Difference Between MongoDB Atlas Metrics

We have Cluster in MongoDB Atlas, While reviewing the metrics we can see there are different metrics for CPU (Hardware Metrics)

System CPU
Process CPU
Normalized System CPU
Normalized Process CPU

I wanted to know, the difference between them.
Note: The Normalized System CPU stays in 10-20% where the main usage seems for Uers, while is System CPU it has raised to 80% for users.

What kind is Users doing in CPU Metrics (It is CPU being used by mongo for User connections)?

If you have 4 CPUs (or cores) and each one was at 100% load, your System CPU would be 400% and your Normalized System CPU would be 100%.

Process CPU is the amount of CPU time being used to service the MongoDB Process and all operating system calls that it makes.

“User” is the portion of CPU time being directly used by the MongoDB process.

“Kernel” is the portion of CPU time that the Operating System is using to service operating system calls.

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