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MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator

Deploy MongoDB Resources on Multiple Kubernetes Clusters


You can deploy MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator to manage MongoDB deployments that span two or more Kubernetes clusters. The Kubernetes Operator supports deploying only replica sets across two or more Kubernetes clusters. Deploying sharded clusters across two or more Kubernetes clusters is not supported.

Learn about multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployments.
Architecture, Capabilities, and Limitations
Learn about the multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment architecture, capabilities, and limitations, and view the deployment's diagram.
Services and Tools
Review the list of services and tools used in this quick start.
Set up GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) clusters, install tools, set the deployment's scope, install the kubectl mongodb plugin and check connectivity across member clusters.
Multi-Kubernetes-Cluster Quick Start
Deploy a MongoDB replica set across three Kubernetes member clusters, using GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) and a service mesh.
Deploy Replica Sets in a Multi-Kubernetes Cluster
Deploy a MongoDBMultiCluster resource as a replica set with a service mesh.
Deploy Replica Sets in a Multi-Kubernetes Cluster without a Service Mesh
Deploy a MongoDBMultiCluster resource as a replica set without a service mesh.
Edit a MongoDBMultiCluster Resource
Modify the configuration of a MongoDBMultiCluster resource.
Secure Client Connections
Secure client connections in multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployments.
Connect to MongoDB Multi-Kubernetes Cluster Resources
Connect to a MongoDBMultiCluster resource.
Disaster Recovery
Set a disaster recovery mode for your multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment.
Troubleshoot Deployments with Multiple Kubernetes Clusters
Troubleshoot your multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployments.
MongoDB Plugin Reference
Review the kubectl mongodb plugin options.


Connect to a MongoDB Database Resource from Outside Kubernetes

