Adobe Experience Manager is a leading content management system for building web sites, mobile apps, and forms. You rely on it to manage your marketing content and digital assets.
Certified with Adobe Experience Manager 6.0 and up, MongoDB is the leading non-relational database for building modern applications.
With MongoDB and Adobe Experience Manager, you get one of the most comprehensive web content management solutions integrated with a highly available, globally scalable database. This makes delivering great digital experiences that much easier.
High performance at scale. If you have massive volumes of marketing content, a single server may not be sufficient to store all of your data. You may also run into problems if your audience grows faster than you had anticipated and you're unprepared for new data throughput requirements. In both these scenarios, your customers' experiences will begin to suffer as you approach the upper thresholds of what your data layer can handle.
With MongoDB, it doesn't matter how much content you have, how massive your audience is, or how often your audience accesses your content. MongoDB is built to power high performance applications at scale. Your MongoDB database grows seamlessly through a horizontal scale-out process called sharding, which distributes your data across multiple machines. Grow your deployment on-demand and not sooner to ensure a great customer experience and low TCO.
High availability. At the moment, the default storage layer option for Adobe Experience Manager 6.0 and higher does not support automatic failover in the event of an outage. You must detect the failure and manually turn on the failover system (an idle standby). This could be a problem if your company puts a great deal of value on content freshness or if you need to keep your authors highly productive, as the failover process will temporarily impact your ability to create and update content.
MongoDB comes with built-in clustering and automatic recovery from infrastructure failures. Each 'primary' server is automatically replicated to any number of 'secondary' servers (up to 50). If a primary goes down, a secondary server gets elected to the role of the new primary and begins accepting reads and writes. There's no manual detection or intervention required. These self-healing 'replica sets' are the base unit of every production deployment of MongoDB.
Easier community experiences. Integrating community features is critical to building deeper relationships with your customers. Ratings, reviews, and comments are a great way to increase engagement, drive brand loyalty, and collect instant market feedback. On the backend, this means supporting high volumes of user-generated content (UGC). Currently UGC is posted from the published site while administration occurs in the author environment and moderation occurs in both author and publish environments. Using the default storage option for Adobe Experience Manager requires you to replicate the content and moderation in both directions to obtain a consistent view of UGC.
MongoDB greatly simplifies things. All user generated content can be stored centrally in MongoDB, eliminating the need for replication between environments altogether.
Interested in learning more about what MongoDB can do for your AEM deployment? Contact us here or check out one of the resources below.
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