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Building with Patterns: The Bucket Pattern

Ken W. Alger, Daniel Coupal3 min read • Published Jan 11, 2022 • Updated May 16, 2022
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In this edition of the Building with Patterns series, we're going to cover the Bucket Pattern. This pattern is particularly effective when working with Internet of Things (IoT), Real-Time Analytics, or Time-Series data in general. By bucketing data together we make it easier to organize specific groups of data, increasing the ability to discover historical trends or provide future forecasting and optimize our use of storage.

The Bucket Pattern

With data coming in as a stream over a period of time (time series data) we may be inclined to store each measurement in its own document. However, this inclination is a very relational approach to handling the data. If we have a sensor taking the temperature and saving it to the database every minute, our data stream might look something like:
2 sensor_id: 12345,
3 timestamp: ISODate("2019-01-31T10:00:00.000Z"),
4 temperature: 40
8 sensor_id: 12345,
9 timestamp: ISODate("2019-01-31T10:01:00.000Z"),
10 temperature: 40
14 sensor_id: 12345,
15 timestamp: ISODate("2019-01-31T10:02:00.000Z"),
16 temperature: 41
This can pose some issues as our application scales in terms of data and index size. For example, we could end up having to index sensor_id and timestamp for every single measurement to enable rapid access at the cost of RAM. By leveraging the document data model though, we can "bucket" this data, by time, into documents that hold the measurements from a particular time span. We can also programmatically add additional information to each of these "buckets".
By applying the Bucket Pattern to our data model, we get some benefits in terms of index size savings, potential query simplification, and the ability to use that pre-aggregated data in our documents. Taking the data stream from above and applying the Bucket Pattern to it, we would wind up with:
2 sensor_id: 12345,
3 start_date: ISODate("2019-01-31T10:00:00.000Z"),
4 end_date: ISODate("2019-01-31T10:59:59.000Z"),
5 measurements: [
6 {
7 timestamp: ISODate("2019-01-31T10:00:00.000Z"),
8 temperature: 40
9 },
10 {
11 timestamp: ISODate("2019-01-31T10:01:00.000Z"),
12 temperature: 40
13 },
14 ...
15 {
16 timestamp: ISODate("2019-01-31T10:42:00.000Z"),
17 temperature: 42
18 }
19 ],
20 transaction_count: 42,
21 sum_temperature: 2413
By using the Bucket Pattern, we have "bucketed" our data to, in this case, a one hour bucket. This particular data stream would still be growing as it currently only has 42 measurements; there's still more measurements for that hour to be added to the "bucket". When they are added to the measurements array, the transaction_count will be incremented and sum_temperature will also be updated.
With the pre-aggregated sum_temperature value, it then becomes possible to easily pull up a particular bucket and determine the average temperature (sum_temperature / transaction_count) for that bucket. When working with time-series data it is frequently more interesting and important to know what the average temperature was from 2:00 to 3:00 pm in Corning, California on 13 July 2018 than knowing what the temperature was at 2:03 pm. By bucketing and doing pre-aggregation we're more able to easily provide that information.
Additionally, as we gather more and more information we may determine that keeping all of the source data in an archive is more effective. How frequently do we need to access the temperature for Corning from 1948, for example? Being able to move those buckets of data to a data archive can be a large benefit.

Sample Use Case

One example of making time-series data valuable in the real world comes from an IoT implementation by Bosch. They are using MongoDB and time-series data in an automotive field data app. The app captures data from a variety of sensors throughout the vehicle allowing for improved diagnostics of the vehicle itself and component performance.
Other examples include major banks that have incorporated this pattern in financial applications to group transactions together.


When working with time-series data, using the Bucket Pattern in MongoDB is a great option. It reduces the overall number of documents in a collection, improves index performance, and by leveraging pre-aggregation, it can simplify data access.
The Bucket Design pattern works great for many cases. But what if there are outliers in our data? That's where the next pattern we'll discuss, the Outlier Design Pattern, comes into play.

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Table of Contents
  • The Bucket Pattern