
"name": 1
}, {
"$addFields": {
"source": "companies",
"source_count": "$$SEARCH_META.count.lowerBound"
}, {
"$limit": 3
}, {
"$unionWith": {
"coll": "inspections",
"pipeline": [
"$search": {
"text": {
"query": "mobile",
"path": "business_name"
}, {
"$project": {
"score": {
"$meta": "searchScore"
"business_name": 1,
"address": 1,
"_id": 0
}, {
"$limit": 3
}, {
"$set": {
"source": "inspections",
"source_count": "$$SEARCH_META.count.lowerBound"
}, {
"$sort": {
"score": -1
}, {
"$facet": {
"allDocs": [],
"totalCount": [
"$group": {
"_id": "$source",
"firstCount": {
"$first": "$source_count"
}, {
"$project": {
"totalCount": {
"$sum": "$firstCount"
allDocs: [
name: 'XLR8 Mobile',
number_of_employees: 21,
founded_year: 2006,
score: 3.33040714263916,
source: 'companies',
source_count: Long("52")
name: 'Pulse Mobile',
number_of_employees: null,
founded_year: null,
score: 3.33040714263916,
source: 'companies',
source_count: Long("52")
name: 'T-Mobile',
number_of_employees: null,
founded_year: null,
score: 3.33040714263916,
source: 'companies',
source_count: Long("52")
business_name: 'T. MOBILE',
address: {
city: 'BROOKLYN',
zip: 11209,
street: '86TH ST',
number: 440
score: 2.900916337966919,
source: 'inspections',
source_count: Long("456")
business_name: 'BOOST MOBILE',
address: {
city: 'BRONX',
zip: 10458,
street: 'E FORDHAM RD',
number: 261
score: 2.900916337966919,
source: 'inspections',
source_count: Long("456")
business_name: 'SPRING MOBILE',
address: {
zip: 11419,
street: 'LIBERTY AVE',
number: 12207
score: 2.900916337966919,
source: 'inspections',
source_count: Long("456")
totalCount: [
{ _id: 'companies', totalCount: Long("52") },
{ _id: 'inspections', totalCount: Long("456") }

Open MongoDB Compass and connect to your cluster. For detailed instructions on connecting, see Connect via Compass.


On the Database screen, click the sample_training database and then click the companies collection.


The following query searches both the companies and inspections collections for the term mobile in the name and business_name fields respectively.

To run this query in MongoDB Compass:

  1. Click the Aggregations tab.

  2. Click Select..., then configure each of the following pipeline stages by selecting the stage from the dropdown and adding the query for that stage. Click Add Stage to add additional stages.

    This query uses the following stages:

    • $search to search for companies that include mobile in the name.

    • $unionWith to do the following:

      • Use $search stage in the sub-pipeline to search for inspections of companies that include mobile in the name.

      • Perform a union of documents from the companies and documents from the inspections collections.

    • $set stage to add a new field named source that identifies the collection of the output documents.

      • $limit stage to limit the output to 3 results from each collection.

      • $project stage to:

        • Include only the specified fields in the results.

        • Add a field named score.

    Pipeline Stage


    "text": {
    "query": "Mobile",
    "path": "name"


    "score": {
    "$meta": "searchScore",
    "_id": 0,
    "number_of_employees": 1,
    "founded_year": 1,
    "name": 1


    "source": "companies"




    "coll": "inspections",
    "pipeline": [
    "$search": {
    "text": {
    "query": "Mobile",
    "path": "business_name",
    "$set": {
    "source": "inspections",
    "$project": {
    "score": {
    "$meta": "searchScore"
    "source": 1,
    "_id": 0,
    "business_name": 1,
    "address": 1
    "$limit": 3
    "$sort": {
    "score": -1

    If you enabled Auto Preview, MongoDB Compass displays the following documents next to the $project pipeline stage:

    name: "XLR8 Mobile"
    number_of_employees: 21
    founded_year: 2006
    score: 2.0815043449401855
    source: "companies"
    name: "Pulse Mobile"
    number_of_employees: null
    founded_year: null
    score: 2.0815043449401855
    source: "companies"
    name: "T-Mobile"
    number_of_employees: null
    founded_year: null
    score: 2.0815043449401855
    source: "companies"
    business_name: "T. MOBILE"
    address: Object
    source: "inspections"
    score: 2.900916337966919
    business_name: "BOOST MOBILE"
    address: Object
    source: "inspections"
    score: 2.900916337966919
    business_name: "SPRING MOBILE"
    address: Object
    source: "inspections"
    score: 2.900916337966919

    This query uses the following stages:

    • $search to search for companies that include mobile in the name.

    • $project stage to:

      • Include only the specified fields in the results.

      • Add a field named score.

    • $addFields stage to add the following new fields:

      • A new field named source that identifies the collection of the output documents.

      • A field name source_count that shows a count of the output documents.

    • $unionWith to do the following:

      • Use $search stage in the sub-pipeline to search for inspections of companies that include mobile in the name.

      • Perform a union of documents from the companies and documents from the inspections collections.

    • $project stage to:

      • Include only the specified fields in the results.

      • Add a field named score.

    • $limit stage to limit the output to 3 results from each collection.

    • $set stage to add the following new fields:

      • A new field named source that identifies the collection of the output documents.

      • A new field named source_count that shows a count of the output documents.

    Pipeline Stage


    text: {
    query: "mobile",
    path: "name",
    score: {
    boost: {
    value: 1.6


    "score": {
    "$meta": "searchScore",
    "_id": 0,
    "number_of_employees": 1,
    "founded_year": 1,
    "name": 1


    source: "companies",
    source_count: "$$SEARCH_META.count.lowerBound"




    coll: "inspections",
    pipeline: [
    $search: {
    text: {
    query: "mobile",
    path: "business_name"
    $project: {
    score: {
    $meta: "searchScore"
    business_name: 1,
    address: 1,
    _id: 0
    $limit: 3,
    $set: {
    source: "inspections",
    source_count: "$$SEARCH_META.count.lowerBound"
    $sort: {
    score: -1


    allDocs: [],
    totalCount: [
    $group: {
    _id: "$source",
    firstCount: { $first: "$source_count" }
    $project: {
    totalCount: {
    $sum: "$firstCount"

    If you enabled Auto Preview, MongoDB Compass displays the following documents next to the $project pipeline stage:

    allDocs: Array (6)
    0: Object
    name: "XLR8 Mobile"
    number_of_employees: 21
    founded_year: 2006
    score: 3.33040714263916
    source: "companies"
    source_count: 52
    1: Object
    name: "Pulse Mobile"
    number_of_employees: null
    founded_year: null
    score: 3.33040714263916
    source: "companies"
    source_count: 52
    2: Object
    name: "T-Mobile"
    number_of_employees: null
    founded_year: null
    score: 3.33040714263916
    source: "companies"
    source_count: 52
    3: Object
    business_name: "T. MOBILE"
    address: Object
    score: 2.900916337966919
    source: "inspections"
    source_count: 456
    4: Object
    business_name: "BOOST MOBILE"
    address: Object
    score: 2.900916337966919
    source: "inspections"
    source_count: 456
    5: Object
    business_name: "SPRING MOBILE"
    address: Object
    score: 2.900916337966919
    source: "inspections"
    source_count: 456
    totalCount: Array (2)
    0: Object
    _id: "companies"
    totalCount: 52
    1: Object
    _id: "inspections"
    totalCount: 456

MongoDB Compass might not display all the fields inside objects and all the values inside arrays for the documents it returns in the results. To view all the fields and values, expand the field in the results.

  1. Create a new directory called search-with-unionwith and initialize your project with the dotnet new command.

    mkdir search-with-unionwith
    cd search-with-unionwith
    dotnet new console
  2. Add the .NET/C# Driver to your project as a dependency.

    dotnet add package MongoDB.Driver

The following query searches both the companies and inspections collections for the term mobile in the name and business_name fields respectively.

This query uses the following stages:

  • $search to search for companies that include mobile in the name.

  • $unionWith to do the following:

    • Use $search stage in the sub-pipeline to search for inspections of companies that include mobile in the name.

    • Perform a union of documents from the companies and documents from the inspections collections.

  • $set stage to add a new field named source that identifies the collection of the output documents.

    • $limit stage to limit the output to 3 results from each collection.

    • $project stage to:

      • Include only the specified fields in the results.

      • Add a field named score.

1using MongoDB.Bson;
2using MongoDB.Driver;
3using MongoDB.Driver.Search;
5public class Program
7 public static void Main(string[] args)
8 {
9 // connect to your Atlas cluster
10 string connectionString = "<connection-string>";
11 var client = new MongoClient(connectionString);
13 // define namespace
14 var database = client.GetDatabase("sample_training");
15 var collection = database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("companies");
17 // define pipeline stage
18 var searchStage1 = new BsonDocument("$search", new BsonDocument{{ "text", new BsonDocument
19 {{ "query", "Mobile" },{ "path", "name" }}
20 }});
21 var projectStage1 = new BsonDocument("$project", new BsonDocument{
22 { "score", new BsonDocument("$meta", "searchScore") },
23 { "_id", 0 },{ "number_of_employees", 1 },{ "founded_year", 1 },{ "name", 1 }
24 });
25 var setStage1 = new BsonDocument("$set", new BsonDocument{{ "source", "companies" }});
26 var limitStage1 = new BsonDocument("$limit", 3);
28 // define subpipeline
29 var searchStage2 = new BsonDocument("$search", new BsonDocument{{ "text", new BsonDocument
30 {{ "query", "Mobile" },{ "path", "business_name" }}
31 }});
32 var setStage2 = new BsonDocument("$set", new BsonDocument{ { "source", "inspections" } });
33 var projectStage2 = new BsonDocument("$project", new BsonDocument{
34 { "score", new BsonDocument("$meta", "searchScore") },
35 { "source", 1 }, { "_id", 0 }, { "business_name", 1 }, { "address", 1 }
36 });
37 var limitStage2 = new BsonDocument("$limit", 3);
38 var sortStage2 = new BsonDocument("$sort", new BsonDocument{{ "score", -1 }});
39 var unionWithPipeline = new List<BsonDocument>{searchStage2, setStage2, projectStage2, limitStage2, sortStage2};
40 var unionWithStage = new BsonDocument("$unionWith", new BsonDocument
41 {
42 { "coll", "inspections" },
43 { "pipeline", new BsonArray(unionWithPipeline) }
44 });
45 var aggregationPipeline = new List<BsonDocument> {searchStage1, projectStage1, setStage1, limitStage1,unionWithStage};
47 // run pipeline
48 var result = collection.Aggregate<BsonDocument>(aggregationPipeline).ToList();
50 //print results
51 foreach (var document in result)
52 {
53 Console.WriteLine(document);
54 }
55 }

This query uses the following stages:

  • $search to search for companies that include mobile in the name.

  • $project stage to:

    • Include only the specified fields in the results.

    • Add a field named score.

  • $addFields stage to add the following new fields:

    • A new field named source that identifies the collection of the output documents.

    • A field name source_count that shows a count of the output documents.

  • $unionWith to do the following:

    • Use $search stage in the sub-pipeline to search for inspections of companies that include mobile in the name.

    • Perform a union of documents from the companies and documents from the inspections collections.

  • $project stage to:

    • Include only the specified fields in the results.

    • Add a field named score.

  • $limit stage to limit the output to 3 results from each collection.

  • $set stage to add the following new fields:

    • A new field named source that identifies the collection of the output documents.

    • A new field named source_count that shows a count of the output documents.

1using MongoDB.Bson;
2using MongoDB.Driver;
4public class Program
6 public static void Main(string[] args)
7 {
8 // connect to your Atlas cluster
9 var client = new MongoClient("<connection-string>");
11 // define namespace
12 var database = client.GetDatabase("sample_training");
13 var collection = database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("companies");
15 // define pipeline
16 var pipeline = new BsonDocument[]
17 {
18 new BsonDocument("$search", new BsonDocument{
19 { "text", new BsonDocument{
20 { "query", "mobile" }, { "path", "name" },
21 { "score", new BsonDocument{
22 { "boost", new BsonDocument{ { "value", 1.6 } }}
23 }}
24 }}
25 }),
26 new BsonDocument("$project", new BsonDocument{
27 { "score", new BsonDocument("$meta", "searchScore") },
28 { "_id", 0 },
29 { "number_of_employees", 1 }, { "founded_year", 1 }, { "name", 1 }
30 }),
31 new BsonDocument("$addFields", new BsonDocument{
32 { "source", "companies" },
33 { "source_count", "$$SEARCH_META.count.lowerBound" }
34 }),
35 new BsonDocument("$limit", 3),
36 new BsonDocument("$unionWith", new BsonDocument{
37 { "coll", "inspections" },
38 { "pipeline", new BsonArray{
39 new BsonDocument("$search", new BsonDocument{
40 { "text", new BsonDocument{
41 { "query", "mobile" },
42 { "path", "business_name" }
43 }}
44 }),
45 new BsonDocument("$project", new BsonDocument{
46 { "score", new BsonDocument("$meta", "searchScore") },
47 { "business_name", 1 }, { "address", 1 }, { "_id", 0 }
48 }),
49 new BsonDocument("$limit", 3),
50 new BsonDocument("$set", new BsonDocument{
51 { "source", "inspections" },
52 { "source_count", "$$SEARCH_META.count.lowerBound" }
53 }),
54 new BsonDocument("$sort", new BsonDocument{
55 { "score", -1 }
56 })
57 }}
58 }),
59 new BsonDocument("$facet", new BsonDocument{
60 { "allDocs", new BsonArray() },
61 { "totalCount", new BsonArray{
62 new BsonDocument("$group", new BsonDocument{
63 { "_id", "$source" },
64 { "firstCount", new BsonDocument("$first", "$source_count") }
65 }),
66 new BsonDocument("$project", new BsonDocument{
67 { "totalCount", new BsonDocument("$sum", "$firstCount") }
68 })
69 }}
70 })
71 };
73 // run pipeline
74 var result = collection.Aggregate<BsonDocument>(pipeline).ToList();
76 //print results
77 foreach (var document in result)
78 {
79 Console.WriteLine(document);
80 }
81 }

Ensure that your connection string includes your database user's credentials. To learn more, see Connect via Drivers.

dotnet run search-with-unionwith.csproj
{ "name" : "XLR8 Mobile", "number_of_employees" : 21, "founded_year" : 2006, "score" : 2.0815043449401855, "source" : "companies" }
{ "name" : "Pulse Mobile", "number_of_employees" : null, "founded_year" : null, "score" : 2.0815043449401855, "source" : "companies" }
{ "name" : "T-Mobile", "number_of_employees" : null, "founded_year" : null, "score" : 2.0815043449401855, "source" : "companies" }
{ "business_name" : "T. MOBILE", "address" : { "city" : "BROOKLYN", "zip" : 11209, "street" : "86TH ST", "number" : 440 }, "source" : "inspections", "score" : 2.9009163379669189 }
{ "business_name" : "BOOST MOBILE", "address" : { "city" : "BRONX", "zip" : 10458, "street" : "E FORDHAM RD", "number" : 261 }, "source" : "inspections", "score" : 2.9009163379669189 }
{ "business_name" : "SPRING MOBILE", "address" : { "city" : "SOUTH RICHMOND HILL", "zip" : 11419, "street" : "LIBERTY AVE", "number" : 12207 }, "source" : "inspections", "score" : 2.9009163379669189 }
dotnet run search-with-unionwith.csproj
"allDocs" : [
{ "name" : "XLR8 Mobile", "number_of_employees" : 21, "founded_year" : 2006, "score" : 3.3304071426391602, "source" : "companies", "source_count" : NumberLong(52) },
{ "name" : "Pulse Mobile", "number_of_employees" : null, "founded_year" : null, "score" : 3.3304071426391602, "source" : "companies", "source_count" : NumberLong(52) },
{ "name" : "T-Mobile", "number_of_employees" : null, "founded_year" : null, "score" : 3.3304071426391602, "source" : "companies", "source_count" : NumberLong(52) },
{ "business_name" : "T. MOBILE", "address" : { "city" : "BROOKLYN", "zip" : 11209, "street" : "86TH ST", "number" : 440 }, "score" : 2.9009163379669189, "source" : "inspections", "source_count" : NumberLong(456) },
{ "business_name" : "BOOST MOBILE", "address" : { "city" : "BRONX", "zip" : 10458, "street" : "E FORDHAM RD", "number" : 261 }, "score" : 2.9009163379669189, "source" : "inspections", "source_count" : NumberLong(456) },
{ "business_name" : "SPRING MOBILE", "address" : { "city" : "SOUTH RICHMOND HILL", "zip" : 11419, "street" : "LIBERTY AVE", "number" : 12207 }, "score" : 2.9009163379669189, "source" : "inspections", "source_count" : NumberLong(456) }
"totalCount" : [
{ "_id" : "companies", "totalCount" : NumberLong(52) },
{ "_id" : "inspections", "totalCount" : NumberLong(456) }

The following query searches both the companies and inspections collections for the term mobile in the name and business_name fields respectively.

This query uses the following stages:

  • $search to search for companies that include mobile in the name.

  • $unionWith to do the following:

    • Use $search stage in the sub-pipeline to search for inspections of companies that include mobile in the name.

    • Perform a union of documents from the companies and documents from the inspections collections.

  • $set stage to add a new field named source that identifies the collection of the output documents.

    • $limit stage to limit the output to 3 results from each collection.

    • $project stage to:

      • Include only the specified fields in the results.

      • Add a field named score.

1package main
2import (
3 "context"
4 "fmt"
5 "time"
7 ""
8 ""
9 ""
12func main() {
13 var err error
14 // connect to the Atlas cluster
15 ctx := context.Background()
16 client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, options.Client().ApplyURI("<connection-string>"))
17 if err != nil {
18 panic(err)
19 }
20 defer client.Disconnect(ctx)
22 // set namespace
23 collection := client.Database("sample_training").Collection("companies")
24 // define pipeline
25 searchStage := bson.D{{"$search", bson.D{
26 {"text", bson.D{
27 {"query", "Mobile"}, {"path", "name"},
28 }},
29 }}}
30 projectStage := bson.D{{"$project", bson.D{
31 {"score", bson.D{{"$meta", "searchScore"}}},
32 {"_id", 0},
33 {"number_of_employees", 1},
34 {"founded_year", 1},
35 {"name", 1},
36 }}}
37 setStage := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{{"source", "companies"}}}}
38 limitStage := bson.D{{"$limit", 5}}
39 uinionWithStage := bson.D{{"$unionWith", bson.D{
40 {"coll", "inspections"},
41 {"pipeline", bson.A{
42 bson.D{{"$search", bson.D{
43 {"text", bson.D{
44 {"query", "Mobile"}, {"path", "business_name"},
45 }},
46 }}},
47 bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{{"source", "inspections"}}}},
48 bson.D{{"$project", bson.D{
49 {"score", bson.D{{"$meta", "searchScore"}}},
50 {"source", 1},
51 {"_id", 0},
52 {"business_name", 1},
53 {"address", 1},
54 }}},
55 bson.D{{"$limit", 3}},
56 bson.D{{"$sort", bson.D{{"score", -1}}}},
57 }},
58 }}}
59 // specify the amount of time the operation can run on the server
60 opts := options.Aggregate().SetMaxTime(5 * time.Second)
61 // run pipeline
62 cursor, err := collection.Aggregate(ctx, mongo.Pipeline{searchStage, projectStage, setStage, limitStage, uinionWithStage}, opts)
63 if err != nil {
64 panic(err)
65 }
66 // print results
67 var results []bson.D
68 if err = cursor.All(context.TODO(), &results); err != nil {
69 panic(err)
70 }
71 for _, result := range results {
72 fmt.Println(result)
73 }

This query uses the following stages:

  • $search to search for companies that include mobile in the name.

  • $project stage to:

    • Include only the specified fields in the results.

    • Add a field named score.

  • $addFields stage to add the following new fields:

    • A new field named source that identifies the collection of the output documents.

    • A field name source_count that shows a count of the output documents.

  • $unionWith to do the following:

    • Use $search stage in the sub-pipeline to search for inspections of companies that include mobile in the name.

    • Perform a union of documents from the companies and documents from the inspections collections.

  • $project stage to:

    • Include only the specified fields in the results.

    • Add a field named score.

  • $limit stage to limit the output to 3 results from each collection.

  • $set stage to add the following new fields:

    • A new field named source that identifies the collection of the output documents.

    • A new field named source_count that shows a count of the output documents.

1package main
2import (
3 "context"
4 "fmt"
5 "time"
7 ""
8 ""
9 ""
12func main() {
13 var err error
14 // connect to the Atlas cluster
15 ctx := context.Background()
16 client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, options.Client().ApplyURI("<connection-string>"))
17 if err != nil {
18 panic(err)
19 }
20 defer client.Disconnect(ctx)
21 // set namespace
22 collection := client.Database("sample_training").Collection("companies")
23 // define pipeline
24 searchStage := bson.D{{"$search", bson.D{
25 {"text", bson.D{
26 {"query", "Mobile"}, {"path", "name"}, {"score", bson.D{{"boost", bson.D{{"value", 1.6}}}}},
27 }},
28 }}}
29 projectStage := bson.D{{"$project", bson.D{
30 {"score", bson.D{{"$meta", "searchScore"}}},
31 {"_id", 0},
32 {"number_of_employees", 1},
33 {"founded_year", 1},
34 {"name", 1},
35 }}}
36 addFieldsStage := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{
37 {"source", "companies"},
38 {"source_count", "$$SEARCH_META.count.lowerBound"},
39 }}}
40 limitStage := bson.D{{"$limit", 3}}
41 uinionWithStage := bson.D{{"$unionWith", bson.D{
42 {"coll", "inspections"},
43 {"pipeline", bson.A{
44 bson.D{{"$search", bson.D{
45 {"text", bson.D{
46 {"query", "mobile"}, {"path", "business_name"},
47 }},
48 }}},
49 bson.D{{"$project", bson.D{
50 {"score", bson.D{{"$meta", "searchScore"}}},
51 {"business_name", 1},
52 {"address", 1},
53 {"_id", 0},
54 }}},
55 bson.D{{"$limit", 3}},
56 bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{
57 {"source", "inspections"},
58 {"source_count", "$$SEARCH_META.count.lowerBound"},
59 }}},
60 bson.D{{"$sort", bson.D{{"score", -1}}}},
61 }},
62 }}}
63 facetStage := bson.D{{"$facet", bson.D{
64 {"allDocs", bson.A{}},
65 {"totalCount", bson.A{
66 bson.D{
67 {"$group", bson.D{
68 {"_id", "$source"},
69 {"firstCount", bson.D{{"$first", "$source_count"}}},
70 }},
71 },
72 bson.D{{"$project", bson.D{{"totalCount", bson.D{{"$sum", "$firstCount"}}}}}},
73 }},
74 }}}
75 // specify the amount of time the operation can run on the server
76 opts := options.Aggregate().SetMaxTime(5 * time.Second)
77 // run pipeline
78 cursor, err := collection.Aggregate(ctx, mongo.Pipeline{searchStage, projectStage, addFieldsStage, limitStage, uinionWithStage, facetStage}, opts)
79 if err != nil {
80 panic(err)
81 }
82 // print results
83 var results []bson.D
84 if err = cursor.All(context.TODO(), &results); err != nil {
85 panic(err)
86 }
87 for _, result := range results {
88 fmt.Println(result)
89 }

Ensure that your connection string includes your database user's credentials. To learn more, see Connect via Drivers.

go run search-with-unionwith-query.go
[{name XLR8 Mobile} {number_of_employees 21} {founded_year 2006} {score 3.33040714263916} {source companies} {source_count 52}]
[{name Pulse Mobile} {number_of_employees <nil>} {founded_year <nil>} {score 3.33040714263916} {source companies} {source_count 52}]
[{name T-Mobile} {number_of_employees <nil>} {founded_year <nil>} {score 3.33040714263916} {source companies} {source_count 52}]
[{business_name T. MOBILE} {address [{city BROOKLYN} {zip 11209} {street 86TH ST} {number 440}]} {score 2.900916337966919} {source inspections} {source_count 456}]
[{business_name BOOST MOBILE} {address [{city BRONX} {zip 10458} {street E FORDHAM RD} {number 261}]} {score 2.900916337966919} {source inspections} {source_count 456}]
[{business_name SPRING MOBILE} {address [{city SOUTH RICHMOND HILL} {zip 11419} {street LIBERTY AVE} {number 12207}]} {score 2.900916337966919} {source inspections} {source_count 456}]
go run search-with-unionwith-query.go
{allDocs [
[{name XLR8 Mobile} {number_of_employees 21} {founded_year 2006} {score 3.33040714263916} {source companies} {source_count 52}]
[{name Pulse Mobile} {number_of_employees <nil>} {founded_year <nil>} {score 3.33040714263916} {source companies} {source_count 52}]
[{name T-Mobile} {number_of_employees <nil>} {founded_year <nil>} {score 3.33040714263916} {source companies} {source_count 52}]
[{business_name T. MOBILE} {address [{city BROOKLYN} {zip 11209} {street 86TH ST} {number 440}]} {score 2.900916337966919} {source inspections} {source_count 456}]
[{business_name BOOST MOBILE} {address [{city BRONX} {zip 10458} {street E FORDHAM RD} {number 261}]} {score 2.900916337966919} {source inspections} {source_count 456}]
[{business_name SPRING MOBILE} {address [{city SOUTH RICHMOND HILL} {zip 11419} {street LIBERTY AVE} {number 12207}]} {score 2.900916337966919} {source inspections} {source_count 456}]
{totalCount [
[{_id inspections} {totalCount 456}]
[{_id companies} {totalCount 52}]


4.11 or higher version


4.3.0 or higher version


1.7.30 or higher version


The following query searches both the companies and inspections collections for the term mobile in the name and business_name fields respectively.

This query uses the following stages:

  • $search to search for companies that include mobile in the name.

  • $unionWith to do the following:

    • Use $search stage in the sub-pipeline to search for inspections of companies that include mobile in the name.

    • Perform a union of documents from the companies and documents from the inspections collections.

  • $set stage to add a new field named source that identifies the collection of the output documents.

    • $limit stage to limit the output to 3 results from each collection.

    • $project stage to:

      • Include only the specified fields in the results.

      • Add a field named score.

1import com.mongodb.client.MongoClients;
2import com.mongodb.client.MongoClient;
3import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
4import org.bson.Document;
5import java.util.ArrayList;
6import java.util.Arrays;
7import java.util.List;
9public class SearchWithUnionwith {
10 public static void main(String[] args) {
11 // connect to Atlas cluster
12 try (MongoClient mongoClient = MongoClients.create("<connection-string>")) {
13 // get database name
14 MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("sample_training");
15 // define pipeline
16 List<Document> pipeline1 = Arrays.asList(
17 new Document("$search", new Document("text",
18 new Document("query", "Mobile")
19 .append("path", "name"))),
20 new Document("$project", new Document("score",
21 new Document("$meta", "searchScore"))
22 .append("_id", 0)
23 .append("number_of_employees", 1)
24 .append("founded_year", 1)
25 .append("name", 1)),
26 new Document("$set", new Document("source", "companies")),
27 new Document("$limit", 3)
28 );
30 List<Document> pipeline2 = Arrays.asList(
31 new Document("$search", new Document("text",
32 new Document("query", "Mobile")
33 .append("path", "business_name"))),
34 new Document("$set", new Document("source", "inspections")),
35 new Document("$project", new Document("score",
36 new Document("$meta", "searchScore"))
37 .append("source", 1)
38 .append("_id", 0)
39 .append("business_name", 1)
40 .append("address", 1)),
41 new Document("$limit", 3),
42 new Document("$sort", new Document("score", -1))
43 );
45 List<Document> unionWithStage = new ArrayList<>();
46 Document unionWith = new Document("$unionWith", new Document("coll", "inspections")
47 .append("pipeline", pipeline2));
48 unionWithStage.add(unionWith);
50 List<Document> finalPipeline = new ArrayList<>(pipeline1);
51 finalPipeline.addAll(unionWithStage);
52 // run pipeline and print results
53 database.getCollection("companies").aggregate(finalPipeline)
54 .forEach(doc -> System.out.println(doc.toJson()));
55 }
56 }

This query uses the following stages:

  • $search to search for companies that include mobile in the name.

  • $project stage to:

    • Include only the specified fields in the results.

    • Add a field named score.

  • $addFields stage to add the following new fields:

    • A new field named source that identifies the collection of the output documents.

    • A field name source_count that shows a count of the output documents.

  • $unionWith to do the following:

    • Use $search stage in the sub-pipeline to search for inspections of companies that include mobile in the name.

    • Perform a union of documents from the companies and documents from the inspections collections.

  • $project stage to:

    • Include only the specified fields in the results.

    • Add a field named score.

  • $limit stage to limit the output to 3 results from each collection.

  • $set stage to add the following new fields:

    • A new field named source that identifies the collection of the output documents.

    • A new field named source_count that shows a count of the output documents.

1import com.mongodb.client.MongoClients;
2import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;
3import com.mongodb.client.MongoClient;
4import org.bson.Document;
6public class SearchWithUnionwith {
7 public static void main(String[] args) {
8 // connect to Atlas cluster
9 try (MongoClient mongoClient = MongoClients.create("<connection-string>")) {
10 // define namespace
11 MongoCollection<Document> collection = mongoClient.getDatabase("sample_training").getCollection("companies");
12 // define pipeline
13 Document searchStage = new Document("$search", new Document("text",
14 new Document("query", "mobile")
15 .append("path", "name")
16 .append("score", new Document("boost", new Document("value", 1.6)))
17 )
18 );
20 Document projectStage = new Document("$project", new Document("score", new Document("$meta", "searchScore"))
21 .append("_id", 0)
22 .append("number_of_employees", 1)
23 .append("founded_year", 1)
24 .append("name", 1)
25 );
27 Document addFieldsStage = new Document("$addFields", new Document("source", "companies")
28 .append("source_count", "$$SEARCH_META.count.lowerBound")
29 );
31 Document limitStage = new Document("$limit", 3);
33 Document unionWithStage = new Document("$unionWith", new Document("coll", "inspections")
34 .append("pipeline", java.util.Arrays.asList(
35 new Document("$search", new Document("text",
36 new Document("query", "mobile")
37 .append("path", "business_name")
38 )),
39 new Document("$project", new Document("score", new Document("$meta", "searchScore"))
40 .append("business_name", 1)
41 .append("address", 1)
42 .append("_id", 0)
43 ),
44 new Document("$limit", 3),
45 new Document("$set", new Document("source", "inspections")
46 .append("source_count", "$$SEARCH_META.count.lowerBound")
47 ),
48 new Document("$sort", new Document("score", -1))
49 ))
50 );
52 Document facetStage = new Document("$facet", new Document("allDocs", java.util.Arrays.asList())
53 .append("totalCount", java.util.Arrays.asList(
54 new Document("$group", new Document("_id", "$source")
55 .append("firstCount", new Document("$first", "$source_count"))
56 ),
57 new Document("$project", new Document("totalCount",
58 new Document("$sum", "$firstCount")
59 ))
60 ))
61 );
62 // run pipeline and print results
63 collection.aggregate(java.util.Arrays.asList(
64 searchStage, projectStage, addFieldsStage, limitStage, unionWithStage, facetStage
65 )).forEach(doc -> System.out.println(doc.toJson()));
66 }
67 }


To run the sample code in your Maven environment, add the following code above the import statements in your file.

package com.mongodb.drivers;

Ensure that your connection string includes your database user's credentials. To learn more, see Connect via Drivers.

java SearchWithUnionwithQuery
{"name": "XLR8 Mobile", "number_of_employees": 21, "founded_year": 2006, "score": 2.0815043449401855, "source": "companies"}
{"name": "Pulse Mobile", "number_of_employees": null, "founded_year": null, "score": 2.0815043449401855, "source": "companies"}
{"name": "T-Mobile", "number_of_employees": null, "founded_year": null, "score": 2.0815043449401855, "source": "companies"}
{"business_name": "T. MOBILE", "address": {"city": "BROOKLYN", "zip": 11209, "street": "86TH ST", "number": 440}, "source": "inspections", "score": 2.900916337966919}
{"business_name": "BOOST MOBILE", "address": {"city": "BRONX", "zip": 10458, "street": "E FORDHAM RD", "number": 261}, "source": "inspections", "score": 2.900916337966919}
{"business_name": "SPRING MOBILE", "address": {"city": "SOUTH RICHMOND HILL", "zip": 11419, "street": "LIBERTY AVE", "number": 12207}, "source": "inspections", "score": 2.900916337966919}
java SearchWithUnionwithQuery
"allDocs": [
{"name": "XLR8 Mobile", "number_of_employees": 21, "founded_year": 2006, "score": 3.33040714263916, "source": "companies", "source_count": 52},
{"name": "Pulse Mobile", "number_of_employees": null, "founded_year": null, "score": 3.33040714263916, "source": "companies", "source_count": 52},
{"name": "T-Mobile", "number_of_employees": null, "founded_year": null, "score": 3.33040714263916, "source": "companies", "source_count": 52},
{"business_name": "T. MOBILE", "address": {"city": "BROOKLYN", "zip": 11209, "street": "86TH ST", "number": 440}, "score": 2.900916337966919, "source": "inspections", "source_count": 456},
{"business_name": "BOOST MOBILE", "address": {"city": "BRONX", "zip": 10458, "street": "E FORDHAM RD", "number": 261}, "score": 2.900916337966919, "source": "inspections", "source_count": 456},
{"business_name": "SPRING MOBILE", "address": {"city": "SOUTH RICHMOND HILL", "zip": 11419, "street": "LIBERTY AVE", "number": 12207}, "score": 2.900916337966919, "source": "inspections", "source_count": 456}
"totalCount": [
{"_id": "companies", "totalCount": 52},
{"_id": "inspections", "totalCount": 456}


4.10.0 or higher version


The following query searches both the companies and inspections collections for the term mobile in the name and business_name fields respectively.

This query uses the following stages:

  • $search to search for companies that include mobile in the name.

  • $unionWith to do the following:

    • Use $search stage in the sub-pipeline to search for inspections of companies that include mobile in the name.

    • Perform a union of documents from the companies and documents from the inspections collections.

  • $set stage to add a new field named source that identifies the collection of the output documents.

    • $limit stage to limit the output to 3 results from each collection.

    • $project stage to:

      • Include only the specified fields in the results.

      • Add a field named score.

1import com.mongodb.kotlin.client.coroutine.MongoClient
2import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
3import org.bson.Document
5fun main() {
6 // connect to Atlas cluster
7 val uri = "<connection-string>"
8 val mongoClient = MongoClient.create(uri)
10 // set namespace
11 val database = mongoClient.getDatabase("sample_training")
12 val collection = database.getCollection<Document>("companies")
14 runBlocking {
15 // define pipeline
16 val pipeline1 = listOf(
17 Document("\$search", Document("text",
18 Document("query", "Mobile")
19 .append("path", "name"))), Document("\$project", Document("score",
20 Document("\$meta", "searchScore"))
21 .append("_id", 0)
22 .append("number_of_employees", 1)
23 .append("founded_year", 1)
24 .append("name", 1)), Document("\$set", Document("source", "companies")),
25 Document("\$limit", 3)
26 )
28 val pipeline2 = listOf(
29 Document(
30 "\$search", Document(
31 "text",
32 Document("query", "Mobile")
33 .append("path", "business_name")
34 )
35 ),
36 Document("\$set", Document("source", "inspections")),
37 Document(
38 "\$project", Document(
39 "score",
40 Document("\$meta", "searchScore")
41 )
42 .append("source", 1)
43 .append("_id", 0)
44 .append("business_name", 1)
45 .append("address", 1)
46 ),
47 Document("\$limit", 3),
48 Document("\$sort", Document("score", -1))
49 )
51 val unionWithStage: MutableList<Document> = ArrayList()
52 val unionWith = Document(
53 "\$unionWith", Document("coll", "inspections")
54 .append("pipeline", pipeline2)
55 )
56 unionWithStage.add(unionWith)
57 val finalPipeline: MutableList<Document> = ArrayList(pipeline1)
58 finalPipeline.addAll(unionWithStage)
60 // run pipeline and print results
61 val resultsFlow = collection.aggregate<Document>(finalPipeline)
62 resultsFlow.collect { println(it) }
64 }
65 mongoClient.close()

This query uses the following stages:

  • $search to search for companies that include mobile in the name.

  • $project stage to:

    • Include only the specified fields in the results.

    • Add a field named score.

  • $addFields stage to add the following new fields:

    • A new field named source that identifies the collection of the output documents.

    • A field name source_count that shows a count of the output documents.

  • $unionWith to do the following:

    • Use $search stage in the sub-pipeline to search for inspections of companies that include mobile in the name.

    • Perform a union of documents from the companies and documents from the inspections collections.

  • $project stage to:

    • Include only the specified fields in the results.

    • Add a field named score.

  • $limit stage to limit the output to 3 results from each collection.

  • $set stage to add the following new fields:

    • A new field named source that identifies the collection of the output documents.

    • A new field named source_count that shows a count of the output documents.

1import com.mongodb.kotlin.client.coroutine.MongoClient
2import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
3import org.bson.Document
4import java.util.*
6fun main() {
7 // connect to Atlas cluster
8 val uri = "<connection-string>"
9 val mongoClient = MongoClient.create(uri)
11 // set namespace
12 val database = mongoClient.getDatabase("sample_training")
13 val collection = database.getCollection<Document>("companies")
15 runBlocking {
16 // define pipeline stages
17 val searchStage = Document(
18 "\$search", Document(
19 "text",
20 Document("query", "mobile")
21 .append("path", "name")
22 .append("score", Document("boost", Document("value", 1.6)))
23 )
24 )
26 val projectStage = Document(
27 "\$project", Document("score", Document("\$meta", "searchScore"))
28 .append("_id", 0)
29 .append("number_of_employees", 1)
30 .append("founded_year", 1)
31 .append("name", 1)
32 )
34 val addFieldsStage = Document(
35 "\$addFields", Document("source", "companies")
36 .append("source_count", "$\$SEARCH_META.count.lowerBound")
37 )
39 val limitStage = Document("\$limit", 3)
41 val unionWithStage = Document(
42 "\$unionWith", Document("coll", "inspections")
43 .append(
44 "pipeline", Arrays.asList(
45 Document(
46 "\$search", Document(
47 "text",
48 Document("query", "mobile")
49 .append("path", "business_name")
50 )
51 ),
52 Document(
53 "\$project", Document("score", Document("\$meta", "searchScore"))
54 .append("business_name", 1)
55 .append("address", 1)
56 .append("_id", 0)
57 ),
58 Document("\$limit", 3),
59 Document(
60 "\$set", Document("source", "inspections")
61 .append("source_count", "$\$SEARCH_META.count.lowerBound")
62 ),
63 Document("\$sort", Document("score", -1))
64 )
65 )
66 )
68 val facetStage = Document(
69 "\$facet", Document("allDocs", Arrays.asList<Any>())
70 .append(
71 "totalCount", Arrays.asList(
72 Document(
73 "\$group", Document("_id", "\$source")
74 .append("firstCount", Document("\$first", "\$source_count"))
75 ),
76 Document(
77 "\$project", Document(
78 "totalCount",
79 Document("\$sum", "\$firstCount")
80 )
81 )
82 )
83 )
84 )
86 // run pipeline and print results
87 val resultsFlow = collection.aggregate<Document>(
88 listOf(
89 searchStage,
90 projectStage,
91 addFieldsStage,
92 limitStage,
93 unionWithStage,
94 facetStage
95 )
96 )
97 resultsFlow.collect { println(it) }
99 }
100 mongoClient.close()

Ensure that your connection string includes your database user's credentials. To learn more, see Connect via Drivers.


When you run the SearchWithUnionwithQuery.kt program in your IDE, it prints the following documents:

Document{{name=XLR8 Mobile, number_of_employees=21, founded_year=2006, score=2.0815043449401855, source=companies}}
Document{{name=Pulse Mobile, number_of_employees=null, founded_year=null, score=2.0815043449401855, source=companies}}
Document{{name=Mobile Trend, number_of_employees=null, founded_year=2003, score=2.0815043449401855, source=companies}}
Document{{business_name=T-MOBILE, address=Document{{city=BROOKLYN, zip=11229, street=AVENUE U, number=1616}}, source=inspections, score=2.900916337966919}}
Document{{business_name=BOOST MOBILE, address=Document{{city=BRONX, zip=10458, street=E FORDHAM RD, number=261}}, source=inspections, score=2.900916337966919}}
Document{{business_name=SPRING MOBILE, address=Document{{city=SOUTH RICHMOND HILL, zip=11419, street=LIBERTY AVE, number=12207}}, source=inspections, score=2.900916337966919}}

When you run the SearchWithUnionwithQuery.kt program in your IDE, it prints the following result:

Document{{allDocs=[Document{{name=XLR8 Mobile,
number_of_employees=21, founded_year=2006,
score=3.33040714263916, source=companies,
source_count=52}}, Document{{name=Pulse Mobile,
number_of_employees=null, founded_year=null,
score=3.33040714263916, source=companies,
source_count=52}}, Document{{name=Mobile Trend,
number_of_employees=null, founded_year=2003,
score=3.33040714263916, source=companies,
source_count=52}}, Document{{business_name=T-MOBILE,
address=Document{{city=BROOKLYN, zip=11229, street=AVENUE
U, number=1616}}, score=2.900916337966919,
source=inspections, source_count=456}},
Document{{business_name=BOOST MOBILE,
address=Document{{city=BRONX, zip=10458, street=E FORDHAM
RD, number=261}}, score=2.900916337966919,
source=inspections, source_count=456}},
Document{{business_name=SPRING MOBILE,
address=Document{{city=SOUTH RICHMOND HILL, zip=11419,
street=LIBERTY AVE, number=12207}},
score=2.900916337966919, source=inspections,
totalCount=[Document{{_id=inspections, totalCount=456}},
Document{{_id=companies, totalCount=52}}]}}

The following query searches both the companies and inspections collections for the term mobile in the name and business_name fields respectively.

This query uses the following stages:

  • $search to search for companies that include mobile in the name.

  • $unionWith to do the following:

    • Use $search stage in the sub-pipeline to search for inspections of companies that include mobile in the name.

    • Perform a union of documents from the companies and documents from the inspections collections.

  • $set stage to add a new field named source that identifies the collection of the output documents.

    • $limit stage to limit the output to 3 results from each collection.

    • $project stage to:

      • Include only the specified fields in the results.

      • Add a field named score.

1const MongoClient = require("mongodb").MongoClient;
2const assert = require("assert");
4const agg = [
5 {
6 '$search': {
7 'text': { 'query': 'Mobile', 'path': 'name' }
8 }
9 }, {
10 '$project': {
11 'score': { '$meta': 'searchScore' },
12 '_id': 0, 'number_of_employees': 1, 'founded_year': 1, 'name': 1
13 }
14 }, {
15 '$set': { 'source': 'companies' }
16 }, {
17 '$limit': 3
18 }, {
19 '$unionWith': {
20 'coll': 'inspections',
21 'pipeline': [
22 {
23 '$search': {
24 'text': { 'query': 'Mobile', 'path': 'business_name' }
25 }
26 }, {
27 '$set': { 'source': 'inspections' }
28 }, {
29 '$project': {
30 'score': { '$meta': 'searchScore' },
31 'source': 1, '_id': 0, 'business_name': 1, 'address': 1
32 }
33 }, {
34 '$limit': 3
35 }, {
36 '$sort': { 'score': -1 }
37 }
38 ]
39 }
40 }
41 ];
44 "<connection-string>",
45 { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true },
46 async function (connectErr, client) {
47 assert.equal(null, connectErr);
48 const coll = client.db("sample_training").collection("companies");
49 let cursor = await coll.aggregate(agg);
50 await cursor.forEach((doc) => console.log(doc));
51 client.close();
52 }

This query uses the following stages:

  • $search to search for companies that include mobile in the name.

  • $project stage to:

    • Include only the specified fields in the results.

    • Add a field named score.

  • $addFields stage to add the following new fields:

    • A new field named source that identifies the collection of the output documents.

    • A field name source_count that shows a count of the output documents.

  • $unionWith to do the following:

    • Use $search stage in the sub-pipeline to search for inspections of companies that include mobile in the name.

    • Perform a union of documents from the companies and documents from the inspections collections.

  • $project stage to:

    • Include only the specified fields in the results.

    • Add a field named score.

  • $limit stage to limit the output to 3 results from each collection.

  • $set stage to add the following new fields:

    • A new field named source that identifies the collection of the output documents.

    • A new field named source_count that shows a count of the output documents.

1const MongoClient = require("mongodb").MongoClient;
2const assert = require("assert");
4const agg = [
5 {'$search': { 'text': {
6 'query': 'mobile',
7 'path': 'name',
8 'score': {
9 'boost': { 'value': 1.6 }
10 }
11 }}},
12 {'$project': {
13 'score': { '$meta': 'searchScore' },
14 '_id': 0,
15 'number_of_employees': 1,
16 'founded_year': 1,
17 'name': 1
18 }},
19 {'$addFields': {
20 'source': 'companies',
21 'source_count': '$$SEARCH_META.count.lowerBound'
22 }},
23 {'$limit': 3},
24 {'$unionWith': {
25 'coll': 'inspections',
26 'pipeline': [
27 {'$search': {
28 'text': { 'query': 'mobile', 'path': 'business_name' }
29 }},
30 {'$project': {
31 'score': { '$meta': 'searchScore' },
32 'business_name': 1,
33 'address': 1,
34 '_id': 0
35 }},
36 {'$limit': 3},
37 {'$set': {
38 'source': 'inspections',
39 'source_count': '$$SEARCH_META.count.lowerBound'
40 }},
41 {'$sort': { 'score': -1 } }
42 ]
43 }},
44 {'$facet': {
45 'allDocs': [],
46 'totalCount': [
47 {'$group': {
48 '_id': '$source',
49 'firstCount': { '$first': '$source_count' }
50 }},
51 {'$project': {
52 'totalCount': { '$sum': '$firstCount' }
53 }}
54 ]
55 }}
59 "<connection-string>",
60 { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true },
61 async function (connectErr, client) {
62 assert.equal(null, connectErr);
63 const coll = client.db("sample_training").collection("companies");
64 let cursor = await coll.aggregate(agg);
65 await cursor.forEach((doc) => console.log(doc));
66 client.close();
67 }

Ensure that your connection string includes your database user's credentials. To learn more, see Connect via Drivers.


Run the following command to query your collection:

node unionwith-with-search-query.js
name: 'SoftBank Mobile',
number_of_employees: null,
founded_year: null,
score: 2.0815043449401855,
source: 'companies'
name: 'Mobile Factory',
number_of_employees: 53,
founded_year: 2001,
score: 2.0815043449401855,
source: 'companies'
name: 'ZOOZ Mobile',
number_of_employees: 5,
founded_year: 2008,
score: 2.0815043449401855,
source: 'companies'
business_name: 'T. MOBILE',
address: { city: 'BROOKLYN', zip: 11209, street: '86TH ST', number: 440 },
source: 'inspections',
score: 2.900916337966919
business_name: 'BOOST MOBILE',
address: { city: 'BRONX', zip: 10458, street: 'E FORDHAM RD', number: 261 },
source: 'inspections',
score: 2.900916337966919
business_name: 'T-MOBILE',
address: { city: 'BROOKLYN', zip: 11229, street: 'AVENUE U', number: 1616 },
source: 'inspections',
score: 2.900916337966919
node unionwith-with-search-query.js
allDocs: [
name: 'XLR8 Mobile',
number_of_employees: 21,
founded_year: 2006,
score: 3.33040714263916,
source: 'companies',
source_count: 52
name: 'Pulse Mobile',
number_of_employees: null,
founded_year: null,
score: 3.33040714263916,
source: 'companies',
source_count: 52
name: 'T-Mobile',
number_of_employees: null,
founded_year: null,
score: 3.33040714263916,
source: 'companies',
source_count: 52
business_name: 'T. MOBILE',
address: [Object],
score: 2.900916337966919,
source: 'inspections',
source_count: 456
business_name: 'BOOST MOBILE',
address: [Object],
score: 2.900916337966919,
source: 'inspections',
source_count: 456
business_name: 'SPRING MOBILE',
address: [Object],
score: 2.900916337966919,
source: 'inspections',
source_count: 456
totalCount: [
{ _id: 'companies', totalCount: 52 },
{ _id: 'inspections', totalCount: 456 }

The following query searches both the companies and inspections collections for the term mobile in the name and business_name fields respectively.

This query uses the following stages:

  • $search to search for companies that include mobile in the name.

  • $unionWith to do the following:

    • Use $search stage in the sub-pipeline to search for inspections of companies that include mobile in the name.

    • Perform a union of documents from the companies and documents from the inspections collections.

  • $set stage to add a new field named source that identifies the collection of the output documents.

    • $limit stage to limit the output to 3 results from each collection.

    • $project stage to:

      • Include only the specified fields in the results.

      • Add a field named score.

1import pymongo
2import dns
4client = pymongo.MongoClient('<connection-string>')
5result = client['sample_training']['companies'].aggregate([
6 {
7 '$search': {
8 'text': { 'query': 'Mobile', 'path': 'name' }
9 }
10 }, {
11 '$project': {
12 'score': { '$meta': 'searchScore' }, '_id': 0, 'number_of_employees': 1, 'founded_year': 1, 'name': 1
13 }
14 }, {
15 '$set': { 'source': 'companies' }
16 }, {
17 '$limit': 3
18 }, {
19 '$unionWith': {
20 'coll': 'inspections',
21 'pipeline': [
22 {
23 '$search': {
24 'text': { 'query': 'Mobile', 'path': 'business_name' }
25 }
26 }, {
27 '$set': { 'source': 'inspections' }
28 }, {
29 '$project': {
30 'score': { '$meta': 'searchScore' }, 'source': 1, '_id': 0, 'business_name': 1, 'address': 1
31 }
32 }, {
33 '$limit': 3
34 }, {
35 '$sort': { 'score': -1 }
36 }
37 ]
38 }
39 }
42for i in result:
43 print(i)

This query uses the following stages:

  • $search to search for companies that include mobile in the name.

  • $project stage to:

    • Include only the specified fields in the results.

    • Add a field named score.

  • $addFields stage to add the following new fields:

    • A new field named source that identifies the collection of the output documents.

    • A field name source_count that shows a count of the output documents.

  • $unionWith to do the following:

    • Use $search stage in the sub-pipeline to search for inspections of companies that include mobile in the name.

    • Perform a union of documents from the companies and documents from the inspections collections.

  • $project stage to:

    • Include only the specified fields in the results.

    • Add a field named score.

  • $limit stage to limit the output to 3 results from each collection.

  • $set stage to add the following new fields:

    • A new field named source that identifies the collection of the output documents.

    • A new field named source_count that shows a count of the output documents.

1import pymongo
2import dns
4client = pymongo.MongoClient('<connection-string>')
5result = client['sample_training']['companies'].aggregate([
6 {'$search': { 'text': {
7 'query': 'mobile',
8 'path': 'name',
9 'score': { 'boost': { 'value': 1.6 } }
10 }}},
11 {'$project': {
12 'score': { '$meta': 'searchScore' },
13 '_id': 0,
14 'number_of_employees': 1,
15 'founded_year': 1,
16 'name': 1
17 }},
18 {'$addFields': {
19 'source': 'companies',
20 'source_count': '$$SEARCH_META.count.lowerBound'
21 }},
22 {'$limit': 3},
23 {'$unionWith': {
24 'coll': 'inspections',
25 'pipeline': [
26 {'$search': { 'text': {
27 'query': 'mobile',
28 'path': 'business_name'
29 }} },
30 {'$project': {
31 'score': { '$meta': 'searchScore' },
32 'business_name': 1,
33 'address': 1,
34 '_id': 0
35 }},
36 {'$limit': 3},
37 {'$set': {
38 'source': 'inspections',
39 'source_count': '$$SEARCH_META.count.lowerBound'
40 }},
41 {'$sort': { 'score': -1 }}
42 ]
43 }},
44 {'$facet': {
45 'allDocs': [],
46 'totalCount': [
47 {'$group': {
48 '_id': '$source',
49 'firstCount': { '$first': '$source_count' }
50 }},
51 {'$project': {
52 'totalCount': { '$sum': '$firstCount' }
53 }}
54 ]
55 }}
58for i in result:
59 print(i)

Ensure that your connection string includes your database user's credentials. To learn more, see Connect via Drivers.

{'name': 'XLR8 Mobile', 'number_of_employees': 21, 'founded_year': 2006, 'score': 2.0815043449401855, 'source': 'companies'}
{'name': 'Pulse Mobile', 'number_of_employees': None, 'founded_year': None, 'score': 2.0815043449401855, 'source': 'companies'}
{'name': 'T-Mobile', 'number_of_employees': None, 'founded_year': None, 'score': 2.0815043449401855, 'source': 'companies'}
{'business_name': 'T. MOBILE', 'address': {'city': 'BROOKLYN', 'zip': 11209, 'street': '86TH ST', 'number': 440}, 'source': 'inspections', 'score': 2.900916337966919}
{'business_name': 'BOOST MOBILE', 'address': {'city': 'BRONX', 'zip': 10458, 'street': 'E FORDHAM RD', 'number': 261}, 'source': 'inspections', 'score': 2.900916337966919}
{'business_name': 'SPRING MOBILE', 'address': {'city': 'SOUTH RICHMOND HILL', 'zip': 11419, 'street': 'LIBERTY AVE', 'number': 12207}, 'source': 'inspections', 'score': 2.900916337966919}
'allDocs': [
{'name': 'XLR8 Mobile', 'number_of_employees': 21, 'founded_year': 2006, 'score': 3.33040714263916, 'source': 'companies', 'source_count': 52},
{'name': 'Pulse Mobile', 'number_of_employees': None, 'founded_year': None, 'score': 3.33040714263916, 'source': 'companies', 'source_count': 52},
{'name': 'T-Mobile', 'number_of_employees': None, 'founded_year': None, 'score': 3.33040714263916, 'source': 'companies', 'source_count': 52},
{'business_name': 'T. MOBILE', 'address': {'city': 'BROOKLYN', 'zip': 11209, 'street': '86TH ST', 'number': 440}, 'score': 2.900916337966919, 'source': 'inspections', 'source_count': 456},
{'business_name': 'BOOST MOBILE', 'address': {'city': 'BRONX', 'zip': 10458, 'street': 'E FORDHAM RD', 'number': 261}, 'score': 2.900916337966919, 'source': 'inspections', 'source_count': 456},
{'business_name': 'SPRING MOBILE', 'address': {'city': 'SOUTH RICHMOND HILL', 'zip': 11419, 'street': 'LIBERTY AVE', 'number': 12207}, 'score': 2.900916337966919, 'source': 'inspections', 'source_count': 456}
'totalCount': [
{'_id': 'companies', 'totalCount': 52},
{'_id': 'inspections', 'totalCount': 456}


$lookup with $search