Time Series.
Build faster, gain insight, reduce cost.
Build and run data-intensive analytical applications by combining the flexibility of the document model with time series collections.
Implementing Time Series
Time series data is truly industry-agnostic. It's created across use cases, from financial services to smart manufacturing. However, it can be challenging to work with due to its enormous storage footprint, which creates further challenges for querying and analyses to extract real-time insights. In this talk, we will cover the fundamentals of time series data and its usage.
Build time series apps faster
Simplify and accelerate app development with native time series collections that automatically handle the complexities and challenges of time series data, without the need for extra instrumentation by developers. This means faster time to market and a better developer experience.
A streamlined time series experience
Seamlessly manage the entire time series data lifecycle – ingest, storage, analysis, visualization, and archive. There's no need to worry about performance or scalability since columnar storage and compression optimize for query speed and cost efficiency, even as data grows over time.

Chief Technology Officer, Picap
Feature overview
Get started with
time series
Time series collections
Window functions
Deliver insights from time series data
Build time series applications on MongoDB
- Time series collections
- Columnar compression
- Time series queries & analytics
- Automated data lifecycle
- Support for updates & deletes
- Sharding support