I’m getting this error after authenticating to Atlas that’s keeping me from finishing the lab:
“panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference”
Hi Nerses,
Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention.
Can you clarify in which lab this issue happened?
Also, you should be able to retry the lab which should clear this error.
Thank you,
Davenson Lombard
Hi Davenson,
This was in the first unit of the Introduction to MongoDB Course. I don’t what happened, but I was able to finish this unit after restarting the browser. No issues with the units in the course so far.
Thank you for your response.
I am having the same issue with the labs .
Do you have any solutions?
Hi Boris,
It’s been a few months but what I remember doing was restarting my browser. I noticed that there was something off about the way the units were loading with some missing content. I just quit and then reopened my browser (Chrome) and then simply followed the instructions in the unit.
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