mongocli ops-manager admin backups s3 update
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Update a backup S3 blockstore configuration.
mongocli ops-manager admin backups s3 update <ID> [options]
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ID | string | true | Blockstore identifier. |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
--acceptedTos | true | Flag that indicates whether you accepted the terms of service for using Amazon S3-compatible stores with Ops Manager. | |
--assignment | false | Flag indicating whether this blockstore can be assigned backup jobs. | |
--awsAccessKey | string | false | AWS Access Key ID that can access the Amazon S3 bucket specified in s3BucketName. |
--awsSecretKey | string | false | AWS Secret Access Key that can access the Amazon S3 bucket specified in s3BucketName. |
--disableProxyS3 | false | Flag that indicates whether to use the HTTP proxy when connecting to Amazon S3. | |
--encryptedCredentials | false | Flag indicating whether the username and password were encrypted using the credentials tool. | |
-h, --help | false | help for update | |
--label | strings | false | Array of tags to manage which backup jobs Ops Manager can assign to which blockstores. Passing this flag replaces preexisting data. |
--loadFactor | int | false | A positive, non-zero integer that expresses how much backup work this snapshot store should perform compared to another snapshot store. |
-o, --output | string | false | Output format. Valid values are json, json-path, go-template, or go-template-file. To see the full output, use the -o json option. |
--pathStyleAccessEnabled | false | Flag that indicates the style of the endpoint. | |
--s3AuthMethod | string | true | Method used to authorize access to the Amazon S3 bucket specified in s3BucketName. Valid values are KEYS or IAM_ROLE. |
--s3BucketEndpoint | string | true | URL that Ops Manager uses to access this Amazon S3 or S3-compatible bucket. |
--s3BucketName | string | true | Name of the Amazon S3 bucket that hosts the S3 blockstore. |
--s3MaxConnections | int | false | Positive integer that indicates the maximum number of connections to this Amazon S3 blockstore. |
--sseEnabled | false | Flag that indicates whether the Amazon S3 blockstore enables server-side encryption. | |
--uri | string | true | Comma-separated list of hosts in the <hostname:port> format for accessing the blockstore. |
--writeConcern | string | false | Write concern for the blockstore. |
Inherited Options
Name | Type | Required | Description |
-P, --profile | string | false | Name of the profile to use from your configuration file. To learn about profiles for MongoCLI, see |