Adding networks is stuck on pending and I cannot connect from MongoDBCompass

I am trying to connect to my DB through MongoDB Compass. This was working as of last night. I came home after work and restarted my PC, and tried to add my IP address to my MongoDB account through the management thing when you login, and it got stuck on pending for about 10 minutes. So I cleared out all my IP addresses that were saved (probably best practice tbh anyway) and then tried to re-add my existing, and it were stuck on Pending in the Network Management panel. Then I added the “connect from anywhere” option ( and the same result. This has been about 30 minutes, I have tried clearing my browser history etc, logging in and relogging in, re-installed compass, re-done the connection string, tried about everything I can think of. Picture of what I am talking about below.

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I have the same issue for both my local ip and access from anywhere.

I am getting the same issue from past few days I tried to change the browser then it works .but as of now again my IP address is in pending state.