Hi all,
we are currenctly testing multi-shard cluster performance tests and were using Community version 7.0 for that.
Monitoring using grafana-agent was working well.
As we have heard about the significatn performance improvements with new version 8 , we’ve installed the current rc8 in our environment (we made fresh install , also did follow the upgrade procedures).
The DB itself works nicely , but grafana-agent seems not being able to fetch metrics anymore.
We now receive the following error:
integration=mongodb_exporter msg=“cannot retrieve engine type: Engine is unavailable”
No changes on grafana-agent itself, same version and config was used .
mongodb_uri: ‘mongodb://:@’
Once we downgrade again to 7.0 → metrics can be fetched , all good.
Is anyone else experiencing the same problem or has there been a change in the storage engine, that could explain this behavior?
Thank you for your support, much appreciated.