Get All Alerts
On this page
Groups and projects are synonymous terms. Your {PROJECT-ID}
is the
same as your project id. For existing groups, your group/project id
remains the same. This page uses the more familiar term group when
referring to descriptions. The endpoint remains as stated in the
Base URL:
GET /groups/{PROJECT-ID}/alerts
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
PROJECT-ID | string | (Required.) Project identifier. |
Request Query Parameters
Name | Type | Necessity | Description | Default |
pageNum | number | Optional | One-based integer that returns a subsection of results. | 1 |
itemsPerPage | number | Optional | Number of items to return per page, up to a maximum of 500. | 100 |
pretty | boolean | Optional | Flag that indicates whether the response body should be in a
prettyprint format. | false |
envelope | boolean | Optional | Flag that indicates whether or not to wrap the response in an envelope. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or
status code. To remediate this, set For endpoints that return a list of results, the | false |
backupJobsEnabledOnly | boolean | Optional | Flag indicating whether to exclude daemons not enabled for
backing up databases from the response. Set this to false to
include daemon configurations with the backupJobsEnabled
flag set to false . | true |
Name | Type | Necessity | Description |
status | string | Optional | Specify a status to return only those alerts with the specified status. Omit to return all alerts. Cloud Manager accepts the following values:
Request Body Parameters
This endpoint doesn't use HTTP request body parameters.
Response Document
The response JSON document includes an array of result objects, an array of link objects and a count of the total number of result objects retrieved.
Name | Type | Description |
results | array | Array includes one object for each item detailed in the
results Embedded Document section. |
links | array | Array includes one or more links to sub-resources
and/or related resources. The relations between URLs are
explained in the Web Linking Specification. |
totalCount | number | Integer count of the total number of items in the result set. It
may be greater than the number of objects in the
results array if the entire result set is paginated. |
Embedded Document
Each result is one alert.
Name | Type | Description |
acknowledged Until | string | Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC until which the alert has been acknowledged. Cloud Manager returns this value if the alert has been acknowledged. |
acknowledgement Comment | string | Comment left by the user who acknowledged the alert. Cloud Manager returns this value if the alert has been acknowledged. |
acknowledging Username | string | Username of the user who acknowledged the alert. Cloud Manager returns this value if the alert has been acknowledged. |
alertConfigId | string | Unique identifier for the alert configuration that triggered
this alert. |
clusterId | string | Unique identifier for the cluster to which this alert applies. Cloud Manager returns this value if
clusterName | string | Name of the cluster to which this alert applies. Cloud Manager returns this value if
created | string | Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC when the alert was opened. |
currentValue | object | Current value of the metric that triggered the alert. Cloud Manager returns this value if
currentValue .number | number | Value of the metric. |
currentValue .units | string | Units for the value. Value depends on the type of metric. ExampleA metric that measures memory consumption would have a byte measurement, while a metric that measures time would have a time unit. Cloud Manager can return:
eventTypeName | string | Name of the event that triggered the alert. Accepted values are: Agent
Automation Configuration
BI Connector
Billing Cluster
Data Explorer Accessed
Disk Backup Host Organization Project Replica Set Support Case Team
User |
groupId | string | Unique identifier of the group for which this alert was opened. |
hostId | string | unique identifier for the host to which the metric pertains. Cloud Manager returns this value if
hostnameAndPort | string | Hostname and port of each host to which the alert applies. This can be a hostname, an FQDN, an IPv4 address, or an IPv6 address. Cloud Manager returns this value if
id | string | Unique identifier for the alert. |
lastNotified | string | Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC when the last notification was sent for this
alert. Cloud Manager returns this value if notifications have been sent. |
links | array of objects | One or more links to sub-resources and/or related resources. All
metricName | string | Name of the measurement whose value went outside the threshold. Cloud Manager returns this value if For possible values, see Measurement Types for Alerts. |
replicaSetName | string | Name of the replica set. Cloud Manager returns this value if
resolved | string | Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC when the alert was closed. Cloud Manager returns this value if |
status | string | Current state of the alert. Cloud Manager can return one of the following:
sourceTypeName | string | Type of host being backed up when
tags | string array | Identifying labels set for this alert. |
typeName | string | Deprecated field. |mms| ignores it. |
updated | string | Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC when the alert was last updated. |
Measurement Types for Alerts
The alerts
resource returns measurement types in the metricName
field. The field is present only if eventTypeName
is set to
Host Measurements
| Rate of asserts for a MongoDB process found in the
asserts document that the
command generates. |
| Amount of data flushed in the background. |
| Amount of bytes in the WiredTiger
storage engine cache and tickets found in the
wiredTiger.cache and
wiredTiger.concurrentTransactions documents
that the
command generates. |
| Number of connections to a MongoDB process found in the
connections document that the
command generates. |
| Number of cursors for a MongoDB
process found in the metrics.cursor document
that the
command generates. |
| Numbers of Memory Issues and Page Faults for a MongoDB
process. |
| Number of operations waiting on locks for the MongoDB process
that the
command generates. Cloud Manager computes these values based on the
type of storage engine. |
| Number of index btree operations. |
| Number of journaling operations. |
| Amount of memory for a MongoDB process found in the
mem document that the
serverStatus command collects. |
| Amount of throughput for MongoDB process found in the
network document that the
serverStatus command collects. |
| Durations and throughput of the MongoDB process'
oplog. |
| On-disk storage space as collected from the MongoDB dbStats
command. |
| Rate of database operations on a MongoDB process since the
process last started found in the opcounters document that the
serverStatus command collects. |
| Rate of database operations on MongoDB
secondaries found in the
opcountersRepl document that the
command collects. |
| Average rate of documents returned, inserted, updated, or
deleted per second during a selected time period. |
| Average rate for operations per second during a selected time
period that perform a sort but cannot perform the sort using an
index. |
| Average execution time in milliseconds per read, write, or command operation during a selected time period. Available to hosts running MongoDB 3.4 or later. |
| Number of times the host restarted within the previous hour. |
| Physical memory usage, in bytes. |
| Network throughput in bytes per second. |
| Total amount swap space in use. |
| Average rate per second to scan index items during
queries and query-plan evaluations found in the value of
totalKeysExamined from the
explain command. |
| Average rate of documents scanned per second during queries
and query-plan evaluations found in the value of
totalDocsExamined from the
explain command. |
| Ratio of the number of index items scanned to the number of
documents returned. |
| Ratio of the number of documents scanned to the number of
documents returned. |
Example Request
The following returns all OPEN
curl --user '{PUBLIC-KEY}:{PRIVATE-KEY}' --digest \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --include \ --request GET "{PROJECT-ID}/alerts?status=OPEN&pretty=true"
Example Response
Response Header
401 Unauthorized Content-Type: application/json;charset=ISO-8859-1 Date: {dateInUnixFormat} WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="MMS Public API", domain="", nonce="{nonce}", algorithm=MD5, op="auth", stale=false Content-Length: {requestLengthInBytes} Connection: keep-alive
200 OK Vary: Accept-Encoding Content-Type: application/json Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=300 Date: {dateInUnixFormat} Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: {requestLengthInBytes} X-MongoDB-Service-Version: gitHash={gitHash}; versionString={ApplicationVersion}
Response Body
1 { 2 "links" : [ { 3 "href" : "{PROJECT-ID}/alerts?status=OPEN&pretty=true&pageNum=1&itemsPerPage=100", 4 "rel" : "self" 5 } ], 6 "results" : [ { 7 "alertConfigId" : "5953c5f380eef53887615fd4", 8 "created" : "2019-07-18T23:43:50Z", 9 "eventTypeName" : "MONITORING_AGENT_DOWN", 10 "groupId" : "{PROJECT-ID}", 11 "id" : "5d31043680eef5280d3664e0", 12 "lastNotified" : "2019-09-25T11:50:08Z", 13 "links" : [ { 14 "href" : "{PROJECT-ID}/alerts/5d31043680eef5280d3664e0", 15 "rel" : "self" 16 } ], 17 "status" : "OPEN", 18 "tags" : [ ], 19 "typeName" : "AGENT", 20 "updated" : "2019-07-18T23:43:50Z" 21 } ], 22 "totalCount" : 1 23 }