6.0 Changelog
On this page
- 6.0.20 Changelog
- 6.0.19 Changelog
- 6.0.18 Changelog
- 6.0.17 Changelog
- 6.0.16 Changelog
- 6.0.15 Changelog
- 6.0.14 Changelog
- 6.0.13 Changelog
- 6.0.12 Changelog
- 6.0.11 Changelog
- 6.0.10 Changelog
- 6.0.9 Changelog
- 6.0.8 Changelog
- 6.0.7 Changelog
- 6.0.6 Changelog
- 6.0.5 Changelog
- 6.0.4 Changelog
- 6.0.3 Changelog
- 6.0.2 Changelog
- 6.0.1 Changelog
6.0.20 Changelog
SERVER-84769 Resharding remainingOpTime algorithm doesn't work with low elapsedTime
SERVER-92762 Set default value of numInitialChunks in reshardCollection to 90
SERVER-94622 [v6.0] Skip logging oplog constraint violation if coll is image.collections
SERVER-92904 Reply size exceeds BSONObjMaxInternalSize whilst batch is within BSONObjMaxUserSize
SERVER-95350 Fix possible failure when running an explain over a valid command
SERVER-91436 Remove unused _internalCollation parameter to $lookup aggregation stage
Build and Packaging
SERVER-62921 Improve sync source selection logging
SERVER-65803 Exclude shard_encrypted_collection.js from CSRS stepdown suite
SERVER-66109 Fix for dns resolution taking longer than expected in DNSHealthCheckWithBadHostNameFailsAndGoodHostNameSuccess
SERVER-66603 Ensure we can't throw between releasing WiredTigerBeginTransactionBlock and marking recovery unit active
SERVER-67816 Time-series bucket rounding for pre-1970 dates behaves unexpectedly
SERVER-68186 Reconcile index table metadata during startup if there is a mismatch caused by collMod
SERVER-70597 QueryPlannerAccess::processIndexScans fails when MatchExpression is not optimized
SERVER-76043 Allow shell to construct native PLAIN SASL client mechanisms
SERVER-76961 Fix expected attr structure of log in speculative-auth-replset.js
SERVER-78769 The asynchronous stop sequence of the Balancer may survive the shutdown of the mongod (and raise false memory leak notifications).
SERVER-78784 Initialize AuthorizationManager prior to creating Client object
SERVER-84541 setQuerySettings may fail on stepdown in replica sets
SERVER-85862 make burn_in_tests.py understand multiversion configuration
SERVER-86669 Invalid authoritative knowledge on secondary node after move primary locally creates the collection on the primary shard
SERVER-88439 Use after free in DocumentSourceLookup::clone
SERVER-88811 Parsing oplog entries before the stable timestamp can fail
SERVER-89489 Internal change stream stages should not be serialized for query stats
SERVER-89690 query_stats_regex.js is missing diagnostic log messages
SERVER-89727 Remove acquisition of database and collection locks in compaction
SERVER-89918 Add full ident name tracking to backup/restore
SERVER-90625 QueryStats for sum of squares execution time overflows its int64_t
SERVER-91113 Avoid invalidating the catalog cache with a timestamp of a different namespace
SERVER-91254 Error when deciding whether documents are inside a window in classic
SERVER-91339 $redact may corrupt memory if $$ROOT is used in the expression.
SERVER-91376 Use std::string instead of StringData for horizonString
SERVER-91556 Update burn-in to handle multiple sub-suites in multiversion tasks
SERVER-91738 [v6.0] CreateIndex command should check if featureFlagCollModIndexUnique is enabled when the indexOptions contain prepareUnique.
SERVER-91774 Linter that checks require_fcv_* tags are <= current version
SERVER-91831 uassert in NetworkInterfaceTL::setTimer can crash the server
SERVER-92005 Cluster dbStats Can Trigger Invariant with Concurrent removeShard
SERVER-92021 fix mongotmock or write kill_cursors.js with real mongot
SERVER-92193 Index Bounds Builder tries to build geo bounds using non-geo index
SERVER-92201 currentop_shell.js may not wait long enough for all shards to be ready in sharded collection passthroughs
SERVER-92247 Exclude internal elemMatch types from computeWhetherMatchOnAs
SERVER-92397 [v6.0] Migrate v6.0 to AWS MacOS Fleet
SERVER-92780 Move sys-perf tasks and variants to DSI
SERVER-92902 Fix overflow issue when casting numInitialChunks from size_t to int
SERVER-92986 Make resharding_coordinator_recovers_abort_decision.js wait for election
SERVER-93019 [v6.0] Remove ephemeralForTest build variant
SERVER-93130 Fix server crash caused by the OCSP periodic fetcher thread calling join() on itself
SERVER-93182 Fix edge case in DocumentSourceUnwind
SERVER-93205 Expose number of prepareUnique indexes in serverStatus
SERVER-93575 Increase the time cursor_server_status_metrics_lifespan_histogram.js waits
SERVER-93672 Fix concat error in multiversionconstants.py
SERVER-93771 Set enterprise-rhel-81-ppc64le timeouts on variant level
SERVER-93844 The 'count' command on a View assumes integer response
SERVER-93848 WiredTigerSessionCache::getSession() can read stale value of shutting-down state
SERVER-93855 Add enterprise "jstests" to the list of CODEOWNERs exclusions
SERVER-94008 Slow down verify_session_expiration_sharded.js
SERVER-94104 [v6.0] read_preference_metrics.js can fail if HMAC key refreshes succeed before transition to secondary
SERVER-94144 [v7.0] $documents inside $lookup fails to parse with QueryStats
SERVER-94149 [test-only] Accept moveChunk failures waiting for the range deleter if refineCollectionShardKey is run concurrently in random_moveChunk_refine_collection_shard_key.js
SERVER-94187 Do not use git ssh in copybara
SERVER-94207 Time-series $match on dates before 1970 can miss documents
SERVER-94211 Pin 10gen/jepsen to the latest jepsen-mongodb-master commit
SERVER-94231 Query should not fail if queryStats fails to compute key
SERVER-94272 Reduce powercycle timeouts to meet Evergreen constraints
SERVER-94316 Properly catch and handle exceptions in the router service entry point
SERVER-94368 [test-only] Refactor ttl_deletes_not_targeting_orphaned_documents.js and make it deterministic
SERVER-94440 PoC on generate_token
SERVER-94471 Incorrect bucket format for buckets that contain dates pre and post 1970
SERVER-94592 Check inner arguments for explain
SERVER-94635 Make session refresh parameters configurable
SERVER-94662 Retry pipx install db-contrib-tool
SERVER-94764 Create unit test fixture for testing peer certificate validation
SERVER-94820 Reduce the number of pipelines generated by the fuzzer
SERVER-94869 [v6.0] Do not use ChunkRange::extractKeyPattern during FCV upgrade from 5.0 to 6.0
SERVER-95054 Retry HostUnreachable error upon removeShard call for config stepdown suites
SERVER-95085 Fix issue in UnwindProcessor
SERVER-95240 Remove PeerID from SSL handshakes
SERVER-95430 Provide link to raw logs when parts of a task time out
SERVER-95445 SSLManagerOpenSSL should validate entire cert chain against CRL, not just the leaf
SERVER-95670 Internal aggregation operations emit stacktraces
SERVER-95688 Evaluate whether BSON errors should log memory context by default
SERVER-95700 Sanitize bad bson type error message returned to the user
SERVER-97732 [v6.0] Fix race condition in range_deletions_setFCV.js causing the test to hang
SERVER-98062 update authenticode key alias
SERVER-98220 [v6.0] Add querystats errorcodes to find_all_values_at_path_expression.js
6.0.19 Changelog
SERVER-95279 Use a new C++ type for BSON field names to ensure validity
SERVER-96419 Improper neutralization of null bytes may lead to buffer over-reads in MongoDB Server
6.0.18 Changelog
SERVER-70508 Add current thread count to extra_info in serverStatus on Linux
SERVER-74072 Ensure JournalFlusher is runs on ServiceContext it is bound to
SERVER-92426 Adapt tests to rely on new timeseriesBucketsMayHaveMixedSchemaData catalog option format
SERVER-93224 drop_database_before_write_is_targeted.js is not compatible with config stepdown suites
SERVER-93264 Add additional handling of deadlines and sleeps for Topology Observer unit test
SERVER-93326 Add retries to cloneing jstestfuzz.git
SERVER-93482 Log python version in use
SERVER-93829 Disable unittest_shell_hang_analyzer on enterprise-rhel-90-64-bit on v6.0
SERVER-94123 Add "bypassEmptyTsReplacement" to IGNORE_UNSTABLE_LIST
SERVER-94166 Disable the SBE query engine in v6.0
SERVER-94170 Revert SERVER-91570
6.0.17 Changelog
SERVER-69234 Make txn_recover_decision_using_recovery_router.js robust to spurious shard version refreshes
SERVER-82281 ShardingTest.js Does Not Merge Multiple SetParameters Properly
SERVER-89529 Retryable writes during resharding may execute more than once if chunk migration follows the reshard operation
WT-10619 Update Clang-Format to 12.0.1
WT-11092 Update s_clang_format to automatically download aarch64 binaries
WT-11941 Incorrect timing statistics for eviction and reconciliation
WT-12708 Evaluation/Revision of eviction random traversal
WT-12736 Mark the page clean after re-instantiating the page with prepared updates.
WT-12863 Update the eviction target page check for selection of tree in eviction walk
WT-13109 Fix test_scrub_eviction_prepare.py to evict the page with release_evict cursor
SERVER-59419 OperationContext::_ignoreInterrupts can be written to without synchronization by IgnoreInterruptionsGuard destructor
SERVER-66976 Validate the bucket collections for time-series collections
SERVER-66983 Check control.version field for time-series bucket collections in validation
SERVER-66987 Check time-series buckets min and max fields in validation
SERVER-68109 setup_spawnhost_coredump script should notify user via Slack when it has finished running
SERVER-69877 Remove untimestamped writes to the catalog when restarting unfinished index builds during startup recovery
SERVER-70508 Add current thread count to extra_info in serverStatus on Linux
SERVER-70802 Mongod data directory and FTDC files not uploaded as part of timeout
SERVER-71490 Move steady state replication constraint relaxation opCounters to logs
SERVER-72093 Initial sync may fail with IndexOptionsConflict when applying stale startIndexBuild oplog entry
SERVER-73464 AutoGetCollectionForReadLockFree can leak lastApplied read source setting
SERVER-74350 Handle exceptions thrown by the AutoMerger
SERVER-74710 Reduce race with storage engine shutdown and RandomCursor destructor
SERVER-76631 Store CPU model name in FTDC metadata
SERVER-76777 Deadlock between index build external abort and self abort
SERVER-81318 The TimestampMonitor should be high priority and not take tickets
SERVER-81331 Spilling in SBE may lead to read on destroyed catalog object
SERVER-81596 Fix Race in index_operations_abort_concurrent_outgoing_migrations.js
SERVER-81807 Cached SBE plans have let-bound constants baked in
SERVER-82205 Make shell dbHash comparison to exclude encryption options
SERVER-82668 Remove fsync_deadlock.js from the sharding_csrs_continuous_config_stepdown suite
SERVER-82814 Support internal expr comparison operators when determining clustered collection scan bounds
SERVER-84054 create default attribute for ENABLE_ENTERPRISE_TESTS
SERVER-84123 Add versioning to BSON validation
SERVER-84531 Inserting mixed-schema buckets through the system.buckets collection doesn't set the timeseriesBucketsMayHaveMixedSchemaData flag
SERVER-84699 Add a check to validation to check for mixed-schema buckets for time-series
SERVER-85892 $merge with pipeline after $documents returns error
SERVER-86674 Primary catch-up may believe it is caught up when it is not
SERVER-86879 concurrency_replication* tasks are not running on the UBSan DEBUG build variant
SERVER-87373 prepareUnique index option FCV compatibility check shouldn't be performed during startup
SERVER-87731 [6.0] Enable feature flag
SERVER-87910 [v6.0] Log TLS cipher information for connections for 6.0.x
SERVER-88750 Add "bypassEmptyTsReplacement" param to insert, update, findAndModify, and bulkWrite
SERVER-88832 Periodically check for interrupt in dbStats
SERVER-89496 Collect change stream queries using $_passthroughToShard for query stats
SERVER-90100 Suppress false-positive leak from libresolv
SERVER-90164 Prevent tests that hang while collecting minidumps from running on Windows
SERVER-90173 Serialize ObjectId SBE type to key string correctly
SERVER-90199 Tag that index_startup_prepareunique.js tests requires replication.
SERVER-90391 Clarify headers and readme
SERVER-90485 $sort does not work as expected when used in conjunction with includeArrayIndex
SERVER-90678 Tag sharded incremental backups tests as resource intensive and skip running on smaller variants
SERVER-90681 Fix data race over the chunk jumbo flag
SERVER-90770 On 6.0 and 7.0, $unionWith $search queries error for unsharded collections on a sharded cluster.
SERVER-90777 Revert SERVER-71520
SERVER-90870 Update mongotmock and fix any tests
SERVER-90898 Mark change_streams_shards_start_in_sync as ppc64le_incompatible
SERVER-90984 Fix exhaust hello stream to process SplitHorizonChange if response is from stale horizon.
SERVER-90985 AddToSetNode::init() should uassert if argument to $each is invalid BSON
SERVER-91068 Remove read_ticket_exhaustion_with_stepdown test
SERVER-91108 Log with utf-8 encoding to avoid charmap errors on Windows
SERVER-91166 Transactions in retryable_write_error_labels.js should update different documents
SERVER-91176 Call awaitNodesAgreeOnAppliedOpTime in ignore_dbcheck_in_startup_recovery.js
SERVER-91188 Remove $_generateV2ResumeTokens from multiversion test on v6.0
SERVER-91195 Provide a generic backportable solution not to miss top-level timeseries collection options
SERVER-91222 Make cluster_time_across_add_shard.js temporarily retry on KeyNotFound error after restarting the replica set
SERVER-91223 $log gives incorrect calculation with Decimal128
SERVER-91250 _configsvrCommitSplitChunk is not waiting for last seen opTime on early return (only 6.0)
SERVER-91258 Increase oplog size in change_streams_split_event tests
SERVER-91261 Fix backports_required_for_multiversion_tests.yml in 6.0
SERVER-91275 fix AL2023-arm64-cron-only-mongot-integration variant
SERVER-91291 Skip etc/backports_required_for_multiversion_tests.yml in codeowners
SERVER-91322 set evergreen config options in the multiversion-config subcommand
SERVER-91324 Pin jepsen clones to a specific tag
SERVER-91352 Do not check for the no-op entry in readConcern_atClusterTime_noop_write.js
SERVER-91362 Performance: Do not copy JS "scope" object if a cached JsExecution exists
SERVER-91406 $changeStreamSplitLargeEvent returns Location7182803 error when used with non-renameable match expression
SERVER-91435 Regenerate test certs with legacy flag
SERVER-91459 [v6.0] random_moveChunk_timeseries_insert_many.js is not tagged with requires_fcv_51
SERVER-91484 al2023 arm cron only mongot 6.0 variant failing compile_dist_test
SERVER-91494 Avoid past-the-end access of group by field in DocumentSourceBucket
SERVER-91499 Append "-sysperf" to mongo version in sys-perf.
SERVER-91566 Suppress checkIndexesConsistentAcrossCluster in index_operations_abort_concurrent_outgoing_migrations.js
SERVER-91570 Disable SBE for very large queries in v6.0
SERVER-91617 Simplify $ifNull stage builder generation in 6.0
SERVER-91630 configsvr_remove_chunks.js should use retriable writes when writing to the config server
SERVER-91758 mongos_rs_shard_failure_tolerance.js should retry NetworkInterfaceTimeLimitExceeded for a sharded find command on versions earlier than 8.0
SERVER-91778 Do not close cursor in the shell when cursor reaches limit
SERVER-91793 Exclude backports touching only etc/*suppressions files from release codeownership
SERVER-91818 resharding_coordinator_recovers_abort_decision.js Should Be More Insistent When Stepping Up New Primary
SERVER-91916 Increase timeout of ServiceEntryPoint shutdown on 6.0
SERVER-91919 change_stream_pit_pre_image_deletion_asymmetric.js can use excessive amount of memory
SERVER-91940 Remove all ignored files from server evergreen.yml
SERVER-91969 Test initial sync with mixed-schema time-series buckets
SERVER-92045 Mixed-schema time-series bucket validation check does not set valid flag on error
SERVER-92086 Time-series mixed-schema buckets tests can incorrectly try to validate that no buckets are uncompressed
SERVER-92158 Disable hedged_reads.js on windows variants
SERVER-92160 Increase average task setup time constant for timeout calculations
SERVER-92170 Wrap the 'empty_ts' jstests with "(function(){ .. }());"
SERVER-92186 Implement simple API to get/set app_metadata from/to wiredtiger config strings
SERVER-92199 Ban change_stream_lookup_single_shard_cluster.js from stepdown suites
SERVER-92233 Await replication after collection creation in text_search_index_commands.js
SERVER-92291 [v5.0][v6.0] add pip install retries
SERVER-92375 Remove minor version from rhel8.x variant names
SERVER-92377 Clean up the system_perf.yml configuration
SERVER-92382 Updating a prepareUnique index does not check whether constraints are being enforced
SERVER-92415 Bump db-contrib-tool version to v0.8.3
SERVER-92516 Remove openssl111 buildvariants
SERVER-92547 Use the old rhel80 variant name on v4.2 and v4.4 multiversion tests
SERVER-92612 set cache dir for pip installs in evergreen
SERVER-92625 Pin the version of v5.0 to 5.0.28 in failing timeseries with mixed schema upgrade tests on v6.0
SERVER-92660 Ensure consistent validations in all_collection_stats.js by eventually comparing $collStats and $_internalAllCollectionStats
SERVER-92712 progress_monitor_doesnt_crash_on_not_critical should use a smaller value of PROGRESS_TIMEOUT_SECONDS
SERVER-92733 Update PyGithub to 1.58
SERVER-92751 Fix Simple8b ResetRLE test for big-endian machines
SERVER-92777 Fix the URL components for the RHEL8 artifact
SERVER-92812 Get rid of gCollModTimeseriesBucketsMayHaveMixedSchemaData feature flag
SERVER-92906 Delete legacy burn-in and build variant gen related dead code
SERVER-92963 Move 5.0.28 to the multiversion_platform_44_or_later resmoke invocation
SERVER-93014 Setting locally timeseriesBucketsMayHaveMixedSchemaData during MultiIndexBlock::commit might generate catalog inconsistencies
SERVER-93099 Allow collMod with timeseriesBucketsMayHaveMixedSchemaData=false
SERVER-93105 [v6.0] Wildcard index parsing should account for index specification order
SERVER-93174 Do not elect secondaries in mongos_rs_shard_failure_tolerance test
6.0.16 Changelog
SERVER-89134 Test wrongly assumes multi writes outside of transactions are atomic
SERVER-89893 Change executor used by _flushReshardingStateChange from arbitrary to fixed
SERVER-88949 Explain for classic multi planner displays incorrect skip amount
SERVER-89344 Fix explain output for '$unionWith' queries
SERVER-90297 Empty field match expression causes change stream optimization rewrite failure
SERVER-30832 Fix dbCheck behavior on rollback
WT-10807 Skip in-memory deleted pages as part of the tree walk
SERVER-70351 Retry txn in test cancel_coordinate_txn_commit_with_tickets_exhausted.js
SERVER-71304 PlanExecutorImpl cached collection scan stage to use later before multiplanning
SERVER-72090 system.users can be renamed to regular collections and vice versa
SERVER-73485 Remove jstests/parallel/basic*
SERVER-74931 Add AtomicWord::storeRelaxed
SERVER-75441 Run memory intensive tests on Enterprise SUSE 12 on larger distro
SERVER-76001 Add serverStatus metrics for PeriodicThreadToAbortExpiredTransactions
SERVER-76214 Log WiredTigerStats in WiredTigerStatsTest::EmptySession
SERVER-76231 Validate should not fail immediately when it detects out-of-order keys
SERVER-76232 Do not crash when index inconsistencies are detected in WiredTiger
SERVER-77530 Join the mirroring executor on shutdown
SERVER-77561 Rollout resmoke file system logging
SERVER-78082 Ensure $queryStats HMAC key argument is not logged
SERVER-78509 Add storage stats to replicated slow op log entries
SERVER-79014 Update the hasKilledSessionError() helper to also check the writeError key for an Interrupt code
SERVER-79049 Server returns unexpected CollectionUUIDMismatch with actual collection name equal to expected collection name
SERVER-79637 Incorrect query results in $lookup with TS foreign collection using a correlated predicate
SERVER-79774 Emit warning when balancing disabled for collections with chunks on draining shard
SERVER-80922 Object field order is undefined when using $setWindowField
SERVER-81454 Timeseries $geoNear throws unexpected error with lookup
SERVER-83193 Replace deprecated BatchedCommandRequest getters/setters for WC with the ones provided by OperationContext
SERVER-83370 PrepareUnique:true for time-series collections should error
SERVER-83886 Increase log verbosity in WiredTigerStatsTest::EmptySession
SERVER-83984 WiredTiger verbosity level is suppressed
SERVER-84440 Expose the number of replication waiters in serverStatus
SERVER-84530 Add query stats key hash to output of $queryStats
SERVER-84761 MigrationSourceManager may fail to emit the migrateChunkToNewShard due to stale ChunkManager info
SERVER-85446 Retry on network error in multiversionconstants.py
SERVER-85681 Fix for negative value being passed to BasicBufBuilder::grow()
SERVER-85751 Remove $vectorSearch field validations
SERVER-86253 Add serverstatus to record how many users use retryable writes
SERVER-86280 Reclassify some collection validation warnings/errors
SERVER-86327 Time-series single schema per bucket column is not maintained in some cases
SERVER-86474 $_internalApplyOplogUpdate with $set: { foo: Timestamp(0, 0) } is not replicated correctly
SERVER-86478 Time-series bucket min/max does not track empty field names under certain circumstances
SERVER-86482 Hold authorization cache generation mutex for duration of invalidation
SERVER-86648 Resumable index build sorter files are not fsynced on shutdown
SERVER-87087 Validate unique index ordering check does not work for clustered collections
SERVER-87343 Add awaitReplication() before stepping up secondary in range_deletions_has_index.js
SERVER-87661 create LAST_GREEN binary for mongot
SERVER-87736 Backport query stats to 6.0
SERVER-87845 Fix watchdog unit test PauseAndResume timeout issue
SERVER-87930 Unittest CaptureLogs utility allows unsynchronized access to log statements
SERVER-87942 [6.0] 6.0 backport testing audit
SERVER-87943 [v6.0] Enable query stats sys-perf variants on 6.0
SERVER-87944 [6.0] Clean up query stats perf testing
SERVER-87987 Timeseries optimization does not exclude the timeField though it's renamed by the $addFields and excluded by a project
SERVER-88017 Resolve lock-order-inversion TSAN error in TimestampKVEngineTest
SERVER-88072 Timeseries query errors instead of producing a correct response
SERVER-88098 Add try/catch to notablescan.js to reduce testnoise
SERVER-88318 Fail dbcheck if one batch failed waiting for write concern
SERVER-88518 Re-evaluate the number and size of partitions in the query stats store.
SERVER-88548 checkShardingIndex command must throw InvalidOptions when no suitable index is found
SERVER-88656 Make sharded time-series query kickback logs less scary
SERVER-88694 Do not emit error logs for self-recovering scenarios in BalancerStatsRegistry
SERVER-88833 mongos generates a reply for writes sent by client with w:0
SERVER-88864 Make nodes_eventually_sync_from_closer_data_center.js more robust to transient slow heartbeat issues
SERVER-88885 Add a way to stop applying a dbcheck batch on secondary
SERVER-88978 Resharding coordinator should ensure participants have seen kAbort before dropping temp collection metadata
SERVER-89034 Always preserve 0-valued timestamps when migrating documents, add tests
SERVER-89036 BSONColumn validation should handle CodeWScope
SERVER-89068 Explicitly set exec_timeout and timeout_secs for the sys-perf project
SERVER-89154 Data race on ReplicaSetMonitorManager::_stats
SERVER-89163 Chunk Migration Destination Should Wait for Majority Before Engaging Critical Section
SERVER-89235 internal_strip_invalid_assignment.js missing tag
SERVER-89251 Revert concurrent movePrimary and aggregations test from v7.0 and v6.0
SERVER-89268 Missing 'let' variable incorrectly serialized as empty object
SERVER-89279 Handle EBUSY when opening the duplicate backup filename
SERVER-89299 $setWindowFields aggregate commands generate unstable hashes
SERVER-89361 Wrong number of documents reported deleted when using batched deletes in 6.0
SERVER-89402 insert_with_data_size_aware_balancing.js is incompatible with test suites killing/terminating the CSRS primary
SERVER-89418 CursorManager loses track of registered cursors for queries with multiple executors
SERVER-89443 Rewrite insert_with_data_size_aware_balancing.js as a ShardingTest-based test
SERVER-89474 Properly validate sortBy when parsing $setWindowFields
SERVER-89495 Disable test parameters even when no setParameters are specified
SERVER-89554 Fix evergreen/compiled_binaries_get.sh script
SERVER-89602 [v6.0] Investigate best way to check query stats feature flag
SERVER-89618 Must disable validation when reconstructing prepared transactions
SERVER-89623 Clone Jepsen repo in 10gen/mongo using specific tags
SERVER-89625 Handle directoryPerDb and wiredTigerDirectoryForIndexes correctly when reporting namespaces and UUIDs during a backup
SERVER-89646 Add all Network Error Code Strings to List of Strings isNetworkError() Looks For In Exception Message
SERVER-89653 Install db-contrib-tool with --no-cache-dir argument
SERVER-89671 Add ignore_dbcheck_in_initial_sync.js to backports_required_for_multiversion_tests.yml for 6.0
SERVER-89698 Exceptions thrown when performing transport session cleanup can cause mongos to terminate
SERVER-89717 Fix jstests/core/command_let_variables_expressions.js so it can run in multiversion tests prior to 7,3
SERVER-89752 Make logkeeper buildIDs stay unique when branching
SERVER-89851 Remove tenant_migration_abort_forget_retry.js on v6.0
SERVER-89869 [v7.0] Remove mqlrun tests
SERVER-89899 Delete enterprise repo related code from evergreen/feature_flag_tags_check.sh
SERVER-89904 Update Jepsen version for "jepsen-docker" tests
SERVER-89936 Exclude latch tests from running in trySbeEngine build variant
SERVER-89952 [v6.0] Increase the query stats cron
SERVER-89970 Reduce flakiness of hedged_reads.js
SERVER-89989 Extend sharded_backup_restore.js to perform incremental backups
SERVER-90005 [v6.0] Relax error check in query stats concurrency workload
SERVER-90006 Adjust commit message validation to handle GitHub merge queue
SERVER-90013 Avoid jsTestName in command_let_variables_expressions.js
SERVER-90020 Explicitly use 1 config server for mongos_api_params_util tests
SERVER-90052 [v6.0] Add SERVER-89921 TODOs to uncomment parts of the tests once relevant tickets are backported
SERVER-90069 run_restore.js and run_restore_unsharded.js shouldn't enforce fast count
SERVER-90071 [v6.0] Exclude diagnostic latches tests from query stats variants
SERVER-90090 Update Amazon 2 distros to the latest
SERVER-90091 Robustify change stream split event tests against identical events
SERVER-90135 Ensure the Windows system CA stores are in a clean state at the start of ssl_linear tests
SERVER-90144 [v6.0] Fix multiversion setup configuration on Debian 11
SERVER-90170 Do not use jsTestName() in explain_skip.js
SERVER-90177 Delete sizeof static_assert on FindCmdShape on 6.0 branch
SERVER-90184 Only load included SASL plugins on Windows
SERVER-90187 Cleanup multiversion binaries before running resmoke tests
SERVER-90264 Remove slow step from compile
SERVER-90320 Log connection statistics in WiredTigerStatsTest::EmptySession
SERVER-90342 Backport DataCorruptionDetectionMode
SERVER-90394 Make the test update_node_clustertime_replset.js more resilient to $$NOW
SERVER-90443 Update testing for enterprise aggregate stage
SERVER-90513 Check whether SSL_get0_verified_chain returns null before consuming it
SERVER-90747 Handle $elemMatch with empty path in plan enumerator correctly
SERVER-90830 Add retries to cloneing QA.git
SERVER-90921 [v6.0] Query stats DBRef test failures due to python driver version
SERVER-90928 Make copybara prune out extra lines on commit messages
SERVER-90991 Bump timeout on compile_and_run_unittests_*_quarter
SERVER-91094 Make backports require codeowners
SERVER-91179 Skip jstests directory in codeowners for v7.0, v6.0, and v5.0
WT-9502 Checkpoint cleanup should not mark a dirty page as obsolete
WT-11532 Fix session reset RNG by using cursor RNG
WT-11972 Refresh application thread snapshot if eviction didn't make progress
WT-12609 Improve checkpoint cleanup and page eviction logic
6.0.15 Changelog
SERVER-84368 CreateIndex fails with StaleConfig if run from a stale mongos against a sharded non-empty collection
SERVER-83602 $or -> $in MatchExpression rewrite should not generate $or directly nested in another $or
Write Operations
SERVER-88200 Time-series writes on manually-created buckets may misbehave
WT-11062 Safe free the ref addr to allow concurrent access
WT-11845 Fix transaction visibility issue with truncate
Build and Packaging
WT-12587 Re-enable compile-clang tasks for older versions of clang
SERVER-68128 Exceptions thrown while generating command response lead to network error
SERVER-72431 Make the commit of split chunks idempotent
SERVER-72703 Downgrade $out's db lock to MODE_IX
SERVER-74375 Failpoint should not allow escape of FCBIS:_finishCallback
SERVER-75355 Improve explain with Queryable Encryption
SERVER-75845 Catch InterruptedDueToStorageChange in parallel shell for fcbis_election_during_storage_change.js
SERVER-77559 Implement file system log handler for resmoke
SERVER-77737 $top/$bottom gives incorrect result for sharded collection and constant expressions
SERVER-78556 Return default of internalInsertMaxBatchSize to 64
SERVER-78852 Test movePrimary and $out running concurrently
SERVER-79286 Create a query knob
SERVER-79400 Implement number of documents tie breaking heuristics
SERVER-79575 Fix numa node counting
SERVER-79999 reduce test code coverage on macos builders
SERVER-80177 validate() should not return valid:false for non-compliant documents
SERVER-80233 Implement index prefix heuristic
SERVER-80275 Add log line for detailed plan scoring
SERVER-80340 Handle and test dbCheck during initial sync
SERVER-80363 server default writeConcern is not honored when wtimeout is set
SERVER-81163 compact.js times out when wiredTigerStressConfig is set to true
SERVER-81400 Structural validation for BSONColumn
SERVER-82094 Release mongo v6 on amazon 2023
SERVER-82476 Disable diagnostics latches by default
SERVER-82717 QueryPlannerIXSelect::stripInvalidAssignments tries to strip non-existent index assignment from $_internalSchemaAllElemMatchFromIndex
SERVER-83501 Write script to generate a file of all available server parameters for sys-perf runs
SERVER-83508 Race between watchdog and FCBIS deleting old storage files
SERVER-83952 Fix fuzzer failures for BSONColumn validation
SERVER-83956 Balancer wrongly emit warning message in multiversion clusters
SERVER-84125 Check fieldname size in BSONColumn validation
SERVER-84179 Simple8b builder does not fully reset state after writing RLE block
SERVER-84336 Timeseries inserts can leave dangling BSONObj in WriteBatches in certain cases
SERVER-84612 Define a version for immer
SERVER-84615 Define a version for linenoise
SERVER-85368 Updates the genny module in sys-perf to point to mongo/genny instead of 10gen/genny
SERVER-85534 Checkpoint the vector clock after committing shard collection
SERVER-85580 Undo any update on ScopedSetShardRole construction failure
SERVER-85633 Add lock around res_ninit call
SERVER-85694 $searchMeta aggregation pipeline stage not passing correct query to mongot after PlanShardedSearch
SERVER-85714 BSONColumn validator need to treat MinKey and MaxKey as uncompressed
SERVER-85716 Fix for empty buffer being passed to BSONColumn validation
SERVER-85721 Point evergreen task log lobster links to Parsley
SERVER-85843 A write operation may fail with NamespaceNotFound if the database has been concurrently dropped (sharding-only)
SERVER-85869 Exhaustive find on config shard can return stale data
SERVER-85973 Update README.third_party.md to indicate that Valgrind is licensed under BSD-4-Clause
SERVER-86017 Backport multi-planner tie breaking improvements to v6.0
SERVER-86065 BSONColumn structural validation should check for nested interleaved mode
SERVER-86116 CreateCollectionCoordinator may fail to create the chunk metadata on commit time.
SERVER-86214 add all bazel-* output dirs to git ignore
SERVER-86273 $search should set protocol version and search sequence token in establishSearchCursors
SERVER-86388 Remove fle_drivers_integration.js test from 6.0
SERVER-86395 Investigate DuplicateKey error while recovering convertToCapped from stable checkpoint
SERVER-86403 Fix THP startup warnings
SERVER-86407 validation does not produce complete results when it should
SERVER-86419 SBE and Classic behave differently for $bitsAnyClear on NumberDecimal infinity
SERVER-86424 $facet should be able to generate documents with searchSequenceToken
SERVER-86433 Clear memory in the data_union stored on the endpoint before use
SERVER-86454 Merge canSwapWithRedact and canSwapWithSingleDocTransform constraints
SERVER-86619 Document::shouldSkipDeleted() accesses string without checking for missingg
SERVER-86622 Resharding coordinator use possibly stale database info
SERVER-86632 plan_cache_drop_database.js should catch DatabaseDropPending errors
SERVER-86634 A collection that ends with ecoc.compact must be considered a FLE collection
SERVER-86646 Fix decodeRecordIdStrAtEnd handling of unterminated size bytes
SERVER-86672 CollMod coordinator use possibly stale database information
SERVER-86705 moveChunk op slower than TTL index in ttl_deletes_not_targeting_orphaned_documents.js
SERVER-86717 Resharding should validate user provided zone range doesn't include $-prefixed fields.
SERVER-86772 Fix racy watchdog_test
SERVER-86774 Increase oplog size for PIT (point in time restore) tests
SERVER-86782 geo_axis_aligned.js takes too long
SERVER-86812 ClusterChunksResizePolicy may cause setCompatibilityFeatureFeature to crash the config server while downgrading the cluster
SERVER-86817 ClusterChunksResizePolicy does not fully clean its state upon completion
SERVER-86822 remove sharding_gen from macOS builders
SERVER-86840 fix gather unittest script to handle split unittests tasks
SERVER-87058 Chunk refresh from a secondary does not wait for majority writeConcern while flushing
SERVER-87224 Enable diagnostic latching in test variants on old branches
SERVER-87260 Fix for atlas azure intel variant 6.0
SERVER-87306 Prevent accessing OCSP manager ptr during shutdown
SERVER-87323 Future continuations must capture vector clock as shared pointer
SERVER-87415 Remove run_command__simple workload from sys-perf
SERVER-87479 Manually run SBE build variants on release branches in evergreen to generate and add SBE $group/$lookup tests with $skip/$limit prefixes
SERVER-87521 Fix race in BackgroundSync between making RollbackImpl and shutdown
SERVER-87544 Fix up gitignore to permit git awareness of enterprise module
SERVER-87567 The SessionWorkflow should correctly return a response error on malformed requests
SERVER-87610 Relax shardVersionRetry tripwires on the namespace of received stale exceptions
SERVER-87616 Create minimal trySbeEngine build variant on release configurations which have SBE
SERVER-87905 BSONColumn validation integer overflow
SERVER-87979 Investigate and fix up projection_executor_redaction_test on v6.0
SERVER-88111 random_DDL_CRUD_operations.js bulk insert should perform max internalInsertMaxBatchSize inserts
SERVER-88136 Fix arbiter_always_has_latest_fcv.js test to correctly test arbiter FCV behavior
SERVER-88149 Tag group_lookup_with_canonical_query_prefix.js with no_selinux