QA has Cache Reader No keys found for HMAC that is valid for time error but not in higher environments

Hi Team,

With same database configuration and driver/db version, one database is getting the below error and same database in other cluster in different environment is not having this issue. Could you please help me to debug the issue.

Database version -4.0.20
PyMongo version - 3.7.2
I’m planning to upgrade Mongo database and driver soon, but is there a temporary workaround until I finish the upgrade.

[ERROR] Cache Reader No keys found for HMAC that is valid for time: { ts: Timestamp(1701856089, 3) } with id: 7276070067127713794 request_id=03d26063-6469-4ce8-a065-9201cc1f8376

Hi @shirisha_medi
Welcome to MongoDB community forums!!

The HMAC key occurs when the mongod process tried to find the key but is not able to find in the cache. The clear workaround would to restart the mongod server to reallocate the new keys for the process and then the error should not be happening. However, this is not the recommended method to be done.

Please try upgrading the mongod server to the latest version and then let us know if you are still facing the issue.


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