Run Java Queries
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The MongoDB for IntelliJ Plugin enables you to run queries written in Java directly in the Database Explorer Playgrounds.
The Run icon appears next to your MongoDB queries.

When you click the Run icon, the plugin automatically converts your
Java query to mongosh
syntax and opens a Playground file with the
populated query.
For field values that are variables determined at runtime, the plugin creates a placeholder variable. You can populate this placeholder with a test value and run the query in the Playground.
In this example, the Java query on the production.trips
resembles the following:
public List<Document> findCompletedTripsByDriver(String driverId) { return trips.find(Filters.and( Filters.eq(fieldName: "trip_status", value: "completed"), Filters.eq(fieldName: "driver_id", driverId) )).into(new ArrayList<>()); }
The following code example shows the converted query from the Java code above:
var driver_id = "<driver ID>" db.getSiblingsDB("production") .getCollection("trips") .find({ "$and" : [ { "trip_status" : "completed" }, { "driver_id" : driver_id } ], })
In this example, driver_id
is a variable that holds a value
determined at runtime. In order to test that your query outputs the
results you expect, you must specify a test value by replacing
<driver ID>
with the driver ID. For example,
driver_id = "1a2b3c4d5e"
Once you are satisfied with the query, you can run it in the Playground and view the query results.