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Specify Connection Options

On this page

  • Overview
  • Connection Options

This section describes the MongoDB connection and authentication options available in PyMongo. You can configure your connection using either the connection URI or arguments to the MongoClient constructor.

If you pass a connection URI to the MongoClient constructor, you can include connection options in the string as <name>=<value> pairs. In the following example, the connection URI contains the connectTimeoutMS option with a value of 60000 and the tls option with a value of true:

uri = "mongodb://<hostname>:<port>/?connectTimeoutMS=60000&tls=true"
client = pymongo.MongoClient(uri)

You can pass connection options as arguments to the MongoClient constructor instead of including them in your connection URI. Configuring the connection this way makes it easier to change settings at runtime and helps you catch errors during compilation. The following example shows how to use the MongoClient constructor to set connection options:

uri = "mongodb://<hostname>:<port>"
client = pymongo.MongoClient(uri, connectTimeoutMS=60000, tls=True)

The following sections describe the connection options available in PyMongo. If a MongoClient parameter maps to more than one option in the connection string, the Connection URI Example shows all relevant options.

Connection Option


The preferred compression types, in order, for wire-protocol messages sent to
or received from the server. The driver uses the first of these compression types
that the server supports.

Data Type: str
Default: None
MongoClient Example: compressors = "snappy,zstd,zlib"
Connection URI Example: compressors=snappy,zstd,zlib


The compression level for zlib to use. This option accepts
an integer value between -1 and 9:

- -1: (Default). zlib uses its default compression level (usually 6).
- 0: No compression.
- 1: Fastest speed but lowest compression.
- 9: Best compression but slowest speed.

Data Type: int
Default: -1
MongoClient Example: zlibCompressionLevel = 3
Connection URI Example: zlibCompressionLevel=3
Connection Option


The number of milliseconds each driver operation must complete within. If an
operation doesn't finish in the specified time, PyMongo raises a timeout exception.
For more information, see Limit Server Execution Time.

Data Type: int
Default: None
MongoClient Example: timeoutMS = 10000
Connection URI Example: timeoutMs=10000
Connection Option


A user-defined Python function called by PyMongo to choose the server
to run an operation against. For more information, see

Data Type: callable
Default: None
MongoClient Example: server_selector = your_function
Connection URI Example: N/A
Connection Option


The mechanism PyMongo uses to authenticate the application. Valid
options are defined in MECHANISMS.

Data Type: str
Default: "SCRAM-SHA-256" when connecting to MongoDB v4.0 or later.
"SCRAM-SHA-1" when connecting to MongoDB v3.0 through v3.13.
MongoClient Example: authMechanism = "MONGODB-X509"
Connection URI Example: authMechanism=MONGODB-X509


Options specific to the authentication mechanism. Not needed for all authentication

Data Type: str
Default: ""
MongoClient Example: authMechanismProperties = "AWS_SESSION_TOKEN:12345"
Connection URI Example: authMechanismProperties=AWS_SESSION_TOKEN:12435


The database to authenticate against.

Data Type: str
Default: The database in the connection URI, or "admin" if none is provided
MongoClient Example: authSource = "admin"
Connection URI Example: authSource=admin


The username for authentication. When this option is included in a connection
URI, you must percent-escape it.

Data Type: str
Default: ""
MongoClient Example: username = "my user"
Connection URI Example: username=my+user


The password for authentication. When this option is included in a connection
URI, you must percent-escape it.

Data Type: str
Default: ""
MongoClient Example: password = "strong password"
Connection URI Example: password=strong+password

For more information about the connection option in this section, see Authentication Mechanisms.

Connection Option


Specifies the name of the replica set to connect to.

Data Type: str
Default: null
MongoClient Example: replicaSet='replicaSetName'
Connection URI Example: replicaSet=replicaSetName


Whether to connect only to the primary member of the replica set.

Data Type: bool
Default: False
MongoClient Example: directConnection=True
Connection URI Example: directConnection=true


Specifies the client's read-preference settings.

Data Type: read_preferences
Default: ReadPreference.Primary
MongoClient Example: readPreference=ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED
Connection URI Example: readPreference=secondaryPreferred


Specifies the client's read-concern settings. For more information, see /reference/read-concern/.

Data Type: str
Default: None
MongoClient Example: readConcern="majority"
Connection URI Example: readConcern=majority


Specifies the client's write-concern settings. For more information, see /reference/write-concern/.

Data Type: str
Default: None
MongoClient Example: writeConcern="majority"
Connection URI Example: writeConcern=majority


The latency window for a replica-set members eligibility. If a member's round trip ping takes longer than the fastest server's round-trip ping time plus this value, the server isn't eligible for selection.

Data Type: read_preferences
Default: int
MongoClient Example: localThresholdMS=35
Connection URI Example: localThresholdMS=35


Specifies whether the client retries supported read operations. For more information, see Retryable Reads in the MongoDB Server manual.

Data Type: bool
Default: True
MongoClient Example: retryReads=False
Connection URI Example: retryReads=false


Specifies whether the client retries supported write operations. For more information, see Retryable Writes in the MongoDB Server manual.

Data Type: bool
Default: True
MongoClient Example: retryWrites=False
Connection URI Example: retryWrites=false

For more information about the connection options in this section, see Databases and Collections.


Choose a Connection Target