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MongoDB Day for Bank of America in Pennington

Monday, June 3, 2024 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Join us for a tailored in-person event for Bank of America developers and product owners to learn NoSQL data modeling best practices, and find out more about the art of the possible with MongoDB through tailored technical deep dives.


1550 American Blvd
Pennington, NJ 08534


8:30am - 9:00am | Check-in & Breakfast
9:00am - 9:30am | Introduction from Bank of America & MongoDB Leadership
9:30am -10:30am | MongoDB, Documents and Schema design - why and how
10:30am - 10:45am | Coffee Break
10:45am - 11:15am | MongoDB Developer Fundamentals (Exercise)
11:15am - 11:45am | Beyond the Basics Discussion & Exercise
11:45am - 12:15pm | MongoDB 201 (Exercise)
12:15pm - 1:00pm | Lunch
1:00pm - 1:50pm | Indexing, Locking and Transactions Discussion
1:50pm - 2:20pm | Indexing, Locking and Transactions Exercise
2:20pm - 2:30pm | Coffee Break
2:30pm - 3:00pm | Analyzing and Summarizing data inside MongoDB
3:00pm - 3:30pm | Building a reporting service (Exercise)
3:30pm - 4:15pm| Relational Migrator Overview & Demo

4:30pm - 5:30pm | Design Reviews

Session Descriptions

MongoDB, Documents and Schema design - why and how

This session is an introduction to modern MongoDB what it really is and what problems it solves. It assumes familiarity with relational databases and uses relational terminology to compare with the way an RDBMS is used as a business-critical database. It covers "Why use MongoDB", "What the difference is between MongoDB and an RDBMS" and how to adapt your schema modeling to take advantage of it. We then cover several common design patterns used to transform or improve on the simplest schema to get better performance and a few common mistakes to avoid.

MongoDB Developer Fundamentals (Exercise)

During this time, you will build a small REST web service in MongoDB's in-browser development environment to add, retrieve and update data. See how MongoDB flexible schema and queries work in practice. You need only a laptop with internet access - or a tablet or phone but it's difficult to write code on a phone keyboard.

You need a laptop for this session with internet access. A tablet or phone is okay but it will be difficult to write code on the keyboard.

MongoDB 201: Beyond the Basics Discussion & Exercise

Many people stop training after learning MongoDB 101 and miss out on some critical features that all developers should know. In this session learn about Expressions and how they help with queries, updates and event powerful document validation. Learn some of the most useful expressions and why they can dramatically improve your application performance.

After the presentation, you will get hands on with:

  • Expressive Queries, Projections and Updates
  • Document validation

You need a laptop for this session with internet access. A tablet or phone is okay but it will be difficult to write code on the keyboard.

Analyzing and Summarizing data inside MongoDB Discussion & Exercise

Often you don't need a service to return all the data, you just need to use the data to compute something and return the result of the computation. MongoDB's aggregation framework lets you do these calculations and aggregations in the database, close to the data quickly and with minimal network overhead. learn the key features of aggregation.

Compete against your coworkers to build services that perform reporting tasks for the business and see who can get those answer for management (and the services to generate them) built the quickest.

You need a laptop for this session with internet access. A tablet or phone is okay but it will be difficult to write code on the keyboard.

Relational Migrator Overview & Demo

Relational Migrator Overview & DemoRelational Migrator is a new tool from MongoDB that allows you to visualize an existing relational schema and map that to a document-model based equivalent schema in MongoDB, then migrate data from the legacy database to the new MongoDB equivalent. During this presentation, our experts will provide an introduction to Relational Migrator and provide a walk-through demonstration of a real life migration.

Indexes, Locking and Transactions Discussion

When moving beyond the basics of interacting with data in MongoDB, there are three other things you need to consider when building a production ready system; indexes, locking and transactions. In this session we discuss the types of indexes available in MongoDB and why they are essential in every system you build, how locking is implemented to support high concurrency systems, and how multi-document ACID transactions are supported in MongoDB, possibly dispelling some myths along the way.

Indexes, Locking and Transactions Exercise

See through a series of short experiments the difference indexes make to queries, how locks work in MongoDB and the isolation guarantees provided by transactions.

OPTIONAL 50min Individual Team Schema Design Review Sessions

Register for a 50 minute whiteboard session with a MongoDB expert where individual Bank of America development team can explore how their own workloads might be supported by a NoSQL backend. You will dive deep into your project and design a data model in real time. Teams can expect to leave these sessions with a documented data model and enough knowledge to iterate and optimize the design on their own.

Instructions: Please book your session when you register for the event.
You can learn more about Schema Design Reviews here.