University | MongoDB CRUD Operations in C# | Some labs are broken

I have been doing the “MongoDB CRUD Operations in C#” course in Mongo DB University and some of the labs (e.g. “Updating Documents” 2nd lab, “Deleting Documents” 2nd lab) are broken.

When I run dotnet run I get the following error:

The labs are using net6.0, while net8.0 is installed on the machine.
Obviously, the problem can be easily fixed by updating the csproj file to use net8.0 with vim, but that’s not a good experience, especially for those who are new to .NET.

Can you please update the labs to use net8.0?


Hi Anton,

Thanks for reporting this issue.

We will investigate and provide a fix as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Davenson Lombard

Hi Anton,

Thanks again for reporting this issue.

It is now fixed.

Thank you,

Davenson Lombard

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