Darshan Hiranandani : Has anyone tried disabling writeConcern acknowledgment to improve performance? What were the results?

Could I ask if anyone has ever disabled writeConcern acknowledge to boost performance? Since the Primary requires confirmation of data writes from the secondary, and if there is a lot of tasks about Indexing, inserting, or slow network, the mongo will be slow due to wait for the secondary’s write acknowledge. I understand a bit that disabling it can result in data inconsistency between the primary and secondary, but I’m not sure if there’s any way to prevent it or if the chances of problems are minimal. (The most important point) Has anyone ever tried disabling it and using it in production? What issues did you encounter? I am considering if I will try this solution for my production that has a lot of tasks (CRUD). - my application is POS (point of sale) to boot thier performance. Thank you very much. write ask to other group member give their suggestions

Darshan Hiranandani

@Darshan_Hiranandani, I am linking your other request since it is related.

I am also asking again

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