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Create a MongoClient

On this page

  • Overview
  • Connection URI
  • MongoClient
  • Type Hints
  • API Documentation

To connect to a MongoDB deployment, you need two things:

  • A connection URI, also known as a connection string, which tells PyMongo which MongoDB deployment to connect to.

  • A MongoClient object, which creates the connection to the MongoDB deployment and lets you perform operations on it.

You can also use either of these components to customize the way PyMongo behaves while connected to MongoDB.

This guide shows you how to create a connection string and use a MongoClient object to connect to MongoDB.

A standard connection string includes the following components:



Required. A prefix that identifies this as a string in the standard connection format.


Optional. Authentication credentials. If you include these, the client authenticates the user against the database specified in authSource. For more information about the authSource connection option, see Authentication Mechanisms.


Required. The host and optional port number where MongoDB is running. If you don't include the port number, the driver uses the default port, 27017.


Optional. The authentication database to use if the connection string includes username:password@ authentication credentials but not the authSource option. If you don't include this component, the client authenticates the user against the admin database.


Optional. A query string that specifies connection-specific options as <name>=<value> pairs. See Specify Connection Options for a full description of these options.

For more information about creating a connection string, see Connection Strings in the MongoDB Server documentation.

To create a connection to MongoDB, pass a connection URI as a string to the MongoClient constructor. In the following example, the driver uses a sample connection URI to connect to a MongoDB instance on port 27017 of localhost:

from pymongo import MongoClient
uri = "mongodb://localhost:27017/"
client = MongoClient(uri)

The following table describes the positional parameters that the MongoClient() constructor accepts. All parameters are optional.



The hostname, IP address, or Unix domain socket path of the MongoDB deployment. If your application connects to a replica set or sharded cluster, you can specify multiple hostnames or IP addresses in a Python list.

If you pass a literal IPv6 address, you must enclose the address in square brackets ([ ]). For example, pass the value [::1] to connect to localhost.

PyMongo doesn't support multihomed and round-robin DNS addresses.

Data type: Union[str, Sequence[str]] Default value: "localhost"


The port number MongoDB Server is running on.

You can include the port number in the host argument instead of using this parameter.

Data type: int Default value: 27017


The default class that the client uses to decode BSON documents returned by queries. This parameter supports the bson.raw_bson.RawBSONDocument type, as well as subclasses of the type, such as bson.son.SON.

If you specify bson.son.SON as the document class, you must also specify types for the key and value.

Data type: Type[_DocumentType]


If this parameter is True, the client treats datetime values as aware. Otherwise, it treats them as naive.

For more information about aware and naive datetime values, see datetime in the Python documentation.

Data type: bool


If this parameter is True, the client begins connecting to MongoDB in the background immediately after you create it. If this parameter is False, the client connects to MongoDB when it performs the first database operation.

If your application is running in a function-as-a-service (FaaS) environment, the default value is False. Otherwise, the default value is True.

Data type: bool


An instance of the TypeRegistry class to enable encoding and decoding of custom types. For more information about encoding and decoding custom types, see Custom Types.

Data type: TypeRegistry


Reusing Your Client

Because each MongoClient object represents a pool of connections to the database, most applications require only a single instance of MongoClient, even across multiple requests. However, if you fork a process, the child process does need its own MongoClient object. To learn more, see the FAQ page.

If you're using Python v3.5 or later, you can add type hints to your Python code.

The following code example shows how to declare a type hint for a MongoClient object:

client: MongoClient = MongoClient()

In the previous example, the code doesn't specify a type for the documents that the MongoClient object will work with. To specify a document type, include the Dict[str, Any] type when you create the MongoClient object, as shown in the following example:

from typing import Any, Dict
client: MongoClient[Dict[str, Any]] = MongoClient()

To learn more about creating a MongoClient object in PyMongo, see the following API documentation:

