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Automatic Encryption Shared Library for Queryable Encryption

On this page

  • Overview
  • Download the Automatic Encryption Shared Library
  • Configuration

The Automatic Encryption Shared Library is a dynamic library that enables your client application to perform automatic Queryable Encryption. A dynamic library is a set of functionality accessed by an application at runtime rather than compile time. The Automatic Encryption Shared Library performs the following tasks:

  • Reads the encryption schema to determine which fields to encrypt or decrypt

  • Prevents your application from executing unsupported operations on encrypted fields

The Automatic Encryption Shared Library does not do any of the following:

  • Perform data encryption or decryption

  • Access the encryption key material

  • Listen for data over the network


Supported MongoDB Server Products

Automatic Queryable Encryption is only available in the following MongoDB server products:

  • MongoDB Atlas 7.0 or later clusters

  • MongoDB Enterprise 7.0 or later

Automatic Queryable Encryption is not available in any version of MongoDB Community Server.

The Automatic Encryption Shared Library is a preferred alternative to mongocryptd and does not require you to spawn another process to perform automatic encryption.


While we recommend using the Automatic Encryption Shared Library, mongocryptd is still supported.

To learn more about mongocryptd, see Install and Configure mongocryptd for Queryable Encryption.

To learn more about automatic encryption, see Features.

Download the Automatic Encryption Shared Library from the MongoDB Download Center by selecting the version and platform, then the library:

  1. In the Version dropdown, select 7.0.0 (current).

  2. In the Platform dropdown, select your platform.

  3. In the Package dropdown, select crypt_shared.

  4. Click Download.


To view an expanded list of available releases and packages, see MongoDB Enterprise Downloads.

You can configure how your driver searches for the Automatic Encryption Shared Library through the following parameters:

Specifies the absolute path to the Automatic Encryption Shared Library package,
Default: undefined
Specifies if the driver must use the Automatic Encryption Shared Library. If true,
the driver raises an error if the Automatic Encryption Shared Library is unavailable.
If false, the driver performs the following sequence of actions:
  1. Attempts to use the Automatic Encryption Shared Library.

  2. If the Automatic Encryption Shared Library is unavailable, the driver attempts to spawn and connect to mongocryptd.

Default: false

To view an example demonstrating how to configure these parameters, see the Quick Start.


MongoClient Options


Install libmongocrypt